HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-03-02, Page 1„•
120th YEAR — NO. 9.
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Navy's Centennial Contribution
Destroyer Nipigon To Visit
Goderich will be the only port
on the east sore of Lake H n on
to be. visited -by a war ship this
summer as part of the Royal Can-
- ---.ardian-Navy's•Fcontribution•-toGen•--
tennial celebrations.
They destroyer HMCS Nipigon
will be in port here from l p.m
Aug.. 8- until • 7 a.m. Aug. 11.
The, Nipigon and the HMCS
Kootenay will, --make 32 visits
to Canadian ports during July
and August. They will be opento
the public for tours and dem.
The. helicopter destroyer Nip.'
igon was commissioned arSbireI,
Que, on May 30, 1964. Madame
.Vanier is the ship's sponsor.
The ship incorporates a hangar
and flight deck in her initial
construction and is also equipped
with the Canadian designed and
two jet engines and carries hom.
ing torpedoes as well as sophist-
icated submarine detection equip. -
The new I3jipigon, named after
the northern Ontario river, is the
second ship to bear this name'in
the RCN: A Toronto.built steam
Bangor served between 1941.1945,
as a mine sweeper and convoy
Wants To Assess Churches
built variable depth sonar. She
will operate the all-weather Sea
King helicopter in an anit.sub-
marine ,role. The Sea King 'has
escort vessel. She was refitted Mr. Grebby said.'' Robinson, •
and turned over to Turkey in He said OHC received44 res- Coun. Bruce Erskine wanted
The ..average wage earner in "f the average earning is
Goderichy,.,cannot .afford to buy $3,501 a year I would take =it
twheas. avtoeraldge houseThursd
, townayby couan,ncil literally I would assume •Onta'r,lo
last On• Housing Corporation would trove
tario Housing Corporation stat•
in here aad'build us anewow",
istician. said Coun, Robinson: He said
John Grebby said that theaver. there ars persons earning more
age wage in Goderich of $3,501'
a .4/ear does not have sufficient
purchasing power for houses.,
which .average in price from
$15,000 to $17,000. •
Mr. Grebby brought a recom.
mendation from QHC for con.
structign of an additional 22 pub.
licly.owned rental housing units
in Goderich. Twelve would be
for families and 10 for senior
The - recommendation follows
a study of rental housing in God-
oderich made October toDecember
by OHC ..,at the request of town
council. �° had presented a comprehensive
"The results of this survey report .and rec"ommendation and
indicate a need and demand for that he.. appreciated the work,.
Housing Ontario units "I'm' just trying to get infor.
in the Town of Goderich " motion from him " said Coun
than the stated average wage now •
living in the presented ..65 con.
trolled -'rental housing "units in
Goderich and many earning the
average living elsewhere.
"bid, they respond to the quesi.
ionnaire?" asked Mr. Grebby.
Coun. Robinson returned to the
attack. "We have a. number of
housing projects in Goderich and
30 per cent of the persons liv.
ing in those houses are not in
the low income bracket."
Mayor Dr. Frank Mills
interrupted on behalf of Mr.
Grebby. He said the statistician
• •
1957 under the NATO Mutual Aid • ponces from 75Qprivacy
program., Her wartime reward questionaires talk; moved into, the of
a distributed to tenants in town. committee - of . the. whole for
was the battle honors: Atlantic
a.-detection_and dQstxus;tiQn_ 1?--19-211119-457"
w-.�.._y .These and the apALications.oxtiile m. � ee' diseussiun.''.Council.kied�
ability which multiplies the -15417'9'4 "
radius of effectiveness of helico-
pter destroyers against the most
modern submarines.
More than nine tons in weight,
the , Sea King helicopter. has a
crew of four. I t is powered by
SchOOIs, etc. .
Plans are underway for the
community of •Nipigon to adopt
this ship' during her stay in On.
tario. The Nipigon is.commanded
by Commander John B. C. Carl.
ing CD, 42, of Ottawa.
Robinson. Proposes Garbage Charge:
Coun. B. R. Robinson's bid to erty not being assessed for gar later added the post office and the
have tax-exempt properties in bage collection. hospital.•
He said 2.5 mills are ass-
essed other properties in town
for garbage collection, and he
asked for a bylaw to put. the
same -charge against the pro.
perties presently exempt.
town start paying for garbage
collection, ran, into stiff debate,
but was not rejected out of hand
last Thursday.
.The proposal has been sent
to the finance committee for
It was Coun. WilliamSchaefer,.
° chairman. of finance, who called
. for an end to the debate. He
said Coun. Robinson's motion -
for which he gave notice the prev-
ious week . .be either seconded
or dropped. •
Coun. Robinson told council
that 'the town has more than
$2,000,000 in assessable pro.
Mayor Dr. Frank M,llls asked
-- -what--properties Coun. Robinson
was speaking about.
"I'mof in a.position to detail
the ' •said Coun. Robinson.
" a corporation officers know
.what they are.."
Pressed for more details, doun.
Robinson mentioned the court-
house, jail, museum; registry
office,• schoolds, • churches and
Walter Thomas•, of Stratford, shows the style of comic 'skating
he will entertain with at Goderich Memorial Arena as between
periods Ieviti Saturday. Thomas is a former. Goderich resident.
Proceeds go to Crippled Children.
Shrinking Enrolment
Shuts School n Doors
The GcKlericn NurseryScnool
closed Its doors `clots week Ot Y
four years' service to preschool
children in the dommunity.
Mrs. O. J. Woltetbeek. who
operated the private , school in
McKay" hall, said declining att.
endance was the reason :for the
school closing.
There ^ followed a warm
exchange in which Reeve Her-
bert Such asked Coun. Robinson
to "spell it out." And Coun.,
Robinson said ••Reeve Such had
been sitting on council_long
enough- to know what he„( bin.
son) was talking about.
Coun. Robert Hays asked how
much Coun. ,Robinson expected in
revenue. The answer was $6,000
to $7,000. _ _ ,
Mayor Mills attempted to halt
the talk because Coun. Robinson's
motion had not been seconded.
However, Deputy. ' Reeve Harry
Worsell rose to say that all
courthouse garbage is;. burned.
Nobody is going to second a
She said she regretted having
-to make the decision. "I loved
it," she said.
Mrs Vfolterbeelc said she
-started this past season with
19 • pupils and was do rn to 13•
when she decided to close the
school. Classes were held three
mornings a week.
,motion when they don't know
'what they are tall,ng about com-
mented Reeve Such.
Coun. Robinson resented that •
attitude. He said he gave,
of motion -to givecouncil the opp=•
ortunsty to. investigate .his pro.
posaL • ..-
Coun. Hays. said he a would not
second The Vmotion because—WV
did not want the garbage collect-
. ion charge made against schools
and churches..
All land in Goderich is tax.
able said Coun. Robinson and read
a letter from a lawyer to backup
his contention.
Reeve Such said there should
be some clarification of the
matter, "before it becomes too
involved even for Coun'. Robin-
OHA Plans Group ° •Revisions
By R. J. Madge
Goderich Siftos • will return to
Junior 'B' hockey next season.
The decision was madeat a meet.
ing of the Goderich. Booster Club
which operates the team.
The .Siftos will seek re-entry
to the Western Junior 'B' League
after an absence of five seasons.
Four of these were spent in Cen•
"`tral Junior 'B'.
.h V
"I'm not, -in too deep , ". snapp-
- ed Coun. Robinson. "I may be a
rookie but not as much of a
rookie' as some who are quest.
Toning my acts."
He said he was merely try-
ing to find a ,source for funds
so the town could relocate the
dump. He mentioned the offer,
-- received -at -the- -sarrre- meeting,
from the Ontario Water Resour-
ces Commission, offering assis.
tance to relocate the dump.
Reeve Such said' he was not
questioning the councillor's in.
tent, but he believed Coun.
Robinson had not read far enough
in the Assessment Act.
Coun. Schaefer called it'quits
on a point of order. Coun. Rob.
inson's motion was lost, but the
idea is still alive. .
with Goderich Housing:Authority_ on the vote but the .mayor broke
were the basis for the recom.
.mendation. _
"There were 44 respondents to
the survey of whom 20 werefam.
ilies • and 24 were „• senior
citizens," Mr. Grebby reported.
"Of the 20 families, 16 were
.contacted and eight were found to
be very interested and in need
of better accommodation. Of1he
24 senior citizens , 18 were
contacted and six were found to'
be yery interested and needy."
No capital' outlay will be re-
quired from the town Mr, Grebby.
said. The only expense the town.
might face is 7 1/2 per cent
of the annual operating loss—
Ivir. Grebby, said he could give
no figure fah. this,'but expected,
'!It • will not be -anything too sub •
He said council merely has to
pass a resolution asking O"HC
• to proceed to put the recommend-
ation into. action. ';It is possible
. your worship we could get these
units constructed in nine
the , tie in • favor 9f keeping the
atsct si+an in public. Qoun. .-
tam •Schaefer's motion to,refer
the matter to next council meet.
Pgivinz the :members an opp.
ortunity oto study the 33•page
report was accepted.
Coun. Robinson was nn 11011
He asked for council .to meet
with the Goderich Housing Auth.
orityy to discuss present open.
"Pm- not in favor of the pre•
sent o eration and I'm not going,.
to be b part of continuing it,"
Coun. Robinson said.
Council agreed -to, meet the
If council ascus the. 011e
proposal the -rental situation here
would .gain four two.bedroom
units, six three.bedroom units
and two four-bedroom' units..
for families. For senior citizens
there would be eight bachelor
units and two one -bedroom units.
Mr. Grebby said 'the family
units would be built in various
locations to avoid a "ghetto dew
elopment"' while those for
_. _sPiliS2rs w4]llfl b�. ketit-close to
the centre of town.
Announce Exhibition
Hockey Personal
Line-uis for the Centennial
exhibition hockey'- game at God.
erich Memorial Arena'Saturday
have been announced.
The Louzon Flyers will ice
Gerry Ginn, Ken Doig, Jim Hay-
ter, Jim Bisset, (Skipper) Bruce
MacDonald, (Blotidie) Bruce Mac.
Donald, Bob Aliin,- Bill (Porky)
Newcombe, Don Warren and•Har.
'ol.d -Warren. . -
The -midget Sailors will play.
Ron Williamson, Bill Iritzley,
Gary Stoddart, Frank M;1ler, Don
Jeffrey, Bill Gallow, Don Mc.
Arthur •B.udEred
• Isra-els, Stan Fenner, George
Picot, Barry Stewart, Bill Queen
- and Ed. Irvine Jr.
. The _ program .ogens_lith. _the
Win Jammers — music man,
music- '2 then the first
at 8. p.m. Judo exhibition at
8:20 and more - Win . Jammers
followed by 10 door prizes and
another period of hockey.
The Win Jammers hit it again
at 9:05 and Walter Thomas 'the
comic skater from Goderich will
perform. The third period of
hockey, follows more door prizes.
Prize door prizes- are hockey
sticks autographed - by ''Boston
Bruins from Gary Doak,Toronto
M..aple Leafs Qm._Larry..Leffrey
• and Detroit Red Wings from Paul
• Mr. Grebby ran into stiff quest-
months," he said. = •' derich Collegiate Enters
wanted to know what income Area Drama -Competition',
s •
„Toning from B. R. Robinson who
limit wouI'dbeforpersonsto
rent a ,family unit.
It can go up tb $5,000 or more
• the statistician replied.
Seek B Loop Re-entry
Last season, the Siftos com-
peted in the Western Junior 'C'
Secretary. manager Bill Hanley
of the, OHA has assured Sifto
officials that some revision of
the groupings of the Western and.
Central Junior, 'B' Leagues will
be necessary •for next season.
Both leagues operated with five
teams this year. ,
The Central League consisted
o f Kitchener,. Greenshirts;
Waterloo Siskins, Stratford
Braves and St. Marys Lincolns,
and Owen Sound Greys. The West-
est.ern League was composed of
St. Thomas Barons, Sarnia Leg-
ionnaires,- Chatham Maroons,,
London Bees, and the Strathrby
Rockets. •
The possibilities for next sea. ,
son may include the formation -
of one league from the two or' an
interlocking schedule between the
two leagues.
Goderich fansaremember well
the Siftos' years in the Western
League, expecially the last one
in 1961.62 when interest ran so
high that 2,300 fans,jammed into
the local• arena, buil t to seat
"Parking Problems
Mayor Orders Enforcement
Goderich police have been in•
dieted to_enforce all town
bylaws • Mayor Di' -Frank Mils
told council last Thursday.
4'I have instructed the chief
to" act upon all standing by.
laws in every respect," the
mayor .said. • ..
He said the Ontario Municipal
Act. makes it the .duty -of a mayor..
to see that bylaws are enforced.
Mayor Mills saidhe discussed
the r cent case of a n, Elgin.d
Avenue resident, who received.' "h
ticket for parking his a car be-
tween the travelled part of the
road and his own property, with.
members -of -the_ police_.com miss.
"It is their. opinion that there
is no room for discretion at any
level," the mayor reported. He
CTP Issue
{ Automobiles parked along high.
'ways— and roads are obstructing
traffic and snow removal reports
the Goderidh detachment of the
OPp.• c.
Cpl.- A1. Hardy said the detach.
ment has . received numerous
complaints about the manner in
which cars are parked. .
He warned that cars can be
towed away and stored at the
owner's epense. they also run
said the commissioners said any
bylaw should be enforced.
Previously, some members of
council • have ,argued that the
police should have used judgment
before they issued the ticket_
The resident had been attempting
to get his car off the road although
faced with snow i -his driveway
council was told. ,
Coun. B. R. Robinson askedthe
ipaytor what the bylaw defined as
the travelled portion of the road.
Mayor Mills ruled it was out.
side council's order to discuss
the matter, that it is a matter
of court jurisdiction.
"If another case like this
comes to fily attention, if l have
to pay fore it myself, I'll talce.it
to court," vowed Coun. Robinson.
,s Warns
the risk or being involved• in a
hit-and.run accident.
Cpl Hardy said no charges
ave been laid, but warnings have
b en issued,,
liee-said police realize the diff.
iculties faced by rural residents
during periods of heavy snow.
-However, cars parked near the
travelled - part of the road are
creating a hazard for other traffic
he said.
Cut Dog
Tag Price
The price of a dog tag in God,
erich may be reduced to the min.
imum allowed by the Dog Tax
and Li . Stock ,Protection Act.
Cour. Robert Hays said an
amendment to the bylaw would
place the dog tax' 'at $2• for •a
male and $4 for female . For
each additional male the cost
would be $4 and for each addit.
ional female $6,
It is planned to give a refund
to between 26 and 30 persons who
purchased 1967 dog tags.`
Earlier Goderich and District
Labor Council had protested the
12 -month confinement of dogs at
the present dog tax rate. It•said
the money was not being used
for what was intended and dog
tax payers were getting ,nothing
for their money.
* * *
Coun. Robinson offered his con.
gratulations to the new officers
in the labor council.
"•I think they are -to be highly
commended on their new look,','
he said.
On his suggestion council app:
roved a letter to the labor body
offering "continued cooper.
• e,tion,'�
about half that number., fora play.
off contest against St: Thomas
In their last year in the Cen.
tral league, 1965.65, the Siftos
went' to the finals agianst the
Kitchener Greenshirts.
The new executive of the Boos.
ter Club for the 1967-68 season
ncludes: pf esident and general
manager Jim Wilkinson, y ce.
president Bill Rivett, secretary.
Erma Rock, manager 'and trea-
surer. Harry Kerr, publicity dir.
ector Richard Madge.
The third annual Collegiate
Drama Festival for the Huron:;
Perth district will be held at
'Stratford Northwestern Second-
ary School on Saturday.
'The three schools are God-
_erich District Collegiate Instit.
, Schools Plan .
Open House
• Education Week, . Maych 5 to
11, will be marked inoderich
by series of Open Houses at the
public elementary schools.
They start at Victor Lauriston
School Monday .7 to 8 p.m., Rob-
ertson Memorial on Tuesday and
Victoria Wednesday .at the same
times. •
Featured will be student de.
monstrations in physical educ.
ation, music and art.
ute, Stratford Central -Secondary
School and S tratford Northwest.
ern Secondary School.
Goderich Collegiate will pre.
sent Man In The Bowler Hat by
A. A. Milne; Stratford Central
will do From Their Own Place
by Merrill Denison and Strat. ••
ford Northwestern will present
Sunday Costs Five Pesos'by Jos. �.
,ephine Niggli.
The school winning the Best _
Play award will be invited,<,;;��
participate in the regional com-
petition of Simpsons -Sears On.
tario Collegiate Drama 'Festival,
to be held in Kitchener -on April
8. Other district winners corns
peting at that time will be from
Kitchener -Waterloo and Brant.
ford. The winner ot-fthe regional
competition will go on to par.'
ticipate in the Ontario Finals
. being held at the University
of Waterloo Theatre of the'Arts
on May 5 and 6. - —
They.weht which •iiiay? Clem Jutras
appears' uncertain of directions being
by. Sam Argyle (left) -and Mayor D.
(centre) Mills (right). Jutras was Competing in Cieigie-
given rich's Rotary's snowmobile rally at Malt»
Frank land Country• Club Saturday.
Photo by Howard Aitken
q , n