The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-22, Page 43onutie
relinrinary estimate Of' coiner
:'tial fieh landings in Ontario
i the i ni
ing, � xst ,rnine lxtonths Qf,
•.shows 40',126,000 pounds of
o., .310 t,h
1, w .xtlic .$ , 58,OOU Q the . _.
his represents an increase in
eh..of'"24,i'per `Cent .over 1960,
rz a degreasein' value Of 2,0
cent for the samerod
er h
p R'`le
realijicture "shows Lake. Sup,.
Dr, Northern 'Inland Waters
. Southern Inland Waters with
reases in both catch and value.
to Eric ,and Lake St, `lair
iw ah Increase in ' catch al.,
Ugh 'there wasi<am,decrease in
• Lake ;Ontario; Lake Huron;
1 Georgian Bay show increase
both: catch, and value".
JiSJ! L d
Lake Waters. cr
•n »
all •s - t.�:s: .it . an overall, catch..
. - pco
t 01 o ern.... Xnland Waters ..akc a"ttp..ri, r •sh9�w� a very� �'
Approximately'75r @ The N th
. a ��, ;Welt a la n lecl t $ , p
came from Lake aria where with catch re orted 4 433,00.0 es: wall ge 199,000 pounds down n �,
n1► reported,�, ver the same
Q poui'nds, of fish rr�l� mantissa slightincrease over the � a: Poun s, chub 3, �, l i
s o9 d °. trout pun t 00 u lake ut
bed at $l 95a �(�
we* lend, < theperiod last. year bid value , p4
• � c e ses are 'wXtite . rch .,up
Same' .. i0 x u
Of 3X1.0 er, cent in 'catch, ee o e an ngrease of lapel' cent 108,000 pounds to ;90400(1 pounds „
. p a d Stewed d � aw iv* i10t1U, toun�s to 0�0iX+�Ppunds'-
lake herring2 'l 00. o nos to 1
crease in value of • 5'7 . pent• The s ecies show lake 2 , . 4 p u.
.I�� �' �° ;'rota• 8,000 ';peund:sw :t+o.6,OOfX
due . 'mainly. to the ower but . the most significant increases. _ 206,000' pounds. , yellow perch
y l � �pputads;n�reCk. basil �d ollpies,.
market value of yei<ia, w ' perch are rocklbass and crappies, from a;14,000 pounds to 2,000 •Pounds. d. Opp ' ounds; .,iQ l 44 . la4undsl.
't 46 000pounds to '103 000 ,.ounds .Georgian Bay fisheries showed ,
Perch iypntiltued o show . a , P , bullheads 9l 0l0. : , lands , iso 93,E .
00 pounds,to 3. . ,a decrease of 19 percent in b Xhea , po
stdcrsaee goat $ $48,090 tullibee, 216,,0 2 7,, 0
pounds' to 1 sover , ,00 pounds;yellow erch.l2,000 both ca.tehandvaluefigures 497 .,
000: pounds; carp p1,090, pounds
p d . . s,OIO,OQO pound 4 P , , - t , • e s 3 OOQ
to 1 3 00.0 otlnd ei ,
thee , t 9 Smeltpounds to 1 000 ands, All other • 000 ppunds worth$107,000, White. o . P . , ,. n u
satne Period Q 1.66., p .. d 6, pot 6 000 rls star eon
per Pent r 4t .331000 pounds 9.9 per cent
the o of Ce S e se. on lar est producer s increase in both catch, -' p. • , e •
Production' »the province 'kVa the c d g P , � i e� ,of , 47 qq4
u ,t•
4Cr e Q •
to 138 000 � d4 q0
0 p
30,5;39,00 ,eriod" of 196.,, Sppcies stow ng
rose from' $,577,000poUlidsto13,. species showed decreases: north•.'
233,000 pounds, .andwalleyefrom ern pike. 593,000 pounds to 435,•
263,000 pounds. to.014,000pounds: 000 pounds; whitefish 1,000,000
All other species showed' .pounds to 990,000', pounds; ;Nall-
decreases, in catch: "white bass, eye '988,000 pounds to 464,000.
2,440,000 pounds down toe1,641,. pounds.
000 bounds* bullheads19,000 and crappies 49,000 pounds to
pounds to 8,000 pounds; rgck bass e • ,000 pounds.
iiki:cept Waterloo Company's
render For Clinton Arena, , Centre.
Clinton town council has
cepted the, tender of Shantz
d Hicks Construction Ltd.,
deride', to .build a community
ntre and' arena in Clinton
►mint'inity Park,
The tender price was $224,660
r ' the 215 foot long by 104
at wide btfildf na. which will have
li ice -surface of 80 feet by 180
et. The arena surface will be
;vexed with a three-eighths inch
aprock door which can be used
✓ roller 'skating, dancing, in.
for shows and other entertain.
o ' peace,
and love is
upon us.
Let us eagerly
share in
its blessings:
Gordon V.. Hicks, vice•presi.
dent and general' manager of the
Waterloo firm personallybrought
the tender and dans and specific-
ations. He was accompanied by
Robert E. Taaylolc of Amfab Pro.
ducts Ltd,, Weston, whose firm
designs and - binds laminated
structural beams and concrete
legs for such buildings. The
Shantz and Hicks firm are using
these materials in the building.
This •part of the tendo, amounted
to $44,551,
Another major item in the
tender . was $25,210 for the ice
plant, This will be supplied by
.,. Creamery. Paci lige Mfg;: Co; of
Canada Ltd, Toronto; Mr. Hicks
said this was not the cheapest
tender :his firm received but he
Claimed ft to be the best buy.
The $224,660 price includes
.,federal sales tax on applicable
materials but not Ontario five
percent tax. To recover the On.
tario tax, the. builders who are
the town. of Clinton, must apply
for exemptions whereapplicable°
Town clerk John Livermore
is submitting plank and specifi.
cations and -price to the Ont.
ario Municipal 'Board f or
approval to issue debentures on
the Centennial project. The town
is applying for approval of up to
According to Mr° Hicks, and it
was incorporated in 1 is'tender,
Himilton Ste
in the joyful Yuletide
• spirit, we +sing out fondest
greetings, 'o our,wbnderful
friends,tMti neighbors.'
Reel Itet,Mto and Insurance
44 North 'gf
that as soon as approval is
received his firm cati`atartwork.
He further stipulated `that the
building will be completed in
four and one-half Months.
Cost of lumber materials, etc.,
was tendered at $33,000. Mr°
Hicks said some Clinton area
sub -trades are included in his
fi'rm's price, and that local
tradesmen and laborers wouldbe
The arena art of the building
will seat 500 persons and room
for over 300 standing. The audit- ..
orium over the front of thebuild.
ing will' be 104 feet by 30 feet
'with' kitchen area which- helves'
a 78x30 auditorium area:
After some discussion and ex-
planation by Mr. Hicks, coun-
cillors Jim Armstrong andGord-
on Lawson made a resolution, that.
read in part, that the tender of
Shantz and Hicks Construction
Limited for $224,660 to build a
community centre, be accepted,
subject to approval of the Ontario
Municipal Board,
Mr. Hicks offered further ass.
istance to council and the build.
ing committee• of the project,
either by phone or in person.
J. William Counter of thecom-
munity centre building committee
was present at the meeting. Other
members of the committee are
David Beatie, chairman, and Don.
fpiosuhndsitnea0ed0., fiouond7pe0r4b0Xapwndcasv.iYre,4lo0w00p'ppch0d0an
,2,000 poundp36,00 Pounds. decrease from 23',0'pounds to
Chub dropped from. 310,000 2,000 pounds.' , „, `,
pounds tQ 198,000 pQunds; walleye Lake Ontairi,n, our 'thud lar•
42;000 "pounds t0 19;000 pounds. gest °'prQoucer,' °shows ' quite a
All other species remain steady. decrease in both Catch and value,
The fisheries in the North 1,251,000 pounds of fish reported
Channel of take Huron shoaved compared to 2;027,000: pounds,
a decrease in catch of one per over the .same period last year,`
cent to 186,000 pounds, while Value was $161,000 against1965's
value was -Slightly higher at$70,. value of $267,000, a Zlecrease
000, Species showing increases' of 39,7 per cent, The overall
were, whitefish, up from 33,000 decrease is* mainly due to the
pounds to 71,000 pounds; sturgeon drop in production of the follow-
and cavfer 10,,000 pounds to 15,- ing species„ white perch 455,000
000 pounds. All other, species pounds down to 118,000 pounds;
show decreases: walleye 18,000 whitefish' 73,000 •poupdsto 33,000
pounds ' down to 8,000 pounds; pounds; whitebessl36,e00 pounds
yellow perch 52,000 pounds to 13,. to 14,000 pounds; walleye 31,000
•000'pounds° pounds to 24,000 pounds; eels
`'southern InlandWatef s show an, 175,000 pounds to 128,000 pounds;
increase in production in nearly -
by W.W. Haysom
your " telephone
Canada's annual •Safe.D•riving Week is aver for another
year. By stressing defensive driving techniques during this weeks,
the Canadian Highway Safety Council, 'hoped to make' motorists
aware of every known' safe driving [procedure so that they
will better remember and practise them for the oUher 51 weeks
of the year. We at Bell' Canada --at least all of us wlhb drive our
own cars on business or the familiar green vehicles---wek1 know
the Importance of driving defensively. All ofus who .do any
drrivh g as part of our 'work at, Bell Canada must take and pass
a pretty rugged Company "course even though we have 'provincial
driving "penults. And, 'in recent years this course has stressed
defensive driving. Really, defensive driving is little ;afore than
common sense. It means learning show to recognize potentially
dangerous situations, learning how to avoid them, then putting
this ,knowledge bo use..Since 42 per cent of the, ;people surveyed
in �conneobiora with. Zihe Canadian Drivers' Test television'pro-
gram some time back failed 'the test; :it seems that few people
know where danger lurks. With winter setting in with its
snowstorms, sleet, ice and subzero temperatures, defensive driv-
ing becomes more dmportant than .ever. Driver Imparovement
courees have been held in many parts of the 'country (this year
and more are planned for She months to come. Driving condi-
tions have, changed drastically .since :many ofus received our
lint permits, and a fresh look at our driving 'habits 'could make
motoring safer and more enjoyable on our crowded streets and
highways. And, it could make for a 'happier holiday season, when
so many people Will be travelling ,bo join families and friends for
Christmas and New Year's celebrations.
Did you' happen ,to see the &teen in newspapers not too long
ago about the anan in California who has collected 20,000 Itele-
pbone boots from; all v r the world? Actually, what appears 4 o -
be 'just en unusual hobby is really a tool of this mean's pro-
fession. He's a tracer of lost peons, and his lifrsay o of tele-
phone diredtonles often helps hiss to track down missing persons
for his clients. You can use your telephone book oto" itxiadk down .
'things too. Things like Area Codes, emergency numbers, in-
sbructio ns for making all kinds of phone calls, and in the Yellow
Pages, ,lists of dealers; products or 'services that you may be
looking for.
On Chnisbmas day, 35 years ago, telephone lines narnied the
first radio broadcast of a complete opera -Hansel and Gretel-.
It was transmitted cosst•toaeoast from the Metropolitan' Opera
House in.New Vote.
* * *
Pest wishes far a very Merry Christmas followed by a TTaippy
NOV Year«
and bullheads 91 000 pounds to
02,0.00 pounds; yellos perch, 299,.
000,pot*w s to 119,000 pounds; and..
smelt, 199,000 pounds to 134,000
,p in
pounds. Species .showing an •.
.crease are; northern. pike 7,000
poutids to 10,000, pounds; :lake
herring 6,000' pounds to 13,000,
pounds; carp 270t000 pounds to.
Lake Huron production dew
creased 11.3' per cent to 1,404;.
000 pounds' valued at $373',000°
Chub, which is still the, Main
species landed in these waters,
continued to drop in production
frem' 789,000 pounds down to
586,000 pounds, due to the mar. •
ket. Lake herring, 7,000 pounds
down to 2,000 pounds; sturgeon
arid caviar 4,000 pounds to 2,000
bounds; whitefish 246,000 pounds
to 243,000 pounds; walleye 185,
c000 , pounds to, 119,000 pounds.
Species showing' increases are
yellow perch 65,000 pounds to
86,000 pounds; carp 19,000 pounds
to 39,000 pounds. Sheepshead pro.
duction was more than doubled
for this period from 30,000
pounds to 82,000 pounds. White
bass production remains steady.
Lake St.9Pair production show-
ed an increase of 5,2 per cent
to 721,000 pounds, although value
shows a decrease of 2.0 per cent
at $195,000 to the fishermen. The
carp .landings in this lake st,. °showe
• a . sto. 6,
nd s oegun
•ar Thirsday., ember 22, 1966
ed, quite' au increase from'155,-
'000 pounds to 247,000 pounds;
rock baso and nrappies 24,000
•.t r'
pounds to 34,000 pounds;6 sturgeon
and caviar, '7,000 Pounds to 9,000
pounds, The remaining species
.show. decreases' in catch; yellow
perch 44,000 pounds down to
02,.000ounds, northern pike,
0,000 pounds to 5,000 pounds;;
white bass 24,000 pounds to 15,000
pounds., Walle e . tai for this
p 4Y
ro dr cX �
period dropped
pounds ,to 135 000 pounds;
a Established' 1870 -
Assets $75,000,000'Ga iia & Reserve
Paid on 3, 4 & 5year
debentures or
6'/4% paid on '
1 & 2 year debentures
Offices: "Toronto . Hamilton . Ottawa . St..`rhomas '
Please complete coupon and mail with cheque to:
• 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Phone 432-4158
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