HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-16, Page 5• s1V,tit,> H—At Vi Goes I taI. 'London; On Maw 7, 1967, te)- Mr„ and ia5. D na!Iti SAO*, -1=104 .030ces anctt ehretll )r - a son, Christopher Dodd. A brother for Richard and °ger• DAWWSON— At Al1eaxn dra Hos- pital, on March 9, 1967, to .,Mur. and 'Mrs. Greerge Dawson, Goderich, a daughter, Kim- berley Dl�arine, - Y WHIT ?LY--•-�A�,t Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderieh, on M:aarch 12, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Gra`haan • Whitely, 1:1.R. 5, Goderich, a daughter. DONrNELL'Y At Aleaxmdra Hospital, Goderieh, . on Macneill 14 ,1967, 'to Mr: ' and Mrs. Jamre�s Donnelly, Goderich, a dattghter. C. Briefs Order Shei1 furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co products. Phone 524- 0386. itt The C.P. & T. Fund committee - et lOoderieh 'Oddfellcw and Re ebekah l gees.:halve._ selaeelehairra and other equipment for loan, free of charge. Contact Amos Osbaldesten, Park Si., phone 9623; or Fred Fri,tzley, Wilson St., phone 7217. STAN BLOWFS TRAVEL SER - WOE, 32. Wellington, Stratford. For all anml7mes, steamships; rail, hotel reservations, tours,** Dee bank rates on time 'payments. Prepadds arranged for relativee 271.-57 0. from overseas, Call7• D., In Memoriam A year cif_successlrut l operatipn of Alexxandra Marine. and. Cel eral hospital tinder handicaps imposed by the continuing eon, °'struction of the neve wing, with the hospital now heading to a higher standard of accredittetion because of 'improved facilities and high calibre of staff, was re- viewed by Sohn Ae, Schaefer, chairman of the board of goy, ernors at the annual meeting of that bpdy last week. Following is his annual xport • in its entirety: "."As Chairman . of the Board o' f Govejrnor§ of the Alexandra Marine and General Hqspital I have the honour " of reporting Pic ARD=•f n loving nneameuhy of our dear mother who pales-. ed away April 23, 1960; our dear falter who„�gassad away May 7, 1943, and our dear - �brohherr, Galen, Who passed away March. 22, 1958. . There -is never a day that passes by Bat our thoughts reach out to you. Never a joy that oornes �bc� us But we 'wish you could share it too. In our garden of beautiful, me- mories Y• ou Tetuan' to us each day, . Your mommy is as dear tdday As in tlhe.'hour you passed away. Lovingly remember by Hazel, Norm, ,.Willa and Elvia and families. lies. 191 •BLACK—in loving rne+mioay of a very dear husband and father, • Howard :B1�a,dk, who passed away' six yeasts ago, M.arbh 17, 1961. No length of time can divide the past, _ .. ,. Too maul memories ,no+1d it fast. 1' ay, tomorrow and our whole lives through, • W• e'11 always love and rremeanbar you. Lov'ingly- rein�es berred- be wife Edna and family. 111 E. tarda of Thanks MoMLLLAN—The "axially of the .late•Mrs. Blanche E. McMillan _wish ;to- ,express- 'their sincere and grateful thanks to their many 'firiends', neighbors and relatives for abts of kindness, 'beautiful floral tributes, con- tributions .r to. the Crippled Children Tareat ie nt Centre, and messages of sympaabhe ex- tended in their recent be- reavement. Special thanks to Dr. K. D. McPherson, Dr. Wdlcow�. curses ' Ward three Centre,' Victoria, Hospital, Rev. A. • P. S. Addison and Caa•- roth�ers'' Funeral Hoare, • Lon- don. All those kind acts will never be, forgotten. - �Mrr. W. J. 1tcMillan and famiily. - 1 410 F. Engagements . i and Mas ,.Gordon Pot 3, Aurbruan, wish to an- nounce.'the engagement .of their daughter, Barbara , Agnes, to WU1Lam 'Jam,es Hoy, son of Mr. and. Mars...Welloau_Hoy.,. •C].i'nt�n 'ilhe wedding will take, place in. Nile United Church;. April 8011 at 3:00 p.m. . • 11 Mr. and Mrs: William 1'. Miller, Seaforth; wish to . an flounce the engagement of their' daughter, Ann Larreine, to Mur. Robert 'Er4n'cis Baeehller, son of Mir. and Mrs. Chef le�aedhler, .Goderich. The' wedding 'wild take place -in St. Peter's Church, Goderieh, ori Saturday, April atih at twelve o'clock noon. 11 G. Coming Events Cold trash sayings at Rieck Pharmacy. Stove -+wide- spring sale ends March 18th. • 10 • • (4Missionary Fair. and Tea, Sat- 'roar, Mardh ir8, at 2:30 p.m. -at Salvation Army. Reburied missionaries and souvenirs. . 10-11 • Make a . point of coming to the Easter Tea at First Baptist Church, just •off the Square. It's -this Saturday, Marsh 18, from two' tall five ,Do your weekend baking the easy way and enjoy,, a cup -of tea with your friends. 11 Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet om Monday, March 20, at 2:30 p.m. in Knox Church parlorr. 11 on hospital activities during the year 1966, 'the hospital's 6lst year of operation. "Tike financial and statistical statement contained in this re. „ port point out the fact of the ims par ant role of the. Hospital, in our .community. The pais t year was not a, normal year due to the building program so a compare son is . not significant. The. opees- ation, budget approved by the On. toxic Hospital Services' Come; mission for 1966 was $460,575.0% , This established our ward rate at $22,85 per day, semi -private an additional $2.00,, "The year 1966 hasbeenanim portant milestone for our hospital;, Early in . the year the chronic wing and the old hospital build.• ing which served so long and well were demolished and construct, ion on the new addition begun after „ 18 months of planning. To 'pro- vide adequately for patients -dun. ing construction arrangements. were made for the chronic pat. ients--to be --transferred to Mait- land Manor Nursing Home under their OHSC insurance. The east wing of the hospital provided all ,other hospital activities during the year, this resuit4-d,; in fewer patient days,' however ` the needs of the community were adequately served in 1966. NEARLY COMPLETE "The new addition is now com- plete with minor exceptions and work is being carried „on in the east addition. During the year decisions were made 'to go fur. ther than originally planned on• renovations to the east wing. Work is now in progress in this wingto completely redocorate to bring' it into new condition. New lights and ceilings, are being installed in the halls to meet erre*--firer ieerlatiun ; ttreletero ser are being installed. in every room to correct the. problem of poor neai control. '!'hese renovations will be complete in four weeks so shortly the' building program will be finalized. W EIsL EQUIPPED "The building will have all the 'necessary services required for a modern safe, comfortable well equipped hospital. There will be private, semi -private and ward accomodation with a capacity of 81 beds. Included will be active, chronic, maternity and pediatric beds, largephysiotherapy departs ment , laboratory, medical re. cords, pharmacy, x-ray depart. meet with neweequipment, fully equipped., emergency, operating and obstetric theatres, examining• rooms, solariums and new kit- chen equipment making it poss- ible to give a choice of• meats: T1ie_new wing. will to _completely_ air conditioned, piped ih omen', phone• and television available in rooms. OPEN -IN. JUNE- "The official opening of the new building is now being planned for early June when all citizens are invited to attend and inspect the hospital.' '—'"The community was asked to play an important • role in our pro.' •gram when a fund raising cam- paign was�,launched last spring. The' results. of the campaign were gratifying. The generosity of the 'people of the community of God. erich plus the, co-operating of every industry, service clubs, out of town friends and industries and foundations all contributed to the wonderful success of the cam- paign which raised $175,000.00. The hospital wishes to thank all T1ie Goderich • Horti-cwltural Society will meet Wednesday,. March 22, at 8 • pan. in St. George's Parish Hall: Mars. Reg. Bell (Enid) will review tore book G. Coming Events The annual aneetizeg. -of the i 4lii1'' District Associa- tion for Mental'! Retardation will, be held Tuesday, March 21, in Knox Presbyterian' Qhurrlh. paa•-� „tor, at 8 p.m. • 11 "Peacock Manure, and Mari- golds" by Janet, Gillespie. To speak to us comes Mr. D. L. Bogearts, Assistant Pesticide. Central , Officer from the On= tario Dept. of Health. All orders for Centennial Floribunda Rose should be in by this meeting. A geod attendance is requested. 11 Gard party ("500") at Forest- er's Hall (formerly ::'Benamd.11er Sahoel) at • 9:00 pan., Saturday March 18th, sponsored by Courts. L1901 and 86 Canadian Order of Foresters. Lanch pro- vided: 1Ix .RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP, THE TY evie who 'contributed a>G1d to ,thd hun• dreds who organ, z d and worked the a carere or h cmaign:�'� best f Our community is dependant not only on skilled staff and modern facilities but also on the willing. ness of the community to give interest, time and financial sup. port. This community can be proud. of this • most successful campaigns GOAL NEARS "Hopita.l accreditation has been a .goal for many years, With the building complete prepara"tion Will now .go.Anto high per and a date for aecreditetion inspection will be set in late 1967 or 68. When. Hospital accreditation is • received' the community • fit ll be assured that a high standard .of patient care is being provided. "It is customary irr a;year end report to extend grateful thanks and appreciation, to. the admin. istrator and his staff of nursing. professional, technical and sere vice personnel for their efficient co-operative and dedicated see. vice in 1966. However;, nthA,ea the hospital staff deserves extra commendation for their-outltand. ing performance. Tothesepeopl�e go''the credit of maintaining a"a high quality, of patient care under trying conditions. The Boardalso acknowledge the co-operation of the medical staff and value the ad- vice and guidance .they give. Not least among the hospital family to whom" thanks are due are the Members of the Women's Hos. pital Auxiliary, their hours of wok acid interest are gzati eon . "The Board of Sxoverllors ve acted -i v.: with de. Q t.i Dn. and zeaal with, the important matters relating to the hospital 111, and -to.. them L ext d.- sinceee thanks and a eeia�tion dol''' them Ply. willing contribution of tittle and talent, 1 kiln the b042:11 and all dealing -levels 'of :the - de ft ! i.. tion will meet the 4hall ;'s 1967.,"- lodges Enjoy -"Ate Home' The annual "At Home" of t --Hurorr-lodge-#62-•lea ntI-Ged--g- erich Rebekah Lodge #89, was held last Friday evening' with a good attendance. Entertainment was providedby the MacDonald brothers, on the pipes: They .also accompanied the Harrison sisters, ' who enter- tained with•dancing, . Twenty tables ofb cards were in play. The prize winners for -Me Hundred- were High, Mrs, Art Curry and Mr. George Mumby. Low, Mrs. Bridle ,Sr., and Mr. Milton Willert. The prize winners for Euchre were, . High, Mrs. Gordon Orr and Harvey F'uller). Low, Mrs. - Eila Bissett and Robert Smith. A draw on a fancy cushion for the 'C. P , and 'T- co'rnmittee was won by Mrs. Cathie'Turfier, Lunch was served by the corn• mittee in charge, and a social hour enjoyed. • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENT • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES Your choice of various paper stocks, type styles and sins. ask for .. . Select-yourwedding--invitetione annoeneements--••-= ------ and accessories with complete confidence as to quality and' correctness of form. ' WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, .MATCHES `�. AND CAKE BOXES REMEMBER: YOU RECEIVE A FREE SIGNAL -STAR SUB- SCRIPTIO-N--FOR ONE YEAR,WIJEN YOU ORDER WITH US! Garbage Collection GOOD -.FRIDAY The Regular Thursday and 'Friday .Collec- tion will be made on Thursday, March 23rd. Town of Goderich. -FINCHER'S' SMOKE SHOP THE MODERN STORE WITH 4 WI1be VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE OPEN 'TIL 11 P.M. NITELY . SUNDAY; 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. LOUNGE.. FERNE SCRIMEGOUR 81 East St., Goderich IT'S NEW IT'S DIFFERENT "Refracted Light" First of what is the prin- ciple behind this: -The refraction of light rays ha,s for years been theorreticaLly postulated to be a molecular activator. In other words, scientists have believed „that ultraviolet and infra -red 'rays of light actually increase ,molecular action. -�- .'phis theory or ipeinciple has motivated the use of infra -red says in eooki-nrge-and in prre serving rood stuff, and the ultra • violet has. been experimented with as a preserving and purify- ing agent—especially ap a puri 71.42,0 fier of polluted water. Now to hairdressing comes —these same principles—projeet- ed into bleaching, coloring, con- ditioning, etc. Of the hair. How- ever, these services are not the *.In Attractive Boxes • Phone 524-8994 We Are Using It vp• only manner in which refracted light can be used in a -Beauty Salon, Let's name a few others: . 1 permanent wave processing 2 Permanent wave neutralizing 3 Color rinses ' 4 Temporary ` eo'lo rs 6 Dye removal ' 7 Manicur :ig 8 Dandruff treatments 9 Iia;r 'stra-iaghtening„ ,10 After applying Chair, spray 11 'After applying .wave set 12 Wig setting > .5.: "Not to be' confused with - ordinary color -machines.; Note: Mrs. Serimegour has recently returned from Pittts- bur+gh where she attended the Coif'f'ure Creation Academy. b'or your added convenience Miss Beetle Denome has joined, us at the Beauty Lounge. - the. Beauty Lounge 81 East Street For Appointment Phone 5248994 '.4 Just Arrived — Factory Fresh, 1 . LB, and 2 'LB. BOXES HOMEMADE` CHOCOLATE ,EASTER FIGURES CHOOSE THEE Biot Spring And We're Optimistic 1 None ,Of The Fallowing Over -$69-9.00 a N 0 Down Payment With Approved Credit 1961 7)odge 4 -door sedan; lic. E85071 1961 Meteor station wagon, radio; lic. 9114QX , .......... , .. $449. 1961 Silver Hawk, 4 -speed transmission, radio, good conditon ° throughout; mechanic special'(need motor); lic. L78235 $349. 1959 Dodge 4 -door sedan, 8, automatic; lie. A62742 .. „ ...,. - .3$399. 1958 Ford 2 -door -hardtop automatic,' radio; lic. E4478 1955 Chevrolet - /21ton Th " ckup (good runner) ,lic. 072399..:. $179. 1959 Volkswagen deluxe, mechanically A-1; lic. E893 J .. . $399. 1960 Dodge 4 -door, V-8, automatic; lic. A99366 x$599. 1957 2 -ton cab and chassis, runs well; lic. C73432 $349... 1959 Ford 2 -door, 6 -cylinder stick; lic. 32404H $399. 1956 Pontiac 6, automatic, radio, 55,000 miles lic. E86567 $199. DO BE. MISLED - by the Prices. These vehicles will b - s ' • beEjOlda3l8 and are - well worth the price. ' Bunnies -,-, Chickens T:' Aeroplanes Choose 'from solid chocolate ore, items" filled with small chocolates. 29c to 1.98. A small deposit will hold your selection. Buy early to 'avoid disappointment. Lowney's Easter Bunnies SMALL PACK 3, for 29c'. We also have'a good selec', on of cars ranging frglrr 1966 down as Hard Tgps, Sedans, °�-- . Two boors, Compacts, etc. Why not come out and take a look for yourself. We'll Accept Most Anything As A Trade In - OF • EASY'ER CARDS AVAILABLE SEE O.UR FULL LINE OF BOXED Neilson's Chocolates $ to $3.004 f d � n