HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-01-26, Page 2•e jch s►i'1
tar, T faai, Jan�nary.mo.: y1)61
hou IdA ¢ . Goderich Secede?
Coun. B. R: Robins ` 's pro- • • Economic facts must. also be
posal to mha t Goderich withdraw considered. The county spends about
from Huron County Councilappears
to have little chance a being passed
by Goderich Town 'Council, but it,
shpukl be debated... , ,
Two points should ..be " under-
lined Coup._ Robinson has to ' date
only .:given council' notice 'that be
will present a motion.' . The intent
of the motion, he said, will ask for a
committee ,to study the feasibility
of taking Goderich out,of the county
The' councillor is expected to
formally submit his motion to town
council tonight. The motion• will re -
'quire a second before it can be de-
bate. -'
If no member of council seconds
the motion, then the motion is lost.
Itwould- be desirable if some
irerriber of council, whether he
agrees with the suggestion or not,
could second the motion that would
allow the matter to be argued in
Because Goderich is the seat of.
Huron County government Coun.
Robinson' proposition will cause
some elevated eyebrows`particularly
anang---those--to•-•wbom the_county-
town marriage is a sacred relation-
' Without the benefit of the ideas
which have prompted the. councillor
to seek a divorce of the town and
the county, the recommendation .on
the surface does'not appear to have
There is :a question of whether
a town can legally secede from a
county, without 'a private bill from
the Legislature.
$3,000,000 a.year. In fact the county'
represents -an 4ndustry of that
magnitude with its bead office in
.-Goderich•_,... -.
Exactly how much of that $3;-.
000,000 circulates in. Goderich would
take some computation. There is the
additional, impossible to calculate,
revenue derived by Goderich b
tresses from. the purchases` of county'�
coup i. fors and their ' dependents
not -only -at the time of regular, ses-
sions of.council, but also committee
meetings which are conducted ` al-
" most .daily, unnoticed by the averages
citizen. of the town.
The main theemef Coun ~Robin- r
son's argument, as he- hasstated, is
that the town, whin paid the county-
ountyabout $140,000 last year, is not re-
ceiving the service it deserves for
that kind of nfoney.
a The ,c.auncillor is quite correct.
Goderich d 'oes deserve more than it
is getting, but the fault, lies not with
the county but with the town.
withdrawingg from c o u n. t_y.
council will not correct the situat•i on ,
but strong representation will.
- h'e=-theory..-tha.Lan' admin tra-
tion deals equally with all parts-. is
excellent. The reality is the opposite,
and as the ' saying goes,2_.tlle _squeak-
ing wheel gets oiled. ,
iA._ strong - voice in county coun-
cil s; just as important as having
men of influence in . Parliament or
in the' Legislature. Goderich's best
interests will ' be served by having
the 'men available to seek the. town's
just deserts.
:ii • f" .C':.d :Y:F
Mia .nr Sher Said -It-'-s Obscene ,
The fuzzy thinking that has.
been going on in Goderich during
the past two weeks has been mill in
the spirit of Canada's Centennial.
The entrants in the Kinsmen
• beard -growing contestare develop-
ing bristles on -their chirns,cheeks
and upper lips in a . hair-raising ,
(sorry about that, chief)" race to the
Old Home Week deadline in July.
It • may well be the beginning
of a 'return
to the - gloriousdays.
a-a^maYx7 1 bearcl- a
half nude. Just think of the ' contest
that with be held in 2067 as Canada
celebrates its second century of
There on a busy Goderich street
corner, television's Norman .Dafoe
will buttonhole a :bald-faced man
for an interview.
"Goodsla sir, your name
y , y u is7" .
"Harry Rumo."
"Well Mr. Rurno, have you
registered in the Centennial face
shaving contest?"
"How does it feel to be shaved?"
"How many are in the contest?"
"Just two so ' far."
"Who's the other guy?"
"The editor of The Signal -Star."
"How's he getting along?"
"I d,on't know, I don't speak to
. whim.
y - "How does the -contest work ?•"
e you s ave, and put all the
shavings in a plastic bag, and the-
heM. guywith the biggest bag of shavings
at old home week wins a year's
r•• ; _
"Thank you Mr. Ruino.'
.•' ' 14
44,1r4dli, iv/
., 'mow..
Goderich harbor has altered considerably in the 44 years since this photograph
was taken and reproduced upon,. post card. It was ::uppried.to The Signal -Star
by J. Alex Hume, of Ottawa. In 1923 "C" house of Goderich Elevator and
Transit Co. Ltd: was under construction as shown by the high scaffolding
that rises above 'the site. TifFttorage tanks ht this sectionAdded 1,000,000 •
own IViemory Lane
bushels to the company's grain storage capacity. "A" house, at the. south end,
was built in 1907 to hold 50.0,000 bushels. "B" house followed in, 1n10 with
another 500,000 bushels. In 1922 the °marine tower, in the middl^ of the
elevator complex, was erected. %hen, "p" house was added in 1929 its
1,000,0Q -bushel tanks brought total storage capacity to 3,000,000 bushels,. `
Brothers. Freeze Delivering. Team
_..:55_YEARS_:AGQ--1912 _
Jack and Leo McCarty,who
live near Mount Carmel, were
nearly frozen to death while on
their way Home faromExeter a
few days ago. They had deliver-
ed a team.- of horses at Exeter,
and were retur-ninghomebetween
5 and 6 o'clock in the evening.
They reached the Town line, near
the railway, where they . were
found. The lines had fallen over
the-dashboard;--onerof -•the boys
was asleep and his hands were
frozen, and the other had fallen
: a of'Lucknow, had a narrow escape side centres: have -made applic-
partly out of die • cutter and his di;ath'1�►hen their -home Syas .tion for the band's services at
head and `arms _were being try destroyed by fire. On . public functions. this y_e.r;. ••
dragged in the snow. The boys coming downstairs in the morn- Three Goderich men attended
were taken to Centralia and mad• ing the husband was metby clouds the " Canadian Furniture 'Mart •
ical aid summoned. - • ;Of smoke. and sheets of flame show at the. Canadian • National
_ - --from the -kitchen; and -had barel3� Elrhibition grounds - last.__t k..--.
• _M__rs. D. Murray_ andli_ttlebaby__, .time to rouse his wife and child, Present om here Were Glen
`had notime to secure any Lodge an> Dan Leeson, of Lodge
of their clothing. They- took tem• Furniture, W d • Harrold Black -
,� — porary refuge in the barn. The stone, of 131&' •, :� e s Furniture.
• Wilding' and. -contents were - a - Group C t< g ,:',' amer_oa and
total loss. the chiefll ,f iu • fficer, Squadron-
' A vestibule is beingbuilt over Leader 0 x ' .tlf m ClintonRCAF•
either entrance at the postoffiee •:S • ', visit., the Maitland Air
this week, This should add much • Cadets last eek. The, group
to °'"phi" warmth of the interior captain inspected the cadets. •
and the comfort ofthe employees. • Bob Williams is in the bowl,.
• Dr. Hunter, medical health.ing spotlight this week after droll.
officer,, submitted his report for• ing a 364 game, the . highest
the year 1911. Scarlet• fever and single fame score on record at
diphtheria were entirely absent the local alleys. Bob, who plays
from the town during the year. . for tile- Stymies, in the 1en's
cer�ned about their rights that " Commercial League, rolled the
they forget that a more important •15 YEARS. AG4-I952 • night's high triple, too; He spored
part of life- is the fulfillment • . • - 194, 217, 364 for a triple of 775.
of duty. When people continually A war guest for four, years
-`" a is 'e die 'doing or -mot -dummy;-----dltring-World-WarTM h at the tin e . ' .-,.. F XR,-A. ' -666 ._•._..
Messages From��
The Word
ReY_ H. _de
First Baptist Church, Goderich,
There is a story told in Isaiah
ch apter__forty-four, of a man who
planted a- ree. a re nouns
it, • and. .it ' grew to its full size.
The pladter then cut it •dodvn, and
used -the wood. ,Some 'of it he
\used to.build a fire, to keep him-
self warm,• and some td cotik
his food with: He had a pidce
left;• -so -he -made #rite, 4.,-.4W.,:ti +,.
worship. Notice again, he made
a god with the wood that was left
stance, find devotion to the
Creator? Another question stems'
from the first one; ` Is this
time than any previous generation
has had, yet no generation has
been so harried, and perplexed
and pushed bythe possible uses
of time :than has ours. -Should we
not therefore establish a scliemea
of priority for the wise use pf
time? Because time waits for no
man,it is imperative thatwedo
so,- in order .to -get -the best out
That man had an order ofprior-*
ity,. and -in it bodily needs were •
more important • than relations
with his god. --
Here we we see an order of choice
that is still used and regarded
as adequate. We might 'well ask
the question• Why is 1t that we
offe the-re&idu•es -of ,.time Tsui).
of life. Most of us have -succumbed ,
to the teriiptation of wasting time,
or have confused the Unimportant
with that which is -important, This ,
of course wastes time, and ,
• energy, and leads to nervous
frustration, and life, as a result
'is poorer -and less 'rewardine.
they establish a habit that will • of Mr. and- Mrs. Gordon Bisset, "
destroy the foundations of life, Miss Barbara Lancaster , of. An application for a• $35,000
family, llusiness, and thus affect'. Grimsby;' England, visited with -- building permit, to allow • con.
the nation. People who do not them this ,before proceeding to struction of a cocktail lounge
accept oblig�atio 'S,.canno rel xe Vancouver where shewillwork. It and dining room •at the Ham n
of fully satib ietl liff�: is ' � t'i i "' )been eight years s1 ncew, she Motel, is being dtinside
Choosing what shall•. be first, left . Goderich to return ; to=-pher ' Goderich town atinlicil. "' '''t
and what shall be last, and what home in England. Nine new members were in-
is to be avoided enters into every A A card party held Thursday " ducted into the Kiiisnien• Club of
area of our lives: ' Wecan become •night under . the auspices of St.' Goderich at their meeting on Mon•
frustrated and exhausted in de= peter's P.T.A. , had Mrs: L. day by Past ,President Gordon
bating such choices every ham- of C►ulette and Mrs. E. • Carney as Bannister. This brings the
every day. This indicates that conveners. Mr. and Mrs. Wm... strength of the club up to 43
wnat is necessary is an over-all Johnston claimed the •lady's• and • active members. >
rule, or prineiple that will guide man's.? prizes for high scores. A Richard Harrison, „an aircraft
Cts in • our every -day choices..1 tasty lunch was served by the Mechanic,.at 'Sky Harbour -Air'
believe we have- such a rule in Conveners and their helpers, Services, is lea•Ving Goderich on
the words of Jesus, . 'Seek ye The Goderich KinetteClub held Sunday to take up a'pos'ition with
irst thekingdo "of-'G'adt' . ._ .:a-: successful tea-and-bake-,sale—Austi ir-ways,-in-,Sudo
on Saturday _in_the�,Jack and Jill Harr n has-,yrorked at Sky gar-
_ This rule can -govern all our shop. Mrs, Gordon Bannister was he•ir
our since te•mber 1959.
actions; and when adhered towilh tea convener and over _$5O -was • Alex Profit's rink, with four
beep' our priorities in proper per• realized. . .• wins. and a plus of 12, was out
�, • - in trent • at the beginning of this
TEN YEARS AGO -1957 • week iri the men's -division,. of
Efforts .,are being renewed to curlers at the Maitland_ Country
Letter. To The Editor.
Coffee :.4x Crafts?
- Last week you published a
letter to the editor stating that
Before town council rushes iQff 1' had criticized statements of the
to apply for a winter works subsidy writer. The truth is,'I addressed
on „contemplated,- __p----------L-elsemyse,lf to the editor and tffno'on
the empty service station that has •This deviation from the facts
been serving ,as a tourist inforrna- leads .me to believe the'writer
tion booth, it mi ght first consider -was more interested in effect
than facts• as his letter shows his
defend " them, but to help ahem
spread their lies. ,
- This free world is no Utopia,
but we are free. to improve it,
so lets get busy and tell _our
e -M -Wel-intend
_we-intend -to- defend our
way of life if necessary.
John Adams,
its long range plans for use of the-Tau-6rpretation of facts w'oulcl
building. - . make many a fiction writer blush. . LETTER
Indeed it appears that -councilabsolute
In part I was expressing my
gust with a certain
Fine, no sensation at all after may -be forced_ into some delibera- element in our society. If the
- tion of -the future of the building as writer feels allied to this glroitp,
I got used to it." that. s his bus es ..
"What wasyour 'wife's ' re- �a restlt of two groups applying for : Mr. Editor D -Bulk
_ Presidents Tru. e
tZ(4n . :1t3 use. ,Eisenhower;1 eras�•
min, nKennedy and
hnston have all had to send their "
"She didn't like it, said it looks A youth group � wants it for 'a Jo p
obs ._.u„...,.. Countr4as+.,sons-out-�to-ffright-rff e'
��a •'0k "" ' -"" e �' 'ge - a-ftrgroup wants communist aggression, To eorri-
room last night." it for a crafts cern re..-!rov to council- Par mese crtep.. to "Hitler or to Scheme -
�_.. _
cc ,. r imply ,they are running dictator -
rt of sheer A plan devised by the Expo
when you shave'd•. •'formation booth. racy 467 corporate management
1 •
spective. We have" the promise
that all other things will be
added to Us. Many people inter-
pret , this • to mean material bring the membership • of Club. In second place was •W. G.
.blessing, but,I sometimeswo# der the famed Goderich Girls' Trum. Cochrane's rink with.three'wins
"if Jesus was not -thinking in terms pet Band up to full strength,. The and 'a plus of 16 while in -third
of fulfif1iizent of .life, •
band :`is Mill much in demand position was JohnSchaefer's rink
The general tendency for and several organizations in out. •-^ Vith three'wins and a plus of 8.
people seems to be• in conflict > w
with this rule. We want to do as
the man in Isaiah chapter forty-
four, did. We want to look after
the bddily needs first. God re.
ceives what, is left over of our
time, talents, -and possessions.
When we choose to give the .
kingdom,• Of God first „place in
our lives, then we will know what -
life really means, . and what'lffe' '
Can become,: for all bur choices
will be governed by that choice.
WeII; the • toys at the office
,,- on is
-enright-be- desirable if all their ° There_ is • a name-we-shoulduseoffering "Education -Passports''- -
when referring to -that gang of to children in primary and Sec -
gave mequite a ribbing, they didn't wants .could be combined. dirty -faced beatniks, frustrated on
intellectuals 'and oisoned. en' schools' :across Canada,
think I had enough nerve to stare • The tourist looking for .,a public p w► Passports will be available to'ak
"Does it itch?" washroom would stumble in t0 the crack -pots, who compare our school boards -and- to educational
,, ions recognized by the
leaders to murdering maniacs institut'
• "What?" • gloom of the coffee --- strains house and to the when they stand up' to the dom. "department of ed
ourouro.wt- f^ ., protest tune -• Theucation. uruver.
"'Ohr ..- - - _- -a..._ _ �.......... cataco are
no, not now. It did at.first.", cc' parasites.' We use thew8rdfree• If school boards Ticte.thoo:rdiri,
be conned -Into carting away"Made ' dom, -because this, type is found directly with Exna "Would you recommend shavin • in Goderich Townshi tea cos . Hisonly in free countries, The corn. n„ g l� Y imum• value of $10
•to other mei."Well, I 'don't know, it's • okayswinging burghlean I .site because they live ff of... Othwasmeetingtheblld'tThes,ft't'gsocietythattmdlook; riglt to be bare -faced." its. hands would get a severe olt• their sole aim appears to be to bank� Y Y g that allows passport. This is a. sa4ving overmies killed off their shareof "'" to each student will bapprox.
What a this type years ago.. We use par. imately 72 cents per'passport.
for me. I'm . inside, but- a that . think -I'll cool it right here. - and contribute nothingto the Otherwise, ssport, boards may
. y - , g purchase passports in smaller
public, it'wouldn't n lm ge 0 a oWn al tin On nurtures em and group lots from commercial
s atar cost•of75 cents per
destro the on
' thin f
them to exist, and that is free. the general dailyadmissionpricb
. dom. • of $L25 ft children tip, to 13
,, ,1Like the average man, my years of age -and $2.50• for per..
knowledge of the Communist sons 14 years and over.
countries is limited, but there Each group must be- made up
are a couple of 'things I have of a . minimum of 36 children
noticed They have never been
120th Year of
' (iibirtrti t nnaat— taz Publication
The County Town Newspaper of Huron r•0—
Pubttshed at Goderich, Ontario every
Signal -tar Publishing
President and Publisher •
S. F. lilts, Plant Supt.
. Thursday morning by
R. W. K1lA11,1V`S
Managing Editor
.0 Subscription Rates . $5 a Year --.-To U.S.A. $6 (in advance)
Authdrited as Second Class Mil; Post Office riept.,
•� Ottawa" acid fur Payment `otpostag'e ° in Cant
voted inwithto power., in any country. every
a 10supechildrf•en.vising monitor for
Their take o ers have -always- For: ' A i Infotrative .xeasohs,
been blood baths - with _ the all passport orders must be
slaughter of any dissenters. + placed ° before ,.March 1. They.
We have never seen a Corn• will not.,beLen--salt at the gates
of the exhibition.
monist carilitry revert :to . ; .,:
dart- as"`` ` lti rifer pat tolerate tiftrvoit
uii11 . . 'e,� • iglu by
free speech, movement or choice. school groups. are scheduled to
take place Mondays to °P,ridays
In all their atrocities,. ".they from • May • 1 to June 16, and
breatenly blame their victims for Sept, 11 to ,out. ' 20. Official
all the trouble., and somehow holidays , are excepted as these'
manage -to get our `freedom para , visits will be treated as part
as'itos not only to belielre and • of Oie school curriculum.
wr; ,
Finest Stone and Experienced Workmanship
Frank McUlwain • ,REPRTSENTIo'►TIVE
5247861 _ or 200 Gibbons St...�-- 524-8465
m^ int
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USAGE 2 lbs. 89,
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