The Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-3, Page 4bvolmit. SA.NDZRS 4 SW ZET, Proles. lEIRSDAY lVIar. 3rd, 1.892, DOMINION 1'.11:74111 E.N7', ";fiie:seoond session of the seven apterilarnentary term for the Domini o Canada was opened in duo form ,.tfees Governor General on Thursda ever siuco the area of Confederatio Sa'aas.0 session opened under more au vicious circumstances for the ;;re es„;nnser•vativo panty. The Senate chin Ix= presented. a most attractive appoa izna, between the large array of la les in their choicest toilets and tl •trliisaut display of the viee-royal pa y, besides the Cabinet Ministers i uixtifori, The speech from the thron ,which was read both in English au Veexich,, presents a solid menu .of prat: ,it:xll work; and, as outlined in our la week's forecast of its contents, giv promise of a very useful session. Cot teary to the gospel of despair acts Utz to Cart aright and Laurier, th Governor General congratulates th teemnaons on the general prosperity. :the country and the abundant harve ,smith which Providence has blessed a ,parts of the Dominion: As was to b •exiaoeted reference was made to th aarnented death of ,he. Duke of Cla -mice and to the universal expressio .'aaf sympathy with the Ruyal famil hrortg'hout the empire, The negotia ions going on between Her Majesty esevernment and the United States re gardin,g the seal -fishery in the Belirin Sea, are nett referred to --then the in torrna.l discussions lately had betwee the authorities at Washington an members of the Dominion Cabine "While 'eke announcement of this las Interview is in a measure nou-commit eat, there is enough to show that a malleable understanding wes reache regarding several matters of Internet :Ronal importance which.. bids fair to b •esf mutual advantage to both couutrie ''fie report of the Commission on th working of the Civil Service Aet wil •eceupy a large share of pailiamentar Attention. Other matters of uationa interest will come before Parliament -such aa the fishery regulations in Brit _an Columbia -some improvements o the:eriminal law -the redistribution o steels in the House of Commons, recess ;.ted by. the Last census --fixing th boundaries of the Western territorie -certain amendments of the Civil Ser evict Act -and the economizing of tIr =venue by amalgamating the Depart u eats of Marine and Fisheries unde erne head. These are the chief salien cutis in the address from the throne and from what we know of the leade in the House of Commons and the able +nisters 'of the Cabinet associated ;with him, backed as they are now with a bandsome working majority that re - Sects the intelligence and loyal attach MIA.:it of our people to British Institut ions, we may reasonably expect that the present session• of parliament Will te fruitful of legislation that will. re rmud to the general benefit of this essuritey. While the Opposition, owing sta the sweeping csectoral -triumphs of .ate fast few weeks in favor of the pre tn.t government, are powerless to oh- uct the course of good legislation, - it is to be hoped that the valuable time sof the Commons will n of be frittered ;?sway by Iisteni.ng to a rehash of "cauld keit het again;, in the shape of thread. -Charges of scandal and corruption and ria -feasance which as ghosts of a saneibund policy should be laid forev- er. LEER MAJESTY'S LETTER TO HER SUBJECTS. nothing perhaps in the form of re- nt literature has awakened such a .sponse in the hearts of British sub .*ets as Her Majesty's letter touching the elecath of her gzantlson, the late Bake of Clarence and Avondale. Com- ing from such a source, it shows how :deep is the sympathy and strong the .s,chment that binds together the ehrene and the Empire. As a woman and a Queen our grecious Sovereign Iter message of sorrowful gratitude Ate the millions of subjects, that have see touchingly expressed condolence, 'with the royal family in their late be arcave:m.ent, has touched a chord that gilt vibrate throughout the length and istre acith of the Imperial dominions. No Tsenerch has ever commanded the re :abet and enlisted the affections of the /maple of this widely extended empire se thoroughly and universally as +lll;ateen Victoria; and the reason for :mach unparallelednop y in ularit 'lies t the blamelessness of her life, the tact she has always displayed in ruling ova err dee elation, and the deep womanly feeling evinced at all times in the con- diti stt end 'welfare of her subjects, It II.% a rare attainment to witness in So osalted a positiqu such a coflbination of high etialities; -.real In the discharge. o£ public duty, tvtth.a spotless late and a tender sympathc•tiv raped :.for the. feelin,fs of pier snbjects,---ito that evict- ted by gee ldajesty the; Queen during the fifty-five years of her eventful reign. As the letter itself states, 'fifer. Majesty's "bereavements during the last thirty years of her reign have been heavy," brit we may well recipro• Cate the earnest prayer expressed by - our beloved monarch that "the Al- mighty may continua to give her health and strength to work for the good and happiness of the Empire while life lasts." The touching ellus ion by Flee Majesty to the character o' the late prince as "full of promise, ami- able and gentle, and endearing hits• self to all, is an effectual answer to the unfounded reflections on the part of a portion of the American press re- garding the kite Prince, We give bo - low, for the benefit of our readers, a copy of I-Ier'Majesty's letter addressed to the Secretary of State for the Home Departineut: "Osborne, January 26, 1892. "I must once again give expression to my deep sense of the loyalty and affectionate sympathy evinced by my subjects in every part of my Empire on an occasion .more sad and: tragical than any but one which has befallen ire and mine, as well as the Nation. The overwhelming misfortune of my dearly loved Grandson having been thus suddenly cut off in the flour'sf his age, full of promise for the future, ane iable and gentle, and endearing him- self to all, renders it hard for his Sorel- stricken parents, his dear young Bride and his fond Grandmother to bow in submission to the inscrtuahle decrees of Providence. 'The sympathy of millions,' which has been so touchingly and visibly ex. pressed, is deeply gratifying at such a time, and I wish, both in My own.n tme and that of my children, to express• from my heart, my warm gratitude to all. "These testimonies of sympathy with us, and appreciation of mydearGrand. son, whom I loved as a Son, and whose ,devotion to me was as great as that of a Son,will be a help and consolation to me and mine in our affliction: "My bereavements during the last thirty years of.my reign have indeed been heavy. Though the labours;; anxieties, and responsibilities insepar- able from my position have been -great yet it is my earnest prayer that God may continue to give me health and strength to work for the good and hap piness of my dear Country and Empire while life last. "VICTORIA, R.I." i11ORE TICTO1?IES. Since our last issue two more sub_ stantial victories have been gained by the Conservatives -East Simeoe and London. This makes 23 Conservati,ye returns from the bye elections as a- gainst 6 for the Grits, Surely the pee. pie of Canada have spoken very decis- ively against political boodling, an nexation, and unrestricted reciprocity - The majority for the Government in the House of Commons will now be forty-five (45). 210TVA T'S BILL are FARE Is meagre and contains nothing but cold victuals, The death of the Duke of Clarence is appropriated notice; the fanners are congratulated upon their bountiful harvest; the receipts from wood and forests and crown lands are said to be greater than in previous years; the desirability of establishing. a forest reservation and park in part of the Nipissing district is to be looked in. to; mining in Ontario is said to be in- juriously affected by the prevailing depression in the United States and England; the progress and condition of public and uuiversity buildings is, described; the public accounts are sub- mitted, andanumber ofr , p oposiid a mendments to the law are mentioned. The speech from the' throne is free from clap doodle references •• to Domin• ion politics which have found a place in that historic document in former years at the instance of Mr. Mowat,and tnis improvement must commend itself to every right-minded citizen. That great and truly pious man seems to have the Conservative party pretey well held under in our provincial coun- ty council, and the prospects are that this state of things will continue as long as conservatives that that christ- ian beuigoity towards . him and his government, which might bo thought the outcome of a milk -and -watery Quakerism. It is perhaps natural that the wider stage at Ottawa should prove a strong attraction to able men in our ranks, but it is nevertheless a subject of regret that more of them do not turn their attention to Ontario politics for the purposo of "busting"' Mowat's OR1 Ail» AEE SPANISH NERVINE 'RE einnex Sx'.d.PXISEE R14NEDY•, easily, quickly and • Permanently restotas, Weakness, Nervousness and Teost fl auhood,- A, GOARAS7sttn specific for lits and Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dizziness, Convisions, Nervous I'rostlation caused by the use o f Tobacco or Alcohol. Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused by over_indglgenoe. We guarantee six boxes 10 cure any case or refund oss, the money, $1 a box. 6 boxes for 3S' Address U.S. ♦ ents Span. ire Medicine Co., Petro% Ditch. Sold bydr'ugglsts, h`or bales in Exeter by J. W. ll*oRvxli.ltp;. machine, The loom gQye .flrnont isnot as bad as that of Egypt under native rulers, nor not as good as it would be if we administered it; but the party in power maintains itself there partly by, a bureaucratic system and partly by' the fact that the personnel of the oppo) sition is on the whole weak.' ELL'CTION ECHOES. Mr, Girouard, (Conservative), w as elected to the House of Commons in Two Mountains on Saturday last week by a majority of 453. The conserva- tive majority last March, When Mr, Benoit was eleete:t, was 287. Vaudrenil was redeemed by the Conservatives an February 29th, de- feating, Mr, Harwood, (Grit) by a ma- jority of 35 for Mr. McMillf n, The writ for the now elections in South Perth has been issued. The nomination takes place on Thursday March 3rd ;to day) and the election on March 10th and as the caudidate, Mr. Pridhem, is a farmer and cattle dealer he is looked upon as a strongcanclidate No doubt they well find it out by the 10th of March. Quebec West fell into line on Friday last and elected . Mr. 'Hearn by 880: Dila is a largely increased majority Over that secured by Heli, Thos' Mc- Greevy last March. The result of Thursday's election last Week was another gain for the conservative. In the election in March last Dr. Sphen was elected by 207 of a majority ever, the conservative candi- date Mr. Bennett, but this time it has reversal and elected Mr. Sennett by a majority of 35. Ever since confeder- ation this riding has returned a grit representative but now it has been re. deemed. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for a case of catarrh that cannot be cured permanently by Clark's Catarrh Cure. Step right up to the office and prove your case and get the reward. Thousands have tried this remedy, but no one has claimed the reward, because it cures in every case. If you have a cold or are troubled with ,catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark's' Catarrh Cure, price 50 cents, and see what a pleasant, relief it will be itistautly. If' you are asked to take something else, send to us direct amt, we will send you a bottle by trail on receipt of price. Clark` Chemical Co., Toronto, Now York. E y�r r '9 "I inherit some tendeucy'to Dys- y: a from my mother. I suffered years in. this way ; consulted a umber of doctors. They did me no good. I then used . •,1=ovecl in your Augtist Plower and it was justtwo sehen I felt great relief. I soon t tee thest I could sleep and eat, and a that I was well. That was years s ago, and I ern still first- class. I am never >r- 'Dan, without a bottle, and if I'feel constipated .e 1 -•t particle a dose or two of st Plower does the work. The of the medicine is, that you ca:: stop the use of it without any bad effects on the systeti:l Con „ ti pat:on While I was sick I felt everything it to me' a man could feel. I was of all men most miserable. I can way, in conclusion, that I believe HA RL'k$3�NE'ACHE POtWdtERSC ALI,. HEADAHE.. 'They are not adver- Used to cure every- t7linp,bu, sintysfy heail- aehea. :pry Meeo, it will cost li,it bu eeacc oraa bteoss.as and tgeU (4."e(4."elir m They aro nota Cathartic. CALTION. EACH PING OF THE MYRTLE IS MARKED 0 IN BRONZE LETTERS, NONE OTHER CENi1INE NTEL TQL A complete stock of Pare and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS Ji..E''T. Pitiit PgtoRtrflogicigs,BNAgos, Druggist's y� r S i1ies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. Wiiig's Co!1IIit!o I'o!Nr1J3r the best in the market. C. LITTZ, PROP. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Tinte Table, GOING 1 onTx. a.m p.m. London,dep't8.05 4.25. Lucan Cros'g. 3,47 5.20. Clandoboye _'8 52 5 28. Centralia 9.05 045. EXETER 9.16 5.57. Hansen 9.28 6.09 Kippen 0.34 0.17. Bruce -field 9.42 6.26. Clinton 10.00 6.45. Londesboro' 10.10 7.03 Bl,p th 10,28 7.12, 13elgrave 10:12 7.27. Windham 11.00 7.45. GOINGSOuTE. a.m. p.m. Wingham 7.05 34.0. 'rave 7.24 4.00. Blyth.. 7.38 4.15. Londosboro' 7:47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4:45. Brucofleld 8.26 5.04 hipper 8.34 5.12 Hensall 8.41. 6.19. EXETER 8.57 5.33 Centralia 9.00 5.46. Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lunen Cros'g9.24 6.02 London a,rr 10 15 64.5 W. G. Bissau's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WiTH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention.` TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. FURNITURE e a„ i ,st.Flower will cure anyone of -AT-- indigestion; if taken 1..fc of leery with judgment, A. TIB 97 1 M. Weed, 229 Belle -Y'S fnit,,iie 5t.. Illciiananc'_is. Ild." ,® ARE NOT a Pur. gative Medi- cine. They are -n. BLOOD Bvranna, TONIC and Tilton- aTnuc oso as they supply in a condensed form the substancee. actually needed to en- rich the Blood; during. all diseases coming from Poon and Wax. RY BLoOn, or from VITIATED HUMORS in the BLOOD, and also invigorate and BU/LD UP the BLOOD and ersrEar, When broken ,down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and Indisere tions. They have a SPECIFIC AOTION on the SEXUAL SYSTIIM Of bbth mon and women, restoring LOST VISOR and correcting all IRRL+'SULARITTI.7S and. SUPPRESSIONS, EVERY MAN who finds his mental fat. ®® Eli Gil ulnen dull or failinr, or ilia physical powers 'flagging, should take these PILLs. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. EVERYWOMAN EVERY �' should talcs; therm •e{NillTheycure :all sup• pressions and irregularities, which inevitably entail sickness when neglected. YOUNG should take thesoPllss, G 08ANG EN They vrll. euro the re. sults of youthful batt habits, and strengthen the. system. YOUNG WOMEN should take there, Thote ILLS visa make' then& regular. • u or sale by all druggists, or 'will bo sent upon receipt of price (filo. per box), by addressing Til An, nett .ratsu8' erns. CO, .2#rockvilic. Ort, 0 A very large stock on hand now to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed room and Dining 0o D a Rooui'suits at nearly half the usual price. 150 Looking Glasses from 10e and up. Hundreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to choose from, cheap. Easy Chairs and a great variety of other Goods suitable for Xmas presents and in fact everything usually kept in a first class furnishing house all for prices away down. A good dozen chairs for $2.' Come and •see our $1.75 panel Ben that we "BLOW ABOUT", the reason we • blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chairs and Parlor Fui'- nitttre that need re covering as wehave a beautiful stock of covers with cord & gimp to match, Drop in even if you don't want to buy, will be happy to see you, UNDERTAKING A complete stock of everything in 1 this line from: the cheapest to the high est. Also the only Embalmers. Re member the name and place GIDLEY'S Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite Stationery. g's Clotlillg }i0115E are the latest goods in --- FALL AND WINTER SUIT .cc and overcoatings, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and •a Good fit Every Time or no Sale. AT PAGES kwAY DOWN. Remeruber the Stand one Door North of E. II, Fish's Barber Shop. Give me a call. . H. GRIEVE. 1earillg a1c at BissEt[ '. .'r's-'Sif.• 'ar,.k'r,7a,�,t15' - itirt?ir p7.ft :nest We have 15 Crosscut Saws, 66 3 dozen Axes • which must be cleared out at wholesale prices. We have a large stock of TU ! ULAR itANTERNS��'llicli most go at the following prices: - 5c., 55c0, 65c., and 75c. Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost Lamp goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Call and inspect our Stoop before buying. As usual our stock of Hardware, Stoves and tinware is com- plete and we defy competition. BISSETTBROS. R OBT. N. BOWS, UNDERTAKER And Furniture Dealer. AIN -ST. EX E E . MPT1- 3 I have a jos the remedy for the above disease; by its use thousands of cases of the worst hind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed: so strong is my faith hi its efficacy, that I wilt send TWO BOTTLES FREE, with a'VALUABLE .TREATISE on this disessa to .any sufferer who will send me their EXPRESS and P.O. address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. O. 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, Ti ORONTO,'ONT, RUH JI1llsioI lltrllifl Exeter Roller kills. EMPORIUM. MAEU(ET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush Qui' Selling Prices. Flour, strong bakers', $3 00 per 100 " best family, 2.50 " " " low grade, Bran, . Screenings,. Chop, 2,00 ` " " 70 " " 90 " " 100 " " 1.10 to 1.25 '• " Chop stone running every day, TERMS CASH. The Exeter Willing Co SHILOH'S CONS '..0 M PTiON CURE■ This GREAT,COUGH CURE, this suc- cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are, authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cetigh, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dreaolrthat insidious disease eoNSUDIPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing, Ask your Drug- gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price so cts., 5o cts. and $i.00, 1 AL1 `iunu•ta. PERMS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BTCYJES, FARM IMPLEMENTS &e The above instruments always on hand. Turas to suit Purcllasers. GIVE US A GALL E bERYTHING, AWAY DOWN,, PERKINS & MA RTIN