HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-09, Page 5Mix ro --1-The--Dungannoa--4'041. their •See011C1 meeting on Feb. ruary 27 at the borne of the leader, Mrs. Ivan RiveltoWith a perfect • attendance of sixteen girls. The meeting opened with the 4,11 pledge and denrionstratiges were given by the assistaiitleader, 14rs. Harry Girvin When. she made Tourtiere and Grrandperes, which were sampled by the girls.It was decided to have white and blue record beek eovers. Yvonne vin cloSed the meeting with the 4-11 creed, . • - Congratulations to 'Patricia Eedy Strathroy 011 passing her grade -; -theory-at the Western dolierUatory , of 'music., Patricia spent the, weekend at the hoMe of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Eedy. ' - Dungannon has taken on a bright -look the • past 'week with the installation, of new flourescent street lights on all streets. , - The syriipathiof the ceinmtmity Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thos Webster in the sudden death of Mr.-Websters'-sister,_1111rs, , ,. William McMillan, the former Blanche Webster, of London. Mr. and Mrs. • Webster attended. the funeral on.Saturday. , Mrs. Paul Heriderson,, Heather and Jennifer and Mrs.- Bruce Mc. Kenzie and Douglas of Windsor .are spending' a couple, of weeks at Mrs, Henderson's residence in. Goderich and visiting relatives in this community.. . . Mr. and Ws. Kenneth McAll- ister of Sudbury were weekend, guests of. Mr. antl Mrs, Mason McAllister and other relatives. There were 16 table's of euchre at theS.S. No. 6 card party. -The ladieehigh winner was •Mrs. -Wil. bur Brown, low, Mrs. Elsie Mc- - Intyre. The men's high went to ---John-Fielderrlowi-Mark-Dauphin,-- Nearest`tirthday to ‘'date, Mrs. Nelson Pearson. The next party - will be March 9. The LOL had -nine tables play. Ing cards at their card • party with ladies' high winner Mrs. Wilbur Brown, second high, Mrs. Russel Alton. Jack Erringtonwas- high for men and Walter Alton _keg*, They _P411 another party on March 17, - - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barker of Ootierichwere a -Cent guests of her aunt, Mrs. Lulu Jones. We are sorry to report that Charles Fowler is a patient in Wingharn hospital with an attack of paeumenia.. , Timmy Hodges, son of Mr. pnd Mrs. Lloyd Hodge§is inWiegham hospital where he had surgery for hernia last Thursday.Prank_EedY .is Spending a:few days With his parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy and was home . for , their '50th wedding Oration. Frank has been assist. Ing in showing 'Hereford cattle at fairs in Arizona, Texas, and Wyouileg during the winter. The February meeting 0!I The The Metter "fluSbanda wo;44, -gt.tssit4-,--Womeik's-7-instiww-was-rath#7pQnottunie to, -an -1111tid3 house an unmade. WA :040 to a cranky wip" was prepared by Mrs. Q,McNee and read Mrs. A, .Blalte4• • G. Conling. Events Colborne Central' Home and School Atsociation 'meeting, . Tuesday, IVIarch 14, at 8:30 p.m. Father's night. Special speaker Mr. J. H. Kinkead. 10, The IVIarCh meeting of Ah- merek...0.11aptec,c,..I.O.D.E. will be- held at the home, 'OrMrs. W. G. • MacEvvan, 44 Albert St. N., at 2:0 p.m, , Monday, Mardi -13. 10 el Plan to - attend the anntial ,y404:-4 .fitiost 'kph as 47, "4306 16, • Ap 4,1good thome -baking and-. r, -a good cup Of teas.will be featur-. ed. Keep this date in mind. • Don't miss the Canadian Cen- tennial Festival, of Mission in North Street United phi:rah and . Hall, Goderich, on Sunday, April - 2, from 11:00 a.m. to 9:000Jm. Outstanding men speak on cur- rent social eancernsin Canada- _ folk mu si c, entertainment; Huron County Youth Choir, dis- play booths and panels: Some- • thing for everyone! ' 9-10 St. Peter's C.W:L. centennial supper, Saturday, March 11; two sittings, five and seven. Tickets an sale, at Denomme Flower Shop for '5 o'clock sitting and Bluewater Cleaners far 7 o'clock sitting. Adults SIM; children 80c. ' 9 Help support the First Gode- rich Ranger Company by attend- ing thein Centennial tea; -'.bazaar and bake sale. In St. George's .4 parish hall,L.--S-aturdayt-Marct llth froni 2 to' 5„, 940 held at the home of Mrs. L, Ivers with Mrs, W. Zinn presisling.She welcorn4 the Visiting ladies and meinlier$. Many different recipes were giVen in,answer to the “Better 'with butter„" . During the business period an invitation was read :rem Blyth W.I. to, attend their centennial. Dinner March 16, Plana were made fora, variety concent to be held Pally in Aprii, committee in charge being Mrs. W. Zinn, Mrs, G. F‘nnigani.IVIiss Iva Carr and -Mrs, G. Fionigan: Further plans were made for the Centennial Book on the Area Schools. THE MESSIAH By Handel With Guest Soloists - 80 -Voice Chir Pro Arte Orchestra SUNDAY EVENING, MARCH 19th STRATFORD 'FESTIVAL THEATRE Tickets: Miss 'Helen Videan' T.I. 524-9659 The,RED CROSS is peopiejuke You Heiping People N, like You -THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown - and family thank each and - everyone of ,you vytho attended - the dance in our behalf on march, 3rd. A special thanks,' is forwarded' at this time to Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank 'Addy, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leddy, and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Andrews. With the help of friends, neighbours, , relatitts And- various SerVice clubs we are now Ole to make a P new stant. The kindness yint • have sent ourway will long be rememberekl. We sincerely 'hope we can in some way repay a 'portion of the happiness you have instilled in us. WESTINGHOUSE FOR TOPS 1 W. Prown;Mrs.,14, lveis • ' COnlingtee to prepare Easter AP • the theme for .this month 1-14:14.1WW.fit&V/Art-Wer!4.Pan1951 Boxes for Shut4ns. was 110.mg....Xo*.t414).,a panel was arranged On the choosingand ore of modern e6ekWare With " "Mrs. C. McNee as ,n)040110nro, She SPokenneldand7mOderae.0019. ware with ‘,ManY. pieces 0140.4. play and lidos and don'ts" or cleaning theta also the different cleaners. • Manlier/A Or the 041144 Were Mrs; V.to-ostainleso Oftti Mrs. Davld ria"keen.;r, 041 Mrs. G. Finnigan 1411101 Miss V Durntnal8osbowedCOrfl� ing Were Percolator. • Alter singing the 9110,044,0 Grace, lunchwas served by the "hostesses in charge and a".$90104 ,halt hour spent. ALI. BRANDS CIGARETTES • WITH. -PURCHASE OF $1;00 OR MORE .365 CARTOP.1 . 59.;), Sales Tax Included REG. 1.25 DRISTAN TABLETS REG. 1.49 DODDS KTDNEY PILLS .... . ...1.29 .99 1.25 VALUE N,PXZEMA SPRAY DEODORANT .. .69 REG. 1.35 - EXTRA PRY FORMULA TAME CREME RINSE 119 REG. 1.49 SUDDEN BEAUTY HAIR SPRAY . . .1.09 REG. 1.49 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC ...... ....1.29 REG. 1*.25- OLD SPICE STICK DEODORANT, -1.09 REG. 1.49 - COLGATE TOOTH PASTE 1.2f ' REG. 1.95 CLAIROL "LOVING CARE" •••,•• REG. 2.25 - THE GENTLE HAIR LIGHTENER CLAIROL ,I.JA/11VIER BLOND 208 REG. 19c - NEILSONS LARGE-CHOCOLA-TE-BARS_Jjor A7 • •••••••••,,,O.,4•.:•::;4i$Kg•ffrii:i:iiiiinW. „ REG. .59 J4CLOTHS 5 GEORGE'S Fifth.Suriday.ip...),sirit-irMirch 12th . , . 8:30 46,10 -Moly Communion. 11:00 a.in.-Morning 'Prayer ,end Sermon. Men,Orial prayerk.for Governor '0144111rat, Vanier at both services , CHURCH SCHOOL "N" 10:00 a.m.-Grades:4 to 9 • 11:00 a.m.-Nursery to Grad. 2 Rector: REV. G. Gv-RUSSELL, BA., °monist and Choirmaster: LORNE H. DOTTERER ' THE UNITED CHURCH OF 4ANADA North Street United Church . Fifth Sunday in Lent -MARCH 12th, 1967 10:00 a.m.-Senior Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Junior Department. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship. LENTEN PERSONALITIES Sermon: (5) "The Penitent Thief." (Supervised Nursery) Sunday, --Baptismal Service. All -Wilcoine Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choir Director Rev. J. Donald MacDoifila' .Sc., B.D, Minister 44. REG. -2.25 RESDAN REG. 1.29 . HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO . .1.12 REG. 1.19 VICKS VAPO RUB .99 REG. .89 -THE FIRST CLEANSING HAIR DRESSING GROOM & CLEAN HAIR GROOMING .69 •REG..98 CURITY BABY POWDER 79 REG. 1.39 - ANACIN TABS ....... .... . . .1.07 itemembertAMPBELLS is a SP-ot" -stgrie- Send In the sales slips for your',Chance on 'the new "Dishwasher" given away -every Friday - 0 Knox Presbyterian Church THE RV. G. LOCKHART- -ROyAL, B.A., Minister Cameron, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MARCH 12th • 10:00 a.M.-Chprch School. • 11:00 a.m.-.---Divine Worship. •Sermon: 'PLAIN 'PEOPLE MEET THE'CHRIST. • • •(6) "With #$ Divorcee." , (Nursery and Jugior Congregation) 7:30 'p.m. -Young People's Society., 1867 - Canada's Centennial of Confederation - 1967 EN -TER TO. WORSHIP • DEPAftrTO SERVE ilf einhart s TV AERIAL AND APPLIANCE SERVICE GODERICH - Tiie-Prettiot Town in Canada Where the sun .sets,twice every nite ' (on the Sf. Lawrence Seaway) The Houta of Friendship 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School -Ali Departmenti.. 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. "AN -UNFORGETTABLE KINDNESS" 1:30 p.m.-.:Benmiller Worship Service and .Sunday Scheel. Saturday, 7:00 p.m. -Young Peoples. ' REV. LEONARD WARit, Minister Mrs. J. Snider• Mrs. Ben Straughan Victoria Organist Benrniller Pianist GODERICH FROSTED FOODS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH •4? Not much. And a professional gambler wouldn't give you a darn for ' the odds. Here's what you save: If you're driving through a small tewn where the business area is on average one mile dong, you save 17 seconds if you exeeed the speed limit by five • miles per hour -say 35 instead of • 30. On the same basis'.you will save one minute and 32 seconds if you drive through a larger town where the restricted limit , is five miles long. On tlie Open,' highway' where the usual limit is 60" Mph, you will save four minutes over 50 miles by driving an average 65. That's what you save. Now, here's what you &add lose': Over 40 percent of all traffic casual- ties last year involved speeding. 1 • In the US, 17,000 people died • and 1,553,800 were injured in -.,,, such accidents. gime you Tire violating the • law, you can expect the law of averages to .catch up with you now and again with a 'Speed- • ing violation. This can be very • serious if.. there is an a.ccid. ent involving human and pro. perty damage and could dedide the case against you. If yo u wouldn't play against a stacked deck, then don't Speed. It's really the same thing. Advt. f}. 'THE BEST USED cARS:- GOOD PRICES - EXCELLENT TERMS AND LARGEST VARIETY IS AT McGEE'S DRIVE INTO SPRING WITH A BETTER USED CAR vnum WINTER STASHED- PRICES ARE STILL IN EFFECT do' 1960 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Sedan; a black beauty with power steering and brakes, swing -out front seats, radio, etc. Must be seen and driven; E85547: Was $1,095. Slashed To $949 1962 FORD GALAXIE Fottr.cloor. This. low mileage car ha i a custom radio and features 6-cyfmder engine with , • stick 'shift. It's a steal: E85521. Was $1.,050. Slished TO $883 1966 PONTIAC' STRATO .CHIEF A lorely tutone beige 'sedan; big 15$ 'h.p. cylinder' with automatic transmission. Beauti- ful car; E83291, Was $2,495. . * Slashed To $2,249 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE" Sedan; 6 -cylinder with automatic and radio. One owner and drives like a top. Could stand a paint job. Just traded in; E82845, Special $849 1965 FORD' COUNTRY SEDAN - Ranch Wagon; big 390 motor, power steering, power brakes, dual range 'automatic, deluxe chrome •roof rack,' whitewalls, positraction, radio, plus a host of other extras. Over $5,200 new Lic. 95086X. Should be $2,695, Slashed To .$2,395 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Hardtop, -in" v -a,' automatic, pOwer dee' ring, " power brakes, radio and whiteW'alls.'You can't go wrong bn a Pontiac; E855302 Was $2,195. Slashed To $1,987 OVER 50 OTHER USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM „men= PONTIAC, BUICK %%JIG& • CADILLAC • GODERICH - HURON' Cd1uNpus OizesT CAR DEALER • 5241391 " PEAMEAL ‘5 HAMILTON STREET BACK BACON,End cut 69 OVEN READY, ROASTING CHICKENS Centre Cut 79C 64.B. AVG. 494C CUT AND WRAPPED - APPROX. 50-60 LB. - • S . 1.13. 59c HIP of BEEF MAPLE LEAP SLItED ,COOKED HAM LB 109 CROWN - CTN. OF 100 BAGS TEA BAGS CULVERHOUSE CREAM STYLE - 19 Oi. •CO RN SCHNEIDERS CRISPY FLAKE Shortening P.E.I. - 50 -LB. BAG POTATOES TEMPLE - JUMBO SIZE ORANGES • 79c 2 FOR 390 (134tist Convention of Ontario Quebec) Montreal Street Neer The Square 10:00 .a.m.---Lsunday School. 31:00 a.m.-Morning Worship. '- 7;90 p.m. -Evening Worship. Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 The Free Methodist Church in Canada Corner of Victoria and Park Streets Rev. A. Ft: Harley, B.Th. - SUNDAY, MARCH 12th • • 10 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Class. • //'11 a.m. .c.:rvice of .Public Worship: _ 7 p.m.-Lvening Worship and Bible Study. /'// Tues.) 6: Crusaders fliiterniediate Youth) 8:0 Growth Group. • " ' CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIEL.D ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: SPECIAL SPEAKER 10:00 A.M.--OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL ° (OUR BUSES WILL CALL AT YOUDOOR) PHONE: 524-7150 11:00 a.m.-Preaching Service. 730 p.m. -Preaching Service. "Come,1Nhere You .Are Never A Stranger Twice UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH , 62 Cambria Road North 9:50 a.m.-Sunday School. • 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. p.rn.--,Evangelkstic Service., • PraierMeeting - Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock • SAMUEL M. MILLER, Pastor "A Welcome Awaits You" rai• mmonmehrommormorrolemaoramo. 'DOZ. 49c OPEN EVERY DAY .UNTIL 6 P.M. OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner 04 Elgin and Waterloo Sts. • REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 12th 1060. a.m.-Sunday School Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. -Evangelistic Service. Each Sunday, 5:30 p.m., hear Jick West over Station CH -L0, St. Thomas