HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-10, Page 8llluulllhi
$pioia1--Draw a Hue from the Lake
Shore directly exist to Iii .1 ori and then:
by way. of Stern), and Cromarty to •Ful-
lemon and Rrtsseidele, then south to.
Kirk ton ,and "Woodham then west again'
to Claudeboye and terrnioatin.g by way
of McGuire, Mom t Carteel,Corbott and
Greenway at Grand Beed you have
the outside Bouudary of the field which
aims to cover with its goods and :ails
tourers,. To secure this we have to:
keep a large suliply aucl certainly are
not failing in this respeet. Our stole
IS literally- crowded • with goods '•tial
:Holiday Steele ready for seekers of Hol
cday Gifts. Every desireable thing we
Could. think of has been placed to meet
our customers Wants and no v we cor-
dially invite them and their friends to
call,and pass a pleasant half hour in
looking through. we wish to make
our store worthy of
Both our Customers and Ourselves
and now with little fear ask for their
THE MART. Exeter.
Blacksmith coal at Cobbledick
Folland's. •
Try John Mclunes for salt Salt from
one lb. up..
The best of stove coal at Cobbledick
and Tolland's.:
. The. Bye election in Sauuii Perth tak-
esplace to day (Thursday.)
Sap buckets and spiles in endless
quantity at Cobbledick and Folland's.
Buy your boys suits and hats at the
Big Bankrupt Store and save money.
If you w t tit first class farm on easy
'terms call nn John Spackman, Exeter.
Good Friday comes on April 15th
and Easter Sunday on April 17th this
year. -
Pills do not gripe or sicken. They are
mild and effectual.
Special value in Groceries at the Big
Bankrupt Store. 75c Black Tea for
50e. Try a sample.
delightful shampoo. It cleanses the
scalp and darkens grey hair
During part of last week three Ital•
ians were in our midst furnishing ex•
celleut music for our citizens.
Many of our mechanics are begin-
ning to feel anxious to get to work as
the weather is of such a mild nature.
Bissett Bros. have received. the eon -
tract for putting 'm an iron roof on the
new block to be erected for Wood Bros
No other preparation combines the
positive economy, the peculiar merit
and the medicinal power of Hood's Sar
sa patina.
When bad inen die they go to a
warm place,. Consequent upon his pol-
itical death, Mr, Cameron, of Goderich.
has gone to Florida
Wall Paper. The Big Bankrupt
Store is the spot for choice new paper,
all direct importations. Prices low,
quality high, inspect.
Mr. James Strang, of Usborne, has
purchased from. Mr. Thos. Fitton the
brick cottage near the Foundry paying
$1.200. for the property.
The difference between the two can
didates, of South Perth is; . that one
farms out money at a big percentage,
and the other is a tiller of the soil.
Counterfeit ten cent pieces - are in
circulation is several places. They
are very fine imitations in appearance
and can be discovered only by the
Mr. John Swartz, who has been run-
ning a hotel iii Bayfield, formerly of
this place, has removed to Wingham
and taken possession of the Exchange
Do you want to see the grandest dis
play of new spring Dress Goods in
Western Ontario. Just drop in at the
Big Bankrupt Store. A beautiful show
awaits you.
Nov Prints, Sareens, Ginghatns,Er-,
broideries, Lace Curtains, Carpets and
Oil Cloths all in and opened at the Big
Bankrupt Store `' values are correct
for the buyer.
Black Dress Goods. Never have we
shown such a range and never before
such values. Ladies by all means see'
the assortment of Black Drees Goods at
the Big Bankrupt Store.
A number of woodbees have taken
place in this vicinity of late, This ap•
pears to a favorite pastime with many
especially the young, who are anxious
for the eveutnns enjoyment.
Hyman claims that a majority of the.
votes cast is merely foam -on Carling's
lager, and that When the county judge
blows off the froth in accordance with
the statute the residue will fill to the
brim his cup of success.
Our merchantshave, been selling al
large number of sap pails, and other
necessaries used in connection with.
making maple syrup, to-fa,r•mersiin this
sreighborhood during the past week.
They intend to commence to manufact
sure as soon as the weather will permit,
The Emma, Wells Comedy Company
left on Tuesday morning for Parkhill.
During their stay here they were
greeted with a large attendance every
evening;, and we feel . satisfied , should
they return in 'the future the hall
would be better filled. The troupe:
consiste of fire persons, and we can
safely say, that other troops have vie*
ited us with twice the 'numfaer acid
mover etch reek general satiefaction.
W: *blurt .bespeak for thein
lra iSO' Wherevdr they may go.
The ;greeu house of•Mr, 1k'illiarrt Da PUcalle Mc io94°Aoaaldll1an,rtes-
ker has been repaired and is now roan March 7th, Meeting held irl the Town
dy. for, use, Hall, All" irosent, Items passed:---
�February this yeah had five Mon• mtuutesof.Previous meeting -peri T.
days. More than two centuries and Fitton and W, 'Treble, the.chairman
two deeades'b tsr*. elapsed since this oc- and W. Hoskin to wait on Mr. Uoden
curenee took elaoe before. in reference to Non ;Resident Fees -per
Messrs. Richardson. and Westcott, T, Fitton and W, Resler; the followiu,
Flour and Feed merchants, have mov.' ioconnts: Bennet Furnishing Co., desks
cd into Drew's Block,; opposice Town tiP`3l310; Bissett l3i�os,, hardwae r, 0 60: R,
Heil.. Sec large "ad in this •issuef ' Piekard and Son, window blinds,
A subscriber ask us the origin of `1,63, Secretary school supplies and ex.'
� Pp
the "He is'nt in it," It was first used try service, 10,70—per Dr,: Litz and T.
by an editor who died and went to Fitton, E. Follicle to be Tii'iut Officer
heaven and looked around for the matt up to July 1st—per T. Ftttoe ,and W.
who tool: his paper for three years and 'Treble, J. Ford's' account of $39.60 per
then left it in^ the post office marked wood to be paid -1)01'7. Fittou and W.
"refused," D. Weekes, secretary to procure forms
Messrs Bata=deli Brothers, bricklayers as required by the Principal—per Dr;
of this place, have received the con- Lutz, adjournment: J, Glut*, Ses'y,
tract for putting ripe. fine brick resid- sick Lint, `
encs for Aar. Dctmis Farmer, of McGil- The many friends of Miss Ettie" Fss
livray, while Messrs . Terry and Hey-_ ory will be pleased to 'hear, of` tier
wood have the carpeuter work. As speedy* recovery from her late attack
both contractors are competent work- of illness• the is now able to be out of
hien the gentlemen may expect a first- bed and is •ettina• alone` nicely,—^4r.
class job.
James Down is still -lingering in ` an
The merchant who sits down in his uncertain condition.—'Hiss M.E. Gill is
easy chair in the back of the store not able to `attend to her duties as- tea
these sunshiny spring days and waits cher in the public school owing to sick -
fee "something to turn up," will find ness.—Mr. T. A. Brown, Principal of
himself sitting there when the leaves P. S., is ill and not able to attend to his
begin to fall. Such things do not say school duties.—Mrs. Henry Hoist, of
"good morning" to him unless he is Marlette,' Mich., who we reported as
out in front and ready to welcome the being very low some weeks ago, is
chance opportunity -i, slowly improving but is now suffering
Mr. James Seale, Clinton,of the firm from an attack of yellow' jaundice,—
of Seale, Hoover & Seale, marble dealers, Miss Sarah,daug�tter of John Whitlock,
of Clinton and St. Marys, was in the will is very low and not expected to re -
age last week and seemed the con• cover. The cause is from a severe at
tract of putting up a : large granite tack of la grippe which settled in her
monument for the late Simon Joey, at head.
a cost of $$300 and a monument for the church Notes.
late Richard Horrel at a cost of $200. A Lecture and Social will be given
to be placed in the Exeter cemetery under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
this coming summer. of the James Street Methodist Church,
Mr. Samuel Hicks, 2 con. of Usborne, on Thursday evening (to night), when
sold his entire horse, Ding Warrior, the Rey. George Webber, of Toronto,
Canadian bred, registered in Toronto, will give his celebrated lecture. The
to Mr. George Henry, of St. Marys. Wonderful Discoveries of this century.
He also sold his imported bred mare to Tea will be served from 6 to 8 p. m.
Mr. Allan AfcDonell, of Exeter, for Admission to lecture and tea, Adults
whichreceived�, 2 `. Children � he thesum.0 � hl t o
v c of .57.5 5 C d e 15c.A cordial t„�lcome
These are both fine animals and from to all.—The Rey.Mr. Martin occupied
occ tp ed
the prices obtained, show that Mr. H. the pulpit in Canon Presbyterian, of
has an interest in horses. which he is pastor, on Sunday 'last.-
Mr. William Treble began to move The Anniversary Services in connect -
the butter and egg market on Tues ion with Canon Presbyterian will be
day from its present site to the rear of held on Sunday March 13th when the
the Town Hall. As soon as he has Rey, R, J. Beattie, of Guelph, will of -
completed this task we understand ficate at both services, 11 o'eloclt a. in,
that the market house will be moved and 6.30 p. in. The congregation hav
down. When it was made known to ing decided to dispense with their an-
matty of our citizens that operations nual tea meeting, ask for liberal col
of this kind had begun, many of them lections at both services. The Guild
became euraged, and on ditlerent oc• 01 the Trivitt Memorial Church will
casions rather strong language was meet this afternoon, (Thursday) at the
used in talking over the matter. residence of Mrs, John Spackman,when
On Monday evening last the officers a fiill attendance is requested.—The Y.
of Plymouth Lodge, No. 63, diad the P S.C. E. of James St. Church intend
pleasure of initiating the Reeve of holding a social and entertaiument on
our village into the mysteries of their the evening of Good Friday.
order, The society is now in a flour- "United in Wediock.
ishing condition, applications are coin The residence of AIr. Thomas Snell
ing in, and the members are looking Huron street, was the scene of a pleas-
forward,for success. At the last meet ant and double event yesterday, (Wed-
ing the sum of $3.00 was donated to nesday) it being the weddings of his
Air. James Gould, who is at present only daughters, Alberta eed Eva. The
confined to his bed through illness. first bound together in thenupital tie
This is the second time they have're. was Alberta, (elder), to Mr. John Pris
sponded to the call of charity to this ketor, of Stephen township. The bride
gentleman, and one who is not a mem was attired in a beautiful costume of
ger of the order. white lawn, which gave her: a hand.
"Mr. Charles Sanders, of the Exeter some appearance. The ceremony was
"Advocate” and his brother also of Ex- perfumed by the Rev, W. McDonagh.
eter were in. town over Sunday. Exe After a lapse of half an hour followed
ter is wonderfully blest. It is thorough Miss Eva to Mr. John McAvoy, of Kin.
ly Conservative, so much so that tn'o caicline, she being robed in a brilliant
Conservative journals flourish there pink, and presented a beautiful appear
and Reform journals that tried to live once, also the Rev. F. II. Fatt tied the
there died ere they crossed the thres- nupital knot. Tee guests present
hold of life. Mr. Sanders, he of the Ad- were those of the contracting parties
yocate, is a young man of fine appear- near relatives. Both brides received a
ance, splendid physique and does not number of useful and ornamental pre -
look as if he would take a back seat sents...Tho ADVOGATis extends their•,
from the greatest of enraged subscri- well wishes to the happy couples and
bees. But Exeter deserves a medal, so may their lives be crowned witli health.
it does."—Kincardine h'eviety. and .prosperity.
"Can't think of a thing" is the re- About -7.30. p. m.. on Wednesdayev'g'
1 nine tenths of the people make 'to the ie'sidence of Mr, John Treble was
ply- • filled with merriment and glee, it 'be.
the reporter's inquiry for hewn. Then ing the marriage of his daughter, Mar•
when the riper is issued, and fails to aha, to Arthur Loadman, of Hay town-
record a dozen or more local ;matters ship, the ceremony beteg performed by
of all absorbing interest and unusual the Rev. A. L. Russell, B. D., pastor of.
occurence,the same persons wonder at James street Afethodist church, . The
the common place make up of the pa bridal presents formed' a' magnificent
per and charge the: editor with lack of array, comprising articles of use and
enterprise. The facts are, the puhtish- value to a great number. After the
er of a paper has no patent or super knot was securely tied,tho happy couple
natural method of procuring news. All together with guests, sat down to par•
important matters fully noted. We take of a weddin; feast which was a
cannot detail more than there is, nor credit to biose who provided it. The
can't print more locals and personals young couple sehave the best wishes of
of minor importance than we can get the commul>vat the and e Wishf
either bypatron
observation oro trouble
to Let them a smoothe journey} through life
each patron take the trouble to hand with no greater than "little troubles,
in any matters of interest which conies.
to his or her notice, and our "locals" I'eraonal Mention..
will be complete each week of the Mr John •Northcott, of: Hay town -
year. ear•. ' ship, left on Monday morning for Os-
FarmstorSale. nabrock, North Dal Iia„ --Mr, -Robert
The undersigned has several first Keiland has returned from London,
class farms for sale on easy terms. where he had been confined. to the
J. SPACKlf.4v,-Exeter. house with. a severe attack of "inflain,-
Salt for Male. mation.�-Mr. Seldon Bissett who has
Salt in large or small quantities for been residing here for some time, re
sale at John McInnes' flour and feed turned to London on Thursday • even
More. ing. last week.---Mr.,William Danis and
Wanted. wiie, Mrs: Pratt Fisher and daughter
Clover and Timothyseed wanted at hate returned from Wineeham,,• We
Cobbledick and Tolland's. Highest understand that Mr. and Mrs. Davis.
market price paid. b intend making this their future home.
Girl Wanted ---Mr. James Westeott left on Tuesday
' A good girl wanted at once for for Snowtlake, Manitoba,• taking with
which liberal wages will be paid Apply him a carload h Caer having of lYdrses:-117r. John
'to Central Hotel .Exeter.• g entad his •house to
Mr, R. E. Pickard intends leaving ...the
Never 'too late to mend. 5000 pairs of latter. part of 'the present month ea a
boots and shoes that need repairing to visit in the Northwest,—Mr. Thomas
be left at the leading ,boot... and , .shoe Mitchell, of Gray township,::. has .been
tore next door to the post ottice, • •G1' the ge t of Mr_TTh m1 s Sweet
w1 ttldurin f
Manson. . past,
r.rl91► oewte, Usborne, and Mr. George Bruce, of
Yon can get the Exeter' advocate'; Hey, have gone to the Northwest. with
Med"' 'Advisor and' Fenn -Iiel a carload of horses -Charles Sander�al;'
p serif. of this, journal, and -Edward Sanders
ie.any person in America,: t ttlq one . t
who have boon tisttini friends in I in
Woo: for two papers. ` Now is our' •carding returned Ronne• oh Afoftda
lime to aubseribe. - y
2rrd►let evening, aceomrpanied ply , their Mister:
WOOD' Woi)'D! `4`Of D The Exec= Urs, Nicholas • McA.voy Miss 4pder'
ron,•formerly of •Seafortit, left, on Ttrcit-
dr Salt Works Co. iditt fe fifteen huh- da•v evenrnu•',fos 4sutx .Fail., Solidi
dyed•cords of soft wood,.;dry and green. Dakota, where she'.bas been , residtiip,
Will pale the highest price. For taut tone wohor of yetio, mi. -and •Ars,
Oil" fix}iietrlatis �hpply.:to batt rd A1i11, Bur eSe end fixtnil 'st:arted for She dun•
rt � l
{{' anted,
T..B, GAnatrzrzs, S.ec'y. Dakota, oa TnEsd* where they intend;
tomake a home for tbemsolves, Mrs.
Burgess is a sister .of Me, Ed. Bissett
:utd wa jolil with, many friends in wish,
ing thein every auec.ess.,•-'Mr. George
Bawdon and 'wife, of Luoan, have been
spending a short vacation in town,
Albert Janson and Richard Welsh left
yesterday (Wed.) for Brandon, Man.,
where they intend to reside in future,
-l'iss L. Smith., head milliner at E, J,
Spacicman's, who has been spending a
vacation at her home in Seafoith, re-
turned en Tuesday to resume her data
les.—Alis Mame Sanders' who was vis-
iting friends in Blyth last week retuin
cd home on Saturday:
A large number of our young men
of this vicinity, not being able to make
a fortune in this country have decided
to Seek better advantages in Dakota
end Michigan. The following left this
Week for Dakota. Val, Iochtns, Less
Benedict, lien Kaercher, Jacob Wurm,
Zonis Lippharcit, Dan Zoller, Arthur
Bennedict. We wish them suecoss and
they alb will be greatly missed,—Adam
Fassold was visiting his brother last
Sa;turct y and Sunday.—We are pleas-
ed to see our genial stagy • driver on
duty again 'mal we trust that "Bob"
will not have the misfortune' to sprain
his ankle again. -Mr• d'i'm.' Hoffman
has, through theincrease in the tail,
oring business secured another hand
in the person of Miss Tillie Fisher.—
Several of our "boys" took in the Em-
ma Wells concert in Exeter. They re-
port of having had a g;oocl time.
Have written that Clark's Catarrh
Cure has relieved them, restoring per-
fectly every sense. ' Through gratitude
they have consented that their names
be published. Yet the Clark Chemical
Co. will not use this means to advertise
their remedy. They will notparade
the suffering of any one, or invade
the sacred privacy of any home. Any
suffer fromec
h atarrrecommend
C will
Clark's Catarrh Cure, and that good
word is worth more than the published
certificate. Clark Chemical Co., Tor-
onto, New York.
$3,090.00 1IOIITIIO
If you want a
Child's, Boys or Han's Suit
Overcoat and Pants, &c., call
and see our big stock.
Lt is ?OY}I EA
Wepressoursuits on the public
c with1e7owcl vigor this year
because iteveryone
is r Q en to eveone' to mike a
We make ourss knowing that it will not
;., Ue
® ,
because we offer l the best goods in the market
at low and t More t110,11 reasonable prices �t 1� '
1. 1 el• e-
fore we have
l� LI(
refusing such a chance but '
� are confident that
both our goods and prices will be warmly ac-
cepted. We have never shown a finer lot of -
Dress Goods nor trimmings than this year.
Our staple department is complete.
Try our groceries, they are new and fresh.
"We have the name of keeping the best tea `
in town. Do you doubt it?
Try us.
Our 25 cent Tea has no equal.
MR. DAS•in NEI; -ELL (Stratford P. 0.) has
been appointed Local Inspector for the Can -
win. Con,panyin the place of .lir. Jno Spack-
man resigned.
Parties having Canada Company business
to transact will find MR. NEWELL: at
The first .Thursday of each month, com-
mencine February lily, 1891.
Has been appointed sole agent
for the
Cheap, compact and a splen-
clid arrangement for a becl
room. A watt in every houSe-
hold supplied at slllall cost.
Call at once and see it.
R5 1 '. Rowm.
ijellsa11Palace Baku!
D, W. Foss Proprietor of'
the Palace Bakery, Hensall, wishes to
inform the citizens of -
that ho'visits the village
Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon
with a supply of
orders left with GliottGio SAND -
isms will be promptly attended to, and
from whom bread can behaat at alltimes, Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction guaranteed.
D.W. FOSS Baker„.
And if you don't believe it call at
Ross ez Taylor's
and you will be convinced that they
have the Largest and Best Stock of all
kinds of Building Materials in this sec•
tion of country,and at the lowest prices.
Shingles a Specialty,
having a large stock on hand we• are
prepared to meet the keenest corppetit-
ion as to price or quality. We havese
cured the right to Manufacture • and
Sell Merriams celebrated Baking :Cab -
mete. Call and see them and be 'con-
vinced of their merit,
Main St., Exeter
Difficulty of Breathing
Tightness of the Chest
Wasting Away of Flesh.'`
Throat Troubles
Bronchitis, W€ak Lungs
Asthma Coughs
Cou h
Catarrh, Colds
Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure