HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-06, Page 10•� the Godelrilvh tSignal-Star, ur ey' 4.4101 6, 1967 Former signal Siaff Member Succumbs After long lllness MARY C. MANNING A popular member -Of T nal.Star Office s taff foL five years and more recently a member J; ate' ni :oun'y Ubrary, ••slaff for fins months, . Mari nning, WidQW of the late `Go ori Man. nlrtg -died- at Ala drx Mar' ae and General hospital here April 1, following a lengthy illness. • Mrs. Maiming was born at Clin. . ton, a daughter of Mr, and, Mrs. Jo`ui A, Torrance, who survive her. Her mar:iage to• Gordon Manning took place July.2, 1950, Mr.. Ma:ming was stricken and died of a heart ailment to 195$. . Mrs. Manning had taught in.. township schools before joining .The Signal -Star staff. She was a ' rinember .of Grace Church at Por. `ter's Hill. ' • Instals .New Slate o Servivieg;besides her parents. are one so; J ehn Manning. The funeral was held fouday April 3 from the Ball funeral home at Clinton when Rev. W, Mains of Londesboro officiated. Bearers were four coystng_, bung. las Sterling, Grant Sterling, Earl - Williams and 'Ha:ry Torrance; Alvin Bsitles a ld W `ltiam Town. send, neighboes. Attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. aid Mrs. Frank Williams o? Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. How,,^..gid Williams df St. Catharines; , Mrs. Harry Irish. and Miss Thelma Irish, Detroit; W. G. La thwaiteofStrat. ford; Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes keen, St. Marys; M t , and Mrs. I. For. ranee, Mitchell" Legion Bowlers Here Do Well Place Third in District Match The Goderich entry in the D:s. tract "C" bowling finals did well in competition with lir teams, tat. ing third place with a pinfall of 5,758, only 148 behind the secd'nd place team from I eston. The fins.is, bowled on Saturday at Waterloo, saw a Gptierich due( take first place in the doubles with Dean and Fisher rolling 2,523 to top two Waterloo duos who had to be satisfied with second and third place: In the singles B11 Dean and 'Tom Fisher placed fourth and WILL PRQCEED By virtue of their: third place showing, the Goderich bowlers earned the right to proceed into the' provincial championships, which they intend to do" • , ' The Goderich bowlers and their five -game totals are listed in the oificittl records. a,s, follows: , Bill Dean, 1,277; Joe Baker, 945; Fred Fester,1,004;Jack HAI. ten, 1,130; Jim He e'er, 958; Tom Fisher, 1,246. Fisher, Fester and Dean bowl. ed consistently well, but the other three each had one low game. Personal Mrs.. Ivan Papernick spent a few days this week in Orillia visiting with her daughter, Frances. , with the resultas indicated above. Good show out of 16 teams. Booster....(kb To Revive Junior Hockey The March meeting of Dungan. non Women's Institute was held at the hojne of Mrs. Cecil Make with the president, Mrs. Warren Zinn presiding. Many interesting answers were given to the roll call, "Say something good about M s - iI Win Honors Following is a list of candid. a,tes tramerich and district who were G t cessful in muslp examinations held recently by the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music at London: Pianoforte, Grade 8, Mary Ellen Better, pass ; Grade 7, Dianne BToeze, pass;,, Grade ' 6, Blake Jong§,•; honorsl Grade '6, Rhonda Fear, pass; ' Theory, Grade 4 harmony, Ann McKercher, honors; Grade 2 theory, Hugh Aldis, 'C'onstance Mann, lst class honors (equal) Karen Rivett, Ann4Jdis, lst class honors; Marvin Mills, honors; Ann Gibson, Linda Sterling pass. Also from Goderich, St. Joseph's Convent, 't'heroy, Grade 4 harmony, Patricia Durst, hon. ors, Grade 3 harmony, Denise Dalton, honors; Grade 2 theory, Elizabeth Charitnaine Moore;'Pat. ricia Wraith, 1st class honors; ' Corin e ' Poulin, Christine Mc. Lerman, honors; Grade 1 theory, Dianne Filion, 1st class honors. Goderich Booster Club offic. ials are busily engaged in pre., paration to ,bring Junior "B" hockey back to Goderich next fall. • - A ladies au:ciliary to the club . hisbeen-farmed;--actd•-the rtave taken on the task of raising money to pay for the bus transportat• ion for next year's team.. The first endeavour planned by the ladies is a Centennial dance to lie held at the .arena oe June 3rd. The clubis also selling tickets on five one hundred dollar bonds, to be draw.: ;or .the first home game in O etober. Mes�isvhale, considerable work is .being done in sco•Iting players ,, to assure that the 49iftos will be ° a contender, after -their -one' year absence from Junior`4'B" ranks. Jack levans; in particular, has been busy covering the area play. off'scene,. and spent several days at the. Milton juvenile Tourna. meat where he. reports having made several promising con+. tacts. More definite word on. fwihich Junior "B" grouping the Siftos will be part of is expe ted after the O11A annual meeting to be.. held later this month 'n Toronb. CULBERT'S BAKERY THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY Always A Large Variety Of CREME FILLED DONUTS AND CUPCAKES 'LAST ,WEEK FOR FRESH HOT CROSS BUNS 0-07-0 •HOVIS HEALTH BREAD •- AVAILABLE DAILY Contains No Sugar, Salt or Fats O—Ci-D BOSTON CREME and CHERRY BOSTON PIES Always A Fine Selection Of "HOME MADE" CANDY at '„'CULBERTS" , Pine Pastries and Confections ' Since 1$77 the lady on your left," Plan were made fold those who wish to attend the National Con, vention.. at Guelph an June 12; also West Huron execpptive meet. ing at Clinton April 20. The short course, "Paper Maphe", Sewing, or baking with yeast was discussed. Kits were given. i'iit -to- the .members. who Offered to collect for the Cancer S,gciety in Dungannon and sur. rounding territory. re�plutigns., Miss I3.th „Mc! Connell, press reporter, Mrs. 0. MoNee. ELECT OFFICERS' Mrs, C. Cirozier. read the report at • the -nominating Qom, ' mittee with the election of off& leers conducted by Mrs, Anther Popp: .. President, Mrs. Warren Zinn, 1st -- vice, Mrs., Harvey Girvin, °2nd vice, Mrs. W. Rutledge, sec. treasurer, Mrs. G. McNee,. dist.." rict director, Mrs C. Crozier, alternate. Mrs. J Dauphin, branch' directors, Mrs, G. Finnigan,, Mrs. R. McWhinney, Mrs. C. Fin. nigan, pianist, Mrs. 0. Finnigan, - auditors,, Mrs. W. A. Stewart, Mrs. Bessie Stewart. Standing committee conveners, Agriculture, MISS Iva Carr, Can. adian industries, Mrs. F. young, Citizenship,' Mrs. L. Ivers, educ. ation, ; Mrs. G. Errington, his. lorical research, Miss Flora Duriiin, current events, Mrs. K. K. Dawson, home economics, .-.Mrs: C. McNee, health, Mrs. R. Finnigan, public relations, Mrs.• H. Alton, curator,, Mrs. C. Blake,., 1 GODERICH LIONS CLUB AucTio --� T-O�Bf.:1iE•!B-SOME•TIMEmIN-MANY (Date To Be Announced) If you are not using>any articles, appliances, etc., or are trading and don't want the old ones, N Please Call R. E. SMITH, 524-7866 For FREE Pick Up For Sale or Rent Business Diredory\ �a Ronald L.McDonald CHARTERED ACCQUN'TANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 ' Goderick, Ontario R. N. BE$TLEY , ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Rd. E. -- Goderich Phone 524-9521 Sky Harbour Air Services Ltd. For Charter Flights Flying Instruction New & Used.Aircraft Sales dela/ 3 0.9foa/tto4 FINANCIAL COUNSEL 23 WELLINGTON. STREET NORTH GODERICH, CANADA 524-9088 edtate'c,reaho2 a2eifrederaalicA REFRIGERATION • and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes All types GERRY,,'S APPLIANCES The Square • . Phone 524-8434 "Th3 Store ' That Service Built" Ride -Lite Campers. are equipped y4th_ signals, brake•arid running lights, zip ori canopy, 10.10 ounce preshrunk V 'atex tent, large zippered windows or►°all sides for good ventilation, ' independent wheel suspension, crank type" leveller •legs„ satin coat steel body. SERVICE ELECTR1C (GODERICH) LTD. ' 30 VICTORIA ST. N. 524.1511 ,.Tel. Bus. 524-9531 Res. 524-9;.;43• PETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY b REALTOR 44 North Street Goderich, Or.t. Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL E TATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building - Goderich Dial 524-9662 G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant 88 Elgin Ave. W. 524-8797 Goderich Ontario 'R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 534-7661, A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO 524.i!62_ ..a • Reptrts of standing committee conveners • were given; Mrs. C. Finnigan presented the motto, "Is EAVESTROUGHING Supplied and installed for town or farm, house, barns, shads, . cottages,andall buildings. We also replace rafter , ends, facia board and soffit where necessary.' CONTACT US NOW. Sb THAT WE CAN SCHEDULE OUR WORK TO SERVE; YOU 'BEST. • MORRISON BROS.1, Rat.2 Lucknow WRITE OR PHONE ...., ff-2906 Before Investing ... Investigate •- UNITED .CCUMULATIVE FUND LTD: ALBERT SHORE Representative UNITED INVESTMENt SERVICES Liv. , 92A Quebec St. ' 524.8164 cars it worth while to make resolut. ions?" A miscellaneous Auction was r. well patronized, Lunch was ser. ved by the hgste;ss to charge,,and a social time was enjoyed; ° FAST -- EFFICIENT AIRPLANE Fertilizing -Seeding Anyone who might .he interested in Fertilizing:or Seeding by airpla'ne can contact us by April llth. We Will be happy to supply complete details. GEORGE 'WRAITH ._. R.R, 1, GODERICH 524-6511 & WHITE Foo master Open Nitely Until 10'. p.m. 91 VICTORIA ST. NORTH ;ODERICh FINIES-T---RELY---B ND S -TE -ER- -B-EEF --SOLD-- - EXCLUSIVELY = ---- • FULL. BONELESS ROUND STEAKS BONELESS HEEL .QF ROUND. ROASTS LB 79 COLEMANS 9 COLEMANS RINDLESS EPICURE BACON BY., THE , PIECE--COLEMANS FAMOUS BOLOGNA 6 -OZ. PKG. COLEMANS LEAN LB 79 LB 3 9 SCHNEIDERS NEW PACK • STEAKETT5S • • LB 79c Schneiders OId. Fashion�d FRESH` GROUND - - ROUND STEAK BONELESS RUMP OR SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS COLEMANS' NEW PACK - WIENERS 2 SAND'JCHCHUBS 3 SCHNEIDERS POLISH SAUSAGE Ring Bologna. • • 79c LB 79c LB 89c LBS 99c .004 FOR' LB 69c 59c D SAVE 10c-128 OZ. LIQUID JAVEX SAVE 29c -8 -OZ. RED B WHITE ' INSTANT COFFEE 99c SIZE. DETERGENT SURF 5 -LB. BAG PURINA DOG CHOW 1 -LB. PKG. PEEK FREANS CHOCOLATE CHIP CO'OKIIS 79c 99c SAVE 4c -16 -OZ. RED' 8 WHITE PEANUT BUTTER 35c 333's ROYALLE TISSUES 16 -OZ. JET SPRAY 1'5c BON . AAAI 89 53c 2 FOR 59c 63c c, 6 -oz. Post Honey Combs n • or 14 -oz. Bran Flakes 69c SIZE HOSTESS PQTA16CHIPS ALL POPULAR BRANDS — CARTON 3F R 1 • • 59c ASSORTED- FLAVORS BETTY CROCKER ANGEL FOOD . CAKE MIXES 2 FOR 1.00 2 -L -B. PKGS. VALLEY FARMS FROZEN FRENCH FRIES K�TEX GRAPEFRUIT ONTARIO NO 1 POT 24 -OZ. BOTTLE BARTONS RASPBERRY and APPLE JAM 12.02. TINS OLD SOUTH FROZEN 2 FOR 89c , -Oran4.e Juice U.S.A. NO. 1 3 O'c CMffi�TS' F R 39c TOMA1'OES 39� 3F0R89c LB5:29t 2!oR45c 9c n