HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-02-23, Page 9es • iarton\ It was quite a b1o+ to me to read recently that the Wtarton Town ?all had been. destroyed • by fire. Admittedly, the Batas• trophe didn't rank with Hirosh- ima, 01' the San Francisco ' ' earthquake; er, even Hurricane Smiley Hazel, 'but it hit me , pretty hard. It was. -rather like.seading of the sudden death of an old girt friend, You knew she had gone to fat and drink. But you could remember when, at her best, she was theheart of your life. A lot of personal memories came crowding back when I read about- it. That ugly old building with the shaky bell tower on top was one of the hubs of my existence for more than a decade at a special time ,in my life. It was when I was young and my family-w-as-•young•and I• was 0 learning the •newspap*l" busi- ness. I didn't have a° mistress. 11 didn't •hang around the pubs. I didn't take part in all-night poker.. sessions, I just .went to the town hall. I spent . more nights in its council °chamber, crouched over the rickety press table, than.I did. with my.fami. "\ -ly. ;On more than one 'occasion, my spoufe4 a tender young wife and mother,displayed psp cl;oneurotic tendencies toward the old town hall. At least twice she suggested .1 movea cot into the council chambers, and not bother darkening her bedroom door. local cash; and soinle of us are still anemic.` But a lot of good, positive work was done there, too. The commercial fisherrrrelrl', the farmers, the re -sort owners and the merchants �rrtet ' there, fought with each " others, but emerged, -united in eaeh�.t ase, to fight for their.exi Oce, and thea ent of t e b tterm he area. a Another' function of the council chamber was that of court -froom. This was one that I didn't .mild seeing: g� by : in smoke. It's the only time the council chamber smelled.ban — on court day. Most of the time it . smelled dusty, waxy, and ci- I'h bet 1 attended more than a thousand meetings in that town hail. It was the only non- denominational' meeting -place in town, and it 'Was there that great causes were launched and collapsed; that political careers • were begun and ended; that hu- man triumps and tragedies were recorded. And 1 was in on all of it. It was a regular breeding- ground- for lost causes and .last- diteh • hat.Xles. We fought such behemoths as the CNR and. the government; we lost. We bat- tled to salvage moribund indus- tries with heavy transfusions or urns, gar-smokey and just• plain old. But on court days, it stank: hangovers, puke, 'fear, shamei curiosity and the law, But that was only one art of the old town tall, Across fro rr the coungl1 chi ber was the auditorium, . And. what memo, lies .ries that brings back. Concerts, . N • -plays, recitals, dances and punt -- ice) meetings. It even had a balcony where elderly ladies could .-watch the Sailors Fare- well Dance in comparative .safe- ,ty, Our children made their pub- . lie debuts there. I'll never for- get the night Kim, age three, Oderich . Rot�r FlAarks Anniverary dressed ip a bunny .costuml.e,. spotted me in the audience, burst out of the dance line, and hurled herself into my arms. Or the night Hirgl, ,,about nine, won, the grand prize in the?music festival, 'even though 4 ' two, of the notes •on the piano did. not sound., Or,thg night I was an utiwit• . ling sucker .in an elaborate practical .joke,' at a concert.. 1 was to pretend. I was playing a trumpet solo, while ,a real trumpeter played .the piece off; tage. He double-crossed me. yours matron in the usual fashion. Not from her. Frani my wife. Town halls, those great, ugly., .Warned the .a•uclience what was going to ,happen. and when , 1 went igto my routine. no sound.' Felt a fool.;' Or the nights the old girl and i stumbled.- through our --lines w`. ith the local • little theatre group. Or the•great New Year's ;,i ve dances, , when ; 'the whole. town was out, flying. Got sock. in the eye at One of,them when 11 Auld,Lang-Syned 3 ;pretty Letter To The Editor Sir: • Today ,the Rotary Club of God. • each business and•profession, the In reply to a letter you publish- erich will mark the 62nd anniv. club represents `a cross-section ed last week,'\please accept the ersary of the founding of Rotary, of the comm_ unity's vocations. following; ' th e oldest of the service clubs Richard L. Evans of Salt Lake Dear "Puddles",• in Chicago, Ill., Feb. ' 23, 1905. City, Utah, president of Rotary • I read your letter in last week's International, outlined a 1Q. oint "Signal Star".. You'- sound like � in a civilized community any At twlie regular weekly meeting ' p a nice do and I am -sure selfres ectin dogtakes his walk program for Rel clubs every. gYom' P g' Qn Tuesday.the local club had where at the boning off his ' master is a fine person, but I on a' leash held by, someone who .- a birthday cake, a , am sort t o say t cares enough. year last d�l. It includes ex• Y y hat' T"'do not He feels, sorry for Announcing the milestone, Dr. tending Rotary to' new commun. agree with you about dog free. Frank Mills, president ofthe Wes; aiding youth, developing dom. local 'Rotary club, said, ' "The friendships across nationalbord. A farm dog has the freedom really love Trim we keep -him for ourselves. We do not embarrass our dogipy allowing him to force his company in places where he is not wanted. Our dog is ayoung Dachshund who has learned that • . • Rotary Club of Goderich,is:link. ers, and "doing.., something for of his master's wide fields. When ed with more than 12,600 other someone somewhere." - • dogs (and people) live in a com. M.rs • T o un gbiu f ' Given Rotary chubsin134nationsaround Mr . 'EvansRotary's -world munity such as a town they un. the world. Rotary meetings mark. leadr for 19.66.67, i s a radio derstand that naturally their freL• •ung this anniversary will be held broadcaster: Since 1930 he has dam is more limited, as they can - in, many languages, including narrated, written and produced not live well without consider. �' Nie1/1��iE'/"S�1/ Arabic Danish Finnish French "Music and the Spoken Word" ung others too AUBURN- Mrs. Major Young. blut last Thursday was presented with a Life Membership Certif. • --• icate---in-the--W pmari's-ission- ary Society of 'the Presbyterian Church }by. Mrs. Edgar.,Lawson, Mrs. Wes BradnockthankedM,:s.. Youngblut for her,W MS work and also thanked Mrs. Lawson who had n'iade this possible. • Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, pre. sident of the Auburn WMS was .in_charg�eof the mPPttngwith Mrs Donald llaines at the piano. Mrs. Sanderson 'welcomed the guests. The minutes were accept., ed as read by the secretary, Mrs.' Alvin Leatherland. Plans "Were made for the Easter Thank offering °March 9 when members of the other churches in the village will be invited, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips played a piano solo of a medley--of-favor.,-favor ite hymns. The roll tall was answered by a Bible verse be.. ginning with E . carrying out the ,MI tennial theme.. Mrs Donld Haines was in ge of 'the study book and in interesting way told the• his. t ory of the churches ii—"the village. The Auburn Knox Pres. ' byterian • church was founded in 1859 Baptist church, 1869, Meth- -°odist, 1855, ,Luthern Church 1894, 5t. Mark's 1883 and Knox United Church, 1925. Her study showed that many early pioneers in this community were willing to sacrifice a great deal to worship God and lay a good foundation of Christian witness. FOR T! -t:. WEST 114 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SERV CE CALL - GODERI'CH ELECTRICAL QC APPLIANCE SERVICE 100 Anglesea Tel. 524-6562 Pau -I's Delivery • .Owned and Operated l v - Paul Spain Local Delivery Service - Local Hauling ANYTIME For information CALL 524-9469 CAR RADIOS CUSTOM & UNDER DASH RADIOS FOR ALL -MAKES STEREO ^TAPE PLAYERS ECHOMASTER REAR SEAT KITS H.utchins�n The devotional period was taken by Mrs.. Leatherland, Ladies Aid • for the Ladies Aid meeting of` Knox Presbyterian Church and the minutes were read 'by Mrs. Roy Deer . Mrs, Alvin Leather.• land read an address to Mrs. Carl Govier who is leavirig`'soon for her new home in 'Goderich. Mrs;, .Roy Daer presented her with -a-gift on -behalf of--the-=members: - Plans were also made to send a girl to camp this s �� mer Lunch was • served' Mrs. Oliver Anderson ass fisted by Mrs. ,Norman McDowell an,d,, Mrs, W. B radnock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mc- Dowell and family visited last Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. John Carter, of Woodstock,' it being Mrs. Carter's 79th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. -Grant Raithby, Tommy, 'Grant, Susan, Joey and Maryjayne, of Collingwood, spent_.. -the- -weekend- • „Ii-ith--they former's parents., Mr. and Mrs, FAz ante. 1aitbby. A.d..TQn.., dogs whose masters do not enjoy their company and simply impose it on the others. Groups of large clogs are run- ning daily in our -gardens and on our street. I fear for my little .girl's safety on the way to school and even in Schoolyard. Twice last fall I was bothered by a large white dog when I walked Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, over a nation.vv%de (U,S.) net- When a�rriaster plans to buy - on Britannia Road with a shopping and Persian," work. a car he figures out where he bag containing meats, u The Rotary Club Oaf Goderich Rotary clubs carry out their is going to keep it -either he Think about it again, `'Pud.J organized in 1962. • has 25 service programs both through builds a gay age, has a drive= files" Is this fair? You and your ." matabe all41tsine,.ss-a,nd.PD*- ,.individual--and-u,nite.d- etion. W,y,or mak. --some ,rang at w- iia .I ates.should�-.reine,miiep.. t-�•, .--. >�_. � .-oto keep.it in a lace where it we do not come to botherI fessional men of this community, A major ' acitvity of ,the Ro• � • P � h you and Since the membership is com• tary club of this. community is neither bothers nor endangers the your mastdrs; we do not dig -in posed of one representative of • they. retarded adult Workshop. community in general. He would Your garden or dirty your lawn• not think " that the licence he Why should we have it done to buys for his car gives him the us? - • - . rteht'tZ5 leave it�in. the middle of • Besides, people often judge by the street, in somebody else's your dog manners what sort of garden dr wherever his fancy Person your master is. Please, takes dim. It is reasonable to "Puddles", stay in your own ' —oxpect•-that•-before a master gets- Yard When ynur.master takes you - a 'clog he considers the size and . *for -a walk, I hope you will- wag possibilities (like erecting feri. your tail if we meet. You see, we ces) of his own property, instead - can really be much better friends of taking for• granted that other if we do not'force our company !people should allow their gardens on each other. Good ,Luck, to,. be . used as . dog exercise "Puddles"! grdunds or their children to -be' • - placed in unnecessary danger. Yes, "Puddles", I have a dog and .because I and my family tsnal- T'*Tuisti f� b brualF'y draughty . ;hapters• in ,our histo- ry, are burning ' down, Lalling down or being torn down. They° are being replaced by modern'? efficient "municipal „of f>ees,`" Which have about as much .trap dition, humanity and warmth ,els . a filing . cabinet. Huron Liberal. Aisocjaf o (For Federal -"f' ier$640 '. N Ax T Legion ,aIi — +�.'."etet. Friday, Manan , 1.9617 -Hon. J'. J. (Joe) Greene' Can`aaia'n Minister of Agriculture, will ;'•wok ,RE'CEPT.ION 6 p.m.' DINNER 7 p.m. Tickets Available From i"n'tct al Chairmen ...•.�.....�..•.r•..�.n....e•.+•.•..•.r.*.�.-.p•.o-yrs.�w,.,.wY•w...,....r.+aw•...•...r•-w..r. DECORATIN-G SPECIAL 011.000°."7 gleW &a- REA-DY.PASTEDWALLPAP•ER Addhlk: V.Immommir G6DEI�I�CH MINOR HOCKEY ALL SQUIRTS ,SATURDAY, FEB. 35 p.m.—Mills Motors vs. Shamrocks - 2 p.m.—Gardiner's Dairy vs. Flyers 3 p.m.—Goderich Electric. vs. Diggers , 4 p.m --O'Briens vs: Black Hawks 5 p.m.—Sailors vs. Goderich Flyers - 6 p.m. -Legion Mite All -Stars vs, _ . , _ -- - --- St. Clair- Shore Mite All-Star! 7 p.m. --Squirts vs. Giants • µ 4l1 Visiting=Teams�From St:-C-lair--S:hores;-Mich:-- - ;- ADMISSION -50c CHILDREN FREE PER SINGLE ROIL WALL FASHIONS BY P. UNWORTHY Ask for this booklet.... It tells how you may obtain an IDB 'loan to help start, modernize or expand your, --- • business. �Ldb INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DANK for A SourCe of Financing Canadian Business 4V INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK - TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES L011t3ON:,- ONT.: 29( Dundas Street — Telephone: 438-8363 PLANNING A NEW HOME • THIS YEAR? BLLY A HALLIbAY "FAMILY- T.A.I.L GRED" HOME BY APRIL 1 AND GET THIS BIG BONUS -Ns,'.1: ,, ., .: yw - r free brO OO 'n (PROFESONALLY •�. -0 ... .STRADWICKS! I CHOICE OFHARDING n �v� too • OR CELANESE! �. your 'HALLIDAY'S FAMILiYlAMLORED if HOMES `your key to greafer'value You'll have no trouble qualifying for your luxurious free broadloom. it%yoo ac& now.. W.1?at's more ... you'#1 savcsup-to-$1500.00 or more 'When you build the Halliday way. Contact your Dealer' for '. full information. This year a Halliday Home is a better buy than ever before, because there are .. "'ir"°1°i • MORE STYLES -'MORE FLOOR ..�..-. *mow Y- Y.1 W -.Y- Mow ;S..Mr. 1.o Yam 9 $ $ VALUABLE COUPON $ $ 'j 'HALLIDAY HOMES LIMITED 551 MAPLE AVE„ BURLINGTU,N,gQNT. ,NAME ' • STREET CITY Radio--TV.-Appliances 308 Huron' Rd. '524-7831 • d , L PLANS THAN EVER BEFORE! • NEW DELUXE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES! • M.A.IOR KITCHEN APPLIANCES INSTATED UNDER A SINGLE MORTGAGE IF YOU WISH! PLUS THE ADDED LUXURY OF FREE BROADLOOM ORDO SMITH 1 OWN.A Lbt 260 TILT ST. ' YES NO TELEPHONE• 524-84$5.• RUSH NEW HOMES CATALOGUE! t THE HALLIDAY HOME DEALER IN YOUR COMMUNITY , >. 1 -_A Elsa-Haydon Goderich • Also Availably 72 PATTERNS FROM Suitable For.Every Room In The_House HENDERSON BOOK, STORE • THE SQUARE "• '624-78,12 rand of action at wnright practical price! • Go Pontiac and •get with -•the car that's got so much going for it ... • from its powerful -performance to its practical price. And overall, pure -value. There are some people who don't realize that a.Pontiac can be pl -chased in the same price range as the lowest -priced full -site cars. An easy mistake to make when you consider Pontiac certainly doe'sn't look like -a low -price car: And it:certainly isn't built like a low-priced • Pontiac Grande Parisienne Sport. Sedan with optional vinyl top._ Pontiac. car: -No corners are,eut when it comes to Pontiac quality. And that's where pure value is found ..-ln.Pontiac's care and attention toyourcomfort and convenience`: eye -;appealing interiors: -- soothingly smooth ride on full coil springs and colhafort-contoured seats the perfect balance of engine to trans- irri$sion, for the k-irld of response you want when youwant it. Pontiac quality- . When you get so much for so little, 37 Hmmliton 4 - you, deser\c to indulge \ourself a bit. For little more. you can personalize your Pontiac with a few lu\ur\ options. \lay we suggc't the con\ enicnce ofthe 7 -position Tilt Steering Wheel.", And pd si°bly the rear v indo�\ defrostr. Or 'the full, dramatic sound -Of a Stereo Tape f.la\er:Visit your Pontiac dealer soon.'C heck'" tho-el on.tiacprices. 1mpres-- sive. l nipressi\ elv low`. • I .CI ..I •i4 Count on Pontiac for the best of everything: See ydtir authorizedn Pontiacdealer r YOUR AUTHORIZED PON`T-IAC DEALER IN GODERICH REG McGEE AICD. SONS 'LTD $*44391 i1 nG.