HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-02, Page 11Clifferd McCartney In Detroit for Goderieh Town. Ship natiVe Cliffs:1rd McCartney, 73 who died suddenly Friday at jos hhme in DetrOit. *str. McCartney vias a son of the lite Fletcher Mcqartney end Age. Una Tebbtitk Ile „was an eleCie Besides his wife, the termer tllipt. 50n, Clifford, D'etroit; ' two daUghters, Elizabeth,. Detroit; • . Mrs. -Edward (Mary Irene) Lein. asmiy, PetrOit; three brothers, Lane). Goderich; liarvey,,,r, God, erieh Township; Ernest, Dods. land, .Sask.; two sisters, Miss Evelyn; Mrs. Mayetta Anderson, Detroit. fliurlar, was., in White Chapel Cemetery,,Detroit. William John Evans A member of a vanishing trade, - William -John EVans, -71, of 77 Napier St., a blacksmith, died .Feb. 22 in Alexandra Marine and General llosPltal, 4 Mr. Evans was born- at Sea. birth, son of William .Evans and He was a Member of the Holy Name Society of St. Peter's Roman Catholie Church. , He is surylVed by a son, John coderiCh Township; three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Ma:ry) Paul's Delivery Owned and Operated, by Pitul Spain Local Hauling ANYTIME For. Information CALL 524-9469 -CAR- - RADIOS_ obituaries.: Le Main, Don Mills; Miss Mar. ' gOet MIAs Patricia!, both Mrs. Marguerite 13emi, Toronto. Requiem mass was celebrated Saturday by ReV4 Raymond Mop. nahan at SI. Peter's Church and burial was in CiAbornegoinan Catholic Cemetery. Pallbearers, Were James., -Wilkinson, CarlSch4 neicker, Norman Bowler, Leslie Pitblaclo, Leo Tevlin and D. A. Stiinson. Lodge Flineral Home was in charge'of arrangements. Mrs. alit F.isher Hotton, 80 of 112 Victoria St N died Sat. urday at her horhe. Mrs. Hotton was the former Petra Lundteigin, born in gslo, Norway, datighter of the 1ate Ole Lundteigin and Marie Foss. She was married in Union City, Mich., lune 13, 1912;,_ anitwas a - member of the Congregational Church in Union City and Knox Presbyterian Church in boder. • Besides her husband, Mrs. Hotton is, survived by two sons, Andrew, Belleville,- Mich.; Rob. ert, Battle Creek, Mich.; three sisters, Mrs. play (Hedvig) Tun. devoid, Mrs. Nils (Agnes) Neil. sen and Mrs. Margit Moen, all Union city. A funeral was held Wednesday' in Union City and burial:was in Riverside Cemetery, Union City. , The death .occurred- Chats ham Hospi,tal on.Feb. 24 of Miss vel,yn I. Mao Naughton. MisS MacNaughton had beep a member Of the Go erich District Colleg. iate Insti te staff for 32 years prior to her retirement in 1963. She is survived by a sister, Miss Jane MacNaughton, and a brother Reg, with:whom she lived, lincl another sister Mrs. IQ; Ma. Garvin all of Harwick TOwnship, Kent County. Attend HOLMESVILLF—Members of ed the Huron Presbyterial in Wingham last Tuesday were Mrs, II, Miller, Mrs. E. Grigg, Mrs. L. pond, Mrs. W. Norman, Mrs: S. Farquhar, Mrs. G. Ginn, Mrs. 13. Walter, Mrs B. Whitley, Mrs. F. McCullough and Mrs. L. Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter visited Mrs. Clara Shaddick, of Luclulow, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Barry Pipe and daughters London spent the week. end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruce Norman is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. iCorre By failing to fill ln Thineptne -tax slips correctly employere May be depriving theironiployeeer benefits, reports H. 1.1, Vair, director, Kitchener district tax,. ation office. Employers must provide T4 slipS to each of their employees showing earnings, tax deductions utions. A° copy must be sent ,to the Kitchener districtoffice for • We are finding a large munber ,T4'A incorrect," -said Mr. Vair, ‘!_We simply have,.lioclibite 1,!ut to send them back to erriploy. ers and ask them to re -check their records. An. employer can avoid this by following the instructions in his employer's tax guide, "It is particularly iniportant for employers, for example, to record their employees/ Social Insurance Number p correctly: This is the key to benefits under the Canada pension Pla,.n.” 13ake Sale Planned Members 6f Beta Sigma Phi Sorority rnet Feb. 21. at the,home Mrs. John Sturdy and Mrs. • ;Michel Lalonde presented the topic, The Artist's Landscape. Plans , were made for a bake sale to be held on March 4 at Denomme's Flower Shop., -Ref. eshments followed. ckey e,ceive wasids Gilderich residents were among Ariv'ers toy Quenther Tuckey Transports Ltd. who re. banquet in Lucan Friday, Joe Rumig received a 10 -year award, George De Jong. %Near: Richard McWhinney, 4.year; Don Phillips, 2.year; Lewis Erb and Aleut In drivers and their wives from. Ooderich, Exeter, London and Toronto attend0 the' PORT ALBERT Mr. and- Mrs. Gord Martin, Annaceap, Jim Paul ahd Mrs. Dave Martin, 'Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sproul and, fam- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Teschke, Valerie, Gerald, Mary, Glen and Elaine, of Desboro, visited with Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Hoy and boys' on Sunday. Mr. Mervin -Hodges is a pat - tent " iri Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Personal Mr.and Mrs. Jack Price and son Stephan, Pittsburg.)Pa., have returned home after visitingwith the former's parents Mr.and Mrs. Fred Price, Waterloo Street. dinner which was follow.ed by' a TranSport Safety Association, and the awards were presented bk the company president 13. W. Others Receiving awards were, inson; 9 -year, 'Gordon Appelton; 8 -year, Larry BaynharnOlyear, Benson Edwards, Pev. Skinner, Cecil Smith, GO,,rdon Prest.,914'0,* year, John Ma.dge; 5.year,Seldon -Nichols, Lolle '(Hob) DYIsstra; 4, year, Harold(Tiny) Thiel; 3 -year, Ron Anderson, 'Ross Parsons; ' 2, -year, Wilmer Adkins, Toni- Voerrnan, Reid Hackwell; 1 -year Lloyd Hoy, Glen Irvine; Marvin McAdams, Robert Nicholson, El- don natal's, Jack Harvey, Dermis Martin,and-Dab McLeod. Dead Animal REMOVAL Vor dead and ditiabied. call collect Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. cm'c° • Phone 482-7269, Clinton Dead animal licence number 350-C-65 4t1 BIG ONOM,* RAIL FAR:ES FOR INFORMATION CALL US . ;: 0 R A CN AUTHORIZED tRAyeL AGENT, ei* A___p A T • ON HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH DINNERS Fine -Quality Groceries! ho I9MATO ' JUICE S 00. ,,Te9.0.ET , TISSUE.Th Pkg'c) a - p ..FARAGU$ :TIPS - i E #1 s tk , a In I d r Liquid TH.PORK ' S IL , DETERGENT. ...) ' A. ,J Jane Parker Large Size Jane Paricer — ."%\ j "")I . 12:41i zt.08:: • 1 .4 ANGEL . CAKE EACH C AC 48 -fl -oz !ins CUSTOM & uNDEA DASH RADIOS'FOR ALL MAKES__ STEREO TAPE, PLAYERS ECHOMASTER REAR SEAT . KITS -Hutchinson 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 OUr Own7Breaded Chicken „THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL French Pastry Included With All Dinners .CANADA'S CEIVTEN14IAL uSED CARS StAVIi\IG DAYS SPECIALS co co co ofe • tit Cib HURopi UTOMOTI AND SUPPLY 263 HU4ON RD. GODERICH; ONT. PHONE: 524-6211 Looeo- oN 4-- A or.. CO IrAgrAV CS) AVA 1illrA , .,.. b, ..,.., se kiContesle Sales Representative, George 'Cutler People who have discovered there is more ,to a Food Store than me_ets th e Peopie who have -discovered the advantage of- shopping .at a store - that is fair, honesi, and dependable. People who have learneci how nice it is everything they.sell, no matter who: makes it. Peopile who want to be sure they'll never miss out on tin advertis'ed special. People Who are concerned about their Shouldn't A&P be your store? • ROCK CORNISH eye. FEATURE PRICE - rolls 2 14 -41 -oz tins 3 5c 3 9. 24 -ft -oz plastic btl' C Jane Parker B,REA ,Cracked Wheat Reg. -Price loaf 24C — SAVE To 3 24 -oz loaves 6.5, GOOD BUY' A-1 S-AFE BUYS GRADE Auk 18 OUNCE MINIMUM . WEIGHT -SAVE 1-0c ADDITIONAL 15c --- 6 or $4.59 LUiURY EATING AT A&P LOW PRICES " 1966 Rambler , rordor Ambassalclor 990, V-8, kewower steering; like new. 1966 Chryqler povier brakes, power steer - 1966 Coniet miles. 1965 Mercury, Montclair Fordor, V-8, auto- matic, Power brakes, power steering, power back 19g4 Falcon FOrdor, 6, standard. Economy car. 1964 Ford- 'Custom Foird,or, V-8, auto- matic, radio. One-oWner, 1964 Studebaker 1943 Mercury dio, power brakes, power , steering, power bail( window. One owner. E MAPLE LEAF PURE JRAY PACK lb SX BRAND ' 12 -oz Wagon, V-8, overdrive, heavY duty suspension. fL 1964 Studebaker Fordor, V-8,. standard, radio. • 1966 Mercury V-0, automatic, radio, power • 1963 Corvair Monza, bucket seats, four on Fordor, hardtop, six -cylinder, automatic, radio. 1962 CheirOlet QUALITY SLICED Fordor, 6, automatic. Good Two 1961 Fords 1960 Dodge, Tudor, 6, standard. Fruits and Vegetables! Mexican, Firm FULL LINE OF MERCURY, METEOR, COMET, FALCON AND COUGAR AND MER- CURY TRUCKS. MEliCURY METEOR -- COMET — FALCON — COUGAR Chicken •Turkey.Beef Huron Automotive 1.11. :$upply. IN This AD 'GUARANTEED THROUGH SATUR6AY,