HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-01-26, Page 14F ,yK JanittarY, ; S 4 A i, • By'PhirleY J. Keller ager at Midwestern Ontario COtintY"-bOuncil members in CiOderich last Thursday that an _intensive report on the possible fUture of CFB Centralia should be complete by April. He said his group was making a survey Of several similar bases 'Little $tudie Local Harbor in the United States `which had beep closed for various reasons, The Centralia base is expected to be completely abandoned bk militp. y personnel in late August of thiS year. Mr. Urquhart also hinted a study to determ,ine the possibilit. les of commercial useage of the harbor at Goderich• other than .for shipping grain and salt; With respect to industrial CounciFSfrows— Imagination By Shirley J. Keller While Huron County council. lOrs seem to agree that some effort shoald be made by them Teat skid the Gentennial sary of Huron County Council, very little in the way of imagin. ative plaaning was evident at the January sessions in Goderich last eek. , • Centennial committee, Delbert Gieger, deputy -reeve of Hay, Township; and Howick Reeve Harold Robinson, appointed at the -final meeting of 1966 County C oun. -cil asked this year's council -for some direction. —Af-vin D. -Sniff h, Thx:nberry reeve said his first suggestion for a Centennial WorshipService was in keepIng with the thought that county ---council should take the lead in Maintaining Christ. ,vian princfples in Huron. Discussion from the floor showed that most communities in. Huron County were planning Centennial, wdiShip services of their own. Zurich reeve Leroy Thiel wondered if county council would only be duplicating the 'intentions of otherS. Tuckersmith reeve Elgin ThomPson invited. the county to plan their Centennial activity in reeve, aaid county counc ill or s with their wives and her husband should malce an appearance in the Court House Square some. time during Centennial Year to participate in 'a devotional sex'. ,vice to pay tribute to pioneers -other 100 years. Harry Worsen, Goderich' deputy- reeve, said the celebration could be Yield in conjunction with some Centennial function in the ed to contact the Goderich Cen- tennial Planning Committee in , growth in Huron Chanty, the MODA representative said small industries•branch plant openn, ations. that would grow with the community would be the most likely to locate herd. • James Hayter asked if industry was asking for a handout, "Just what are they looking for," in. quired the Stephen reeve. Mr. Urquhart listed available labor, reasonably priced land, access to service centres, access to, tran$portation, housing , in a stale k ,X u-ni nd-e open-- More emphasi4 shouldbe given to the importance of exerCiSefor middle.aged men and NOMen. Physical inactivity or lack of exercise causis rapid degenera. tion of body tissUes, and this degeneration can occur in the heart and lungs as well as, in the rousculature. apathetic toivards exerCiSe as they become more involved" in other enVirOnmental interests -an activities, The advance of automation a.nd mechaniiation is also a problem. .1Preuro,e9qteiti causing people to take part in and less physical activity. For example, many people, will spend a good deal of time. searching for a.parking spot int' order to save just a, few, stepp, missing the benefits of Valuable exerciSe. Others find it necessary.,to have -two or three teleVision sets in 'their homes to eliminate walking from one room to another to,see a par. -The -CMA--pbirifa aft- that ive- race. And this applies partici'. larly to middle.aged personswho have retired from participation in-actiVe sports. Exercise for men and women in this age group mustbeplaaned f Exerci. e 1a. Br'anches. Throughout 5outhivk'estern, Ontario and vigorous, and mostimpOrtant women, the subject is discussed should be regular and consistent, in all sodlal circles and there Equipment and facilities' are is a tendencY on the Part Of aoMe important, and exercise can be, tO exaggerate the eXperiences of done at any Wile of day. A pro- the menopause era. • gram of exercis e such as the -Because of this exaggeration; 5BX or 10BX Plan can be dons there is of4en a great arnotuft• of at home and 'takes only a kW apprehension and fear of the minUtes each daY.. - Change, Which is most unwarrant. Regular. exercises will keep ed; "There is also a tendency the weight closer to nOrnial and to build, up a pichiri of great- -- will create physiCal.fitnesS arida mental stress in relatiOn this greater zest for living. , ,normal, state and ,the result of toms are experienced tti coup. S ince no two woinen experience the same- symptoms., and no One . can foresee what changes there wtll be froin. *month to month or day tO'day, comParisens are use. less. If a woman has anY quest. ,ions about the menopause, she sician. is adviged to consult,acrr phy. The woman shoulAPprepared for the cessation of the monthly. Periods, which ordinarily is not accompanied -by serious complies. ations. Only about 15 per cent of women have sufficient un. toward symptoms to seek aid. It is true that, because of the . age at which the menopause takes place- usually between 45 and p2. other physical conditions may occur which often are blamed op the menopause. One of the.main effedts is a psychological one as the Idea of -growing old often disturbs -one's peace of mind. It , is quite certain that, with pre. sent medical knowledge, most'it nOt all symptoms related to the menopause can be cOntrolled by simple medical administration. • S'ince there may develop in this peri641, subconsciously, some - disturbing emotional states, woman is affected shouldbemore considerate than usual, allowing the psychological uPset to take its 'normal course. The C MA als6 iation in co.operation with other ° organizations interested in pro. moting Physical fitness, in Can. ;idol, recommends active particip- atioi in exercise programs for middie.aged people, as -well as for other ages. Menopause The process invOlved"in the menpliause is a perfectly normal one,' Ina ordinarily should not - affect the woman in any ser. -foils manner. The menopause or "change" is of major -interest to all women. It simply means that the woman has ended her, ctd-bearing period, and thia is e denced by the fact that her monthly men. strual periods have come, or are „coming, to ap end. Because till's physiological event affects all, clea ra n NOW ON AT KSTONE FURNITURE 'PRICES- ON ENTIRE STOCK 'REDUCED UP TO 505 OFF Goderich Native Was Brakeman 41 Years Clark. 68, of Port Huron, Mich., 'a brakeman fOr the Grand Trunk Mr. Clark joined the Grand A ietirement party for Mr. Clark and five other GrandTrunk employees was held- Jan: 7 .by • the Order of • RailwaY Conductors and Brakemen, -Di. vision lqo. 565. , until.October 1925. In Nov. efaber 1925 he started to w&lc for the Grand Trunk Western —ilIa7rather waS the- late Will. iam Clark of Walnut Street. He Mrs. William 'Clark, Jr. and, Vera Clark; 161 Trafalgar St. was born :June. He and M;ss Pullmtn. were married in November,1928. Mr. and ,K7S, Clark ha ve a son, Kenneth L. Clark,_ Port Huron; a daughter, Mrs.. Pat. rtein J. 'Cline, Kalamozoo, and 7 -Mr. 'Clark worked for Signal Robertson from .1912 to 1915 and then enlistellAug, 9,1915 w.ith 33rd df -London and 'sell ' in France with . 4th Canadiank' Mount ed rifles in battles of San, 7.tuary woOds, June -1916 and the - ,- ,Somme where he was gassed and wounded in September 1916. He was sent home to GodeAch charge and went back in the print. ing-office until Jane, 19:8, when . he went to Moeller, with the , See the classified ad in this issue for details on many of the sale features. Better still, come in and see for ° yourself. • Personal advises that at this stage in a woman's life, "'armual m'edical examinations should be sought in order to rule out otrier con. ditions that sometimes .occur. . shiisuld also be stressed that because of ..this change in the . woman's physical state occuring at this.time, she should not think that life has come toantnci..Many women find this the -beginning of ' a, period of relative'freedom and . of' a full and satisfying aetivity. that --his mother Mrs. Amellia 4 the inaugural ceremoney and re- ception as a guest of Governor and.. Mrs. George ' Rommey recently' at the Michigan capital -at Lansing, Mich. REGULAR Full W'. Rez flake tops issure better . bouncing. Made fOm two pieces of by 60" to form regulation size table. ' Bases are 94" plyweod, Easy to assemble, dismantles, in seconds. Ready to point. , YOU'LL SAVE, TOO, ON.- • You can have your DREAM Conklin kitchen cabinets are designed to your specifications. For example: you can buy an 8' base cabinet completewith curve post formed counter top -for only $212.00. Matching upper cabinets only $73.50. No Money Down — In ConVlin Country You .Enjoy The Easiest of Terms. 5248321 • Super qz--sign of a Growing Man 1/2 Price and Less FUR TRIMMED This is the sign .that money can't buy. Everylannerwho displays it has,earned it. How? First, by developing' his land so that eRtraordinarily high productiOn levels are pogsible and second, tiy adhering to sound management prictices—including. the retommended applic:ations of Super O. • program. Apd the tyvo are inseparable. ., feftilizer—i_n concept and content—on the Used on good, productive land, Super Q can help you to produce higher yields of premiuni quality crops netting yoy $5 to $30, depending on the Crops, for every -extra dollar you've invested. Find out how you can-eam '5the Sign of -- the GrOwing Man". See your Super Q ,supplier now. D •