HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-02-23, Page 8The February meeting of St. Genrge's Evening Guild was held 011 the'' evening of ,Ash W ednes- day. In the absence of the president, the vice-president June DUcls.- worth conducted•theopening pray. ers, A .Lenten hymn, was sung, accompanied by Roslyn Camp• bell and Scripture was read by Jean Morris. Minutes and correspondence •m4. 10W. PRICES ON WALLVAP CARPTING PAINT DRAPERIES McARTHUR& REILL' ere read by Betty Rogers and the, tial report was given by the treasurer, Jean Hanna. Discussion took place about a forthcoming project, thepublip. ation of a ct okbook, Jean Manna and JoAnne Wilkinson are con- vening the project. Suggestions were heard concerning a Oen- tennlal project in which all the women's groups of the church would participate. A. tour of the church was con. ducted by Rev. G. G: Russell, stressing things of historical in- terest such as the stained glass windows, altar hangings, Com. mu0..tQn vessels, and the pictures :of former rectors. The service of "Compline" was •said at the close of the tour. The group then went to the Rectory at the invitation of Mrs. Russell for refreshments and a social hour. Donnybrook: UCW: AppQints May Meeting : Committee.. DONNY1 ROOD --The .UCW meeting ri)as eld Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.. John Hildebrand with a good att. endance. When the members were assembled the hostess assisted by Mrs. Margaret Leddy served tea. , MTs, trim Small who had charge .of the program opened the meet ing with prayer. Mrs. T.omi"-Armstrong candyct- ed the,business.A connmitteewas nominated to look after the Special ;meeting in—May.-The offering was received. Mrs. Ice Covered Roads Cancel ' Classes LOCHALSH— School was can- , celled atNor th,AshfieldonThurs. day due to ice on the roads. Mr,s, Leeson, of Teeswater, is spending'a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Elph,ich, Mrs. Ewan MacLean, Mrs, David Elphich and Mrs, -Norval Stewart were Among those who attended the Horticultural .execu-. tive meeting in Ripley on Wed- nesday when the Flower Show prize lists' were revised. Barbara MacKenzie, of Kit. chener, '„spent the weekend with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. Mr., and Mrs. Donald Simpson. re„•recent visitors in Toronto. The MacNay families have learned of the death of Gordon MacNay at Portage La Prairie on Thursday. Mrs. Pinder Joins PNGs - Mrs. Levi Good is a patient in hospital in London. _ Sympathy from the area is ex. tended Mr. Tom Farrell and family in the passing of Mrs. .Tom Farrell early Monday morn. ing. Ricky Minkler, of Sudbury, is staying with K. L. MacKenzie and attending Wingham District High School. Stuart Chamney read the minutes of, the previous meeting. Mrs. Small, Mrs. "Sam Thompson and Mrs. Ernest Snowden read pass- ages .of scripttlr.e alter'nately, Mrs. Snowden led in prayer and all repeated the Lords' Prayer together. "In Christ there is no East or West" was sung and Mrs. Thompson took charge of the chapter in the study book; Mrs. Snowden read a poem "Miss. ions in Argentina." He had spent 4 1/2 years there before coming to the Auburn charge. Mrs.Small closed the meeting with prayer. ....MIP...o. The Tiger Dunlop 4.H Udine. :making Club, led by Mrs. Albert Durst and Mrs. Eric Reaburn, is well on its way with the new pro- ject 'A World of Food inCanada.' The clubs in Ontario are mark- ing the Centennial.by tracing the development of Canadian food customs from the days of the early settlers to modern times. In a study. pf - this kind, girls will' learn how our food habits are influenced by Canadians of many different backgroundsand will gain a reSitec•t for the trad- itional. food_ -practices •of various cultural groups Who have ',made this country their home. The active "group of 10 mem- bers elected the- following off. ricers; Janice Reaburn, president S„hirl-ey Fisher, vice-president; Helen Brindley, secretary; Connie Young, treasurer. 'Early Canada' was the theme Wandering troubadours will en- tertain visitors at, Expo 67. Four mobile troubadour units , jugg- lers,” singers, musicians and var. iety acts IN follow the crowd. Jarnes Richardson & Sons ltd: 'Serving The -Feed Dealers of Western ,Ontario' , PHONE 524-8388, 'GODERICH of their first meeting' and,the girls ,made Suceotash.a dish the early settler`s learned to make from the Iroquois who called it f'Sukqutt. ahhash". Mrs. Reaburn demon- strated how to make Blueberry Buckle, a oelightful dessert, made from one of our wild fruits, free for thegathering in pion- eer Canada. ;.During the study of the second - meeting's to 'e .'Heritage from New France' two dishes of French Canadian Origin were ,derno . strated; Tourtiere, a savorypor pip, and Grarldpbres, light finIl dumplings cooked in maple syrr}p. 'Sharon Carroll, Horne - Econ. for Huroh County, will be Bert Meeting. ()mist guest at the SL IE... a progreessive eoinpuxsy' to aW M1 prog,;r In( us try - . .GORDON T. WESTLAKE PHONE=565-5333=--$AYFIELD SUN' LIF ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA j A meeting of 'the Past Noble • Grands Club of theRebekahLodge was held Feb Y"` 16.at the home of Mrs, N. Harnack. ° The president Mrs. G. Orr, was in charge with 19 .members pre. sent. Following the opening ode there was a short business session. A -new member, Mrs. J. Pinder was yvelcom ed to fellow- ship in the group., Members were reminded of the talent money to be made_ At the 'conclusion -of the. meet. sing _!'500"_was played,the win.,_. -vers being Mrs: W. Lawrenceand ' Mrs. H. Fuller. Lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. A. Osbaldeston and her committee, and a social half- hour enjoyed. ter' i' What is Coffee Mill Flavour ? It's fresh ground flavopr you get inn'°'A"'&P's whole -bean Eight O'Clock and $Bokar, Coffee;. -We'fthe fi-nest coffees we can find, we bring them to you still in the bean. And we custom -grind them. exactly right for yo rightin your A&P. Takes a little extra work, but we're happy to doh it. That way we can be sure you'll enjoy the full, fresh taste of be, A&P's Coffee Mill . Flavour. ,,, .' • ' 4 17 ...TH•IS.!IIVEEICTRYA& CQ ES AND SAVE UP TO 30c PER POUND OVER OTHER BRANDS Satisfaction guaranteed or double your money back. VIGOROUS• AND WItSEY BOKAR COFFE+E 8 OLC+LOCK COFFEE' MILD` AND MELLOW - 't -POUND BA G: _ - 3 -POUND Are A&P C9ffees a good reason for ,shoppinfl A&P? They're one of many. - Jane Parker. . APPLE PIE Jane parker - Daily Dated BREA • • WHITE SLICED Reg. Price each 496 7 SAVE 13c full 8" 24 -oz pies 8.5,. ,Reg. Price loaf 24c -- SAVE‘7c 24 -oz loaves 65, GAY FLORAL PRINT FACE CLOTH . While They Last - •7, each TWO 4 -OZ. JARS NOXZEMA REG. 99c EACH -1.98 VALUE 99c SHANKLESS SHOULDER ROAST .SUPIER-ARIGHT -QUALITY LEAN BUTT+ROAST LE! SHOULDER or BUTT OR K CHOPS • TQOTH PASTE Sugg: List 1.19 ' Sugg, Lisi 3.50 TABLETS .w For • PAIN RELIEF 5 gr.-300's- Ib 6.0z.—Sugg. List 79c 10 SUPER STAINLESS STEEL Sugg. KRONA COMFORT EDGES • List 3.95 f' 3.29 le c,0 Band Razor Cartridge' 59 10 Shaving Edges -•-Sugg. List -1.95 • 3.0Z.—Sugg. List 1.29 • TURKEY LEGS w�LF lb53, TURKEY BREASTS WHOLE • or HALF Ib 5 Fldrida, Sweet, Juicy Pineapples Variety, Fancy Grade, Large Size MANY MORE SPECIA ,S NOT LISTED HERE! A&P Brand, Fancy Quality ASPARAGUS TIPS A&P Brand .4. I'2 -fl -oz tin 4 BEANS WITH PORK 214 -fl -oz tins 5, A&P Fancy Quality SALMON RED SOCKEYE 6c Off Reg. Size Bar LIFEBUOY SOAP q 71/2 -oz tin 5 5 c SAVE AN EXTRA 4c _ 1 bars 9C 27c Off Deal BOLD DETERGNT king size 1' 1.49 b d°' ranges NONE PRISED HIGHER AT A&P ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1967'. VI n 4