HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-13, Page 12nn Landers.. au+ Judge Friends Harshly n_.Te11s f�Qisiraugliother bearAnne Lander: We h_ave ' Wien' told', 'that our „child can .ltwe•A,feW inn',inwth6-4maybe weeks. My husband and 1 are shatter* 110 is our only son. ,We have prayed to God` for strangth and courago. We have both los t a parent, a sister and -a brother. Sad?. Yes, ,flat 'there is no pain that ca$i be compared with -losin4 e."child. • 1 am developing such enormous. hostility toward friends and rela.. ties that my inner rage is equal to my grief. People call and"beg us to go to the Club for dinner. Theypester us tq atfend. gray • parties. They try tb pull us out of the- hospital to see a movie. Have you heard of such insensi. ti"vity? Hew, •couldwe.enjoy aparty or •a movie when our Son is dying? - . The worst o` it is the morbid curiosity, the ridiculous clues. tidns'and the absurd suggestions. They ask;'Are you sure the d6ctors are doing everything they can; Have you considered taking hire to Mayo's -or togikris Hop- kins?" "Have you htilEd that tam pus ,faith healer in the P �,.il• lippines?" These questions are like knives•. in -my spine• I want to, scream, "Leave me . alone! I don't want to be questioned." Please, Ann Landers, inform your readers that we have no strength left ovet for quizzes - that we don't want to be invited to parties. I am beginning to hate • everybody. ,Tell me you ji1j understand, -His litother, Dear Mother: Yes, I under- stand, end I hope one day you will' understand. 44. You have turned your grief into hostile against, triose who are trying to help. It is difficultto face parents under these agonizing condi- tions. People often make stupid statements because they feel they must say some. thing, and they don't know what is 'appropriate. ,So please, dear, don't judge 'your friends. too harshly. • They may be clumsy and in- ept, but they are only trying to ease the pain. y~ Dear Ann Landers; May 1 have time to defend the man who preferred his wife's silk nighties to his .own". uncomfortable Py- ' jamas? I resent the inference • Kingsbridge C.W:L. Reviews Year Kingsbridge of the Catholic Woinen's League met in the basement of St. Joseph's par- ish churn i - Sunday ' ernoon,- April 9th, for their.inonthly meet- ing ,during which the ladies pre- pared re.Paued and served ; a pot •lick. supper, „ Following the „deal, CWL pre- sident, resident, Mrs: , Carl Reigling asked Rev '• C., Careana toopenthe meet- thai....aayone.._wi form is considered odd. ing y►'leadiligthe` group-ina the Back in 1945 ,when 1 carne CWL dedication •services. ;. home from Woid .War it , my Year-end reports , of the sew eral depart luggage *as lost in transit. We departments within the Cath - luggage lived several miles fromtown olio Women's League were then and,I couldn't by any underwear _ presented by ` the officers in for several days. My wile seg- charge. These accounts included the treasurer's report; M 7s. Stam gested I wear her bloomers until Doherty; the corresponding sec-, we could get to town the follow. retary's report; Mrs. Jim ing week. W 11, I found my wife's Martin. bloomers were far more com. Mrs. Carl Reigling presented fortable thafi my shorts a ed I the president's report which cork_ never did ge back to my own tained highlights of the year's underwear, even after they found activity. Following are some of my baggage. - • the outstanding events which occ- If you want to call me a nut urred during .the past, year of go ahead, but I am• comfortable Kingsbridge CWL activity: - and -happy. -Father Of Five.- c August 25, 66: A pilgrimage Dear Father: I am not call- to the Martyr's Shrine at Mid- ing you anything. I just hope- , land was .indertakenn with' 41 your kids don't see you run- parishioners" and children taking • ing around in your wife's the trip accompanied by 3 clergy. bloomers because I'm not December 29th, the CWL . sure what THEY would call Christmas party was held at • yQu. the StT.oseph's separate school - during whieh wives played hostess to ,their husbands. Father Caruana read instructions' and ex-. • A. -. 1 • a Sas i s - . • • , ..0.„im.-,,.mwy..-mv+rnw,�'.h+�"owuc"'�'..-+. .glia,. .-..w-.mwu rw�w..n.;,+a+.n:c>acv,.....+k•.•.i+•.,,,,p.�un ata. R ke�O 7ae.ird.Ji .d' „. InFashioneTGrnentsOId • During the past year, 'Kings—' bridge CWL carried out the -fell_. owing charitable and humanit. ariail actsi . • n Entertained 100 residents of Huronview Ret Home, Clinton at a.July birthday party; August 12th, 12 patients of the Ontario hospital' south :bf-God- ericl'i were entertained at a_ptcnic held in Harbor Park. . The annual garden-par-ty<••spon.- sored by the Kingsbridge' CWL was held on July 3rd. Following the reports, from the executive officers, Father Car. uana appointed a balloting. com. mittee, Mrs. Bob Howard and Mrs. Frank' R iegling to assist with the conduct of this year's election of officers. Under regul- ations of the Catholic Women's Leagues members of the' execut. ive .are eligible fora two-year term of office • - • Following are the election re- sults of the CWL,, executive for' the 1967+68 year: Mrs. CarlReig-• ling, 're-elected to, presidency; ' M'rs John Howard, re-elected to office - of first.yice president; Mrs. Ries M.Iltenbert, re-elect. • ,ed to office of 2nd vice-president; Mrs. O, viand Heffernan, re. elected to office of treasurer. Elected to. servb their first term in office were: Mrs. ,Atone . Van Osch, recording secretary; Mrs. Eugene ,Frayne, corres- ponding secretary. • Kingsbr` idge CWL fund•raisiing • A fakir turnout attended the- main he main monthly meeting of Ben. miller UCW. The president, Mrs. Elmer Fisher, oPened with a timely reading. Mrs. Verdun Van - stone conducted the worship period. Mrs. Ralph Jewel bre. sented a chapter of the study • book dealing with Canadians around 1875 who were becoming well' established and. at the same time becoming aware of increase ing needs, for comrnunity.,grdups to help their fellow man. This led to establishment -of Salvation Army, YMCA, CGIT and other groups. marriage. Gifts were given to newlyweds blithe parish and grad. di i o uates of the grade 8 class were mringn.usiness scuss qm our Centennial church cups and presented with pins. saucers were handed out to group March 12th, 167, Sister Fleur. leaders. The group switched the . ette, a cloistered nun of Carmel, Thankoffering meeting fromMay of St. Augustine, Ont., spoke to to June so that the group could mothers, women and girls on have a very special speaker. • vocations. Members discussed plans to cater for a wedding in July. Many • members came dressed in appropriate costumes showing what was fashionable .100 years ago. A white elephant sale brought many laughs and contributed over $12.00 to the blanket fund for the O needy. A lovely lunch was ,enjoy- ed enjoyed by all. , If you are NEW -TO -TOWN or Italie just moved into "a new home GODERICH'S OWN . MORE and MOREandMORE People DRIVE DUB AND PLAN DINNER TO BE WELCO The regular meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star was. field on Wednesday, Apri1,5 in the Masonic Temple •on West Street. Worthy Matron. JeanS tephens and Worthy Patron William Stephens presided. Visitors from Clinton, Kincardine and M :tchell were present and cordially welcomed by the Worthy 'Matron. During the business session, invitations from various chapters J activities include sale of home, made quilts, clothing and aprons; • small raffles, card parties, eat, ering to farm sales, weddings and ,funerals. . Proceeds are directed towards charitable work' such as titian - 00.1 assistance to the.needy; help. ing the sick and shut-ins; gifts to newlyweds,,ne*born babies and holy communicants. • FOR OFFICERS MEPIN MAY were received ., and reports of committees were given by con- venors. Announcement was made ,• of the dinner to be given in Vic- toria Street church hall, iris May, for the visit of the Grand Off - leers. A donation was given to the Cancer Society. Applications for memberships were received. - After the business meeting' a 'penny sale was held and lunch was•, served. Picture Program. Supper EnjoyedT By St.:Georges Groups Very iiine pictures of Goderich its industries, churches, Schools, hospitals and plans and peQp1eot interest were shown by Mr. b. A. Rolston PUC manager, at a gathering of Women's organiz. ations of St. George's' church. Of special interest were plc• tures of the interior of thelovely church and the many beautiful memorial windows, Mrs. Rol. Ston and her daughter delighted•. all vetth their singing- and an accordia.n solo, „ The afternoon church woman's Guild were hostesses at._this.get tcigether when all en joyea a bouuto bus supper convened' ,by Mr's., Jack Wilson, Mr$. A, Paltrier , and Mrs. Wen. Lawrence. Thanka were expressed byMrs, W. Craw. en on behalf of Evening Guild, Mrs. Daphne Malin"s for Margaret . S eager Club and M:zs. N. Sale for Women's Auxilliary. Previous to the supper 'Mrs,' . , Alma B,ssett presided over a short Fullness . meeting when decision was made to have a Centennial garden party in July. . 4 discontinue and a lettez' was Sent to board of managements ,Mr..s: Ai�-•Palmer. re. *list of •. sick and shut.ins remetllbered during the month, Mrs, D. J. Patterson read an amusing centennial, article 94 materialseeded for dresses in the Victorian era, some differ. ence from then and now! Mrs„, -ii. J. Patterson in her financial report stated a total of. $400.00 has been spent on new. choir vestments already this year and at present are all in excellent 'condition. This project of donating, repairing and laund• . ening of choir vestments has been the responsibility of ' Afternoon •Guild for over 50 years and mem- bers have acted as -choir mothers .• and were present at all services . to assist the Junior Choir. It. was the decision of the Guild to. • Port Albert Guild Quilts • 'The Ladies Guild met at 4Irs;, Roy„ Petrie's home. The"meeting, opened with the• Queen, followed by the Lord's prayer and Guild prayer. Roll call was answered and basin ess reports were given. T,he,re were li members present. The rest of the • afternoon was spent quilting. Launch was served by the hostess. • P•E 'tSONALS Mfrs Harvey Hodges is stay. ing, with Mrs.. Dale of Seaforth while her grandfather Mr. Dale is in hospital. Mrs. Arthur Forster spent a few days with Mrs. George Rich. ardson last week. Mr. and' Mrs. Jerry Kilty of Oakville spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and Debbie of Goderich visitedMr. and Mrs. Albert McGee on Sendai,. 1 • "Super -Right" Meats! • fANADA GRADE "A" — E VIS�RA .TED reat g Birthday Party .. . ON HOME. APPLIANCES, HOME ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS, CAR RADIOS, TV ANTENNAS AND SUP- PLIES, VACUUM CLEANERS AND FLOOR OOLISHERS, ETC. OUR AIM—To provide you with the best quality, most trouble free products at reasonable prices. HUTCHINSON RADIO •. TV APPLIANCES -3O8 HURON RD. 524-7831 • WELCOME SERVi CE b e .would like to call on you with housewaiiming gifts" and in- formtion about your new loca- tion. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. , , Call her at 524-9525 AND WE'RE INVITING OUR BEST FRIENDS . . . ESPECIALLY Y. OVEN READY .- 6 TO 1.0 LB. AVERAGE VAC PAC' A&P isr celebrating it's 40th Anniversary_tiis year.'We cwant you to share in our _happy -Celebration. For what- w.oal.d a Bigi:rthday .party be without the people who helped make it possible? In sincere appreciation, of your 'patronage, we're featuring a month of extraordinary values. 11- Please do come in often during:our 40th, Birthday event. You'll love the extra cash savings every shopping. day in APRIL. Come see . you'll save at A&P. MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS, PURE SAUSAGE PORK BONELESS SOLID MEAT PORKP BQTT ROAST ELUOTT BRANb TWIN FAC ' ALLGOOD SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS IDE BACON BURNS SLICED CHICKEN Loaf 1-L8 `PKG 49c I' LB c SAVE 26c • 3 PKOF 2GS PIES c 1 -ib pkg 1 -Ib pkg IENERSMAPLE LEAF LB VAC PAC SUPER -RIGHT PORK LIVER ' QUSLICALITYED LB3 3c ' CORNED BEE SHOPSY BRISKET LB 79c BOLOGNA SX BRAND LB SLICED . c 5c 40th Anniversary Values! A&P's OWN BRAND lONAPEAS 219 -FL -OZ TINS 3 gc Fresh Produce! Pt Imported New Spring Crop,. Sweet, • Tasty 11 A&P -- PREPRICED SAVE UP TO 50c .ANO MORE OVER OTHER BRANDS INSTANT COFFEE °QA°•as119 "NATIONAL TEA WEEK" NECTAR Reg. Price 65c -- SAVE 6c A&P. TEA BAGS PKG�59c • Want to buy a°' horse? .�rf�;•,,r � tetra Commerpe Boots & Saddle Loan. JANE PARKER 1' Or maybe you've got your eye on a special TV set. Or is it a deep freeze, a car or a sailboat? you name it. Whatever it is you want, a Commerce Bankplan Loan can be tailored to your needs. Phone or visit the Loan pepartrent of any Commerce branch. CANADIAN IMPERIAL- 'BANK OF comm RCE r JANE PARKER SPANISH BAS • No.1 Grade 2 -Ib Cello bag • ti. None Priced Nigher at A&P FULL 8 -inch 24 -oz pies cakes • Reg. Price ea. 49c --- SAVE 14c Reg. Price ea. 39S, --- SAVE 28c ALL PRICES SHOWN. IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1967. tp . �A&P FROZEN FLORIDA — "THE REAL THING" ORANGE ,SAVE 12.c 6 -FI. - oz TINS SAVE 11c 12-FL- oZ'TINS n0 err . •