HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-23, Page 13• , •I#s$itt MR' Mlles from Goderich 'Chapter are. I>'ictured hare all they're.. about to , em- bark'on a bus trip to,Mt. Clematis, Michigan: The 34' .dodoricIi ladies were joined by 'Star.'_ members from Clinto_r.,.. ,:.tor jyth, •$..fo���*ndMit hetlera root..., �� were attending : an Internatlgnel maeflno ,ander social .evening sponsored by a Mt, C!eniens Chapter of the Easter afar. Order. t: George's Wonian' s Auxiliar lams To .Visit SkJ(, Shutjns The, Sunday before Easter being Palm •- Sunday members of -St. george's Woman's Auxiliary are visiting shutr#ns•and hospitalized p .tients• apd presenting them with a' palm ' cross which will be blessed_,. and given out at the church service to•all who are pre.. sent. • ti • • The March meeting open. ed Wtth-a hymni.and-prayer; `,the president, Mrs. E. F. Sale to charge. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. D. • Wilson and i the treasurer's re. port was given by Mrs A C. din Blreald"the�eor is a blow to' most. W.A. workers, because in pa- t. years, the W. A. - has given almost half a million dollars, yearly, to -missions as �, well work Within the Diocese. • Mrs. Wilson'requested mem. hers to donate; tq the bake table for the Girl's Auxiliary ce 1ten• ntal tea April 15th, • Lunch was served 'by Mrs, R. ' Needham, Mrs, F. Hunt audMrs.. 0, Slemin. , , , MR. and MRS. HARRY POWELL 60th ANNIVERSARY: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell of 44' Angelesea St. Goderich quietly Celebrated t}leir6Othwed• g anniversary on March- 19th, respondence which included an in. vitation to attend the afternoon guild's meeting on April 6th, • which would start with a supper M 6:30 p.m. and program follow. ing. This invitation was accepted with Pleasure. ' MAKE C,,ALLS The Social Service convener ° Mr -s. H. Tichborne reported 24' •' calls on the sick and the Dorcas .convener Mrs. F. Hunt said that one- of the quilts sent away was • donated by Mrs. A. C: Blay. The annual will be the latt. ger part of April in London. At this 'time the changing of theWorr an's ,Ailiary name to the Anglican Church .Women of Canada will be voted on. Although many approve of this change, (ACW) others feel that the loss of identity, • • FROM WEST - _ __ __ Mr:_. and : Mrs. _ Ernest Mc,. • Cartney of Dodsland, Sask., visit,• ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. McCar ney:, Colborne St., and With kr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc. Cartney, Goderich Township and other relatives in the Clinton_and Seaforth district. �A family dinner was held at Tiger, Dunlop Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Powell enjoy very god health. Mr. Powell is 81, and Mrs. Powell. is 80. They were married in Halton County March 19th 1807. They farmed on the 6th concess. ion of Goderieh township till three years ago when they moved to Goderich. - They have a family of 10 child. '"ren;39 -grandchildren, 51 great grandchildren. Orval of Goderieh a 0 - Township, Mrs, Jin es (Olive). Rean ofGoderieh, Robert ofBx'it• isit Coluntblat, Mrs, "Joseph .(Emma) Wilson of Goderich, Hem bert of Kitchener, Mrs. Joseph ' (Edna) Cook of ,Goderich,/ Mrs. Edward (Lottie) Gook • of Goderich, Laverne OfGoderich, Mrs. Delbert (Freida) Cook 0„ Holmesville, Ernest, Goderich township. One daughter Mildred decease ed. • They held riper house on Sure. '"day the 19th. Many.eardsand:gtfts were received. Many friendtr and relatives called to renew- old acquantences. n ° ow Loony -Dear Ann Landers: My husband is a well-known physician which precludes my discussing this prO. bleni with anyone in town. ,He is • 62. 1 am 60; We have three fire ohildren.. 1 ' The r octox----has-alwars,-been a` good provider and he is"gen• erous to a fault about most things, ,ln • recent years, however., tie has become.increasingly censer.. vatrve-about -trifles, Md this is. what concerns me. The bane of my existence is his underhanded behavior when it comes to towels. First let me ex• plain: that I have a superb laundry room, automatic equipment, and it is no trouble to washa loadof towels as 1 have told the doctor dozens of times. Yet he will not Pit a soiled towel in theclothes hamper,. What's. worse, he per. silts in collecting the• soiled towels from all over the house, folding them neatly and putting them back in the linen closetwith the fresh towels . Why on' earth does he do this at home? He is meticulous in the office. Is he becoming senile? Please--help-meiderstand his odd behavi2t'--Puzzled • Dear P, zled:. Your hus. band's hang.up probably goes "' -Ahrneek Instals Nei►iv Officers The March Meeting of'Ahnneek Chapter TOPE was held at the home of Mrs. W. S. MacEwan Albert St. As the new Regent had not been installed Mrs. G. Hen- derson .presided._ The Standard was presented by Mrs. C, Ruff. ell. : • . Plans ' were made to hold the ' annual luncheon,` in St. Georges' Parish Hall in May. Miss L. Macs - Vicar, World Affairs, secretary, gave a very interesting talk on the office of Governor General in Canada and of some of the men who have held this position: Mrs. G. Emerson took the chair and . . the new Regent, Mrs. O. S traughanand other officers were. installed. • The April ,meeting will jie held at the- home of. Mrd: Cutt., Mrs: Cutt .thankad °khe'itdstess for her hdspitality. Lunch . was served by Mrs. .F._Walkorn__and Mrs. V. Crooke. .7 f back, to lits .chil.dttoo4l per, haps so far back he cannot recall . it. His mother xray have scolded -him Toor i sing , too many towels,sqhe, sn4a ,. ed ` the .soiled: towels,. ba* , • in the linen closet to- , ►o1 ,. - detection, Putting one over' On .P1'0404. may have afforded hila 11 11, natisxactto n 1 n , a • he #ix *hg.to early days, My adyiee,.i#c ignore it. • Simply toss," the used .towels in the • Iaii and`be-happy hefunctigtist t*A tonally in the, importint, areas. *. amp #lob, where the g ra4in wilt tionodi. This means`,tbe family is sdpposed to buy it for .thmr . On Aunt Stella's shower int,* Ations she wrote '4 t§e -- r4e,ttonsZ, nd4o1d--us-all where to go.lMy.ordeve.are "Two'Cry, stat Go11ets." mint, Stella .says most people ate ' dumb and.,she is not gp ; ' t e'. 'chance on 1.ettinju� re: e a ia vesuse .their ' owndgg. meat because they will surely pome up with,.,,,.' lot of junta, 1` resent thit Very much. Am Dunabelle ' • Dear 13ellei; It is • perfectly r fee a bride. to reg. s r her crystal and china Iat%rn, but under: no cir., 4umstances should family or friends be. -instructed to buy it, Such a requ is crassly commercial and deserves #i? .ber•.: . Dear Ann- L1andert In every' ,family there is a aelt•appQinted oracle.•someone whb •-thi . he knows everything. In _four Uy it is Aunt Stella.• • , Aunt S tells, is , gi bio d,1 shower fog my bats !s lis er. She helped the brideeto.lae select her china and cryeta4 and gate her toward the same patterns i Johnson se a 'o n with, the young Ogillge,.9.o 141 snore o.ffprd to buys tet,• and thlna Blau they. coli t3 UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 25 HEAD '& SHOULDERS 'LOTION SHAMPOO 1.99. _Valuer/ for SPECIALS'! ANACJN 100's Sugg. list 1.39 BAN ROLL-ON DEODORANT Sugg. IM 1.0 •r. 1.19 yalue for 89c 99c $90 ALKA-SELTZER LARGE --, Sugg. •list 83c • KOTEX, 12's Sugg. list sae• as um am aim Nylon Stockings; i ■ � e with COUPON � 1 (First :quality- seapil Micromesh --sews 7111 toe Size 8 to 11 Nutwood Shade Only! ONLY ItODACOLO t FILM • C 126 1.49 111 Customers' tureand valid' I: coupon expwcras Saturday, II1ilneh 05, lei ,111 .tet law OM I NO ail MI -11011 1 NMI 1110 /:_, lyse.. • * * -Pear Ann Landers: • What do you think of a man ' who__#i�►.ke . up a-worgan' time for 12' yeatrs, Cella- her he CR ,- msrt y_;-- While is mother is stttl 4live be id a it wottld break her heart Chidy 'loans s s b sir1 •. _Same . 0Ir' linflrrest Orient ... curie which . were features of the relsslon feir, and tea held ' at the Salvation Army citildiel jieye SatursleY, under the auspices of • the. Sunday school cf taws, (Staff: 'iPhoito) ;the girl;- was of a Edi#fgepi.faith) him. We both know the name end then, when the .motlier,dies, of that game. The real ques. . tie marries a girl, he rew only tion is why did you allow him two rngnths? �-.$unee Cap to string you along for 11 , Dear Dunce: Never mind Years? Legion Laths Legion, ladies' Auxi'iiary ane , the green room with preside!} Mrs. Hari Har*isgn, ip elle chaff':i Three new tnernbgra were sated and welcomed ':to' the Mary. tters of appreciation were' _:reeehted--frorn-WestnintiforlitiSo pita.1 for birthday Darcels. Don. aliens Werenn de t4 ►41**11 n Red Cos Ak4 oa- e . Z9ne'• Porta neer,: 14// t1Owy uw• ake Donations aril Caro11, will be welcomed 'on her annual visit at the April meeting, Mystery Prizvas won by Mrs. • , <; Roy Kingsley, attendance drawby - Mrs. .,Ken Mullins, c7entenulal b.Y. Mrs. Warren Moland. Lunch was served .by Mrs. :PAO Mathis"• and her corn. o iit'tee. The *meeting closed with ,everyone ping Bingo. SAVE 12c --- SAVE' ;30c 0,04--4., TOP,--VALU: r �., 'fops YA►4.ty EVAPORATED POWDERER QlaYfi. PRICES EFFBCTI/E MARCH 2245 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO • LIMIT QUAN- TMTIES 5 -Ib. Poly• 14b. Bag L Pkgs. ■....iwwlww.00-wm-n ,w.1.an.q.•.w. .quionpowit ue.,,ovii,•”raw.PI. OCEAN SPRAY:WHOLE' ORS JELLIED)* �; ..., ; BLUE AND FANCY PEAS GOLD - FANCY •Nulpwet w. m *1st. me mei* se, quo I s`.01�.f*tet*In .•it • ASSORTAVOURS WHIP 'NI. CHILL 2 3,k*7s. 54 MANZANILLA OLIVES ., ; 39*, • ROSE BRAND • SWEET MUSRD EEA PICKSWEET LES • ,• BREAD 4 BUTTER CH. MP1QN• •CH CKE1�'OZ. •�• S +� FO, 1 t.l�!'EFi Tins . . SPEQIAL F ,s4IIyI'OQTHPA$TE PGO% Slee Tube 77 .,:iripaA4FEOZEN JUICE ...A Ti,• 1.00 ,.STOKE Y ,FANCY FROZEN GREEK P A$ or - » • • ?trop,_ A,4 (9Iifa4 imonto) :8KERNE . CQRtJ J;:. CHEESE SLICES ,3 1.00 £ nnl .GAY, r f Fancily s. Pi• • 10P VAI:b CANADI, GRADE''A' w+f' /01114', M*To . :FRESH ' t 1130 Packers Old Fashioned S. BU9N4 (FOUL VARIETIES) • , -Coaled Peat 4 vat -A,= $1. our H4,tr 'Lissa*1�4,CKERii GLAZED 0: 3,oneless Picnics Ib. 95► • • The 0 Iyt T obeyy WFroithzEn A HBroilerandle » Cltnat Arae 'A' T Valu Tui'Keys' Ill. 43* VI' ORO Ari Purpb ,50 -Ib, .« 9° Superitir Quality lint a�I 7 r/A'i-MOSS 7-7-7 FERTILIZER-3°4�, 2, , 4 441. ft' 3.2 11 eq e r14 A•• .•i DRUG S'IOIt The Stowe