HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-3, Page 8.1101101IT jiiiii0101001Eff. Special—Draw aa line honi t 1e Lake Shore:direedy east to: I:illpell and then by way of Staffa and Cromarty to'i+ul- lerton and Ru$sctdale, then south to Xirkton and Woodham then west again to Clandel"syeand terminating by way of McGuire, Mount Oarmel,Corbett and Greenway at Grand Bend you have the outside Boundary of the field which THE IVA R aims to cover with its goods and cus towers. To secure this we have to keep a large supply and certainly are not failing in this respect. Our store is literally crowded with goods and Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol- iday Gifts, Every desireable thing we could think of has been placed to meet our customers wants and no v we cor- dially invite them and their friends to call and pass a pleasant half ]lour in looking through. We wish to make our store worthy of Both our Customers and Ourselves and now with little fear ask for their verdict. al. G11100, THE MART. Exeter. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Try John McInnes for salt Salt from one lb. up. ' Stove and blacksmiths coal at Cob- ed►,Gl>,, ta,d fiE tj l `'S , �, ,1, �d Seeds, seeds, etc; at d-.-, , dick au( %'ollaud'c, Richard Pickard & Sou aro selling the best 25e. tea its town, Hardware is still away down at Cob• bledick and Folland's, terms youfwant a firstclass farm on easy ncall on John, Spackman, Lketer, Richard Pickard '& Son are booming the clothing trade, if you want valve for your money in that line. Call ion thele. Majority one hundred and nine. It does not look big but it fixes a mighty wide gulf between C. S. Hyman and Ottawa. Day.After day tiro evidence acciimu- lates that the "Myrtle Navy" is the people "s favorite tobacco: The'demand keeps increasing' and from every new circle of consumers who have been in duccd to try it the evidence is emphat• is in its favor, Its genuine qualities always hold the friends they have once made. Those qualities will be •kept up to the frill standard by the lnanufact urers of it. Itis to these qualities and the reasonableness of the ' price that they attribute their ]narked. success o` the quality they will adhere at all c. t, and also to tprice price if that be possible. On Saturday ev'g, while one of our citizens was returning' from London on the train going: north, beinh over - conic with fatigue;; he`fell asleep and was taken as far as Hensel] before be- ing aroused from his slumbers, Imag inc his surprise when the trainman called the name of the station and it Saturday night and about seven miles from home. No doubt the election ex- citement in the city had something to do in tiring the gentleman; but never mind, you left to support a goof] cause and if you had to get a vehicle to bring' you home that evening', put' in your expenses and we have every rea son to believe that the candidate you went to support wilinot be lacking in, fulfilling his duties. Farm's for Sale. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy ters.. J. SPACK31AN, Exeter. Salt for Sale. Salt in large or small quantites for sale at John McInnes' :flour and feed aet,irroo tk F1 e-.ff ,0✓ & N t For wall paper call a Richard Pick. ard & Sons they have the best • assort- ment at the lowest prices ever shown in Exeter. The Spring Assizes for the County of Huron will be opened at Goderich be- fore Chief Justice Armour, on Monday March 11th, Why clo the crowds still wander around Cobblodick & Folland's ? 13e - cause it is the cheapest place on oarth to buy Hardware. Print Trade Booming at Richard Pickard & Sons they are selling Cr•om- tes celebrated soft finish wide width prints for 12?rc a yd. We have every reason to,believe that spring is close. at -hand as a number of our young men are getting their hair cropped close to the scalp. Remember the Emma Wells Comedy Company will give entertainments every night this week and Monday evening next, in Drew's Opera House. Come and enjoy y oniselves 11f ssAnnle<"deli et *st$ fsss-. i t30ots fh& liatitiless i at , E 51 a1 io i+ i 'u 's 1 ua A number of bur fa. 1,rs• in ;this section are preparing foe sugar mak- ing. Messrs. Cobbleci]cl: S. Folland had a telephone placed in their office this week. The London Township Agricultural Society Spring show will be held at D. Berton, April 20th. The returning officer declared Mr. Carling elected 011 Tuesday by a ma- jority of 109 votes. SMALL SUGAR COATED Burdock Pills do not gripe or sicken. They are mild and effectual. Robins, blackbirds and meadow larks are making their appearance a short distance south of tis. For fresh family groceries call on Richard Pickard & Son they can supply you with any thing you want. DR. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP is a delightful shampoo. It cleanses th scalp and darkens grey hair "It leads them all," is the generalre ply of druggists when asked about th merit or sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Richard Pickard'& Son are display hig a magnificent range of gents neck wear for spring. Now is the time to chose your ties. The 24th of May will be celebrated .in Lucau by horse races, athietic sports &c. What is wrong with the young' men of our village. The discussion on the poor house will be in Providence school house on Thursday 70th instead of 3rd as an- nounced last week. The remains of Mr. Caton Willis, formerly a resident of this village, were interred in the St. Marys ceme- tery on Sunday, the 28th ult. Richard Pickard & Son have .,lust opened up and passed into stock n large consignment of Gents Felt hats in Softs Stiffs &"Fedoras. Call and see them. By an' exchange we notice that Mr. John Atkinson, formerly of this place, has secured a situation in Swaflfeld & Blatchford's Organ Factory, Clinton. Thele elections may modify the in- clemency of the weather in contested constituencies, but they disturb the country's business', besides wrecking' Liberal hopes. Mr. Wm. Horton, of Hibbert, has pur Chased the premises in rear of the Pres byterian church from 'Mrs. Daniel Pinch, pa.ying.for the fine brick rest a handsome figure. A regular meeting of Plymouthh Lodge, No 63 will be held on Monday evening, 1VIai'ch 7th, when a full at tendance of members is requested. It - irritation and general business. Ladies of Centralia Iltethodist church invite the public to a splendid tea and lecture on Wednesday evening next, March 9th, Tea at 7; lecture at 8, by Rev. George Webber, of Toronto. The Wingham Jt7,cctnee has the fol lowing to say about one of our y-oung; rne1----Mr. John Bawderl who has been in the employ of T. Dell' forover three ;years, left town on Monday TIe was,a. ,favorite with those he assoeiated with, and will be mtteh missed, 'Ale. David Jaime, our Post Master,, has purchased a, new 11a1nrnerlessshot- gial), Le Fever make,,- from Syracuse, N. Y. The weanoil is well finished and of the latest pattern and style, ,and if. game (10043 ilot die 1101(' WO (10 not think it twill be the fault of the gun. 't John. Carling lid evidently no in_ tentf•.rn of committing bigamy 1:1v ,be- ing saerifloed at IIvrn:gn's altar. N, 13 --If ,you don't sage this ;yoke 4t1l,.;('ribe. for the Advocarte. After reading,( it ar 'iThort time you will become aecnstonitld to :111011 obseure quipss Y.r go to the Aey 1tt11) . 7 he household 'frrect r bi1111 ,iiiµ tie tP en ad a uhost enjoyabje time, and ail loin in wishing her many happy re. turns. The -concert given in Drew's Opera House in aid of Mr. James Ferguson on Friday evening proved a success. a collection being taken at the door awe untie to 6 . 310. $ Tlie b citizens. who took part in the concert and also those who gave so cheerfully deserve great praise in answering to the call of charity. Some of the members of the Trivia Memorial Church Congregation from the Case Settlement. lately called at the Rectory Stable and filled up • the feed boxes with oats, chop &c. The Rev. F. H. Fatt, takes this opportunity of thanking his friends for their kind- ness in thus providing' for the comforts of himself and horse. Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon receiyed a letter a few days ago from Sir Francis Knol lys, private secretary to the Prince of Wales, congratulating him on the lines he composed on the late Prince. An occurrauce of this kind is something which may only occur once in a life time, and then only be the lot of a few, therefore we feel proud of our townsman in having such an honor conferred upon hint. A Beagle hound belonging to Mr David Johns died on Monday from the effects of a fish bone becoming 'fasten- ed in the throat. About a year ago this gentleman purchased a pair of these dogs and had the misfortune of losing both of them, one being • lost in the woods and the other as above stat- ed. They were both valuable anima's and by their demise the owner loses a number of dollars. One day last week a large portion of the Mass roof of Mr. Wm. Baker's green house fell in, owing to the large amount of snow which was on it at the time Luckily for the owner the) e were no plants in the building as all would have been destroyed. Work- men have been engaged for -several days clearing away the debris and a new roof is now on a fair way to com- pletion. The loss will aggregate' a neat little figure. • Since the was r as taken regarding the removal of the market an agitation has been kept up amongst our eitiens some of them even going so far as to state that it must remain where it is And so it seems so at present, because there, is another petition going through the hands of a number of the ratepay ers asking for it to remain in the pres ent location. We understand at pros- cntit has signatures to the number of about 60 The Ladies Aid of Jas. St. Church have secured the promise of Rev. Geo.( Webber, their former pastor, to deliver one of his most popular lectures on the evening of March 10th inst. Subject, The •Vonderful Discoveries and event of this century. The announcement of the lecture and lecturer should inspire the people of Exeter with resolves that no trifling thing should prevent them from being present, the speaker is known as one of the most able, eloqu• ent,convincing on any sub,ject he takes in hand, , Further announcements next Sabbath. MRs, Rtrssnr, President. On Friday evening last week a unlit' ber of young people gathered at the residence of Mr. Tlarry. Buckingham for the purpose of spending, several hours in merriment and glen. After all had assembled games and other ±tntlserilentswere eag.'rly son{,ht for:1 tr'lgieh continued for "Were' flours' to any person in America. Only one price for two papers. Now is your Hine to subscribe. Girl Wanted. A good girl wanted at once for which liberal wages will be paid Apply to Central Hotel Exeter. latynlentRequested. All accounts due us must be settled on or before 'March lst, 1892, or they will be placed in the hands of our sol- icitor for collection. BISSI:TT Bnos. They will produce new change of plays every night this week and Mon- day evening; next, full of 1tnglhtet, music and mirth. The troop on rho whole are one of the best that have visited Us for some time, and should be }yell patronized by otic citizens;as their productions are pleasing and well worth seeing. Council: Proceedings. Meeting held pursuant to adjourn ment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 24th of February, 1S92. Al l present, except Mr. Ross. Minutes of previous meeting aead and coo firmed. Speel:rnan `.Car- lius--tlie following accounts beet.naid, Jas Creech 750; meals to tramps; do $63 charity to Mrs, Wilcox; F. W. kless rep town clock $225; and R N. Rowe $5 burying child. ---Carried. 13y law No. 61892 was duly read and passed, Spackman—Carling. Tenders for gra- vel not accepted. Spackman —Ca rlin§ —that the reeve and Mr. Christie be appointed to procur 15 cords of gravel delivered at the Town hall,.—Carried, Carling.--Spackman--rho auditors re- port received and abstract pub-ishod as formerly, —Carried. Mr. A. G. Dyer on behalf of th Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society asked the council for a donation to Assist the Society in paying for fencing grounds, etc. Laid over for the present. Tenders for prin ting fromTimes and Advocate. Carl• ing—Spackman—Times tenders aceep ted being the lowest.—Carried. Spack man—Carling—that James Gould re- ceive $2 per week until further notice, —Carried. The reeve to sae to drain at the North end. Adjournment for two weeks. M. EACR>Tr, Clerk. We press our suits on the public with renewed vigor this because it is open to everyone to make a year PROPOSAL We make ours knowing that ,�, it will not be, REJECTED® because we offer the best goods in the market �alltet at lo and more than reasonable prices there- fore we have NO FEAR of the PUBLIC refusing such a chance but are confident that both our goods and prices will be warmly ac- cepted. We have never shewn a finer ' lot of Dress Goods nor trimmings than this year. 0 ur staple department is complete. Try our groceries, they are new and fresh. "We have the name of keeping the best tea in town. Do you doubt it? loh s nt, wanted... Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. 'Notice. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! The Exet- er Salt Works Co. require fifteen hun- dred cords of soft wood, dry and green. Will pay the -highest price. For fn ther particulars apply to David Mill. T. B. CARLING, Sec "To 'Whom Xi Concerns." On Monday evening, Feb. 29th, 1892. between the hours of eight and ten o'clock the lamp belonging to R,oya1 Templars of Temperance was stOleu and carried away from its place at the foot of the stairs leading up lute Fans on's Hall, The person taking said lamp was seen in the act and is well known and we hereby give the person until Monday night next to return said lamp sound as when taken, if not •1;awill proceed to prosecute. Nardi Gras Excursion. Tho Queen and Crescent Route is the only line that will run Solid Vestibuled Trains Cincinnati to New Orleans ae count the Mardi Gras, which commen- ces February 2Sth. Ask for tickets via the Q. & C. from Cincinnati to New Orleans, For dates of sale, etc.,_ call on any Railroad 'i'ieket Agent. Sleepin ear berths in these elegant trains cal be reserved by addressing Joico Bast able, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich., or D. G Edwards, G. P. A., Cincinnati, 0. ]institute Meeting.. A. successful meeting under; the auspices of the South Huron Farmers' Institute was held, here on Thursday last week. The sessions throughout the day were well attended by farmers and others, and the addresses of the different speakers Were bristling with facts and good common dense pertain ing to the different modes of farming. The usual entertainment was dispens- ed with this year on account of" hold ing their first meeting in <Crediton where the concert was given and was highly appreciated by all in attend ante. obituary. As time rolls by the'young must die as well as the old, for on Monday Wm. A eldest son of \arm and Har.nahill-ook passed quietly away to that land from. which the traveller never returns. Strieken as•he.was iii .the .prime of youth, at the age of. 28 yrs, with that much dreaded disease consumption, he has been gradually sinking 'until ' he succumbed to. its effects on the above date He was a general favorite among his companions and during all sickness was patient and unselfish. The funeral will take place today (Thursday) from the parents''iresideuce, lake road,Exetei• North, at 2 o'clock ancj proceed' to the Exeter cemetery for ; interment, The bereaved pareilts have ,the syhm7atny' of the community in thea' hours of,sor- ow, and affliction. wormy os Prag3e. 1i ie. Ernina Wells Comedy: Company. pond: in Drow's house ori: 'rucsday 1rcning to a fa:i1 sired'audience, and he attractions piolldi:.d being varied; rd many of tlec renditions being ex anent, the entettaiiin ' 1lt prover] 011 oa y ble lyres 1{Ctnin`ti '4118, 'the fcur oi.ced vocalist; won 1lin' attention of 11, and well drieer r ed, the' eiich01os rn.t a corde,l s ( crn1 popular clue tione were .11150 awi!n l,y M115Jen ie Idayrhlr. "J' IT Irt.ri rsIn 148 8011g414% 'lin s, brought fort »Jittrsts Of bo4 ter and ap ,lag tsl/ •frMtn »ilio ail (fiance, inking one of the funnieet Tr]shrti ail n the stego, and thtr(in tvfiii wattbd itl'('50 at rca11F, funny -ent(')'tainmtint 1,1 of,,ii:lpaint.ea sheriff. trot miss jlil4txlhC�t[%star�>lr," £ ls �_ jn;g i. tonic ls,tixer.go'we t f�iu '`1 k ens the faculty of smell, in jiires the or= ,e.ans of sight, and often permanently distroys the vison. Its first appearance Is with a cold. At this station it should be met with Clark's Catarrh Cure, price 50 cents, and its further progress es stayed.If your druggist ast can sup Ply you with this life saver, send the price to Clark's Chemical Co, Toronto or New York, and a package will be sent to your address. NOW/ IS TEE TM TO BUY YOUR FALL CLOTFIINGJ $JllliUM:' t��BTNe TIE MAA CQ; Ma, DATin NE i(r , (Stratfor,i P. 0.) has been appointed Local Inspector for the Can- ada Coinpan}yin the place of Mi.. J,io Spack- man resigned. Parties having Canada Coni a,anv business to transact will find MR. NEWELL at IAWKSHAW'S HOTEL EXETER, The first Thursday of each month, cern- mencing February 4th, 1891. sIIIO 1 the company .were that tea had hewn ploy i k d, ,Hutt that hey were to rlisnenso with their• en :)0y'111"1t of Chia kind for theeesent. After the cateblcs had been disr,iised of in the most approved. fashion' :they 1 gain initiated themselves into the ma y intricacies of dike former r;pnrt Mr. and .Mile Ilnckiiag'bafin 1, Ora 41,1440. resented with a large fo leslool or a. e1V neat, design 1 a1It.ei"n, by i ler s. Aibert1 111;C,,Albi;•4t IIt,1fngs;Chas ande 1 i a1,(1 Josnj)h i avis, 415 41'trihut11 f te,ep, .t, At 0, late hem' the hest end i1:r°reer1>ere bid edam, ti ith the very 'atnl0 t wieh:'5 Ser Lind 0 con! lelied •lhi,irree.s mid 1(11 (141104t h•lilo Ora i110 leas' b(, fol' thou 1111 ttl.rl.trrrtl, tett (l';vo 11 81 Ott`,S+tninr'lCern hill, 11'this 'place, 4ttrle S sold by public alui;ti01 on.-'1'riescle ,r aft o (1`n0011 11 th,Co1.11islr it.te tlw leaving h eliertl,v {"nr 11. 1•a 1 (1 tr he:1•n lie r1 ill 111lIki,1 1110 flitnr., li.aarl', ti(7f1,.1 111:,?a1 are 12 a1wiiy s seely ii lid to 0111' inef anti 1 will bxupiissech 1r1a+', 02 jay r11 d piCa.sl1r;1. (alt1101) Plays d1.1'1•inp; the 1vetk, TO BE CLEARED THIS NEXT T 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN HOLESALE pR10E, If you want a Child's, Boys or 4an's Suit Overcoat and Pants, &c., call and see our big stock. The Lrgot TEN to CHOOSE FROM. E. J. SPACKMAN & CO. SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER. - - ONTARIO ROBT, N. ROWE Has been appointed sole agent -for the THE DANANDODE DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. rQ N. Bowe. CENri A Insall Palace Baker D. , Wixr . Foss Proprietor Proprietor of • the Palace Bakery, Hensali, wishes to inform the citizens of that he visits the village Every Wednesday & Saturday Afternoon. with a supply of FIRST-CLASS BREAD & BUNS. All orders left with GEORGE SANE - eats will be promptly attended to, and from whom bread can be had at all times. Your patronage 12 solicitd and satisfaction guaranteed. • GIVE 'IE A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. D. W. FOSS Faker„ f ensa 1L EXETER STILL TO THE FRONT -And if you don't believe it call at Ross & Taylor's PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD and you will be convinced that they have the Largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Building Materials in this sec- tion of country;and at the lowest prices. shingles a specialty; having -a large stock on hand we are prepared to meet the keenest competit- ion as to price or quality. We have se- cured the right to Manufacture and Sell:Merriams celebrated Baking Cab- inets. Call and see diem and be con- vinced of their merit. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St.; Exeter E IT F Difficulty of r, Ga$h�. .Y1g Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption much tis9 Weak Lungs ..Bungs Asthma, 'Oou hs Catarrh, Colds BOITE of 0 TORY