HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-09, Page 12The ��odeuoh Signa14S+titr, Thursday, Moroh 9 1967 Obifucries MAR? ALI9ta' ,CLARK... Mrs. Carl MOTver Mrs. Clara Melver, 85, ,o1 Port Stanley, died Feb. 25. Born at Goderich, 'Mrs. Mc. Iver, was the daughter of the late Thomas Hall and Eliza Arm. strong. She had been a resident of PortStanleysince 1914. Her husband, Donald McIver, died in ' 1948. She was a member ofChriSt Church (Anglican) g rt Stanley. Surviving are two sons, C. Gor. den, Port Stanley; and D. Keith, of Islington: A private funeral was conducted Wednesday by Rev. L A. Kay, rector. of Christ Church (A.n• glicaii), Port Stanley. Burial was in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Photo by R. •J: Nephew CURRAN-KINDER VAT ER Rev. J. D. MacDonald officiated at the double -ring ceremony in North Street, United Churl h. o i 6 Feb. 25 when .Avis Cathleen Kin. dervater becatne the bride 'of Stewart Allan Curran. Thebride , is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Calvin Kindervater of Goderich; , groom's parents are Mr.and Mrs. Jack . Curran of R. R. 1, Dungannon, Mr. Kindervater' gave his Wedding TURNER- JOHNSTON A quiet wedding was solem.. nized at the Dungannon United Church manse on Saturday, March 4th at 4 p.m. when Rev. Glen Wright united in•^mariage, Lillian A. Johnston, R. R. 3, Aub. urn and Harold S; Turner of God. erich. • The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs: Ross ,McPhee, R. R. 3 Auburn, cousins of the .bride and groom. The bride wore a double-knit suit- of teal blue,; gold and silver brocaded hat and -matching acc- essories and a mink Stole,- and 'a corsage of pink sweetheart roses.. The bride' s attendant wore a , suit' of teal blue, two -toned l beige .and,_bi 1e _hat,_ betge ace• essories and a corsage of pink ;,.sweetheart roses. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the, Tiger Dunlop -Inn With Mrs. Pearl Watson' as guest with the bridal party. The couple left•• on a wedding trlp to•Flo''rida and on their return will' reside at 72 Montreal Sty Goderich. The' laboratory standards of the Canadian Red Cross Blood Tra fusion Service ,a a amongst the ighest in the world daughter in marriage. Her empire gown of white rose' of Sharon. satin° f attired a floor - length train. crystal -droplet pearl tiara h her double. -tiered silk illusion veil and -she carried a crescent of pink and white.. roses, Mrs. Fred Mohring of Sud• bury attended her 'sister • as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Marjorie Kindervater, sis- ter of the br td�e; - nd-Kather-i-ne- Johnston, both of Goderich..They were attired in Aline floor:length gowns of royal blue peau de soie, Wedding ring headpieces held their- cocktail veils and they Garr• led crescents of, pink tinted mums. Ralph Curran of R. R. 1, Dun. gannon, brother of the groom, was. groomsman. Guests were usher.. epi by Grant Curran of, R.R; .1, Dungannon, brother of the groom, and Fred- Mohring of Sudbury. For ,a reception at the church hall Mrs. Kindervater received her guests -wearing a coral wool boucle suit with black and white accessories and . a corsage of white Killarney roses. The' groom's mother chose a grey and white "arnel suit with' pink accessories arid corsage of pink carnations. . • The bride changed, to a green tweed .double.knit shit _with' black accessories and "a corsage of white roses;•.for a wedding trip to Southern Ontario. The 'couple' will reside at R.R. 1, Dungannon. MRS. FRED W. JOHNSTON Mrs. Emma Godfrey Johnston Widow of thelate Fred'W. John. sten and last of a family of eleven brothers and sisters of Georgetown, passed away in Clin. ton after an illness of two months. Mrs. Johnston ,and her . late husband,.. who passed away, eight. een years ago, had been resid. ents of Clinton for forty-five ,years. Mr. Johnston was at one time proprietor of what is now' Bartliff's Bakery. She liad no children'btit is survived by; sev eral'neices and nephews; . A private funeral conducted by Rev. R. W. Whenham 01St. Paul's Anglican church was held atBea- ttie's funeral home. There were many floral tributes. Friends and relatives attended from George. town, Ridgetown, Kitchener, Lon. cion Windsor, Detroit, Lucknow n the- -remains were ,taken to -- Greenwood cemetery in George. town where a short ' graveside, service was conducted by Rev. •Mr. Mills of Georgetown Anglican, Church after which she was laid to rest beside- her husband and, many other members _of her family. SHOWERS Prior to her marriage thebride was honored at showers given by Mrs. Michael Kelly, Goderich, Mrs. Grant Curran, R. R. 1,, Dun- gannon, and Mrs.,Percy Blundell of Goderich. The'R funeral o f Mary Alice Irwin, wife .01 Robert F, ,Clark of 10 Church "' street, Weston, who died March 3, was held from the W. R. • Scott and Son, funeral home Monday when servi,ceswere -held in the Woodbridge chapel. interment Was at R esthaven McM-s orial Gardens. • • Mrs. Clark was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.Edmund Irwin of 'Goder ch. Besides her. husband, Mrs. Clark is survived by two children, James and Gary; a - ,brother, Ivan Irwin of Toronto; three sisters, Lillian, Mrs. Ray - Jackson of New Jersey; „Ruth, Mrs. 'Burns Ross o, Goderich; Jean, Mrs. T. G. Glover, Oak. v311e. The relatives from Goderich were among those attending the service Monday.. To Form 4=H Clubs A series of forthcoming 4-11 Club ,Organizations is anrlo�in ced oc. late agricultural.re�presenta tive the ude pon. sorshii, of the Huron County Hog Producers, beef, dairy andcorn grain �• aixt corn at Lucknow, SvutHur on age . this wee1�'"by D. S. Pullen, ass for Huroh county. Categories under which clubs will be formed ,incl 4-H sv; nP dubs under the s clubs at Blyth, beef„dais , � Conservaton Club. A 4-H for ---club-wili also -be -offered: r Wedding Patricia Ann Graham . and George Melville Harwood were married Feb. •25 in St. Matthew's United Church, Richmond Hill. Rev. James Burns officiated. The bride °-is a daughter of Albert Graham, and the late Mrs. Graham , of Scarborough. The groom is a son Qf. Gordon' W. hardwood, and the late Mrs. Har. wood, -R; R, 2 Godericli. The couple will reside in Don AGF .LIMIT Mr. Pullen points out that the age limit for `the clubs calls for members ,to be 12 years of age. by Jan. 1, 1967 and not over 21 by Dec. _31st, 1967. Complete details as to times ,and places Of the organization meetings are published in an official •notice, elsewhere in this issue of The Signal -Star. YOUTH BOWLING 0. :b Vktcria The general meeting of the Victoria St. UCW was held on Monday Mar.. 6th. The meeting opened with a worship service conducted by members of unit two and led by Mrs. Edward Linnen, Scripture .passages. were CW *Sees read by Mrs. Linner, M.rs. Frani% Horton and Mrs. Joe Thompson. Bible study was directed by Mrs. George Curreil. The theme was "Living as "Christians" with par. ticular attention on St. Paul's interprelation;:as portrayedinhis CWL Plans Supper Dere,: Committee. To N The March meeting of St. Peter's CWL was held in the -church , hall with a very good, attendance. The. meeting was chaired by Mrs. Clete. - .,Stefffler, ..-.he.,.pre. sident, Mrs. John Buchanan read the minutes. Mrs. Jim Sherratt read the treasurer's report.' Mrs. ban M urphy gave the Spiritual reading on .the pee-ea wife from the book of Proverbs. ominate Heart Programme, School of ” Christ, and Our Lady'p Mission: Aries. Members for the,Nolnination Committee are Mrs: Con Beech. ler Mrs, Hd L_aroleddy, and Mrs. Larry Plouffe.', ' The meeting was adjourned, and lunch was served. At the tegular meeting in April, rs. N el Dumont will dem. •onstrate Amway products, The visitors for the hospital in March were Miss •Helen M.<. Carthy and ,Mrs. Leo Chisholm. The visitors for the month of • =April will be Mrs. Lbo Maier and Mrs. Don Fisher. Danny Baker • one of the sen. ior boys rolled two very good game`s,•one _.of 173 and another of 290 which gave him a .-total of 463. There were also some other. good games as follows: ,Bantam Girl: Janet Hyde with • 153; ''',,Bantam --Boy: Wayne -Good -- with 99; Junior Girl: Gail Good with 171; Junior Boy; David ' Williams with 193. • JarnesRichardson &. Sons Ltd. 'Serving The Feed 'Dealers of Western Ontario' PHONE -524-8388, GODERICH Personal Mrs. Ivan Papernick , Miss Final Plans were discussed ` Lena Robinson and Mrs. Marie for the Centennial Supper. Don. • Boyce returned last Friday from ations were given to The Sacred a twelve -day trip to Mexico. } SUN -lUFE ' + proLgress vc-_ company ina, v ' progr `jive tndusiry GORDON T: WESTLAKE PHONE-565-5333—BAYFIELD SUN LIFE ASSURANCE, COMPANY OF CANADA ria letter to the Galatians, - The president Mrs. Vern' Smith, conducted a business per`. iod.F�oliowing the roll can the minutes of• the January meeting were read by arren. and Mrs. Ben -Freeman presented the - • treasurer's report.- It was de- cided to donate $10Q to the bufld. ing fund of the church. The dater of the. White Eel hent Auction originally • schedule for April • 3rd. was. changed t April:10th. Plans for the Lilac Tea tobeheld in May will be finalized'.later. The program was arranged by the program 'convener, Mrs.. S, p. Argyle, Old opened, with a violin selection by Mrs. 'Thos. Gray accompanied by. Mrs, Joe Snider at the -piano:- •- - SHOWS SLIDES The speaker for the evening' was. Rev. "L. Warr who showed ed slides taken during his missionary work in Brazil, These splendid pictures cfepicted flys people, their lives and -surround. Ings, and revealed some Of the hardships and problems facing - the missionaries there.. At previous Meeting Mr. Warr had shown a collection Of articles gathered during his work in Brazil Mr4. Argyle cldised .the meet., ing with; prayer and the Lenten. nial 'Hymn was 'sung. Lunch `was . served, YOUR. ED (ROSS THANKS YOU FOR YOUR HELP. - EXTRA CLEAN. USED CAR -BUYS MERE 65 OLDSMOBILE. F85 Sedan, • automatic, radio. 63 PONTIAC Sedan, automatic, radio.' .6L CHEVROLET • Two -door hardtop. 61. CHEVROIIET Four -door station wagon. 63 RAMBLER AMERICAN ROUSE AUTO' ELECTRIC CUSTOM SERVICE TO ALL MAKES SUNOCO PRODUCTS WEST STREET The"hews is out! Coats .for spring and Easter have shape, a closer -to -the -body silhouette that stands up to stan`d=out fabrics with lots of surface in- , tergst. See all the news in our coat collection! 1967 INTERNATIONAL TRAVELALL DEMONSTRATOR. Tremendous Savings on this One. 1964 INTERNATIONAL 1100 1/2 -TON PICKUP, 816 ft. box.. Plenty of trouble-free miles here. 1963 INTERNATIONAL 0110. g -TON PICKUP, 7 ft. box. Ready to help with your -spring work. 1964 FORD I/2 -TON PICKUP ,8 ft. box, six cylinder, custom cab, new paint. TWO ,ECONOMY SPECIALS 1961 CHEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICKUP 653 ft. box, 1957 FARGO %-TON PICKUP 7% ft. box. . ;NEED BIGGER STUFF ?' 1964 IJT1ERNATIONAL not) - . Vllyth 9,'6" dump box.- 1964 ox. 1964 INTERNATIONAL ' -187" Wheel base, csilitable for 18' body. 1962 .INTERNATIONAL .17,00 11 ft. dump body. ALL UNITS ARE COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED AND PRICED TO SELL - BLU EWATER * 8 TRUCK CENTRE BAYPIE,_D AD. • GODERICH EMO PO THE ' NOMEN �f GODERICI'I ,ND DISTRICT Now you can protect your valuable woolens EASILY, ECONOMICALLY WITH Mothproof your valuable woolens and fur's with attractive,, a9oniatif supercedar closet lining. You'',tcan buy a package containing 16 sq, ft. for $6.99 this week at'Conklin's. Tongue and groove for ease ,of application. ' ' OEFER EXPIRES •--- $699 MARCH 25, 41 Pre -formed Counter TOPS _:.. 10 ft. and 12 ft. Lengths (Limited Stock) '10 Ft. -- 39.59 12 Ft. — 47.40 5241379