HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-09, Page 11ti a ugar„ And Spice a Just the other night we had a tallt at our Honor Banquet which left me rather perplexed. It was an interesting, at• times exciting, address by one of qui Captains of Industry. No less than the President of one Bill Smiley of our biggest producers of processed foods. A big .cheese,' one might 'say, in the vernacu- lar, American owned, needless to say. Perhaps I should explain what the HApor Banquet is. It's an occasion when the students who have obtained 75 per cent. or more the- previous year are honored, along with their par- ents, Again, needless to say, it is dull. . - There's nothing much to say except that these kids are in the top 25 per cent., which even they can figure out. And the "banquet" rtins more to potato salad, a bottle of milk at each place, and cold cuts, than it does to Falernian wine, Lobster Thetmidor and Baked Alaska. • an . But it's a' gesture, y wa y The athletes get a banquet, with cups, trophies, letters and heartiness. The kids in drama and musicget applause' when they perform. Least -eve can Ido. is honor the bright and Indus- Wank indu -rats Trouble is, "'t,hey don't get` a chance to show, at the banquet, whereo spea .. as Speaker a couple of years ago. What kind of a talk do you give? Well, this, chap, with the best intentions in the world, scared . the wits • out Of the kids. If I'd been Qn the Honor Roll,` 17, in Grade 12, I'd ahave g w 1 • d ht ak out of there, and `.st n'terid swill- ing booze or gobbling sugar cubes loaded with LSD. • This fellow was an honest, hard-hitting, 105 per cent. I capi- talist; im for it. admire.d and a I -don't like pussy -footers., But his. talk was obviously aimed at a sales convention, with sortie how bright and industrious concessions---to--the kits. - they are. Instead, they get a Guest Speaker. This would be enough to keep me from mak- ' ing the Honor Roll. And appar- ently my' .daughter feels the same, as she didn't make it ,this year. Meeti.ngHere March 16-19 . icture 'Of the world theywould take over: population explo- sion; starvation: it's all yours kids. A'•few commercials here, about the' food company. Then he outlined a frighten- ing a pair of alternatives: pro- duceor yoil're out. And he ex- plained, with. a certain amount of., pride, how TUthleSs . an exec ' , utive like himself has, to be,. when someone ° is not up to scratch. (I'm probably being unfair.. He is noted aS a tough, but fair man). He tallied about hitting with 'a. sledgehammer, rather than a feather. He talked about choos- ing goals and pursuing. then First, he painted a horror fiercely. He i'aidlifarif you got - Oriental Missionaries Plan Second problem is, the Guest Speaker feels he must inspire the kids. It's a tough audience. A hundred -odd kids, their proud parents, and 'about f 100 teachers and spouses. 1 amu' Blame Faulty Chimney The Goderich Free Methodist' Church will "be host to the Orient,, - al Missionary Society for their Missions Convention-- March 16- 19, Guest missionary leaders will include Dr, William A. Gillam, Miss Alice I'Luff, and the Revel.. end John T, McHardy. MANY CHANGES In FarmBlaze-Dr. Gillam speaks on the rap. Home . idly changing issues of contem- S2 An early morning fire at the farm home of William Kinahan oh the 9th "concession of . West . Wawanash Township did ex- tensive smoke and water darriage to 'the house Feb. 22; Condider- able' 'fire damage' also resulted from•--the---outbre -which-i5 thought to have been causedfroin a .faulty chimney. The fire dam- age was to an upstairs bedroom and the attic. • Lucknow Fire Department re- ed spondto the alarm shortly after• 7 am,. and succeeded. in . sav- • ./ AttrIty IN ANY LANGUAGE RED CROSS MEANS PEOPLE, HELPING' PEOPLE. ing the house Hfrom destruction. Fire had gained a headway on the 'south side.of the house and had worked its' way-int0 the partition -and. attic. Firemen Used the water on th fire truck and were able to get at the-sour-ce••-of the --fire through a hole in the roof and on the side porary missions out of a back. ground of. thirteen years over. seas nth Latin America. During a period of intense civil strife and religious tension in the .Republic of Colombia, he wit- s riessed , the establishment and. wall. The fire was discovered as the family awakened in the morning. Two of the Kinahan children were sleeping in the upstairs south- east . bedroom where the • worst of the smoke and fire was locat- ed. If the outbreak had occurred through the night, 'the con. ,sequences might v7ell have been much more serious: • VISIT BROT,HE•R„ growth Of a stroll issionary want. As"• -.a: 't'eaeIrer wireiped to strain •Colombian you h fol. the ministry. of dozens`- of churches planted during these difficult,; years. Asa result of a mission to the • ,Republic of Haiti he initiatea steps which led to the acquisit. •ion by the Oriental Missionary Society of. Radio 4 VEH, at Cape Haiterl, in the West Indies. Dr. Gillam is alsd a notedpianist and composer, and will be perform - • .you are 1JIEW-TO-TOWN or' have just.' moved into a new home GO'I ERICH'S, OWN Mr. Colin Patterson, Mrs. G. M., 'Gee 'and Mrs. A. R. Gilliam Brantl:ord, visited -with their brother, John Patterson, Glouces- 1 ter.Terrace who isill in the Alex. andra Marine and General -Hos- pital Goderich on Saturday/ 'MORE and ORE and M DRIVE. OUT AND SAVE R People- ON eople- ON HOME .APPLIANCES, HOME a ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS, CAR RADIOS, TV. ANTENNAS AND SUP- PLIES,'°VACUUM CLEANERS AND FLOOR POLISHERS,. ETC. OUR AIM—To provide you with the best quality, most trouble free products at reasonable' prices. HUT,CH 1 N 50 N RADIO TV 4-- APPLIANCES 308 HURON' RD. - 52• 47831 A • Itt /40011, fh 1047 1.1 • IAUcFIoflce a up Mronday morning, and hated the thought of going to work; you should switch into some- thing, else. He talked about money: giv- ing statistics for annualearn- ings depending on education, from elementary to college de- grcc. Teachers perked up a bit here, when he, said $11,00 for a university degree, and they av erage about $7,000, The point is that everything he said was eminently sensible. If you happened tot be a •sales= man bucking for sales manager or viee•president. But •his talk troubled. me. Change the terms slightly, and at do- you have? It was agatnst everything I believe, and try. ,everything (And don`t be surprised if you hear I've been fired!) 1 don't believe, for example; in efficiency, and having a clean desk, except in a general way. That:is, doing your job. ing during his visit to Godertch. I would find it'extremely dif- Miss Alice Huff is director ficult" to say: "Baxter, your of the Departmmetit ofWorldInter- sales flare slipping. You're cessors of the OMS, and has fired." -,.• organized prayer groups , more There's nothing in this world than 2,0p0, in thrt USA, Canada, that i hate doing more than Britain, Australia, New Zealand, going to work Monday morning. South Africa and Europe; The only goal' I have ever pur- sued fiercely is my wife, when I fell for her. And she's been The Rtv, John T. MclIardy, pursuing mctl ' fiercely ever the Canadian Representative of since• tilt Oriental Missionary Society,, combines his gifted singing. and speaking with a penetrating inter- pretation of the work„of missions in the contemporary scene. `' -Mr. 'Mcifard'y was raised in Northern Ireland, --and in 1944 he left'a•'e •caree-r--asa-footbafi----- ... ----'~.-- - - YOUR 'VACUUM player to enter the ministry, LIc.is a graduate of London Bible Coll- . ege, England, and has c•onductect ' preaching. missions throughout` Europe . and the ,British I les. ENJOY THE • FINEST FOOD AIN, TOWN • Chinese Food, Our Specialty' ALS.O.TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight A.: G�LENER. STORE t1 SEE OUR LARGE .S- ELECTION OF QUALITY, CLEANERS BY EUREKA, GENERAL ELEC. TRIC AND LEWYT BEFORE' YOU BUY., There's room for ,people like• us, friend.' TodaYT .J'ecet.ved-the supreme accelade. Another teacher who uses my room, told me the girls of 10L (and they are no Einsteins) said: "Mr. Smiley lodk8nice. But he sure has an. untidy deslt.” 1 rest con- tent, W. J. Denomme FLOWER a Phone 524- $132 DAY • OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING SOME IMPORTANT TIPS FOR COTTAGE BUYERS FROM HALLIDAY HOMES Save when with an HFC 1�, bhpPay.cashQ P•\ , oppers Loan , ... .q• .. h Need sprang,tbp .. for' . . ourfawil and ' om • Geta Shopper' • Loan from HFC,..Shosj far the , best. values in any store. , r ' j " Save ter, byrepay payin1Hg FO wiahin. , ce;nvie7nt rnlorithly amountsen. get youir Shopper's . Loan .-`.from HHFC14n .1 _..�.. . .... on Drotnplrepaymelil,but donut tnclGdethe cost al life InsLraace ' Ask about credit lite insurance Above payments include principal and interest and are Qased . on loans at low group rates „• AMOUNT LOFmonths $ 100' 300 550 1000 000 2500,1....,, .300 4000 5000 MONTHLY' 60 66 months PAYMENT 16, months 30 ` Inonlhs PLANS 10 months , "11' rmonths $•,,, .. . , .,.. " ,... 111.01 126.26 $ 5. 88.02 T 146.71 i..... . 5772 90.18 108.22 `144.30- 180.37 S• 23.73 41.45' ' - - ' $6,12 18.35 32.86 58.11, , -- '$9.46 28.37 -5 .24 91156 .c...- IIOUSEHOU FINAN GODERICH-�- . . 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 -. (above the Signal Star) ' Ask about our evening hours vow Al • 3 REAL 'COTTAGE VALUE IS':h<.x;:�;.�;.:,,M. MORE_ THAN SKIN DEEP... • BE SURE ,YOU GET ALL YOU'RE PAYING �e OMAR E'—B E$O-It E Y-O-U—BUY !- -.' --.• 11•..\ • It : t„ 11'111% .,11,• 1 ,.1 1, "1•I,Itlr 11111' \.1111, N111.1, '..,II t„1.. ....I,r •ui.,;•,.' t 11t1, ,1 'OW k .0-p,4 tuiii t ah Irl, k ,uii t)fte•n •!Ii•r1• .u, 111,1.1., , it tt♦;,•- .Intl-,t11u•i-u1I: ,•.ir,- Ilia! ,,in Add II mac. ,1- •,t .1,11,n- I„ , h,• „,-t „1 ,,,,kr ,..11.111111, 111,11.1,4, • ()i,, I „I ,' I,,, I, ,1 .II I,,,,,r 1,1 111 111.11 -nit- „•lir 111•••11-. arid , -I\ I,. 11'.0 •.I, Ih•••• \„1,r t'. \„U 1111,-1 b,' -0r1• 111.11 ,11111 l ,,II f„ , „u-tr1<• It•11 •,t' ,,I, ,1'.1111 \ 11„11• rI, l• „ Ili- lot I. built. on ,otlr ,at(sl'tion ..He answer, rill (.1., I i. 1111',: -t,.....1,1‘,1-' 11,.1•- th, ,4n..1,,1 1,,,:. unta lu, 1,t flu,' -t i�u1> w t lie, It,1n;,t \ our .tie:' 1-iou about Irite•ru r finishing? Are you -,Ire \,ni '''•i1//, kno,A ohie , Included'' Will delivery be extra? - !hi,- tit, 11r,Hltlt't-,111r/ Ills' l)el,p/K' Ir hl, s'e// it make you .,,,,lt r Lunt .i Int' y,,,,. better kt,el .lookini; Ask questions. t omit ire n r11r, n .pr, 1/11 u11,1n.. 1)ttn t trust your memory:.. . h1- Tr, ,;,or H,tlb,la\ 'Dealer He 11, es,in ,Uur tuninlu 1,t y. . JUST ONE MORE THING-... ANY MODEL ERECTED ON YOUR LOT IN A -HURRY!! –1 THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A "CHEAP” COTTAGE! YOUR HALCIDAY DEALER INVITES INVESTIGATION. HE KNOWS HIS PRODUCT_C4N STAND TOUGH COMPARISON! . $ $ VALUABLE COUPON HALLII'AY HOM•ES LIMITED 'ISL MAF'( r -AAF N'A M E - • • .; STREET CITY ' - I OWN A LOT E, NO TEAT i,IONE PLEASE. RUSH COTTAGE CATALOGUE! CONTACT THE HALLIDAY The Esquire Huthinson Restaurant Radio — TV •-T Appliance "524-9941” 308 Huroh Rd. 524-765'1 WELCOME SERVICE., ,etould like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your new loca- tion. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. Call hei• at 524-9525 • GRADE 13 STUDENTS ,:. . S' Challenging careers await you with a Science Degree in Agricu'Itijre_-B.SC.(Agr). . Apply now to: Q.A.C., UNIVERSITY'QF GUELPH. • More graduates 'with a, science degree in 'gricurture are needed now • than ever before for careers in: agri-business, research, teaching, govern- service and industj'y. -, a • Specialization is offered by Ontario Agrjciiltural College in: -Animal - 'Science, Plant Science, Agricultural Biology, Agricultural Economics and Business, Resources Management, Soil Science and Landscape Horticulture. . .• Co-operative work plan assists agricultural students to ohtain••empIoy- mesnt,between semester's, a , •.. Stud nts are admitted in 'Apri'l"oli` September. ' • Spring- Admission scholarships of $500 are opefor competition by students with a minimum average of 7.5 percent. • Spring emission is open to students with 64 percent average in Grade 13 subjects and principal's recornmendation. ,September admission requires 60 percent average in Grade 13 i)epart- mental examinations. • For Spring Admissions apply,. if possible; before March 15th. Grade 13 students are invited to seek further information by writing:. Thi Registrar, Ontario Agricultural College, 1lniversity of Guelph, Guefph, -Ontario.... - • University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario ti • 16 BE SURE! GORDON . SMITH 1' GODERICH . a • i~a Tilt St. - 524-8485 COTTAGE DEALER IN YOUR COMMUNITY! . your daughter throWing a giggling; chattering, swinging, vibrating—pajama party in thebasement game room. they'll an take showers. no one will get caught cold. *0 •• , V. • 1 . want to know why?, You ve got a very efficient automatic -gas water heater. No one knows it'sthefe. even ., ' 0 when a whole gang of girls_decide to take , showers and wash their hairand use hot water for all the countless things girls use ., it for Then you thank heaven for it. ° NaturalG•asrecovershotw.atersofastyou , - can handle the whole gang. Because gas ;'• goes"to work instantly. There's no warm- ' up time for a gas flame. It's as hot as it can.' _ • possibly get the- second It's needed So, , the faster the heat, the faster your water - heats up. And that s why your gas water heater delivers hot water at•such an ,i r. exceptionally fast rate. With a gas water.... . heater. no one gets caught cold • So go ahead Live It up .with all the hotwater , • you.ca0 splash in. You can buy or rent an ., automatic gas water heater. , See your plumber deafer, department store, or gas company - ' , . UNION GAS- - . : ' - With qatural gas. you car) iake hot water forgranted. •. . a • 0