HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-02-16, Page 268 Z967 •
Bows To Criticism
„ Clinton town councillor has
resigned , and his colleagues have
.credited criticism about the lack of
snow plowing on the. town's side-:
walks for the man's action.
Clinton's sidewalks .;were not
plowed Council believes the 'expense
would. be -too high for additional
4itizens are upset that children
,are forced to walk upon roads. Some
are so 'aroused they have made
anonymous abusive telephone calls
to. council members.
The Clinton News -Record took
up the citizens' cry in a front page
editorial. Now Clinton Mayor Don-
ald Symms says Clinton children
will walk upon the roads whether
the sidewalks are cleared or not.
• Elected officials, who take a
"stand, must be prepared to defend
that' stand. Criticism can be ex-
pected ; citizens -Ira -Ye -that right, But
anonymous calls are despicable.
Down M�rnou
If children- walk upon roads re-
gardless of ., plowed or unplowed
sidewalks, police action or a better
example' by adiiits would seem -to be
the, answer. •
But the cardinal point 'is that
if. Clinton .citizens want their
walks whisked "clean. after every
the reality that it must 'be financed.
by thein,
5. 4: *
Goderich last week Deputy
ReeveHarry Worsen, public works
committee chairman, used the Clin-
ton situation as a reflection of the
snow plowing in Goderich. He
thinks_ it's ' pretty good here.
Complaints on snow •-removal-
in Goderich have been few and gen-
eral and official comment has been
favorable. ,
Snow removal in Goderich is
neither ' better -DIM .,.?worse- than it -
,should be.- It is good: Blit the tax=
payers pay for it.'
Sensible Ammendment.
' .Town council has acted swiftly
'" and sensi a1 in amendingits bylaw,
controlling 'dogs.
- If Jd'ogs•-have-bec me �n � sancP Gou rty:—"_--.. .�—`_,M'rss_ - ;very -.-Elliott went_.
to Stratford on 'Friday evening
..and a danger to children as reported The proposal for'"a humane last to attend the annual at-home
then they should indeed be confined. society was put forth in a letter to of the students df the Stratford,
`In fact it . is questionable whether . the editor last year without op- Normal School, -
a dangerous dog should be harbored. parent response. Now may- be the FIFTEEN YEARS AGO -1952
It is •hoped that the reports of •time for those who support "the idea
bitten children and de redations of •' Goderich _:citizens flocked .to
P to renew their efforts. ' „ , memorial services for the late
dogs in, this town have ' not been King :George. VI on Sunday. Eulo.
mistaken or blown out of pr. opor= gies of the King as an inspiring
example, a courageous leader and •
'a devout Christian were spoken
cases i just as precious as it is to a
• • . a branch of -the Ontario Society for , new popularity this season and
the Prevention ,Of Cruelty to Ani- people are patronizing the rink'
who had not had skates on for •
mals in Goderich or , inti Huron ten, fifteen or twenty years.
55 YEARS -AGO -1912
An exhibition game of hockey'
was played on,•'the West street
rink this (Thursday) evening, be:
tween the Strathroy•I,,H,A. team
and .the local seven. The scale
at halftime was 3.2 'in favor of
Goderich, but in the second half
the locals pulled away and the
final score was12.5.Jack Wiggins
was the referee :and thelin_.
up was as'follows; Strathroy M
Kellar ,tel• Urvli rt.ols t
Coy, coverpoint; .Wilson; rover;
Prangley, centre; Avery , left;
Habbick, right. ,Goderich: Chap•
man,�goal; 'Stanway, point; Thom.
psora,, coverpoint; McDonald,.
rover; Webb, , . centre;" -Jas.
Wiggins , left; Mclver, right.
The Sturm Sisters are conduct.,
ing, a series of evengelistic meet.
ings in Victoria street church.
A service is held by them every
evening at $ o'clock. NextSunday,
they will conduct both' services.
Whether it is the new rink or
Manager Goldthorpe's winning
ways, or something else, we can.
not say, but for some cause
Following the Sunday evening
service, a highly successful fire.
side, was held in the Baptist
-Church lecture --hail; -sponsored
by, the men of the church. David
Medley conducted a hearty sing.
song followed''by an interesting
and varied program, Chairman
Bill Chase extended a warm wel-
come to the'guests, '
or other skating has acquired a
and the late Harvey Steels, has •
joined the women's division, or
the RCAF, l has left tsar her
training base at St. Johns, Que.
After being there for two months
she will be posted to Aylmer,
Ont, Miss Steels was formerly
assistant receptionist at Alex..
'Andra Hospital.
Two Goderich sisters found •
'.stiiernselves checking one another
hen a girl's basketball team
•?ro Al Celle a „pla :ed a I'M_
tvef city of Westerh Ontario squad
at Thames Hall, London, Tuesday
night. Margaret Emerson. tiwo
forward, and her 'sisterEleanor
an -Alma guard, both wore 13
on their .-uniforms. Their dad,
' Guy Emerson, was on.11andtosee
`the garhe In which Margaret's
team was victorious.
tion: Freedom .to, a dog in many Creditable History
by the clergy as the congrega-
human. The history of Goderich andtions joined inappropriate hymns
.•its and prayers:
The majority of dogs will suffer neighbors- compiled by students at Miss Hilda Smith, who hasbeen
-. for the misdemeanors of a minority. M.. Goderich District -.Collegate Insti= supervisor of residences at Ham.
It is unfortunate. - tute deserves applause.. year, has been appointed sufierin
Ilton General Hospital for the past
a•Council must now also consider' While it may not be the most tendent of Alexandra Marine and
whether it :can, in good conscience, definitive volume, it indicates o General ,Hospital, Miss Lila '
Youngblut, who has been acting
continue to levy a -dog tax of $5 pierd deal f
male dog plus $7.50 for., each adds- writing. - • hospital, is- appointed assistant
tional male or $10 dor female ..�o.r..._
9.1h-e�-eff'orts- 'owrd- favid' his-__..•_superint_endent
Miss Margaret Helen Steels,
$15 for -each additional female. tory are inipressive items and daughter of Mise Hazel Steels
something that should be . encour
i t • d t th thought f fabed• among students. ' }
Many, Canadians are' now pass-
•ing• into the fourth, fifth and'vsixth .�
generations of their -family life on
this continent. Few have any con-
. cept of their forefathers'mom
or activities, -
:"` An awareness of history can
give life more purpose and direction.
ose. w can visualize, through
the knowledge of their ancestors,
the ambitions and' achievements of
their forefathers " may develop a
deeper, apireciation of the life they
are. -living. -
G-enealogy, stimulated .at the
secondary school level, could be an
important contribution to sociology.
Reeve• E; C. Fisher, acting
mayor, attended the annual con.
vention of Qntario Goad Roads
Association in 'pronto last week.
Helen McIlwain, of R. R. 1,
Clinton, received a special gen.
eral proficiency award when 21
student - nurses received" their
caps in a ceremony at Stratford
General Ilospital Saturday after.
noon. She ids a daughter of Mr,
and- - Mrs. George 1Vlctiwain and
granddaughter of 'Mr, and.•„s.
Walter Kin swel of oderieh
-Atlotirer ' udent nurse whole.
'geived her.cap was Betty Sturdy,
daughter of •M', and Mrs, Harry
Sturdy, formerly of RiR. 1, Au.
bur; but now living in Clinton.
Six's members of Goderich
Junior ° Chainber of Commerce
attended a Jaycee' regional con-
ference in Kitchener last week.
• .
ey ichir
end. Members of the delegation
were William Anderson. district
president; Max CO, local pre.
sident, and Mel. Culbert, L.B.
Graham, Frank Young -and Ford
• ONE YEAR' AGO -1966
One hundred and twenty-seven
persons were placed in employ.
ment by the Goderich National
Employment Service during the
Month of January.'In the same
month a year ago, 48 persons
k'irst'Canadian Conference on Ag.
ing held in Toronto .recently,
Theme annual Valentine's dance
sponsored by- the Auburn Coin.
munity Hall Board was reported
"a great success" by officials
last Friday evening. Mr: .Len
Archambault and Mr. William
Goyy acted as the comniittep a►ho •
planned the evening,
Folk singing was enjoyed by
members of Sit, . George's i -ver
ing Gould . when they held their
w,eneMplaced fnsjobs,�.•---- , as'd i anie-d" th-e-= 7brr Zii
A $300 annual raise, plus guitar and . sang sone ballad's
yearly salary increments, have alone.
February meeting* Mr, K,. } epch
been approved for public school The 2nd Goderich . Brownie
teachers by the, Goderich public Pack held an enrollment on Feb.
school poard, •
Miss Margaret Atkinson, pro.
ject worker of the Huron Comity
geriatric- study, attended the;
tuary 14th. The girls entailed
were Dale Oke, Dina Oke, Debbie
Johnston, Debbie Argyle, Roberta"
Hamilton;-andElizabeth Pennman.
CeunciI Minutes
January 28, 1867 • having held the election for school
The Mayor in the' Chair. trustees tw4'.days instead of one
Members present -The Reeve, (Carried)` -
Deputy Reeve,, Councillors Hays, I3enjamin Haselhurst a/c as
McKay, Passmore,,_ McKenzie, returning officer for the sum
Cattle, Clifford, Kay, Rumball, :�f $9.00, ordered ' to be paid.
Councillor , Cox having fyled The report of the special com. • .
a disclaim with th� Clerk, as. mittee on standing committees
follows I William T. Cox (Mere. was then read. Then councilwent . •
by disclaim all right to the office into committee of, the whole
of Town Councillor for the Ward Councillor Cattle ' in the chair.
of Saint Andrews in the Town Then it was moved by II. Horton
of :Goderich and all defence of 'Seconded by W. Gibbons that the
any right I have to the same name of W. Leonard be substitut.
dated the 23rd day of January ed in, the place of W. Cox where
1867 Sigd W. T. Cox, the same may occur in the said
Whereupon William E. Leon. reports (Carried)
-~ard;E-aquire-teing-next-hi_gheston...�__..The committee adopted the re.
the Poll Books havingdulyqualif. port as ammended as 'follows`
ied and declared his to his seat
in the place of W. T. Cox dis-
The rninutes-of theiast•regular
meeting was read approved and
Petition of G. H. Parsons pray.
ing to be relieved from the taxes
on Lot 411 and 431 he having
received no rent on saidproperty
fore the past twelve months the
parties occupying being in, in-
digent circumstances. Petition
received and fyled.
a/c of James Saunders for re.
pairs to the ' engine room and
for keeping a fire in 'said room
for 21, days and nights amount-
ing to ,$14,00 ordered to•be paid;
a/c of A. Nasmyth and Daniel
uoraon returing officers for hold,
ing Elections amounting-- sev.
erally to $18:00.. Moved by •H, the office of- street inspector ,dared sustained 5th moved in ing been taken then'vote for the
:Hartonw Seconded b .-McKay kering to p .f�srrrr the duties-oi_amend neat-by--Gibbons-Seconded----amendment��lVles'sm-P'a's"aniste
goo ea 0 researeH, thought and .._ supexintendentry at --the--Goderich-y--
r " Cold � lliaiiT haefer has ob
ec a o-� a oug o • conning
a dog for 12 months and paying this
tariff. The Goderich and District
Labor Council has added its support
to the same objection. -
Unless council can direct the
funds derived from dog tax to some
approach to- the control of dogs it
would seem that a sim s le f e - c., ver-
ing the cost of a dog tag woul . s e
sufficient. - - The tag .will continue to be
necessary for. identification pur-
poses when police find a dog at large
___andlan - to prosecute the_ owner.
Fees from dog tags at the pre-
sent rate, Would go a considerable
distance toward helping , establish
Finance Committee, -The Mayor,
Reeve, Councillors - Kay, Cam-
eron and Seymour. Road and
Bridges, Messrs, Rumball, Cliff.
ord, Passmore, McKay, Hays.
Cpurt of Revision Assessment
and Bylaws, Cameron, •Horton
Hays, Leonard, the Reeve. Cern-
etery, Kay, Hays, Clifford Mc-
Kenzie, the Reeve. Fire Depart.'
ment, Clifford, McKay,* Hays,
Horton, McKenzie. Relief, The .
Mayor, Passmore, Cattle, Leon-
ard, Smith. Market, Clifford,
Passmore,,, McKenzie, Kay,
Cattl-e;RHarbour, The Mayor, Hor-
ton, McKay,. Rumball, Leonard,
Smith, The' committee then rose •
and the mayor having resumed the
chair the report as above was
Communication of George Ga-...
ham asking to be appointed -to
Report of Committee on sal•
arses reported as follows. That
the clerk received the sum of
Two hundred -and .seventy dollars;
Txea.t firer,- $14Q;Assessor, $160;
Collector, $140; Inspector, $200;
Bell ringer, $100; Auditors each
• $14. They also recommende that..
one assessor be appointed should
a competent person offer him.,
self. Sigd E. Clifford, Chairman.
Council went into committeeof
the whole on the report the D.
Reeve 'in -the Chair. The first
clause having been read was.
adopted, 2nd having been 'read
was moved in amendment by
eat--Kay-Seconded by ALT. -McKay.
that the 'treasurer receive the
sum of .$160,' •a vote of con.
currence having been taken then
voted for the amendment Messrs.
Detlor, Gibbons, Leonard, Kay,
Horton, McKay (6) for the report
'Messrs McKenzie Passmor"e,
Hays, • Rumball, Clifford and
Cattle (6) the chairman ruled
the amendment �1Iost.• • The 3rd -
item regarding the salary of
assessor or assessors was adopt.
ed. 4th moved in amendtent by
W. Kay Seconded by�,W, Leon.
ard that the collector received
the sum -of $160. The question of
concurrence having been taken
then voted , for „the amendment
Gibbons Leonard, Kay and Horton
(4) for the report Detlor; Mc.
Kenzie, Passmore, Hays. Rum.
stall, McKay, Clifford, and Cattle
(8) -the report was *herefore de.
ball, Kay; Horton, McKay and
the Cattle the reportwas sustain.
ed. Moved by Kay seconded by
Gibbons that the treasurer re.
ceive the sum of $160 forthe.cur.
-- gent year A vote having been taken
then -voted for the amendment, the '
-Reeve, . Leonard, Kay, Horton
McKay (5) reported McKenzie,
Passmore, Hays, Rumball, Cliff'
--ord, Cattle (6) the report was
declared sustained.
. Bylaw number one appointing
the various municipal.officers
and their salaries was then read
the first and second tinfe as
follows, That James Thomson
shall be clerk and that his salary
be•• -$240; -.hat-r( _Hutchins be.. .
-treas'urer and his Salary be $140;
That Walter Hicks and Angus
McKay be assessors and the
• salary be $160 That Angus
McKay be, collector and„ his .
salary . be $140; That James
Smaill be Chief Constable,
weights and measuresand -his
salary be $12; That Jam,es Saund.
ers be Chief Engineer of the fire
department;- That Nicholas Doyle
be pound keeper; That Mark Whit..
by - be 'inspector of 'cord wood.
Then council went ,into com-
mittee of the whole_ on. the by.
law the 1st, 2nd and 3rd - sec.
tions of the bylaw was sustained,
• then it was, moved dn. amendment
~by W. Hays and seconded by
Passmore . that Amos -Martin'be
collector for the current year,,
the question of concurrence hay.
that Messrs Nasmyth andGordos said inspector for the
a/c be paid less $50 each, .they $125 Received and fyled.
To, Avoid A False Impression
J. C. - Hindmarsh, RR ' 2 Gode= Hindmarsh's argument. Nor was
rich, in a. letter: to the editor last the aspersion on another --man'§,
week opened his, epistle with a com- character.
plaint about "the butchering" the These were deleted from Mr.
editor gave a previous' letter of his Hind narsh's letterin two places.
published Jan. 19. But the major portion of the dele-
If the deletion of about 50 tions were taken up in ^giving con -
words or four type itte lines in tinuit to th ? -context of • the letter.
r.inddmarsh's five-page , manu-' t is puzz ing that - r. -
script is butchery the editor is guilty marsh should accuse the editor d-
m the complainant charges. "butchering" his copy, because the
- There is no reason for the editor is on record as opposed to the
editor to- defend his prerogative, ; conduct of the war -in Viet Nam, and
duty and; responsibility to make de- therefore in sympathy with
cisions on what should or should not Hindrna,rsh's writings.
be published. But by • inuendo .Mr. MT. I-Iindmarsh's letters are a
findmarsh is suggesting, to- the welcome contribution to The Signal-
public that:" the editor' hacked ,and Star. He is�,an effective and interest-
slashed his prose 'in some way ds- ing Writer",,, M but If heContinues to
torting it. It is not stated but it • is contribute he might as well' get used
implied. It- is not true. • . to the fact that an editor is a. man
Pointed name calling was not with a blue pencil. .and sav-e his
necessary to the development of Mr. sarcasm for his opponents. .'
Established 120tih Year of
Zobertril gubincatian
�j-- The County Town Newspaper' o • Huron --C(
* 'Published at Goderich; Ontario every''thursclay morning by
Signal -Star Publishing Limiuited •
ROHERT Gr. SHRIE1t ' . ' -R---'k76rt: If£'rA1tIVS
President and Publisher Managing Editor
S. F. HILLS, Plant' Supt.
� Y
Member of C.'WN.A., G,W,N.A., and A.E.O.
411/4 bscrIption Rates $5, aLyear..--Ta U.S.A. • 46 (in advance)
Authorized as Second Class Mai, Post Office Dept..
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. 4 ,
essages From
The W�rd
Rev: G. G. Russell
St, George's Anglican Church
"When thou doest alms- .."
"When ye pray ."
"When ye fast
Concerning' each -of these three
religious practices, Our Lord
had some very sound advice. It
is a part of his Sermon on the
Mount in Chapter six of St.
Matthew's Gospel. - I t . could be
, summed up in a few words:
"Don't ptit on a big show of it."
For millions of Christians the
beginning of Lent ushers in six
weeks of special- discipline and
self-examination. Each year the
weeks before Easter. are set
aside as a time of -preparation
for that joyful climax of the
Church year. the celebration of
our Lord's Resurrection.; Alms-
giving, prayer and fasting are
the traditional ways in which
Lent has been and continues to
be observed in the , Church
The practice of fasting before
Easter began so long ago that its
-origins-are lost. Irenaeus who
lived' about •200 'wrote about the
• erences o opinion ,as o ow
long the Fast should be;tut even
then it seemed to most people
that it 'should symbolize the '40
days of Our Lord's Fast in the
wilderness. By the fourth cen.
tury it was 40 days in mostparts
of the Church, and at the end
of the sixth century Gregory the
Great •'gave his authority to the
practice of beginning Lent on
Ash Wednesday,
It is of interest to .note that
the Forty Days .exclude the Sun.
days •in Lent; Sunday is always
a Feast Day, never .a Fast Day.
If we follow the spirit of Our
Lord's teachings we will not
make Lent a gloomy time. We
will not parade our piety for all
the world - to see. But we will
enter deeply_ into the experience
of ' The Cross, trying t3 carry
through life whatever .,"cross"
has been put upon us to eridure.
In this- affl)rent society we
sometimes imagine that all the
"crosses" can be torn away.
If' _ as so ften happens, we find
ourselves - c. crying a "cross'"
we become bitter and say "It
isn't fair! Look at all the lucky
peopl e and I have to bear this
Letter To The Editor
My name is "Puddles". J'm
friendly little mutt who lives on
Wilson `Street. Some canine
friends and I had a meeting last
night. They said (midst gruffy
yelps) that we've lost all our free.
dom nowt
Bad enough to drag a chain
throughout the summer months,
let alone all winter too.
My master told me last
summer, when we moved to town
from the country, that things
would be a little different here.
Very quickly I learned to respect
the neighbors' gardens and stay
very close to home,. I didn't even
budge when my 'rabies shots were
I 'liked it herel I rnet somenew
friends and then very soon
(before acquaintance flowered
into love) I .thought 4 abdut Jhe
population prob1em and requested
a fast trip . to 'the vet and did
my share for birth controll What
else couldra lady dol
G -
The kids, on rpy, street- are
ggreat.. I really love theth'too.
Everyday, when my .owners leave '
for work, I have my freedom
momentarily to babysit these
kids. BoftrThey're going to iniss
nie now. ,
"^ I don't' famcy those chains.on
these icy, windy days; I don't
know what I'll do; my doghouse is
buried' now. I guess I'll have to
They said at the meeting, some.
lad got bit -=well. there's a plade
for dogs like that. It isn't, really
fair.' When one human bites
another, " do you chain down the
_ whole population?
.We plan to raise a howl; we'll
have a massive bark.a-thon to
filibuster this h a i r b r a in elf
scheme.• wel'll yelp from dusk
to dawn. Sleep well.
ell,look again. Other people
are not' all that lucky! Affluence
does notprotect us from "the
slings and arrows of outrageous
fortune". • M -
In spite of all oul civaization
man is still very human. He needs
the discipline of fasting, the
nOwer the generous spirit of
alms giving.
Let ifs -enter Lent determined-
• to see what God sees. Some
of these sights are in ourselves -
our own moral shortcomings and
spiritual needs. Some in the world
around us, can be healed by our
prayers and gifts.
But in ail things let us not
lose hope in God's creation. „r'It
is he that hath made us and nngit
we ourselves. We are his people,•
and the sheep of ,his pasture."
.. _,_s:s,... e.��x.._
P.S. My master, PaulCaroll,
says best i • nifelitiOri his name.
by McKenzie that the inspector of Hays, Clifford, for the motion•_
streets and licences received the Messrs, Gibbons, - McKenzie,
stun of $160-- the Question of Leonard,,,, Runit?all, K3y Wart,
concurrence having been taken McKay and Cattle, Angus M6Kay
_then voted for the amendment•the was declared appointed.
Reeve, McKenzie, Hays(3) for the 0� The committee then rose and
report 13etlor, Passmore, Leon. the Mayor resumed the chair
ard, Rumball, Kay, Horton, Mc. 'It was moved and seconded that
Kay, Clifford, Cattle (9) the re. ° rule 34 be suspended andthat the
port was sustained 6th report bylaw be read ,a third time and
on salary of bell ringer of $100 passed. Carried. The bylaw was
was sustained, auditors at $14 then read a third time andpassed.
each sustained, inspector of The following gentlemen were
weights and ' measures $12 appointed to the office of con.
stable for •the various wards. For
Saint 'David .Mr, Martin Amen
For Sault Andrews 'Ward "Mr.
Georges • Swanson, For Saint
Georges Ward James Doyle and
Jaines Hays, For Saint- Patrick
Ward Mr.'llich llas-'Doyle,
The council • adjourned until
the last Friday in February.
Jaynes Thorson JohriV. Detlor
Clerk ,Mayor
sustained, The committee rose
and the mayor resumed the chair.
Then W. Hays moves in amend.
ment W. Clifford Seconding that
the salary of the collector be the
sum of $125 for the current
year, a vote having been called
for then voted for the amend.
ment Messrs. Passniore,` Hays,
Clifford (3) Riot the report the
Reeve, McKenzie, Leonard,"R.um-
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