HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-01-19, Page 157,7 d ice. •« ' The Gor'oh d Siva 'hw' NORTH. �►Q AK3 106 4 KQ9652 WEST EAST ✓ 9$5 If 62 10752 ♦ 152. , • 1(984 4,J1074 +3 SOUTH 40 A 8 ♦ QJ1014 • A fr73 4„ A 8 North dealer, no one vulnerable The Bidding; North East ,_ South West 1C IS 3H Pass 4 H Pass 4 NT Pass 5 D Pass 6 H Pass Pass Pass-. WesxsTead is the nine of spades. • V First look at the north south 'bands only. This hand was ° - • played in a, recent duplicate tournament, and many people scored a minus score :With the•,north south 'hand _by choosing an infers*r_line of play. Howwould you play to the first four tricks? Co •ides that jf you. play ^°Cixe�' „front: diut sin the spade nine it will be co- vered byeasts king. There is really more than -one way to make this hand. One could finesse against -east having the`king of dia- monds and proceed -to pro. - 'duce 12' tricks if the play -, -succeeds; •,tw`o -diamonds, a ,diamond ruff, five hearts, olt s..and the s aide. Ace Pr 2 tricks. Most pia -yrs, figured out that trying..the ...club suit was better and could produce 13 tricks for a better score, besides the diamond finnesse might lose. So nOw, three -rounds of . hearts drawing trump and' the ace king of clubs and when east showed outof clubs on the second round, they had to go down one. All those 'who decided the right line of play was the club suit forgot one thing; After drawing all the trumps you cannot make .the hand, if clubs break three one. If they break three two yO'u do not have to draw all the trumps to avoid a ruff, the- refore, yo'u oti1rhave to we rry-about a . three one break- so thr best play is to ,draw. two rounds of .trump and then- play clubs.. (east cannot ruf aLnow the third club -and get back' to the dummy by drawing the .Iasi trump. As it turns out, in this hand the best play is the only line of play' that works.. ..� _Wouldn't .It be fu,i .if . we could conjure up from. their neglected graves Sir John A and the other, ' Fathers of .Cori. federation,,, and take them ort` a tour of the nation -they tied to. gether 100., years ago, with string and serllingwax? �.: Would therth nk -hey had budded well? Would they swell. with pride over the nation tat has emerged? 'Would ° they,look with awe on what has been; ae- complishe'd?. Or would they cry, as ,with one voice, :'Lemme ' outa here! What have you done Seaforth Legion --0#iters ' Installed • SEAFORTH—. R J. (Gus) Bou- ssey was 'installed last- week as president of Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion, • Seaforth, • succeeding D" Orlean Sills. Mrs. Cleave Coombs was in. stalled for a second term as president of the women's auxil- iary,. uxil-iary,. Otlr'srs installed: -Charles Wood, William Dalrymple, vice- presidents; Morley Storey, trea- surer;, Ronald S. MacDonald, sec- retary; Cleave, Coombs, ser- geant -at -arms; Rev. Douglas Fry, chaplain; William O'Shea-, Peter Malcolm, R. S • Bolif George Hays, Elmer Rivers, GordonScott, L.B. Mdlanson, ,F. A. Dobson, W. D. Smith, John Wood, John -E. Long. staff) W. D. Stephenson, com- mittee chairmen. Other auxiliary officers; Mrs. Hartman 1-iiusser, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Vice-presidents; Mrs. Kenneth Coombs, treasurer; naso Gra rr secretary. Mrs, :'rank Walters, sergeant - at -arms; Mrs; James McNairn, Mrs.''Harry Jessome, Mrs. Fred Chapple, Mrs. James Sallows, • committee conveners. toour glorious Dominioh?" The physical changes in_ those 10 tiny decades, a flea- „ bite in the . human span, would - surely impress them. The vast towers of steel and concrete in our cities; the ribbons of road and rail that span the conti- nent; the St. Lawt°ence"Seaway. And surely they would - be thrilled by the vast technologi- cal leap made since they stood together for that stiff portrait. •• in Charlottetown. They would be dazzled by the simple facts sof electric light and Bower, flight by jet -liner, radio, televi- sion, the telephone, the auto- mobile, oil -heating, air -condi- -----tinning; -and-a--thousand-'other-�--- things we take for granted: But how would- they feel r' about the, country they created after the . f ancy wrapping came off the toys? After they'd seen the Toronto City,-- I1a11 and flown across the country- in a few hours, and plunged into the bowels of a modern' mine, .and gone up ' Ina chair -lift at Jas- per, and faced annihilation in a - Montreal cab, 'arid groped for their drink in a• gloomy cocktail` lounge? x Behind the glittering_ play----- . things,, would they' really find much • change in the country? Not at this time of .year, any- way. It would be still t Sham- bling • geographical monster, buried in white, tail turned to the north wind• Only a sprin-, kling of lights, a few curls of smoke, and a few ants crawling about -would suggest it was -not straight itit of the ice ages. ` And if Sir John A."and his o D • 011 • fellows lifted that familiar blanket of white and peered under -,. t, would they be sur- Prised- and delighted by yvhat they saw? Would they pereelve a mature,, virile, independent people -proudly proving that the twentieth century belongs to Canada? One look would reveal a ma= lerial prosperity „and comfort beyond their dreams.. But _ it would show that ia lot of other things they were familiar with had 'not- changed or improved. in 100 years. Fear of the U,S., corruption in high places, French and 'English-- Canadians wrangling, dirty fighting at Ot- tawa,- the taxpayers being --.bribed. ' with their" Wn money, the rich getting the and the poor- getting chi dren: a famil- iar world to, The _Fathers. , But the sorrow might change to horror when they looked bei• yond the familiar things arid saw that the healthy -looking body was` riddled with' disease. The pollution of air and water would make then furious. Th soaring rate of divorce, Dig addiction, homosexualism, alco- holism would appall them. The number, of dead on the high- ways. each year would sicken them, The power of huge mono- polies would ..frighten them. And the apathy of the average, well-fed Canadian would dis- ..gust them. No, we'd, have to divert their attention quickly, and turn it to other thing .that would' dazzle • Chapter Gathers The members of Beta Sigma Phi met on the evening of Jan. 10 at the home of Mrs. Walter xattinttrn. The' cultural program was pre- sented by Mrs. Marion Hayward on the topic The Connoisseur. Refreshments fol'tbvSed. • ^,1 them. Perhaps they'd be -1rnw pressed by some of our great cultural traditions. developed, since their time. Like the Grey Cup Game, when the punks and. the drunks take 'over. Or Hock- ey Night in Canada, one of our • .great national customs, when 'this entire, sprawling nation is linked together into' a warm, friendly group -of idiots, rising as' one mart 'Id' fetch another ;beer when the commercial comes ohe. -Qf - Maybe they " d enJo t y a our one ,of .our new atonile energy Plants? Put 1 wonder what they'd think of the pictures of Hiroshima? We 'could tell them what 'we did inthe two great wars. put one look at the tax bill for de- fense would give them apo- plexy. • CUSTOM & UNDER DASH RADIOS FOR ALL MAKES STEREO TAPE PLAYERS ECHOMETER REAR SEAT KITS HutchinsQn • Radio—TV-Appliances 308 Huron 'Rd. -' ` 524-1831 Jessie: Jewel .DEEP FRIED HIcKE BARRED. 15~ PIECES 4,90 I4 BUCKET 9 PIECES 3.00 BOX COMPLETE DINNER 1.44 C 0 Andso it•would go Personal, ly, l think that after,the initial novelty wore- Off, Sir' Johln ,A..; and The Fathers, more in sorRa • Tow .chart,. tit '; angr,, vtOU d te- tura to where tht ."came from+ without ever taking a 'look hack: ...) Interest Commencing December 16th,' 19661, SKY RANC-H 4• Restaurant & Set°vice--Statl' W Hwy. 21 524-8982 $1,000 'Denolrninations Maturing 1972 .1014. L $1,000 1976* $1,,000 1978 . $2,000 1%79 ° : $2,000 1980 $2;000 Parties interested in purchasing any arnoOnt of the above issue should call the Town Tre`asurer's Office -524-8344. • ;'4 .,, la gine Quality Groceries! a PLEDGE FROM THE MANAGEMENT- --;- OF A&P! PCHOICE . QUALITY. -10-FL-OZ TINS FEATURE PRICE! CHOICE QUALITY` CREAM' STYLE - FEATURE PRICE.! '-What-we are about to say is not new. Matter of fact, it's. been our policy from,: the start., A&P IS DEDICATED TO BRINGING THE MOST GOOD FOOD, TO. THE MOST PEOPLE, FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MbNEY. , That is the -basis' on which our company ' has grown and prospered over the -years. We think 'it's . it mpt rtant. dur tg this period of time to reiterate that -pledge". - We want there to be' -no doubt in your mind about our-pG e • _. :e •.. .. 10 -fl -oz tins SOUTHERN 'IRIDE. CHOICE QUALITY - FEATURE PRICE! 4 EAC H E S - HALVES a 20-fl:oz tins • 9. ti LONG GRAIN‘,.. Reg. Price ?kg ,39c SAVE 4c 2 -Ib pkg 35c READY TO SERVE QUAKER --OATS CANNED -We want yrou.:to'Rn.taw.:.e,.ate concerned • We wa,rit youto- know we're doing our level best. eon -Mea FEATURE PRIG -E1 10 -oz pkg 5 Reg. Price tin 59c— SAVE 4c 1 5c -ALBERT: SHORE United- Accumulative Fund 'Ltd. Now serving the savings and investment needs of niore than 120,0.00 „,Canadisits (Net assets as of June 30, 1966:? $256,711,168 Superior investment program for as little ,as $100, or $20 a mo'itth -�---lirrited—Inftstment' Services' Ltd. T _ 92,A Quebec St. - 524.8164, 4 RIVE OUT AND SAVE AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR. 'wow GENERAL ELECTRIC_, ELOBOHOME anuar KUTCHI.:N:SON RADIO - TV'— APPLIANCES We' wn'nt you to know that above all, "We Care ... About You." 40 y�- Evaporated 111 2-16 fl, oz. tins 31c s "Super -Right" Ouality Meats! SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY CA[VADA'SFINEST RED BRAND STEER- BEEF BLADE .� -"BONE- REMOVED 524.7831 SHORT, OR -,CROSS CUT 0 BRAISING r ire) clearance NOW ON AT BLAcKsToNE_ .R UP TO. 50S' OFF MANY -ITEMS . SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY BEEF LI ,ER SLICED SUPeR-RIGHT QUALITY -BEEF- HEARTS 1,1)4 • MAPLE LEAF (13Y. THE PIECE) BEEF:BOLOGNA 5c CHI tKEK-LIVE ORIGENA PEPPERONI (29 oi-) SCHNEIDER'S RINDLESS VAC' PAC SIDE BACON SIDE BA 0 3c PIZZA PI lb 3 9c SX OR BURNS, TRAY PACK, puRE o Pc)Ric SAUSAGE ib 69c gialeati PIE, Full 8 -Inch Pie 49(' 1"1°./ Reg. Price each 55c — SAVE 6c Jane Parker • Reg. Price each 39c — SAVE, 28c SPANISH BARIAKU---- 3167-89( See the classified.ad in this istue forAetails on many of the sale features: Better still, coMe in and see;for Salutes Canada'sVATAT 100th Birthday! fel:7179 6.; Saturday, Januoy 21st, 196/ GA 39i' each 89c Vt-lb pkg .5 3c 2 lb pkg 1 9 *3 FLORIDA, MARSH, SEEDLESS,. THIN SKINNED, FULL OF JUICE GRAPEF Uri