HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-02-23, Page 6GOderieb
23'I967 •
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Dear Ann Landers: My pro.-
' blem. is oae• Which is shared
by wives all over the WQrld.
What can we do to make our.
selves more interesting te our
husbands? This will be a hard
question „for you to answer be.
cense you have a fascinating car,.
eer and are nevdr at a lOss
'for something° to _talk about. But
3.vhat„ can the average housewife
discuss with her husband when.
her worldis bound On, the north,
south; east and, west by Child.
•,ren, bills, and neighborhood,
" I read the newspaper every
day and try to keep informed
On world affairs but IN
• band isn't' interested ' in views
on Viet Nam. Besides, I don't
understand foreign policy. One,
columnist says we belong there
and another columnist says we
don't. It's all terribly,‘confilsing.
,Guild Gets_
Help Call
Miss B. B. Lauder read the seri-
pture at the February meeting of
St. George's Woman's Auxiliary
chaired by the president Mrs. E.
F: Sale who led in the opening
An SOS'.came from Mrs, Henry
Marsh, Whitehorse, Yukon ter-
ritory, for December issues of.
the Living Message.
The secretary -and .treasur-
er's reports wereigiven by Mrs.
D. Wilson and Ikl`s. A. C. Blay,
terVecti_Vely: —
Mrs. H. Tichborne reported 39
• calls on the sick and shut-ins, and
•. • the altar flowers were requested
to be sent to them.
Mrs, F. Hunt gave the Dorcas
report, -which included 40 pairs
of mittens sent to Mohawk In-
________stitute,j3rantford and two quilts
which* were on exhibition, and
would be sent later. More mittens
would be sent in the autumn. Mr.
Z immermap- of Mohawk Institute
requested pyjama bags made in
the form of animals for the boy5
and dolls for the girls. This would
be cared for later.
As is the custom to ,have the
,rector speak at the WA: Meeting
during • Lent, Mrs. Sale introd-
• suced Rev. G. G., Russell who
formed two discussion groups to
contemplate on the "necessary
ingredients for a.-- woman's or-
ganization to appeal to Anglican
women",-• which would' include
--phases of church Writ,- *both par:-
.ish and ,missionary and. go a
step farther with a unity of pur-
• pose and responsibility •shared by
Lunch was served, by the tea
convener Mrs. W. White and Mrs..
.Tichborne _and Mrs. H. Dodd.
Play Cards
The enior r izens m
MacKay, Hall- on Feb. .15. The
evening was Spent in playing
The winners for ,"500” were
Mrs., Irene. Oke and Mr; J. Mc-
Donald , for euchre Mrs. Celia
Mpore'and Mr. Millar.
The door prize was won by
Mrs.. E.' Volland. Lunch was ser-
ved by Mr. and Mrs. Nairn and
committee. -
I keep Myself as atiavactiVe as
possible On my limited blid&et
but I Can't COmpete with thehigh.
fashion single-girls-my-busband
meets in hi S business.
Our sex life is fine. I cater
to his Moods and we get along
well together. But I feel dowdy
and PrnaA'aid one day he'll look
f dr something more eliciting. Can
you help me?
'94 • ' Itisecure
Dear 'Insecure: Yonr. mar.
riage is probably in better
- shape ‘thah thOseo 95 per.'
cent of die women who write
to ina.Your letter bore no
hint ca criticism or fault:
finding, only the earnest de-
sire to keep your husband in-
terested and happy. I can
think 01 1144 nobler pursuit. •
Don't• try to be Walter
LippMann Or a Drew. Pear-
son. Y'our husband didn't
marry you. for that. Give him
emotional support. Listen to
him. Build him up. 82 hos.
pitable to his friends and
colleagues. Trust him;Don't
behave like p, threatened
-* male. Ana. stop thinkin0 of
yourself as dowdy •and dull!
The Woman who comes
across like a loser ,Will be
just that.. ,
* * *•
Dear Ann Landers: May I
register my pet gripe with Ton?
, Everyone else does, so move over
and let me speak , my piece.
Why don't peOple say what they '
mean instead of substItuting rid.
iculouS Words'?
The euphemism mostoffenSive
.to. me is whetsomeone says,
"Isn't it too bad about 1VIrs. 80,
And -S0-- she 10st her husband."I
always visualize a Woman Whiz)
had started out shelving withhec
hapliand at her. side ?aid then'
somehow they becarne,seParated.
i.this case it' would be bdrret
to say she `"lost" him. Bat when
the pow fellow dies, he is nOt
lost) he dead- •
Do you get _what I m ean? Please
say So and start am international
trend' toward abolishing fake
words, Thank You. -Mean What I
•• -Say
Dear Mean: Sorry, but'! can
understand why a person
Honor Founder
Bay Scouts-Nictrch To Church
AUBURN—The First !Auburn
Boy" Scout Group matched to
St. Mark's Anglican Charch last
Sunday in honor of their founder
Lord Baden Powell. The flag.
bearers were Francis BitAand
Paul charaney"knd they, Were led
by assistant leader Scoutmaster
Elliott Lapp.
The rector, Rev. G. E. Palen -
ham, was in charge of the sex*.
vice and the organist was Judy
Arthur, 'Mr: Pakenham told the
'Auburn GCIT
The Auburn CGIT groupl took
on the projedt,The March of
D i m es, last Tuesday evening after
a short devotional period. Brenda
Ball presided. The minutes were
read by Joyce Leatherland and
the scripture by Donna Baechler,
The used stamps were collected
and also a box of clothing to be
sent to the Toll Family in Africa,
to give to teenagers in that cotin-,
„Scouts to let their life match their try. The captains for the collect- _
•high callingandkeep their Christ- ing of dimes were Ruth Bere,
Jan, Faith and Scouting rules. •Brenda Ball, Joyce Leatherlancl.
---11MITelxsok-of-Peter--1-t-states---and-Margaret-Yotmg-blut:— ,
that God wants us all tobeLiving • Vestry*Meeting
brick with Him the Cornerstone The annual Vestry meeting of .
he said. In to -day's world there' St. Mark's Anglican Church was
are triany temptations which be- held in the church with the rector,
wilder the young folk 'bat God Rev. G. E. Pakenham in -charge.
alone knows all the answers if 'The minutes were read by the
•we but truSt Him. • Vestry clerk, Mrs. ThomasHagg-
Knox•H i -C itt. The financial statement was
given, by Mrs. John Daer. Mr.
Pakenliam thankedall officers for
their 'work during,. the year and
business was discussed.
The new officers are,Rector's
Warden, FordyceClark, People's
Warden, ThomaS-Haggitt, Del-
egagte to Synod, Thomas Johnston,
Alternate delegate, Donald Cart;
Wright, Treasurer , Mrs. John
Daer, assistant treasurer, Mrs.
Andrew KirkconneIl, Board of
Management, Mrs. Orval McPhee
James -Schneider, Mrs: Fordyce
Clark and Robert Phillips.'
Roy de- Haas, of Milton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F3aechler,
Donna and, Ricky, visited last
weekend with their, daughter,
Linda Baechler in Kitchener.
Mrs. Wes Bradnock attended
the 70th anniversary dinner of the
Women's Institutes at New Ham-
burg last Sunday„at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zoeller.
Sheron Collins and George
Collins. visited last Sunday at
Port. Albert with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh/Bennett and family.
would prefer a silbStitute
' word for "dead". "Dead"
sounds cold, hardandiMper-
sonal. - •
In the Yiddish language
there are two words- - One.
• tor animals vhio have died-
(paygert) and anollier wOr&
for humans (gi-slitorbin).
The English lanpage has one
word fOr both- - and I have
alWays thought that Maybe
there should have been an -
Other One.
* •* *
Confidential to A.gainst It: Ob.
viousiy you are blit I wonder
if you know why you are aga,in.
• St it? Your letter reminded rae
01,11; L. IvIencken's remark that
• "Puritanism isithe sneakingsus-
picion that somebody, „ some.
wliere is having. a better time
• then you are.
From.14 Ftolo 55 -Ft, Diameter,
4 • •
!farina yoyr irtik p'ioduction)lis NO vitt,* by Itifildihva.-,
a tahCrita' $110 401000 maishir• COM. hay or OnilhlaO
With 352VOIro. Of oxpolloncos I feel I can fill your flood:.
*Oh, satlsfacHon •
Contact Immediately Before It's TOO LatC
Kuenzie Foursome
Win's big In London,
Howie KuenzielS*POderich rink,
won top honors at the, Londca'
Curling Club's Men's 'one -day
,b_onspiel Feb. 15.
•The Kuenzie fourSome, which
played in the 11 o'clock draw;
finished With three victoriesplus
17 points.
Other Members of the winning
rink were Pete Graf, Bob8Prciule
and George Robertson.
"It gives you - a nice feeling
to win in London," Howie said
later. Twenty-four rinks compet
ed. •
Bob . Fry's St. Thomas Curl-
ing Club rink won the nine ovclock
draw with three victories plus
14 points. ,
Bob OiVilson's, host LCC rink
placed second in the pine o'cleck
draw with two victories plus 15
points. Harry Sifton's LCC rink
placed third with two victories
plus eight points and Al Mc-
Mullen of Aylmer fourth with two
victeries plus eight points: Han.
,old Ring of. LCC took the con-
solation priza.
Andy Stewart was runner-up
in the. 11 o'clock draw with two
victories plus six points. Con.
solation prize -went to Hugh
Gorrie of Ha7milion.
parties, held homes sponsored
by St. Joseph's CWL have been
successful. The hostesses • have
be Dalton and and Marcella Courtney. '
Dan Dalton, Waterloo, spent
the weekend at his home.
Edward Gilmore, Calgary, vis-
it,ed here over the weekend. Other
visitors were Miss Frances Gil-
more and Gerald Gilmore,Lon-
don. Mrs. Gilmore Sr., was taken,
to Wingham hospital on Monday.
Mr. Ray Dalton, Terry and
"Mrs. Jim•McDonald visited Mrs.
Dalton in hospital on Sunday anci
• report she is protressing well.
John Van Osch returned
home last week from Kincardine
. The H i -C Of Knox United Church
were in charge of the service
last Sunday With Bill'Lapp lead?
ing. Gail . Miller led in prayer
and Alien McDougall read scrip.
ture. The delegates from theToc
Alpha convention in N iagara Falls
formed a panel with Rev. M. R.
- Roberts as 'narrator; with Dave
Hemingway, of Brussels, assist.
1.ng. The delegates were. Eldo
Rildebrand, Diane Chamney, Glen
Webster, The offering -was re-.
ceived by Floyd Rosebushrpoug-
las Archambault, Daryll and
Daryk Ball. The choir sang an Mt. and Mrs. Dave McClinchey
-anthem. -under. the -leadership- of 7 -were - guests-. recently-ivitit-
the', church orninist, Mrs., „tlan,14c1)4rs7„jl'ohn ,A,p4eFpngAncl
NormanWfghtman. •-1X7kftc.t. • ; -'n.r
4-H Club - Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hershey
The Auburn 4-H Club met at and M.rs. Elizabeth Pollard, of
• the home of the -leader Mrs. Wes Mount Forest, visited last Satur-
Bradnock with 18 girls report. day with Mr. and -Mrs. Wilfred
ing for • the spring Project, A Sanderson and family.
World of Food in Canada. • Guy Cunnigham is home from
The election of officers took Clinton hospital where he had
place; president, Jill Bennett, , been receiving treatment for a
vice-presidents, Brenda Ball and few weeks. '
Joyce -Leatherla.nd, secreta.riy Mr. and Mrs. RonaldRathwell,
Sheron Collins, assistsintConnie Michael and Janice, of Brant-
• Hickey.Telephone Girls Buth ford, spent the. weekend with her
Bere and Diane Kirkconnell. mother, Mrs. "Gordon R. Taylor.
ements of the club Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby
members were outlined and
• a study on, darlY cana-dian foods
• Was held.
' Mrs. Fr,ank Raithby detnon:
str;ated the niaking of Succotash
and baked Indian ,pudding with
hard sauce. The members tasted
the cooked dishes. For the next
meeting all members a.re re.
quired to bring a receipe handed
down in Weir family and tell the:
story about it.
• •
ve so eir arm r. an
MTS. -Frank Van Donegan and
four children of West Lorne. They
will take possession about March
20 and and Mrs. Raithby will
move into their home on Loftus
Street purchased last summer '.
from M. and Mrs. Garth Walden.
Helen Lumley, of Zurich, re -
turned to her home last weekend
after working fdr Mrs. Mary Bere
since last September.
—Centennial- C-rusa
Capt. Carl Bowes
'FEB. 23; 24--, 25 :at 8-- P.M.
FEB. 26 -11 A.M. &.7
Willyrovide Ac'companiment
• . AND
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