The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-30, Page 14, March 3O, 1$61 By James Woodford In spite of the fact that water covers 12 per' cent of the sur. face of .Ontario, in many areas it is 'in short supply, at least for part of the year. These shor. tages are likely to increase with. ,greater demands, Per capita cons sumption of water • is increas. ing sharply. ,Today ttie, ayerage .. family uses as much water in a day as was used in a week only "a few years ago. Modern houses. _hold appliances, such as automatic dishwashers • • .and clothes washers have been 4n. struMental in ` .increashIg the 44 M tha •photo above, are four of the speakers who addressed a joint meeting for branches of the Ontario Farmers' Union and the Federation 'of Agriculture, at the. Holmes- ville central school last Thursday night. From left to right are: Keil Tyndall, presi- dent of the Goderich township branch of the OFU; Robert. . ("Bub") McKinley, M.P. (Huron) who4alked and showed Aides ora parliamentary' fact«finding „tour under't'aken by 26 M.P.'s last "summer to the Yukon and Northwest Territories; Meredith Robb, On- tario Junior Farmers' Association speaker; and Alf. Warners president of. Huron branch of -the Federation of Agriculture acid chair- man for the evenings' program. Providingmusical entertairirnent< for those • who attended the joint meeting of Ontario Farmers' Union and Federation members were these senior pupils of Goderich,,Jown= ship,school area who attend the Holmesville a Federabon. Robert McKinley )4P, who re. presents Huron riding at Ottawa, addressed joint meeting of members from tlid'Ont "ria Farm. ers Union and the Huron County, branch of the Federation of Agri. .culture last week. President, Al. fred Warner of Huron branch of the • Federation..of Agriculture, was chairman for the event, held at Holmesville. During the program he called ' upon the Goderich township pre. sident of the Ontario Fa.imers Union, Ken Tyndall, to say a few words on behalf of the OFU'. Another guest speaker for the occasi&1 was Meredith. Robb, . who spoke about the work of On. tario . Junior Farmers - Assoc.,. iation. The meetingwas held in the auditorium of the Holnesyille' central school, ,Thursday night, `"'March 23rd. Senior pupils from the surrounding Goderich town. ship school area who attend this school, provided several musical numbers during . the program. Donated blood, has a life .of 21' days. if it. is not usedwithin that time the °plasrrta is drawn off and made ,,into vital blood products such as gamma globu- lin. serum albumin, fibrinogen and iresh ;frozen plasms. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty .ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN" DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 -p.m. Open. Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The'Esquire Restaurant "524-9941" nion ,central' school. Front row, left . to right: Bob Sinclair, Janice Sowerby and Nancy Porter. Back row, left to right: Ron Wise, Billy Whitely,. Ken Leibold, Bill Sinclair and Greg Montgomery. , o MP 'Bob' McKinley i gave an • extremely interesting and=-infor. mative account of a parliarnen. _. Lary 'fact-finding'tour undertaken by 26 federal MP is to the Yukon and Northwest territories of Can. ada last summer, 'TheY depart. ed. from Ottawa by 'air on July 28th, and during the course of b the 120•day trip, they travelled 10.,000 miles. PILOT MP. The .former 'cabinet minister of Northern Affairs and National. Resources, Walter Dinsdale; who was one of the 26 government members to take the trip, flew, one of the airplanes which car - ried nine of the'MP's, Mr. Dinds. dale, an experienced pilot, -was flying over familiar terrain as he represented one of the ridings In the Northwest territories at Ottawa.. The parliamentary delegation landed , landed at Inuvik, a settlement at the Mout h of the Mackenzie river where it empties into the Arctic ocean. They toured the houses of the area,. many of eet Oxford Dead Stock, Removal Limited We pay '16c Per pound for dead or disabled cows and horses 24-hour service -7 days a Week -;Call Collect JIM MURRAY & SONS HICIOCN 462'2614 WHEN YOU THINK OF CATTLE MARKETING THINK `OF T A L D 0 1 _a V I For .. , L information. L Phonlr E St. Thomas STOCK irARDS LIMVMITED 63141150 11 Years Of. Continued Growth To Serve You Better 11, 12,1-113, 14 which are built and financed by the Federal government, and paid on a rental basis by, the residents, many of whomare Indian and Esk. imo natives. The slides taken by Mr. Mc•" Kinley illustrated with striking clarity'the rugged beauty of Can. ada's •northland. During the tour which was taken ' at the height of the. Arctic summer, the Huron MP the artic summer, the Huron MP, related that he was able to take pictures at any time of the day: Whether it was 1:00 p.m. or 1:00 a.m., the perpetual daylight of the Arctic 'summer allowed enough light for pictpre-taking without the need for -electronic flash, Many of ,'the towns . and vill- ages visited by theb. MP's were. originally mission stations es• •tablished by Anglican or Catholic missionaries. Several of these settlements are provided ...with modern schools and hospitals staffed by federal personnel. 211EAR 'S' OLDI When you turn 21 you are~ no .lo°nger. c o v e rte d' by your parensts' I-tospjfa*' Insurance. You must take out individual membership within 30 - days. Get your ap- plication form at a' bank, a hospital, or the Commission. JOB? To keep insured fol - .low the" instructions pn....tbe_ p.i.te .. In- Asurarrce "Certificate: of Payment—Form 104'? that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. , NEWLY WED? The'"family" Hospital Insurance premium must now be'paici to" cover husband and - wife.. Notify' your "group" without de- lay or if,ydu both pay p -rem ur►s d -i r-ect; no tify the Commission'. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan _ Ontario Hospital Services Commission, Toronto 7, Ontario. • THE FARM FRONT demands for domestic,,, water supply. Water has become an integral part of nearly, every industrial process: ---Up .to 62,000 gallons of water are required' in the man. ufacture of one ton of newsprint;_ 750 gallons to processoneba'rel of oil; .and 25 .to 200. gallons for One case of cannery products. Excluding use, at hydro -elect. •ric generating stations. 5,{100,. Q00,000 gallons of water are now, used daily in Ontario. One fifth of this is. consumed °and not available for reuse ' Increased water, .pollution is a uother major problem. In the early days of Ontario when the population was Still small, people regarded natulrai resources as . liavinl no iimik to their extent; Sewage and other.. wastes could be durttped in any stream or 'lake with relatively little deleterious "effect, Considerable progress • hap beep Made in Ontario in the fig against water pollution. Tiw OnC. ario Water Resources Commiss. ion has undertaken many pro. 'ADD ItIEMl3ERS ` `' Huro '°^,county council's °aria►' trial Cetete inial Committee COO. ststed of Delbert Oeiger, „pay Township, and whiner Bard,', Colborne Township. CoUncll -added- the to1J*WT"P fit Monday's session. Waxden ald McKenzie,- Asbfield;• Clerk. Treasurer J. Q. Berry, Goderich Harry Worsell, *deputy reeve pf o Gode ieh; and KennethStewart reevd,of M wTfillop. ' A Centennial drumhead ser. vice is 'being planned for the Town of Goderich onSunday, July - jects and -much research. . ► 1W, fe iIizer. Q tter. a n •..r.^^. .Y.tionm a 44.4x. "' r mos! -ea i.'c v-•v��':Nn.ma•-.oa+w-...x ,c We will admit, though, that the farmers who use Super Q as kart -of 4 sound management ' programget some pretty spectacular results. How about corn? Last year,, our Super Qfor Corn helped set an all-time yield record of 161' bushels an acre in the Nation- al . Corn . Picking Contest • in Eastern Michigan. .And we couldgo on and on with yield recordsfn wheat whOtandiaarley a n d oats and cotton and potatoes... n • 4' Ifyou' re the kind ofoutstandingtarmer.wh-ose' land is fertile,enough, whose cropping and te`rti l izi ng methods are progressive enough, and whose goals are high enough, Super Q can offer you a productand a program which together can bring you larger returns than you coup 'ever hopeto ga-in'with conventional • premium fertilizers.,,To far d�tl out -More about -Super Q ---see your Super Q supplier now. 0 . Super Q—sign of a Growing Man a grew..444,, w.....�;.,,,r,�m......� READ FERTILIZERS LTD., E LM I RA, ONTARIO" rRVr • ,{' f .r •r"`J,rr.=.?%ri:..'Y? i%./.,1•f:t+rv,',i::., .`•,y1:Y.-.vrrfr .. +r,�,�. RESEARCH' • CANADIAN CANdiER SOCIETY . G0DERICH . CANVASS STARTS APRIL 3rd e . ' W/4TEH THIS pApER FOR FURTHER DATES OF DISTRICT CANVASS