HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-06, Page 18• a
Thursday, A1> 0, 1907
unusual Advice
• Sex Education
Sex education may be riga. on. An 1854 speller carried a title
tiveiy new in Canadian schools on its cover that ran. to 105.
but back, , in the 19th ,century, words.
pQy-ncteets-girl Rroblems weren'tStrong themes ;of morality 'and religion were laced: through al- '
entirely ignored by teachers. most all of the book, , no matter,
For instance, a text book pub- .W what .the specific.Subl twas sup.
lashed .in 1853 and used in On. posed to ;be, They � e�particu*,,.
taacio schools told all about Happy axy
Homes And How To Make Them. strongllfor the yourser chil-
How does, a man find a reli• dren.
able wife? A poster used for classroom
• "Mind where you pick her reading instruction was done in
upl" admonishes the book, stere - the Dick -and -Jane style: "May
ly • condemning " the idea of a Bob goon it? Yes. Go on, Bob.-
woman ever consenting' to be a It ' is my nag, My nag can run.
• wife and yet being aware that Go on, nag. 0, go on
she, is entirely incompetent, as At the bottom .of the poster,
- so many are, to cook a potato in 'slightly smaller type, was the
or make a shirt." message. "If we are bad, God
So what about the girl looking will not love us and we �can-not
for a husband?` Rule No. 1: "Know go -the Him when we die.
something about him!" The evils of strong drink were
The book, is- one of 4,500 col- covered in a. course of their own
r lected by the Ontario Teachers for public school pupils, using
• Federation as its Centennial pro. a 120 -page text called Public
pita:School Temperance, brought out
The OTF - 'C entennial Library in 16 7, `')
probably will open for business But Physiology, Hygiene Notes
in mid-April in Toronto. Teach- of 1897 took a crack at it, too,
ers and history students are describing the various forms of
expected to make considerable alcohol, how they affected the
Use of it. •• body and brain and- noting that
It's a mine of information about the record of alcohol "since the
the character building of the days of Noah is one of disgrace
people who grew up with Upper and ruin.
Canada and went on to develop Some passages in that book
a nation. might well have been written in
Mrs. Skye Donnell, a high- 1967, like this one on tobacco:
school librarian who works part "The snioker's mouthbecomes
time cataloguing the collection parched, his lungs irritated, his
at Federation House says her heart becomes weak ,and irrtgu-
work wbt go muchm` 'ore6-Mk-'1 y li his:' memory-impair.:edandtts....-•va
.` if she could_ just stop reading will so weakened that he finds
the books that catch her eye. : himself unable to quit the habit
• This question-and•answer ex- although he knows it is doing him
change in an'1864 science book great injury." ''
stepped her for quite awhile. Sir John A. Macdonald might
--4.--!-'-Why are the ill -fed in- - ' �~'w`ell - have been driven to drink
stinctively dirty?" by a problem he --ran into while
A. "Cleanliness stimulates the attending the District Grammar
• appetites which they cannot sat.. S.chool • at Kingston in' the late
icy.„ 1820's. ••
of A? Sort
1840, was called A Manual of
Phonography or • Writing By
Young 1aiies who couldn't find"'
anything to write with could fall",
back on The Young Woman's .Cop
paiion or Female Instructor of
• the early 1800's which, among
hundreds iof other useful, things,
explained in -great detail how to
make a gyi11 pen.
Pen in hand, she, could then turn
to Beeton'.s Complete " Letter,
Writer For 'Ladies And Gentle.
men, Containing Love Letters,
Complimentary, Dotes Invit-
ations, Business Letters, Des-
criptive Letters, Applications,
-With Domestic, Fashionable
Friendly And Formal Correspon-
Today's readers of that 18'70
Given Then
book would Have to compose their
own love letters, however., Some
body's grandmother tore out that
whole section Tong ago.. •
It might 'have been fascinating
reading, judging by the titles
still intact in the list of contents:
" OW to answer a gentleijn my
almost a stranger, who has pro-
posed," or" "Front a Maid:ser-
vant answering a cool letter from
her lover in Town," or, "Remind-
ing a lady of a former Intimacy
• and inviting her to pay a visit."
Soine teachers in pioneer days
found books' hard to come ., by.
, An 1865 book in the OTF Cert.
tennial Library is a well -bound
scribbler converted into a hand-
made arithmetic text by a teacher
named William Hawkins.
The Centennial project got
started when Hugh Dpuglasy a
Guelph, voi school art leacher
about to move to the U.S.,'offer
ed the OTF a collection of old
xt books he had been gather.
in or 30 years.
The Douglas •C'ollect'ion naw
forms- the bulkof the library's,
The .search continues for more,
old books once used in our.
schools; particularly geography
texts before 1900 andf natural;- e►
science books for elementary
schools of the 19th 'century,.•
(And if that • .young lady° is
stilllooking for a husband, tell
her to try someone "respect.
able, careful, provident and
moral." And tell that young gent.
leman to "select the daughter of
a good Mother.")
New Oat Varieties Introduced
The ' Can• ar
Canada Department of-
Agriculture announced today the
licensing of the new oat variet-
ies Sioux and Kelsey.
They are the lates t in a -long
serie's of crop varieties devel-
oped by CDA scientists for the
venefit of Canadian agriculture.
The new oats have considerable
resistance to disease., and are
4higher yielding than standard
Sioux`.edeveloped at the CDA Re.
search, Station in Winnipeg, is a
' cross between Garry and Rex
varieties. It is adapted to- the
drier areas of Alberta and west.
ern Saskatchewan where it has
outyielded Harmon, Garry, and
Rodney.- • ' •
Siouk is equal to Garry in
resistance to smut'and•stem rust,
but like all commercial varlet.
ies it is susceptible to race 6
AF of oat stem rust.
Kelsey was developed- jointly
by ,scientists at' the federal Ex.
perimental Farm at Indian Head,
Sask., • and at the Winnipeg Re.
search Station. It has outyielded
Harmon, Garry,. and .Rodney in
Q. 'Why are .the illclothed An arithmetic text then'in use
instinctively dirty?"• ke pupils to'resolve this brain
A. "Dirt] gives warmth as pigs ,,A -pipe of canary wine sprung
• who like warmth are dirty. So - a leak and a pail and' a tub
the ill -clothed remain dirty to under it,the former,
remain Warm," caught 5 gals. and'the latter 37;
If you can't spell it' must be-
your Own fault because .spelling
problems were all resolved back
in, 1862 in the Classical English
Spelling • Book "In Which •The
_ . Hitherto bifficult Art Of Ortho.
praphy Is' Rendered Easy And
pleasant:" • •
Book titles run on and on and
the rest running over, only about
14 pints could be saved. I de.
sire to know what teas lost, and
how much was saved." -
(If it's any,help, Webster's Dic.
'tionary says a 1pe is a large
cask of varying'capacity, some.
times two hogsheads. A hogs-
head? Well, a hogshead is alarge
cask, especially one containing
from 463 to 140 gallons, also
especially one containing 63 U.S.
gallons, Give up?)
Goderich 4th ,Scout group will
bo canvassing all day Saturday,
April 8th to' pick up all your
old rags.
Please have them ready when
the Scouts call. Your support
drive is respectfully
Manitoba and eastern Saskatche.
wan and ,it has shown some
promise in limited tests in On-
Kelsey is more tolerant than
other oat varieties to crown rust
and is resi'sfant to race.7A of
stem rust Like Sioux, however,
it is susceptible to race 6AF.
Kelsey produces kernels that are
relatively small in• size but which
,Y,hga i herenerent for
livestock feed than, o� the
oat varieties now being 'grown.
Seed of the Sioux variety will
be made available in 1967 to,
selected seed growers inAlberta
arid western Saskatchewan, while
seed of Kelsey will be distribut.
ed next year among selected
growers in -eastern Saskatche.
wan, Manitoba and Ontario. Grow-
ers will be :,selected by, the prow
Young Women, about 1,500 set=
ected f6r 'beauty, brains and
charm, will act as hostesses in
the pavilions of the 70 partici.
pating nations in Expo 67, at Mon-
treal • April 28 to October 27.
"Ans. 350 pints saved, 658 • 1 •
pints lost."
Shorthand is new in name only.
Isaac Pitman invented his -version
in 1837 but his instruction book, •
in use for several decades after
• Cornmem(dU-atin The 50th 0_. of The Battle of Vimy Ridge,. April 4 1917
r:�r.#•RrL:uY'.`8w•�+s, ...".':'� a > , r%' " .:'rrh, '' ij.'+r � �; . rk:: ,;;,;:'t: :::v:
incial Seed Stock Committees and
these growers will be contacted
•by the Seed Section ,of the CDA
Research Station, Regina, Sask.,
to determine their interest in
obtaining seed.
Registered seed of the twor-
ieties is expected to be available
to the public by the spring of
Radio --'TV - Appliance
308 Huron Rd.
,At 6.30 p.m. =- TICKETSv $2.00 'Per Plate
GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Frederick A. Miller
Tickets Available From Members
'Of Executive Or At Legion Hall
' lhis being the 50th .Anniversary of the forrzlation• of the, Canadian
.. Corps, the. royal Can,addan.•,Legion; Branch 149, is inviting all Veterans oaf-
- + W t1LPnm AnnuaLV._ ieny lianauet. 1f you are a Veteran of the-
heFirst World War, or know of one who has not received a eompliineThtary •
ticket for this banquet, please contact Comrade Dave McMillan by phoning
'524-7842. Transportation availalble on request.
With Licence — Rates Reasonable
Tel.: 524-9942
Children Very Welcome.
W. J. Denomme
el . re you
Agent for 24 -hr.
If you are- NEW -TO -TOWN . or
have ' moved into a new
For any mood, for any sea§.6n,
-the Inn offers so much . . . there's
never, a dull, morpent.
Reldking? An open hearth;
tranquil courtyard; sdenic park
trails; sun by the pool; sauna.
If you're not inclinedto reCline
horseback, riding; gymnasium;
badminton ; shuffleboard; diving
curling; skiing. It's all at the Inn
or. within 5 minutes drive.
Three restaurants; imaginative
menus-; dancing; cocktail lounges.
And it's only 10 Minutes to down-
toWn for all the theatre and enter-
tainment you can handle.
, But don't think that's every:.
thing. Surprises are part of ,our
way to keep you happy. We dare
you to have a dulltime. Write or
phone for aJreservation—For a
free brochure write Dept. K.
Here's a new kind of car sale...a better kind. ,.,the ChevrOlet kind!
During the Bonanza Sale, your Chevrolet dealer is oftering specially
equipped,specially pried Chevrolets at tremendous sittings.
Every handsome Impala V8 Sport Coupe or Bel Air V8 4 -Door Sedan'
or:Biscayne V$ 4 -Door Sedan comes to you With film popular
accessories and options. Best of all, you're getting the car you want,
equipped the way yoU want, in any color you w,ant, at, a special
price you dan afford. Hurry! Check the extra low prices on these three
°popular, specially equipped Chevrolets vvIth your dealer.
-Every sale car comes with five hancisome
whitewall tires, four dressy wheel covers,
„Shade -Lite tinted windshield, pushbutton
. radio and a rear speaker for your travelling
enjoyment. You'll notice that every option
and accessory in the package is there to make
the. car you chdose more 'uxorious, more'
finished. A big dollar plus at trade-in time.
, Order power steering and power brakes and your,.
S'ale oackagesaVings, leyou've never had power' steer-
ing and power brakes, Iterels your chance,
the Inn on the Park
Eglinton at Leslie, Toronto 444-2561
would like to call on you with
lbousiviartning gifts" and in-
fOrtneflen about your new look?,
Callfier is9525
While the sale is on, you can order,Chevrolet's big 327-
0.1n. Turbo -Fire V8 engine together with Powerglide
and you can save yourself a bundle. The engine and
combinatiOn are specially priced during
this sale.
And you eakget big deals, on all
the.Chevrolet family of ears:
Your Chevrolet dealer is offering the greatest spring
deals ever on tliese great cars: Chevrolet, Chevelle,
Chevy II, Corvair and CaMaro.
. Check your Chevrolet dealer
and check.his deals today.
Be sure to see Bonanza On the ttldiTV network oach •Sundey. Chock your local listihq for channel and time,