HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-02-16, Page 3p•n DCI N,eiwsfror. t •i M i � • fi Cageri i nTwo Games a• a By Nancy Belt In the basketball games_played on Thursday; tate GI)QI teams took tw o of the four games. The girls defeated the Seaforth Sen. tors 30.27' and the, Seaforth Juniors 28.9. The.. boys who travelled to. Seaforth, were .downed 47-36 .in the Senior gaine and .•A0.3 in the Junior..me. Yesterday, Wednesday; the girls " visited Stratford while the Vik. Ings hosted the Stratford boys at GDCI, * * * Friday, the girls' curling team defeated -London Westminster in `the WOSSA curling competition held in Sarnia -last. weekeniY. Sat,' =lay , .moxnin the rink skipped `GO'DER#CIS FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET SCHNEIDERS VAC PAC WIE N E R -S PEAMEAL BACK BA. N. BY THE PNCE MAPLE LEAF- VAC PAC SIbEBACON—t • • SUPREME SWEET MIX?D P 'I C KL E-5 15 =: - .1 SWIFTS PREMIUM = 15 -OZ. BEEF'. or IRISH STEW. INTRODUCING NABISCO TEAM FLAKES ROSE BRAND-9.OZ. PURE ASSORTED JAM 3 FOR 89c LB. 47, LB. 79 33 3:FOR1. PKG. 33c MAXWELL HOUSE • COF FE E FHAD, LARGE, SIZE LETTUCE 1 -LB. BAG SNOW BOY CALIFORNIA ,CELERY STALKS EACH 19c.. 'OPEN -V-E-R-Y OPEN* FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. 1 • • m. by Norma .Walters was downed 8.4 by a team from Ingersoll. * * * In the '1li ern•Perth wrestling competition in Stratford on Sate: urday,, Goderich placed third behind Wingham and Listqwel. Dave Cornish, George •Gonid, and ` Bob Willis were individual win. ners in their respective weight classes. - • • The new rooms axe opent Mon- dad, rooms 25 and 25 were open. ed up to classes, but the addition- is fa: from being finished. These rooms are in the south-west end 'of the school (the fo4thalJfield end). How dd you like the dust, kids" * * * The annual "At Home" is Bing held this Friday evening from 9 o'clo'ck ,.to 1 O'clock in the school auditorium with Music by Johnny' Downs and his orches. tra It's still not too late to get your tickets. they'ro available at the door. The GDCI queen will be crowned during the formal. * * It's just three weeks, until exams! According to confirmed reports, exams will begin March 10 for the grade thirteens and March 13 for the grades- nine through twelve. Obituary W. H. GUNDRY A former Huron County Con. stable W. H, Gundry, 93, of Regina died there Dec.,,31. Mr. Gundry who left Goderich about 55 years ago to go west, *was `a capt<rrn irr'-the-33 -Regiment of - the Canadian Army during the First World War. ' Mrs. W. G. YOUNG Mr. Gundry's only surviving sister, Mrs. W. G. Young, 97, of - Saskatoonv'died there 6. Her maiden, name .Feb, was Christena Gundry. She was also a former Goderich resident, JAM TS R., BEATON Great Lakes sailor James Roy Beaton, 41, -plied Jan. 27 in Wing. lam and District Hospital follow. ing a heart attack. ' Mr. Beaton was born at Elbow,- Sask., son of James B. Beaton and the late Mrs. Beaton,. We former Annie McKay, of Ash- field Township. Mr. Beaton°drove a"truck for' _ exeraL-yearg hefor P sailing._ lie_ was on the Seaway Queen when he returned home in November. B:esides-hrs father; he isYur- vived by five sisters, Mrs. Stew. art (Isabel) Mullen, Lucknow; Mrs. George (Margaret ) Book, Lereburn, Sask:; -Mrs. George (Murdena) Robinson, ,,Trenton; Mrs: Harvey .(Rebecca) Culbert, Dungannon; Mrs. Robert (Flor- ence) Krogan, ElbowSask.; a brother, George, Lucknow: 41 funeral was held in Luck. now Jan, ,30 by Rev. R.'Cald. well, Free Presbyterian Church Chesley. Pallbearers were Gord. on. Brooks, Gordon Montgomery, Clarence Greer; Walter Dexter, K L. M.acKeniie, William Far 4 it1 Lee L earn's rink from. Exeter won •the Club Sunday. From Teff, L. .E. Graham Dominion Road Machinery, Co.�Ltd. trophy Dominion Road; • vice skip Clarence Mc - at the Branch 109 Royal Ca.iadian Legion Donald, Mr, Learn, Jake Marks and Russ • invitation bonspiel at -Maitland ' Country Tiernan. Aitken Exial$irrsActivity More MODA Information Sought Improved communications be. tween town council and the Mid. western Ontario.' Regional Dew elopment Assoc iation Were called for by Coun. B..R. Robinson last Thursday. "There has been a tremendous lack bf 'communication between this ,administration and MODA," Court. Robinspn said, He said council•,ghould receive minutes of all meetings • and the town's representative should re. port regularly. Howard A i.tken,_.-.a_director._ MODA, agreed that any' lack of communication should be elirnia. ated, He said he was appointed -the' town rexresentagve some time ago by the town industrial commisssion. "I -have never missed an in. dustrial con}mission meeting for the past five years and r never missed reporting' from Hie -Mid- western," Mr, Aitken said.' He said MODA also attempts to keep its members informed through a newsletter that details all aetion at the zone and board revels. . The mayor and Other council, Tor's said they received the news. letter and Mr. Aitken agreed to .have Coun. Robi nson' s name added to the 2,800 on the MODA • FOR THE a IN APPLIANCE • AND, ELgCTRICAL SERVICE CALL gODE.RICH. APPLIANCE ELECTRICAL Mr. Aitken said that Coun. Rob- inson called him the morning after a MODA directors' meet. in in Strattord Feb. 7 and went over,what took place at the meet- ing, including discussion on the. • study 'of the economic and in. ctustrial potential of Goderich harbor. The same evening; said Mr. ,,Aitken, tie was talking to MODA manager William Urquhart and was told that7Coun. Robinson had been to'. Stratford and "went over the rrieetaing in.de'tail With him an hour after I talked to hini:" ° o Coun. Robinon said hies inter - a • I: • The'cioderloh:.S . t , `' 'hur*I$ ," "Ariiair 1 , 1067 Fief n K rich , 1 The xii11G led'1:y see + rhp l Xeter, Won the #first'- prize at • the .;rand; 1Q9 of • to °Royal Canadian,. Legion tnv1tation' bon Spiel at Maitland Country Club Sunday.., , The Exeter rink won the Dorm* inion Road: Machinery Coi,,Ltd., trophy, presented by, L, )3. Graham, The winning rink liras composedof yearn,. Russ'° Tier*,,��••,J��ank�e Marks, and C1ar- • enes''McDonalda . ,--,.:,. est in the matter was aroused by. a newspaper ,headline report- ing that'? the harbor was to be revamped, He said, he is chair- man of the harbo committee and ,• had no knowledgeuch action. • He said he did get clarification from Mr. " Aitken and later happened 'o be in Stratford and visited- Mr. Urquhart. He said the • MODA files showed the town requested the study in 1960. "tile cliff Parker's rink 'from OM, ' :... ton won second prize ar►d the M son Trophy. The, trophy was pre sented'by Lave Hackwell. The 9 a.mo• alk4' was WOW by' Learn's rink. Second P lac# was• won by Jack g'ym's Klnca'rdine rink, , Third was Russ Mille ;s t4. London rink, . , :-. In the'11, s'.:m.• draw, .'C1tff Parks er's rink came first; Jack Bat*" �. esoni, Wingham, . second` ' and Charlie - McCuteheon, Palsle', Danner Cleaner- The. Ontario governr►ze t has agreed to finance the cost o e study and fouFuniv`e'f si re—s- `cave beenked to submit cost estirnat. BLUE WATER REST HOME ZURICH, ONT. — 25 Mi. South of Goderich• This brand new 65 .bed rest home has a fully qualified nursi'ng•.and medical staff and is fully equipped. Rooms are available for immediate occupancy eta cost of $6.00 per day. For further information' contact the Superinten- dent at P.O. Box 220 Zurich, Ontario or phone 236-4373. TTENTION FARMERS Local 342 Ontario Farmers Union will be conducting • a door-to-door canvass of • Ashfield and outlying areas between. February 1.6th and ,25th,, for the purpose ' of securir g new members. etery will follow entombment in 100 Tel. THE UNION NEEDS YOU — YOU NEED THE UNION South Kinloss Mausoleum, A Angles'ea' '52,4-6562 . Masonic service wa`s held•,lan. 7tf 29. .,,, Former Goderich resident Pat Hartney, of Wallaceburg, has a unique Centennial project, Mr, Hartney operates a clean,, ing business in Wallaceburg and has offered ,a4ree cleaning job on Canadian flags, the Union. Jack or a .Centennial banner dur. ing 196'7. He said he wants ,more per. sons to fly a Canadian flag dur. . OPP 'ACTIVITY Officers at .Goderich 0??,put in 418 duty, hours _from, • eb-, .0-- TM' to 11, patrofied 3,727 r niles, - in• ' vestigated one theft, three Ws- turbances and' 12 other reports; �-', investigated six property�damage • accidents and one, .a.ccident In which three persons 'were injured. The detac)imentmenlafd eight charges and issued 14 warn•, ings. They -answered tfir`ee re, quests for assistance_ and regist. ered 11 convictions on pro.- _ ing the Centennial year: secutions. ti GODERICH FfGLIRESKRTING-` --CLUB PRESENTS CANADA'S CENTENNIAL iCE(ARNEVAL . . , —.---..Featuring, � b ' ROBERT McCRABB—Club Professional ESTHER WHITESIDE and BRUCE -BRADY 1967 4th Place Canadian Dance Finalists • FRIDAY,. FEB.. 24 8 P.M. Adults—$1.00 ADMISSION Children under 12-50c 14.4 . ? f 1. Y1 Sir: n, •; Si:•; r:r;: i'•. INSTANT APPRAISALS'-. 5 SALESMEN ,TO SERVE YOU I WITH USED CARS Q.00 INVENTORY WILL BE SOLD :REGARDLESS OF COST Immo • NO DOWN PAYMENT -- ,NO PAYMENTS TILL APRIL 1•+U °> 1 O.C50,0 g'A� 014-1.0 1!9w6°6��A1ss�aynder, av tI`' W " e vi • ketVaWe2e95• : ' liteGiS•x•1C e 024 _T 1tCGe 1o$�Nr 6�Y �eveF to�g*,- St,ck1E18."aN Lti0g1. rd doses el• (°11t ` � 9 965 � 5�'�' t � va,J c°dor '�`N° pN r �Marrce d�� tan 3`1.6' '��, Cl�33a• Sa • �e �1'&9y C 1c aev og,r 's � � 1965 GB��°'�'� 6�°`' �c p+o Market va�oe Mar' '4ir�s1n C��'V�y grey , radio• ���ce.4'..._..... cCiees F°u rdo., or,. cO St ° • K p L67 eDa' uStiMfuj d c•MarsI�eMGq aue,r'ipeVsItd maaua kee de's W rhii tsvP95.962196� 1• O pGl$1,415• ce walls, ,e tc.; l96bpd 1xAC p ARXSINN PeX137? haralo®S,2a3v a S with, Out.uratuc, 5 Fou iteegrS,radios and whitewalls; EVg• 29a►tt. iNarkvaue%'175:Nic ,ee's Price tach 1,gg1 • Smart - l964B C :ports t ucker=e�fs a run LDCA nd v,nY1 roof. Mak' eted 111erus rev �$2600'erbeat°r riCe S67 2,375 1960 b0 31,000 'miles.. T VOy STATION . price $49-5:.miles.. DecerljON WAGON . de and 91501x• CitySgh6aI McGee'sL1ce$29j`OR) RANCIIVAGONvartometicd'o• power nd tailgate; 91391 X .Mustbe driven. Market value $1,150, rads! • M ree,s pri 1962dPONTIAC ce $993value $1,195x, stick, black wit h red ir♦side; E82831. Market. MCGee's Price $999 1963ows rMIICK� brakesr Worth �$1 g r df ero;st� , 9 .Sp, V•8' auto►natic, radio ►nnitationPower steer; vinyl roof; E43, v eCsC'e'S Pnee • �Y,Sg9. . CADILLAC - � BUICK- Mc.G. E"nuRoN CQUNTY' ONLYPONTIACDEALER"0444 �:.... ...--�.._.��_ .. e.,..r. �_.,.:_. .._-�•�:�v .�'xna_.� ... ..res:r_cc,'s�-_•��rs:s+.:��.vaz....W_.�._- HAMILTON ST.; GODERICH ti SINCE 1929 DIA ....524.8391 • ANNUAL ANC E GODERICH DISTRICT. CO.LEGIATE INSTITUTE • s • k • a.. } 9 to 1 Johnny_ .Downs AND HISORCHESTRA — $5.00 PER COUPLE — T.JOHNAMBULANCE NOME NURSIN COURSE COMMENCING . FEBRUARY. 23rd AT i:30 P.M. ' AT THE ALEXANDRA MARINE. _..& GENER7tiC M05PITlkt -._