HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-01-26, Page 11I'd like to tidy up .a lot of to s this Week, u. loose ends i . k, #f' yo don't mind. a�'irstrof all., thanks for thea warm and personal. notes a out the column, -and the good wishes to the Srnileys. They came from all over the Continent. Many of you, ,velli be' getting your Christmas cards at Easter, . or possibly 'in •July, ' My wife lost her list of addresses. * We had a refreshingly differ- ent New Y'ear's�'Eve' this, Year: Went o`'s skating the . t n Wen a .k g party on bay.' We even took skates: But, fortunately, • we had to make a couple of calls before we got there, and when, we did, the skaters were , pooped" `I ex.' pressed , great indignation be- fore allowing someone to. set,, me down before the fireplace with a' small potion of herb tea. But it was a great party. Just as we arrived, a ;;pretty ,young woman hustled in from outside, clutching her pants and various other things. She'd been out on a Skidoo on,the ice, and they'd gone through. She was quite annoyed. -Lit- time ,i:'d seen her, she was eight months pre'g- nant.'This time she was almost in shock. She said she'd like to meet me under normal circum- stances. . - Anothezr feature of the party appealed to me. Instead of the usual maudlin rendition of Auld Lang Syne, followed by a' round of sloppy kisses, we" �a11' stood to 'attention and, sang a Maudlin version of 0 Canada. * * * Speaking of ,centennial -year, • Quality Costs • By H. L. Baird So what else is new? Well, it should be just as ob- vious as .that: Everyone has the. right to as much automobile as . his hard-earned money can buy. If price was • the only thing that varied - and not value - it would be simple to say which car was the best buy: It would be the - one with the lowest price. But value in an automobile is • many things. If it is a new .car it must _be fu11y_prepared "for delivery by experts. If a, dealer skips this expense (mid saves .himself about $70) you'd 'pro bably never know •the difference• until after the sale when the car's aults madV,it obvious, ;• } If it -is ,a.: used car, it should be serviced to give its newowner reasonably. trouble -freer per= for mance. Not doctored up to look" good until after the sale is closed. If promises were a part of the value bargained for in the price, and they are not kept, • "then that means of course `that the price Was higher than it, seemed to be, perhaps much _higher. Good service and fair treat - merit on warranty, are vital to the ong range sa isfaction of a car buyer and do- much t ;o • decide - what kind of a 'deal' he really „ received; The lowest price Vvill con- , ttinue to sell cars as it should. But if your.. mind i`s` too intent upon price alone,- you may act. ually spend more money for less - car. • See you next Thursday. Advt.* some readers:may havenoticed. a rather sardonic attitude to- ward this great national • o ca - sign, in:my last couple c col-. � a , c p of c l . umns. Please excuse it. r don't really feel that waY. It's a sort of . back -lash. For years, I've been trying.,to tell people how great Canada is .and could be, ,.. , * • Kim had her .first teenage party over_fixholidays, She• in - Vit That's the way :they_Aperate nowadays, She .was adamant about; her parents. staying ,out of the way. We did; with hid- den. hotr�pr. , 9. when wilen .it came time for the food, she came to us, hits- ing furiously; "Aren't you even going to cook the hambur- Th d has lost his shoes or," boo over n 8� e • i F y ars, • South America, the West Indies,. '01 - land, and Cape Breton Island. , But he never loses his good spirits, tiles' him. * *, * Gordon , Sinclair, columnist and TV personality, and I have little in common,. He's rich. I'm not: Hp's shrewd, and crude, ,pugnacious" and pontifical, as - pd. -asinine, I ,was• -about -to°- say I'm not, but on second thought won't. But we are 'hs one on the need for a: holiday in' February. Did you see hir, tackle the Prime. • Minister on. that recently? I've been shout- r . • 66 F.nancual Success It's the greatest.centennial DeeAnn: Landers; Forgive,th spelling.,I' am 82- years cid and never wnt to college. I want tR reply to the lean, who objected to women tieing boss iun the home. I have, been married Or over OO Years and. et '.hm Proud to admit that my wife is the boss and .I am thankful for her bossiness. When wenaaaried I didn't have a pot to..cook in" or -a window to throw it out of. Mywifebossed me into ,saving , money which I surely would have fritted away oolith y, a now ve a su staptial savings account, ?OO sha;r es of A.T,• & T. anda lovely home, full of beautiful furniture - all. paid •fpr My wife also bossed ' o11r daughter through college e and g (, some nieces andnephewsas well. ',Any lnan. who doesn't appreciate �, t. a smart woman to boss him is just plain crazy.-- R ToD As x Happy o ,I'm Told Dear Happy: , Some men need bossing . and some women need to be boss. You and your wife are fortunate thatyoirfc i tde 'c'lr other. Terrible things 'tan ppen w en -rro • osses marry each, other. • * Dear Ann,Landers: This"letter is for .the Wife who signed.ber- ing this theme for years • b nation. B37 mid-February, every-- d • one in thiscountry 'is. so frayed .iary and flogged that it's amazing there aren't :suicides . and axe - murders galore. I don't, care what they call it. But let's have the nearest Monday to Valet], tine's Day as a nationalholiday. For Hospit;aI; Aux Evangelist gers?" And . we. spent the next two hours `feeling much like a TO "Visit couple of short-order cpoks brought in for the evening to do the catering. The music was turned up so loud I was, sure the cops would raid us. Kids: kept wandering into -the kitchen and demandint ' " A rne.nber of the Free Metho- flatly: "Got any cold pop?" But dist Church in -Canard, .Mr--. C emp.- ,it was over finally. We checked , bell has travelled extensively in Appearing for the first time in this area this Sunday will be e nge amp - 'bell, who will be preaching in the Goderich Free Methodist Church. fs a ria uncan C the living -room. Not a .burn on the piano. Only one hamburg, with all the trimmings, upset - -----O rthe--rug: So --we'-re--going-to- let her have 'another party. Twenty-two ;rears. from now, for her daughter. Son Hugh brought us a spe- cial Christmas present this year. The announcement that he was quitting school. Oh, well, you can't win them all. But it doesn't make the"goose go down any 'better, even though you assure him that he's cooked his own -and has to lie in it, or Whatever the saying is. * *•• * Nephew Paul of Laval 15. ap- peared 'out of nowhere, as col- lege boys do. Father wants him to be -a doctor. -He wants -to -be a beachconntper. And he's lost his boots and his feet were soaking. religious work, ,visiting. -,such places as Great Britain, Pal. estine, Eur,)pre, and many parts --of Ncrrth A m erIea—A--C—nad=ian, -- Mr. Campbell speaks Italian fluently, and has -had consider- ' able experience in preaching to Italian -congregations in Toronto and Italy. - In addition, --,to '-.evangelistic work, he has engaged in Pastoral-- , astoral-. ,activities ib British Columbia,•., Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and has also. been associated with Youth .For Chr'st fnleraii_loma- For •i num er of years Mr. Campbell ha worked in the field of radio and television, and in - 1965 he pioneered a radio pro- gram using the facilities of, a , T-oronto ,radio station, which has developed _nfo the•,tongest single religious r:idi3. pr , rim in Cap.. ada, operating for five hours daily—In -this--capa-c-ity; he has - spoken In many of the larger churches in Toronto The annual,- meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary was held Jan. 16. The -reports of the various officers showed .that 1966. hadbeen a gratifying year Finan. cially, with the success of the gunny -Fair and tea, the saleof•the Hospital Memo Calendars, and the income from the Gift Case and- the ndthe soft drink machine. The mem- bershipincreased during this year. — �_ The new Gift Shop is now in use, and later a cart, stocked with various articlegto will be taken regularly to the patients'° rooms: A, new, improved soft drink • coke machine has been installed. - Beatrice Lauder was re- elected president for a second term, with Mrs. J. W. McLaren, treasurer; Mrs. L. H, Diggon, secretary; IiI s.- -Carl- Wor-sell, convener of the Gift Shop; and Mrs. N. G, McIVer, convener of the Penny. Fair: rows •'� self s�Matried to a;S;ports Nut." Yes, there(is somethin worse Y than being married to:' a ' m who hooks his eyeballs into t TV screen every weekend, At least you are together. My husband was a ',Work Nut".. always going "back to thee office, He was the first one an and the last to leave, Every•Saturday he was at his desk. And,'rah, how I resented it! Now he`is: gone..after 25 years of marriage. -and I am lost and' .one -1,77V o we e e unimportant things 'in our_ lives blind us to what is meaningful and precious? Why mustwe suffer a sudden tragedy before we can appreciate now good it was? What..; does it ,matter if your husband enjoy. s his work so much that he'd rather do it• than'15 other things?' What does it matter if he throw, !lis clothes ,round? What does II matter if he has to leave town two weekends in a row? He'll be home in a couple of days, won't he?, We all think of widowhood as. something that happens to other people --until it happens to us. T was one of the ,most, contented people in the world and 'didn't know it. -It's Black Out' There Dear Black: Your letter echoes the sentiments of this column. I've been saying the same thing for years and have been called a traitor to my sex. Thanks for backing m e ups Dear, I,ar dersi 'Ite'eently� e ed t ` Stony .� the c iv a no ace � m school. asking fur • 'volunteer 'mothers to su . ervise the children duringlunch, hours so the. teachers can have some "noon time quiet,' My husband and i think this ins preposterous. We feel thatwhen we send our children tA school - we have file right to espeet the teachers to take charge, We don't ask the teachers. to conga to off` homes; and do our r� t i deems 'ta me that 4011100* nth; is wrong; with ? n edueitloa ; system ,that expects mothers to Dome to school and supervise e children. Am I right?—Orlando'Mother 'Dear Mother: YOU maY0eri t, but I'm reser'vin 'jud , t.,until. g' iII I hear from an Orlando',te�i&cher,� what's the `score :.dot there?" '•• I would,like t. b w SUN a Progressive Gamfpuiiy-. in a pro greS.1iv0 tndus try GJORDON:T.WESTLAKE;Ii ONE,565-5333-4$AYFIELD SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA -- _ PAIlLLQEAL!_SAVE.$1..00-a-GALLONon :INTERIOR VINYLACRYLIC LATEX AUTHORIZED DEANER FOR GENERAL, ELECTRIC • .ELE:CTHOHO'ME HUTCHINSON: RADIO — TV APPLIANCES 308 HURON RD. change your pace:.. SAVE! MOTO-M .ASTER WASHER ANTI FREEZE REGULAR -44c: Value Concentrated • •protects • down to" 35. , below zero when diluted 1 and with water. 20 -oz. can. TINTING BASE 4+ REPEAT OFFER!a A 8 -.oz SPRAY $1.59eh trk Scotchauard--- Miracle aerosol! Protects fabric frbm spots, spills, rains and stains. 8 bk. • GALLON Reg. -$4.95- QUART Special 1-49- FJ.N .S I I NG WHITE_ • 5 . GALLO N Reg. $7.35 QUART Special 1.79 COLOR- CO-0,RD--NATE-D 4 _ } -1 - t-71 --;:i ".1 f 3. $ .1 i 3.....1 1 'r Rush hour trat:li.c on Yonge Street, Toronto. looking north from Queen Street, circa 1925. Where the,action is . . . in the ,heart pf downtown Toronto. At the Lord Simcoe Hotel, you're close- to everything shops, enter- tainment, and the business district. Change your pace ... enjoy Toronto more, at sensible. prices ... stay at the Lord Simcoe Hotel; where the only old fashioned convenience is the service. • un__tar_Qrato, stay at Ae 4.4 ate( imam University and King. Streets. , . Telephone "362•-184$ ter,.... • SAVE! CLEAN AIR- AIDS • N .. Regular .59c Each. F? R -.9 9' H Hmidif ier - Plates Compare at $1.19 Furnace filters Inter out dust and other air im- purities. 16 x 20" or 25", 20 x 20 - or 2.5" sizes. 1" thick... ... . . Universal fit for plate -type humidi," SET Fier:. provide needed humidity. Stock ®F S Alp and save! . .. • • -LA SAVES YOU ..: $i.QO -A- GALLO N! 11.0 SUPER LASTIC —the newest , . r smoothest . ea lest way fo grace your in- terior walls, may• they be livingroom, bedroom or- cten! Dries quickly, with no painty odor, to a wonderfully washable finish. Great hiding power too! With . the savings on the. SUPER LAST'IC• SAVE -$1.00 -A -GALLON 'DEAL, you .can paint the town red ... blue ... green or one of any 160 Color co-ordinated decorator finishes, obtained with' the aid of very inexpensive Magi -Tone Colorant Pods. (Not included in deal) SUPER LASTIC brightens your home . .. the swings brighten your outlook! SAVE! PAINT ROLLER and TRAY .8, SPEIAL SALE PRICE! 9 x 13" metal tray. 7 " mohair -blend roller ith hard- wood handle. 13uy now for Big Saving! L. O..., 1\111P''' WHETSTONE NORTH STREET • 524.1394