HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-01-05, Page 8• AMTUCO .0 M1 'FLOOR L, QR TtLE 5 Colours • PRE -FINISHED & V. -GROOVED MAHOGANY PANELS ONLY 3.99 �1• t Make Conk`in's your first call for, door -s --and trim,' ceiling the strapping, floor tile cements, staples and nails. 12" x 12" CEILING TILE Plain White . ea Q $vOG . IV4`aeLeod Ross • , the Israeli sdrop.; ped 400 :, paratroopers at Mitla Pass, 38 miles . east of Suez. Twelve Mysteres .patrolled the • canal, while • the main, border posts were quickl► captured, French aircraft arrived -1n Israel and French transport"planes dropped • food and . arms on -the troops occupying Hula, The'Brit-. ish began their aerial watch on the Egyptian airfields, " The British cabinet now sent an ultimatum, to both sides, calling • on them' to withdr'aw.io 10 miles. each side of the canal, Israel, not being • anywhere near --the canal, readily complied, while Nasser 'refused. Apparently he still thought',• Eden was bluffing, as he sent his armored brigade and reinforcements to, Sinai., British bombing, supposed to start 36 ho. r after the Israelis attacked, was ..delayed beeause it was . decided not to r3skbm• bears against MiGs in daylight: The air offensive only began at dusk .on Oct. 31, when Nasser realised there `was no bluff. He thereupon radteally changed his _:w stJ...-x.�wegy__.The Israelis lad-1n'eem rat held; at M itia, and Gaza had not • been attacked, but if the in•a.s. ion force was to land atPortSaid or Alexandria, it •was madness to keep half his army at Sinai. On the night of Oct. :31, Nasser ordered a withdrawal and a con. centration round Cairo. In• the next' 48 haursr •4'7 ships filled with concrete were sunk .thea canal.,., Witite_the. Syrians. „ ►1eW up three oil pu;nping stations on -the •Iraq pipeline. Thus came , the first failure of. the Anglo. French plan: the supply of oil.. was interrupted. -- !1 e- bombing had successfully. destroyed or dispersed the Egypt - tan AJr Force to''the tune.of some 260 machines,. but the pamphlet . drops, failed ..to intimidate. the populace. - ` TheTsraeLis now, had tiooppos. #tion at all and captured thousands of 'withdrawing Egyptian troops, took Gaza by assault ;andpursued With the greatest elan, • For a' yarlety-of, reason among', them the confusion as to what exactly- was happening, Eden still probably had a` majority of the country behind him._ But 'Eisenhower, only a week away froth his election, was - ftlirious, believing the allies hadbroken the Tripartite Declaration.._ . Com- . munication ,between the„British, -and tJ...s-; --grove rnments sand yq nil. Dulles • called for a kid East cease fire and obtained a 64 to 5 approval from the UN, after which he retired to hospital for a ,cancer operation. The incensed Pearson: of Canada put forward a plan for a UN 'peace force to occuprthe canal zone; which was also approved. - Thr focus now moves to Cyprus where the British and French �c_om Landers We a arguing about possible change of plan. Under the chairmanship of -Head; sent by Eden, a modified plan wasA worked out on Nov. 4; The air- borne troops would drop ,next morning, 24 hours before the fleet arrived. The naval bombardment ENJOY THE .FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our,, Specialty ',ALSO _ TAICE.OUT ORDERS. OPEN DAILY 7 a.m, to 10 p.i: -Open Friday and Saturday. Until 12 Midnight Ou1LDINo MA' RIALS •N.' HOME ,MPROVEME'NTS• The Esquire Restaurant "S24-9941" we b hgld' to niun'i ' to ensuroulde a safe landingamini, but thQ”' idea of -capturing Cairo Was de. Jeted and the :prime objective he. 'came 'the `capture of ' the cabal zone. This the British come mander estimated could be done in 48 hours. In the absenee of any op- position, the Israelis had, by Nov. 4, captured all 'their objectives at a,cost'of_2Q9 kdilled, as. against 2,000 .Egytptian a.ths. They had Gala and the islands at the fpot of the Gulf of Akaba, They now announced they ,would accept thea U. N. cease fire if Egypt did so 0,149:. This shoQc , the allies, whe,.now,-asked the; any i1ling Ben Gurion` to delay his acceptance of . the t,JN demand. _ _..�. In Britain, opin"fbiil'ed, too. Forty Conservative M,P's were t organizing-ar-protest. The BBC was also hostile; while the Lab- or Opposition attacked the gov- ernment overnment all Week long. Under all these pressures Eden was unable to say whether the country was at' war or not, but -they influenc- ed nfluenceed him -.to interfere with the detail. ed running of the operation. Could a landing be made on the east side of the canal'? What was the ...latest that a delay of 24`liojars could be made for t'the : airborne landing? An admiral ;remarked:, "Nelson would never, have -won a ,angle victory if there had been .a ..telex.";.Gaitskell of the` Opposition iiow called for Eden's resignation in, a BBC broadcast. Anglo-French Attack At dawn on Nov. 5,,--600 Brit- ish and 487 French paratroops dropped successfully outside I'srt Said, . With only one, cu..ualty. El Moguy, the Egyptian commaier .Qf .thePort, agreed as Predicted,, it was• the, e, Entent to discuss surrender, but Nasser Cordiale which went. And while would not °permit it, M dawn it' proved` that Britain cQu2d take. on ' Nov, 6, the" naval .boinbard• military action without the U S.,A. ment of Post Said -began. At rft also 'showed that we Could not 4:5Q a,m. the British cornmandoS , do so. while We Maintained a went ashore, ' followed by tank0, . -reserve currency andatthe,same Port Saidiinally surrendered late , ti a relied on Aineri,.ca icor 11 and- in the. afternoon, when an.armour- f pr,Oteetion from the "hear"; ed column set ,off south for $uez.* • The: military aml?hibiousassult During the eevening, , •when still d0 miles: fr ,m° a m had been, most efficiently carried o Su z the co an. der of this ,column heard;pn,thC'4 out - and was a conspicuous su�ceess: 1.1owever, .it was both HBC news, that the governarient, Israel and Egypt, which gain's -Atte had ordered a cease fire. So he stopped in his track 'at El Cap, victories! To the forrner'freedom 22 miles south of Port' Said, Of the Gulf Of Akaba the des. WhyAid Me cabinetagree on the , traction of the Gazabases and the 6th to. respect the• UN call? There " ruination of Egyptian military was, no ,single reason. Israel and Egypt had ceased to: fight, so the overt reason for intervention had gone. 'Eden's health: had also gone, . from bad td worse._ New Yorksellingsterling heavily. British Id reserves had fallen conside bly and Macmillan, the Chancellor of tl}e Exclfequer,--had reversed.himself and was threat- ening to resign. Later the U. S. offered to bac k a loan of $9,000,. 000 to hold the pound, if there *as . a cease fire by midnight. Eden phoned 'Moli.et at the same time and presented hint -with a fait accompli. The British Cab: inet had agreed to the cease fire. Arriere Pensees Thus it was .that the Allies handed over 'to a UN Force, Israel withdrew, but the UN line held ,the Gulf of Akaba open to her. The casualties. were 22 British and 10 French killed, Betweenr650 and 1,000 Egyptians killed. Ten allied aircraft lost,- four in r accidents. Instead of the Anglo. American alliance being broken, prestige, and to Me Fatter: The Canal, Politically, the great Mistake was the failure to m40 both pot. 'itical and diplomatic preparation . for war, $o.mething which all 19th century statesmen u dl`�ai,ve en..* sured as a mattes Q course. if - <only Britain had been `led by 'Hotspur, -instead of a Ha1nI : • : ' Churchill s comment was: fli cern not sure I would have' dared to start, but I am 'sure I should "let„have- cared to stop,” The filial blow, half co li.cal, half ° incomprehensible, carte .:in late November when Selwyn Lloyd visited Dulles in,liospital. Dulles asked: !Why.did`'Y u stop?" WIN A WHITE DELUXE- PORTAI3LE SEWING MACHINE NOTHING TO PURCHASE - NO QUESTIONS TO ANSWER Fill In The - Free Entry Blanks At kemington's IGA Goder'ich —Draw To Take Place Saturday, January 1 th- 1• TOP YALU,• CHOICE SAVE '14-4).Z. S . 44c TINS 4 TOP 'VALU' PLATN- OR PIMENTO LICE SAVE 12c --�' 8= -Oz. - PKGS. 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