HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-16, Page 17A, P ..5.1` 0 -' .9- .., 9.me 91 Mr, and Mrs. dames 1 eeid,°Con.., 4 Ashfield was the scene of a pretty wedding on Pebruary 28, 1917, when their youngest daughter, Mary Adelaideabecame •the bride of William Mason,Mc Allister, son of Mr. and . Nlr.` - Hobert McAllister, Con 7, West yitawalio h: ; �. Their only, attendant was the brideos niece as flower girl, A Mary ].ark, now Mrs. Airthur A Stewart; The officiating clergy. man was Rev,'Gilbert Gomm, now of Maitland Manor, C►oderich. After their rgarriage Mr. and Mrs, McAllister farmed until. . retiring. to ,Dungannon in '19 52. To celebrate • their 5.9th wedd. ing anniversary Mr. and Mrs. McAllister.were:apt home totheir friends when they had open.house on Februarys •28 and were ever. t 1 WE'RE UP TO OUR [ARS IN RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES. WE HAVE TAKEN AS TRADE-INS Westinghouse Washer -Dryer Pair . $150. Westinghoue` Washer $75. .• Dug`- es, Huron Count ag: rep., acted as chairman and introduced each s"alesman. He was assisted with the meeting by the assistant .ag: rep.'of Huron, Don 'Pullen. By 12:30 P.M., five ofAhe 13 company representatves had been' on the platform. A thirty. minute }intermission provided an opportunity fAr a lunch break and discussion period. . • Elmer Powe, President of the Huron County Soil and Crop Association was called upon to address the afternoon assembly'. Following the last of the chemical salesmen to speak, Dr. Richard Frank, a. scientist from, the Ontario Department of Agricul— ture and Food addressed the con. ferefice. USE CAUTION 'Dr. Frank, \ who' is in charger ..of,..a recently established 'food ._testing laboratory at the QAC Guelph, urged Huron farmers to use caution and discretion when applying some insecticides and herbicides. A few of these chem.. ical sprays contained chemicals which were very 'slow .to break down, and elements highly toxics' and traceable to one or two week spray chemicals, had been found in milk and meat samples tested .at the Guelph laboratory. SECOND' DAY The Huron Agricultural Coif. 4 ference continued foranother day at Clinton's Central Huron Sec. ondary School. Chairman forSat.. urdays' program was Charles Thomas, " President of. Huron County _ Federat4on of Agrieul.—. tures ' a , ^The following aspects of farm management were featured: Crop Frigidaire Dryer Kelvinator Dryer, tainedat a Iarnily dinner at the home of.their son and daughter. M and " . s.Robert law, Mr,.. , Mr Allister,on. March, 4. r They received many gifts, flowers and messages of . good wishes, including *a visit from Murray Gaunt "MIS when he pre. sented them 'with a •plague on ! 'behalf of the prcwince'ofOntarxQ, and a,telegt'ainof congratulations Wax–received from Prime Min.M ister Lester B. Pearson, _ Mr.. and Mrs. McA'ilister have a family of two ' sons, 1 Obert of West Wawanosh and Kenneth of Sudbury, two grand children and . one great grandchild, The best wishes of the coin. munity are' extended to Mr. and Mrs. McAllister 'on this occas. D NG4l ON-. A qutetwedding was solemnized at the lam gelical Parsonage, Milverton on March 7, 1917, when Laura Xundt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; henry Yundt of Rostock, ,became the bride of Heber J. L. Eedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eedy of Rostock.,, , Following their marriage^Mr.. and Mrs. Eecy farmed in E1,1.ice township, Perth • countk for :four years, living later in .Milverton And Stratford before moving • to' Dungannon in 1928, vwhere.they have since'opernted a bakery and gronex`y.business. To celebrate their 50,thwedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Eedy were hosts to 75 . friends and relatives at a smorgasbord din. ner at their home on $uriday, *March '76, when many friends sion., called. Caution With .-Chernicais Huron They have a family. of Live sons and one daughter,, Thornton', Irvine and Ross , of Dungan n, Frank pq1 Wyoming; USA, Jar,,,k. of Strathrdy and Mrs. Ralph (Lucille),, lektdersonGoderich, also seven grand children, all•of whom were, present for. the occasion, Guests were present from Windsor, Wiarton, Milver. ton, Monkton, Waterloo,° London and Ddndas, • • ':• y 4 •� 1 . RECEIVE PLAQUE 'Many gifts, flowers and cards were received, also on Sunday, March 5. Murray Gaunt,' MLA called and presented them with Plaque on behalf of the province o f Ontario,. and .a message of congratulations was received. from the prime minister, Lester B. Pearson, from the ' Federal governanent. a The c4ptnu ty extol* best wishes h,nd,con •atulations toMr., and Mrs. Eedy on their modem . Wedding. Central School FjHHs Vacancj. • The board of cliCSS' Asbtxeld . ' and-Wawanosh West acceptedwith regret the resignation of Frame Doherty " as chairman of the' Board. 1VIx, ,Doherty who headed the poll in the December election resigned for health. reasons ',John Austin was chosen 'to be chairman fop the remainder of the term. John Howard is vice.chair. man;. Mrs. Mark Dalton, a former, trustee was 'chosen by the board to fill the vacancy. Martin Hen. dricks and Mrs. leopard Chish. olm complete the board of these combined school areas. Agricultural Conference The second annual convention of Huron County farmers 'and re- presentatives of 13 chemical com- panies opened Friday morning March 10, at the Clinton Legion Memorial Hall. This agricultural conference, sponsored by The Huron County •Crop and Soil -Improvement Ass. oclation and the Huron County Federation of Agriculture allowed the chemical company salesmen an opportunity to con. -vey the latest information regard. ing, weed and in. -act , control - through use of their chemical Insurance, a topic taken by R. D. Ont. Dep. of Agriculture."P Blackburn, General Manager of ing your.liydro investment;' oss the Crop Ins., Comm. of -Ont., , . Milne and Mel Anderson ntario Unemployment ' Insurance, this Hydro farm sales, ofiic s, spoke subject was covered by O.S. Cook, on this subject; Dairy" cow nutri. Manager of the Unemployment • tion; spokesman on.'this subject. Iris,,Cornm., at London; Drainage :was Harold • Clapp, Extension bylaws and information: this topic Specialist, ' Ont, L,i v e -s tock was discussed by. Bert Mogggch, Branch; Dairy herd improvement agricultural engineer fi, om the association and owner sampler Ranges and Refrigerators from • $20. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED STOCK REDUCING STILL IN FULL SWING TGERRY'S 4 APPLIANCES & TV LTD. "The. Store 'That „Service . Built" r The Square 524.8434 A IT'S THE TWIN TUB !WAS' ER AND SPIN DRYER AT LAST! BIG WASHER EFFICIENCY 1N AN- APARTMENT -SIZE SPIN-DRY WASHER ! TAKES ONLY 4 MINUTES TO WASH -- 2 TO 4 TO SPIN.DRY READY -FOR IRONING — You've .4 never seen anything like the new Gilson Twin=Tub. It washes . snowy -white, rinses dein and fresh,. Nein. drys ready for ironing. No big, expensive washer does a better lob. SEE IT TODAY AT:. ilf R. 'IV --- AERIAL AND APPLIANCE SERVICE 4 HAMILTON ST. –j- GODERICH .• ' plan; this topic ,was dealt with by W. H. Ciarksoni, DHIA Lives. stock fieldman; Sugar beets: B. E. Easton and Charles Broadwell, executives from the Canada and Dominion Sugar Co,, spoke on this crop; .Farm family operating agreements; R. _.,Heard, farm •management specialist, Ont. Dept. of Ag. and Food. 48 Well-known residents of Goderich since 1938, Mr. end Ars. Malcolm: MacAuley quietly observed their golden wedding anniversary here March 10. They wee married at Hastir gs Eng- land during World War l in 'which Mr. MacAuley"served in Canada's 1st Division. Mr. MacAuley was employed at the "salt block" here until 1965' when he assumed the post of custodian. of -the -Royal Canadian Legion building. They have two -children, six grandchildren and two greet -grandchildren. ••A' . a -. ... .''•h� •„ CFiocolate'n Cherries from Smiles'n 'Chuckles. A delicious treat anytime, a specially thoughtful gift lib.6oz. at Easter., 1Ib: bozs. of Imperial Maraschino Cherries . BOX in rich cream -and covered with milk chocolat, Pure hollow milk chocolate in a sculptured Easter Bun ny or Rooster design.Blister packed' for you-r.proted"tion. ' ' Made expressly for Wool war-th .s. --.Decorated milk chocolate 'egg with, your choice of name put on free. Smiles'n Chuckles cream- filledfruit and nut egg with delicious chocolate 'coat- ing. Everybody's favourite. ,Children's } Favourites "::(3 'FILLED SAND PAILS ' n Delicious Easter nov- elties set in colourful, pail with shovel: , . • Your favourite' size • easter basket filled with assorted goddies. LILLIPUT/ CHOcd. EGGS 1 Tiny, /it Easter eggs of �, milk chcicolate. • ih A Great Easter Treat! r1 LY A �}