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The Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-10, Page 4
THE eter`;itiomuctic, SAW1?Z5 t.% SWBZT, Props, T TURSDAK, Mar, 10th., 1892, DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS, Seldom or never lute suet), expedition 'been witnessed in Pariiement as in the • disposal last week .of the address in reply to the Governor General's speech -We teen all rclnember• when the discus sign on the tiddress occupied two and and throe weeks before a vote could be taker) in the Commons, But ' in the present instance the address was rnov ed, seeol)Cled 011d adopted and speeches delivered on, both sidesof the House,s1 between 3 o'i:lock and 5,30 p,m, of the same day If the general business that into come before the Commons be despatched with anything like the same celerity, we may anticipate a short ses$ien and o11e fraught' with i=ractical results, The new member for East Hastings, Mr. Northrup, who moved the address in reply to the Gov- ernor General's speech, bids fair to be a .first class debater in Parliament, He etas deservedly complimented both by the leader of the Opposition, Mr. Laur- ier: and by Sir John Thompson, the m - leader •1ti d of the of ernnlcl a the House � of Commons, Mr. Bain, the newly -0 ected member for Soulanges, seconded the motion in a speech delivered in the Trench tongue, Both speechce,accord Ing to repiart, evinced careful training and a wide knowledge of Canadian affairs. Mr. Laurier's reply, we are sorry to say, was a rehash of Sir Rich- ard Cartwright's old blue ruin argu• meets. No prosperity for Cal:tidt-- the small increase of our population - the Want of a more euteusi5 e market -the need of unlimited reciprocity; and the throwing open of our home market to the products aud manufact- ures of the United States -and the bold assertion• that Canada was shackled in her trade negotiations with the neigh- boring republic by the controlling pow- er of Great Britain -these formed the staple of Mr. Laurier's speech in the Commons. One yery silly argument used by the leader of the Opposition was that all the loyalty was on , their side! No wonder the House; indulged in a laugh. But we have to thank Mr. Laurier for his candid admission that something tangible was likely to accrue from the recent visit of gayern- talent delegates to Washington. And the country will receive with gratitude the announcement by SI1'',Tohn Thomp- son, in his reply to Mr.,: Laurier, "'that. the delegation from Ottawa went ` to Washington on the 'invitation .of the A'nrericara Government; and further that no treaty or trade relations be-. tween those two countries will be ent- ertained for a moment which would discriminate against Great Britain. The face that no amendment to the ad- dress was offered b}' the Opposition, as is customary, is proof positive of the strength of the government in, the House and of the weakness of their op ponents. When the negotiations that took place at Washington came up for consideration, the public will fee] deep- ly interested in the discussion of a sub- ject which has engaged the earnest attention of every cabinet, ever since the repeal of reciprocity by -the _Amer- icau Congress in 1851. UNITED EMPIRE TRADE ,LEAGUE. Among the diary topics of discuss ion that are now agitating the Mother- land, not the least important is the pol- icy of the United Empire £rade Leag- ue. This is the policy which Col.How- ard Vincent, M.P., was sent out from England a few months ago to advocate in Canada, as well as in other colonies Of the Empire. 1t is a policy which, if successful, would modify if not repeal the system of free trade which has .ex- isted in England ever since ; the days of Cobden and Bright. The subject has lately come up in the British House of Commons, and the vlows expressed by Sir Michael Hicks -Beach are regard- ed by out and out traders as a serious blow to the policy advocated by Col. Vincent. But the public sentiment of the natioll,as; voiced by large meetings bald in Manchester, Birmingham, and other commercial centres in Britain, indicates a rapidly ' glowing sentiment in favor of a united Empire trade which would give a preferential tariff to Great Britain and her colonies and a restriction of trade with foreign countries. The condition of the artisan classes has necessitated the framinglof some policy in which the citizens of a common Empire would be encouraged tie cultivate a common interest in one groat eommercial system for the me- lon, And there can be little doubt that preferential duties would benefit ttlilee the, British artisan, the Catladiali farmer, the Austeellan ranehmdn, and the grower of Indian wheat. In proof of this, look at the exports of Greet Britain in 1890 to foreign eouotr'ies which emitted the sum of oyer one hundred and sixteen ,trillion and a. hta if pounds sterling, as against not quite seventy millions to British eouut ;ries. These figures ,how at least the yalue offered to Britain of her Colonial trade, which under a preferential tariff would bo greatly expanded, As to the value to Canada and the other Colonies of the Empire of a preferent- ial trade with the Mother Country, there can be no doubt, and the fact that there are now in Britain 3000 members of the U, E. T. L --including some of the mot prominent men in the Kingdom -besides 700 active support ers in Canada, of both political parties, augurs well for the future succes of a policy which on the ground of national sentiment and of a widely extended trade bids fair to become ere long an. established fact. RECIPROCITY IN WRECKING. In the debate upon the address from the throne, the leader of the Opposition remarked upon the tardiness• with which the Government has been con verted to a belief in the wisdom of mak ing an agreement with the. United States for reciprocity in wrecking. heir'. 1irl I Patrick, he pointed out, had ;.year 'after year introduced into the House measure directed to this end, but the 'Ministry premitted the followers to vote. it down, though the gravest inconveri• fences have long been known to exist under the present law. Mr. Laurier stated further' that, the basis for Mr. Kirepatrick's motion in this matter had been laid by an offer from tee United States governtnent,which had for years appeared upon the statute book of that country,inviting the Canadian govern- ment to joint action. Mr. Laurier's point was not well ta- ken. The condition of affairs at pros• ent and for a long time pees has been discreditable in the highest degree; but the fault lay not with us. In 1874 the American authorities prohibited Cana dian vessels from wrecking in . Arneri cru water, and as the vital interests of our own wreckers were imperilled by this step M'. Mackenzie was obliged to meet the hostile legislation of our neigh bours with a retaliatory act. The con sequence,as might have been expected has been great loss and inconvenience to the inland marine of both countries; a condition of things, in fact, discredits able to their. civilization. A Canadian k vessel might take ground in American waters at a point one hundred or two hundred miles distantfrom the nearest :American assistance, and although a Canadian tug fright be close at band, prepared to save her, the law forbade such interferenee,and the sinking craft might go to pieces unless a tug flying' the starsand stripes appeared ipon the scenes The same barbarous rules governed the other•case, of an ,Atneri- can ship stranding in Canadian 'wa- ters. It is to be inferred 'from what 'Sir John Thompson said that the represen, tatives of the two government have been able, on meeting together and dis- cussing the matter face to face,to over- come their differences, and that such modifications will be Made �, i0,411e coast ing laws of the United States es' will premit of an arrangement mu tally sat. isfactory and highly beneficial to the inland marine of both contries. Stephen Council, March 7th. All members present,' Minutes read and signed. Moved by H, Eilber seconded by R. Hides that the Treasurer and Reeve are hereby em- powered to borrow a sum not exceed, ing $3,000 payable on receipt of taxes. Moved by S Sherritt seconded by R. Hicks that,fhis council grant the sum 0 to aid the. Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society on condition that Osborne grant a similar sum and that Exeter grant $50. -Carried, V. Betz and C. Prouty to be a deputation 'to meet a deputation of Hay Council `on Saturday, 19th inst,, at Dashwood at 2 o'clock, .The following changes were made in pathmasters from last year:- D' C Allen instead of G Floyd; G J Walker, Div. 12, changed from lot 22 to B it is now 23 to B, the being divid- ed southern beat to comprise ' lot 22; Samuel Sanders to be pathmeeter• 13; W White 14; J Brown 15; J Kerr 16; F '1'riebner 17; 5 Stanlake 18; J Wicket 19; J Edwards 25; W. Finkbeluer 29;T Amoy, Jr., 35; J Regier 38; James Lane 51; Fred Geiser 52; M. Finkbein- er 6l ; G. Sherritt 62; G Webb,. Dash- wood, comprising lots 23 and 24, all. Pound Keepers changes, No 6 William Cunningham, 12 L Wolper, Changes in fence viewers, N. Baker instead of W. Walker, resigned. Orders granted: P. Baker, lumber,$12,48;Interest $2 07 C. Brown, eixpree. cts; F. Eilber arid others, shovelling Snow on C. R, $3.55;; Hart & Co. $3.65; J. Young, rep lamps $1; H Hawker refund statute labor $7; J Hawker, refund S L, $9; Mrs. New combo, $6 1' Farrell, refund dog tax, $1; J. Sherron, keep of indigent; 0 Moatz) brick bats, $12,70, C. PROUTY. SPANISH NERVINE Tun GuUtee'SI NTTSU SeAsIXPle, easily, quickly and , permanently restores. Weakness, Nervousness and Rostr anitood, A GuAatAxrasn specific torJits and Neuralgia, 1'Iystoria, loizzineSS, Gonvlsions, Nervous. Prostration°nosed bY the use o f Tobaor:o or Alcohol, boss of Power in either Sex., Involuntary Losses caused by overindulgence, We guarantee sire boxes to cure any case or refund the money. $r a boa, 6 boxes for5. Address XL S. Agesete Span - moult Ann nermt VS1S., isrz �+Serllcino Co.. Detroit, Ili ch. Sold by druggists. POP sale in Earcter by J. W. Brow ning. Bidduph Council. February 291h, 1892, The council met pursuant to ad- journment. 'I he reeve and all the member's present. The f)llowing a ,c• county were ordered to be paid, James Stewardson rep new road 50e.; A..13a.w den sawing wood for hall $1. Bylaw No. 3 of 1892, fixing tavern licenses at 5105' and shop licenses et $140 was du- ly passed. E. Nortlo addressed the council of .ubject'of concrete tile and multi ,, supply the township by the carload. Laid over for consid• eration. The council adjourned to meet in the Town Hall, Lucan, on Monday, April 4th, 1892. W. D. STANLEY, • . Clerk. PHYSICIANS MEET With no More common or dangerous malady then Catarrh. It begins with a cold in the head, often resists all forms of treatment, end runs from sign ple irritation of the mucous membrane to chronic inflammation an 1 'destruct- ive ulceration. Before Clark's Catarrh Cure was known,' the doctors.:adopted a Tons' Course 01constitntional tree fluent With their l.atients, but now they . res ommend them to go to the druggist .and get a package of Clerk's S atRrl'1l Cure, When the druggist cannot sup ply, the remedy *ill be sent. by mail ' on receiptof 50 cents. Clark Chemical Toronto, New York. The Treasury Department. at Wash- ington' has ash-inngton'has substituted the "Dominion Shorthorn Herd Book" for The "Ameri- can Shorthorn Ileed Book" in the list of recognized authorities to govern the import Rliou' of animals for breeding purposes. H©F MAN'S HARMLESS' HEADACHE ' POWDERS are en honed medicine for which only honest, straightforward state- ments are made. See that you got tbeenuine Hoff - macre. Insist on having them. They Cure .&L Headaches. They are not a Cathartic, T - \CI A T EACH PLUG- OF THE MYRTLE NAVY!. IS MARKED 9 IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER i"ENUINE. a NTL 1 P � oTOR A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. 1' Pt llli!iic, djlillLCL Druggist'tijijill s " We are six in falll- A Farmer at ily. We live in o Edoin, Texas, place whole we are subject to violent Says: . Colds and Lung. Troubles. Ir have used German Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Pains in the Chest and Lungs, and spitting -up of Blood. I have tried many differ- ent kinds of cough Syrups in my time, but let nie say to anyone want- ing such a medicine -German Syrup is the best. That has been my, ex- perience. If you use it once, ;.you will go back to it whenever you need it. It gives total relief and is a quick cure. My advice to every- one suffering with bung Troubles is -Try it. You will soon be con- vinced. In all the families where your German "Syrup is used we have no John trouble with the Fran Lungs at all. ,Itis the medicine for this. Jones. country: G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J. Flour Feed and. Seed E Tioriura • As we have vacated the building. on Southcott's premises and removed to 9 r DREW S Rlv..4 CK OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, we take this opportunity of thanking our inany patrons for past favors, and • evpectinn• a continuance of the same we will lie found in our new stand ever rendv'to meet the wants, of all. Best braid of Roller Flour constantly on hand which is all guaranteed , No, 1. Also Bran, Shorts, Chop and, all kinds of mill feed delivered to any part of the town at hill prices. This Spring and 11 we, hice.y ilargestack. of Galcle Field Seeds, which have -been purchas- ed from Urst clefs S.eedsmenn and will meet the wants of alt. At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. W!fl&It's Gogit!o Powr the best in the market. C. LTTTZ, PROP. London Huron & Bruce Railway rassenger .Tinao.Table. sa0ING NORTH. GolNG SOUTH. 8..111.p.m. , . a.m. p.m. London,dep't8.06 4,25. Wingham 7.05 340. Lucan Cros'g 8.47 5.20. Belgrave ' 7.24 4.00. Clandeboye 8 52 5 28. Blyth 7.38 4.15, Centralia 9.05 5.45. Londesboro' 7.47 4.25; EXETER 9.16 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4.45. Hensall 9.28 6,09 Brimfield 8.26 5.04 ltippen 9.34 017..ft ippen 8.34 6.12 Brimfield 9:42 6.26. Hensall 8.41 5.19 Clinton 10.00 6.15. EXETER 8.57 5.88. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03. Centralia 9.09 5.45. B.I.yth 10.28 7.12. Olandeboyo 9.18 6.56 Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Lucan Cros'g9.24 6.02 ' Windham 11.00 7.46.1London a,rr 10 15 84.5 . G. Bissett5s Livery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders 1eft;,ot Bissett Br'os,':Hai:dwa.o Store,prompt - will receive attention.' TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. FURNITURE IDLEY' S. Seed €rr ahi a Specialty. A very large stock on hand now to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed- room and Dining Room suits at nearly half the usual price. 150 Looking 'Glasses from 10c and up. Hundreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to choose from, -cheap. ; Easy Chairs and a great variety of other Goods suitable for Xmas presents and in fact everything usually kept in a first class furnishing house all for prices away clown. A good S dozen chair's for $2. Come and see our $1.75 panel Ben that we "BLOW ABOUT", the reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chairs and Parlor Pur. 'Attire that need re covering' as wehave e beautiful stock of covers with cord & gimp to match, , Drop in even if you don't want'to buy, will be happy to see yOtt, Ktate6Mf• Remember the stand, give us a call and rcceh e satisfaction. RICIARDO 1 & Y1ESTCOTT. Highest cash price paid for Butter' era ergs. Itis . domain And,peody euro for Odld irr'tho Head. an5Oaterrh W.an it etegea, SOOTHINN�G CLEAN3INQ, H�ALINO. ;esfant Rel%!`, Pe, manent Cure, Failure Impossible. Mehr eo-0e1Ied dtsceso* era ei cad. oymptomii of Catorrh, each as henfl- ache penial deatudas;losing eddso of smell, rout broeth, h,4kii1 and ellit• ting, names genotat "Islng dl de. hairy, aro. ft you arefauhllep With eny of tlteee or kindd tlymytome, yore hey.' Catarrh, andonldIpo, no tine In procuring a be of N000Z BAOM, Be warned lu e, nnd8lectod: cold in hoed result, atarrh, fol• 1nw 1 bk, eenevmptiendddath. 8' bI1 drugsiste or DelS on ie¢elpt-o 11.00) ilY Addrei,llig 'YapD ocko1Io, Ont. INDERTAKING1 A complete stock of everything 'in this line from the cheapest to the high est. Also the only Embalmers. Ire member the nate() and place GGIDLITDS Odd -Fellows Block, Opposite J Grlg'g's Stationery. -LT 1,111.11.11 Clothillg Hose ai'e the latest goods in --- PALL AND. WINTER S I. I %� '� IGS and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and a Good fit Every Time or no Sale. AT PRICES AWAY Dalin Remember the Stand one Door North of E. II, Fish's Barber Shop. Give me a call. Js .H. GRIEVE. a A llia.k. - N 5 51 fn We have 15 Crosscut Saws, e6 ' 3 dozen Axes which must be oleared out at wholesale prices. We have a large stock of TUBULAR LANTERNS which must go at the following prices: - 450., 55c., 65c., and 75c. Also a few more of those cheap Library. Lamps at actual cost Lamp goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Calla . cot ou Steer before buying. As usual our stock of Hardware, Stoves and tinware is com• plete and we defy competition. tt • BISSETT BROS. Y; Jut a _.r._ �srcy'RG.'r.-�� �3�-�'�??-,�, r�•,�ie � '� 4y�fr*a��.mv:�, " ROBT. N. ROWE, UNDERTAKER...+. And Furniture Dealer. M a R -STr, 'EXErr r5 �' ,.� , U kigao5 ,'g DESTROYS AND P.i3v10VES WOR1I'l or ALL PUN b5 IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS ".,•WEETAS SYRUP AND HARM THE i`�IO.T CAh1NOT l-1 DELICATE:. Gl�ir_Ci S, Exeter CM11.21.• .1..31121:1011.11581 Roller' Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.90. TO 0.95 per bush Otic Selling Prises. Flour, strong bakers', $3:00 per 100 best family, 2.50 f t " 11 low grade, 2,00 " " Bran, 70 " Middlings, 90 " Screenings, 100 ' " Chop, 1.10 to 1,25 '•. if rt. Chop stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling; Co SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this sue- cessfel CONSUMPTION CURE,is without a parallel in the history of medicine, All i druggists are authorized to sell, it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that ho other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure 'ou. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly,. and relief is sura If� ypou dread that insidious disease CONISUMPTION. don'r fall to use it, it will cure you or ,cost notili7► • Ask roar iytug- gist for SH11.OHiS CUREt Puce *0'Cts,, 5o'cts. and $I,eo. IIPTOONE I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its use thousands of oases of the worst kind and of long standinghave been cared. Indeed so strong Is my faith in its Money, that I will send .TWO BOTTLES MLN, with m VALVAELR :TREATISE on thi., disease to any safrorer who wilt send me their EXPRESS andi.?A, address, T. A. SLoouei, M. C., 180 ADELAIDE' ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Exeter EMPORIUM. PERKINS & PROPS. We car;; the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county.. PIANOS, - ORGANS, VIOLINS, • ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &o The above instruments always on hand., Terms to suit Purchasers.. GIVE US 'A GALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN, PERKINS '& MARTII