HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-22, Page 30• ; Thot ThuradaY, Dftersiber 22, _MO Thc afternoon aUtillary o Knox Presbyterian ChUreh net Dec 13, With flowers, eltOrgrOnS and a beauttful setting -of the Nativity Scene. Mrs. 11. Rivers . read the Christmas story, and Miss F. Macdonald gave the Med, itation on "the best ways of keeping bliristmas.0? A letter was read front VOSS E. Somerville expressing her, thanks for the honorary member. ship certificate. In the absence Of Miss 1. Matheson, Life Mem. bersiiip Sec., 13orted that an IwlitegtOriiain cer. tificate had beeir,Sent ° to Miss Edith Taylor in memory of her mother, who was honorary pre. sident. Also that a Life Mem. n bership certificate had been pre. seated to MrS. 'Tenn Wray at thea Arthur Circle meeting, Tla was, given by the Afternoon Auxiliary, in appreciation of her work /with the CQIT, The annual weetiM of Huron Pre,sbyterial wi11 be held in ,clinten Jan 11. Reports of department secre, tgies wero given. The Cor. Sec. etary., Mrs. R. Bisset reported 31 letters written dUring the year, • some d ortie brightand each • it was reported that there are 77 subscribers. i41J,Met Home Helper secretary,reported an addition of 22 new Hoinellelp., ers, and 60 calls were made. Mrs 3. White, Library sec. retary arrived safely In India, a day late because of a,,Londen fog, and Ida was Waiting to Meet her, She asked that Members would save their cards until she. comes back, as she will know then, where they, wiii ,be most one really appreciated, 'Mrs. L.-- useful° EverettrreisertelsPITZMIL--------a;lenlithr.4"11-e ---Secretirr141Ly reepri-rted --dahri at three meetings, and suggested a library could be started with W.M.S. books mem. bers could share. In the absence of the Glad Tiding secretary Knox Arthur Circle Instals '.67 Officers President Georgia Schaefer opened the December meeting of Knox Arthur Circle with a Christ" mas prayer. Edna Pollock read the scripture and led in,the sing. ing of carols. Mary Wray gave a meditation. Betty MacKenzierea4 the m{in., utes, after which iraY10 s'Setre.' tarieS presented their annual re. ports. Georgia Schaefer thanked the leaders and members for their support during the year, a&1 reminded them that the annii&l,, meeting of Huron PresbyteFial will be held in Clinton'Jaie.11, centennial plans were discuss. ed. Ruth Skeoch and -Eileen Twaddle received the offering. Edna Pollock request aid iri.: transporting the chil en o the ?- homes of shut -iris for the QlstiSt. I mas carolling. k, d • I Rev. G. L. Royal conducted Bald Tires Dangerous? 13y H. L. BAIRD Why are bald tires dangerous? Not, as many drivers think, because they have lost their cas- ing strength, though this may be the, case. It's because that with the tread went most of their stopping power. • While this condition can be dangerous on dry summer days, it can easily be fatal in winter slush. • Tread on rubber tires was 'put there batth manufacturer be.;• cause. it 1 -grip better on all surfaces than smooth rubber and it will dissipate dangerous heat.. ; In winter, when smooth rubber hits watery slush, an aqua-pla.ning . action is set up that can cause the car to. "gide" right off tie road while turning or braking. • You are gambling with yotif life by putting off buying new tires when your old ones a.4e•. becoming smooth. At very least, they should be retreaded, pro- viding the casings are .unciam- aged. While we're on the subject of safety, the main benefit Of prem. ium tires is that they provide a safer ride because of their stronger construction rather than, longer life. If longer tire life Was the only object, you ;wild be farther Shead to bu)L-two..- sets 'of standard tires. Premium tires have stronger cord, better rubber, more ef. fective tread and most are blow. out proof. These qualities may only be vital once in a lifetime, but once could be enough. • This year's new pars are all equipped with dual brakes. 'Re- member, brake i only stop the- wheels..Tires stoic the car. .Seesyou next Thursday. - Advt. the installation of, new officers and group leaders. His message touched on the Mission of the Church throughotit the world, in terms of : the Mission of Jesus Christ. ,r ' *S. ' Enight, of the/ 8 erlior sz k g tb.e same purpose: The supply allocatibn and all expenses dur. W. M. S. presentedcyltte,Vm-4, ing the yeat were paid from this thrshill to Mary Wray foY outs standing leadership in the CGIT. SpTehceialtreasurerFund. - for the general During the interval, Eleanor fund reported that envelope, Hetherington playedpianoaccom-t; .thmk.offering and other contribu- panimenti while Stella Walzak' ti ns amounted to $909 for 1966, Jean 'Knight and Mstilelgi, c1.41 to be forwarded to the Presbyto ward San two Chr,Istmas 4r.o al treasurer. ities, "WInd in t11eOlfte7 ed ,"ev G. L. Royal congratulated and "Silent Night.'.' President the members . on their work Schaefer , thanked the ladies for during the year and presided for their delightful entertainment. t _election and installation of Betty.4!Me! enzie closed the , fits; followed by .the dos- Tepting with rayffri,T r leg rayer. A social half hour d her helg rs sAve :;-• , 1 as enjoyed at the close of the hilAtnlas. odokied: .4, .“, 1 '....2'inttng. Rev, G. L. Royal pre. 353 Home calls,,and 310 Hospital calls; In Victoria Hospital, Load - on , Alexandra Hospital, God. erich, Ontario Hospital, Huron. view and the two nursing homes, where every visit was apprecia., ted, The Centennial Fund treas. urer Mrs. R. Dyke, reported $29 received towards the gift for the girl studying Medicine in India. The press secretary Mrs. A. Taylor sent a report of each meet. mg to the Goderich Signal Star, and appreciated the space given to us. The treasurer for theIgessing Box and Special Fund, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, reported donations sent to India early in the year for Famine Relief,' and $100 to 4Virs. White to lake to India for 4.41 At the d" season 9f holly and • mistletoei it is our pleasure to wish .you 71'C1iiitnias and to express thanks f6r your patronagethroughout the year. our • • ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE -2 REAL ESTATE Goderich :BE wmi US FOR htitimas-ditiner CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ON OUR MENU ROAST TURKEY • With. Cranberry Sauce, Raked Potatoes and Hot Mince ilk BAKED VIRGIINNIA HAM With Pineapple Rings • WE ALSO SERVE CHILDREN'S PORTIONS - Eat Out At The * GODERICH RESTAURANT .Est CHRISTMAS -DINNER IN TOWN MI. AND SAT., 1:36. 23 24. • I. Life sided the .electionandinstallation - of officers; for 1901. 1Ionory president • Schaefer, president Mrs, Enright, vicespresident.mrs, Rivers, Miss V. Macdonald, treasurer. Mrs. G, MacEwan, recording secretary i4rs.Asti, Erskine, Corresponding seere; tary Mrs. L. Diggon; flotnellelp.* er secretaryaVirs. sT, MaTevin, Glad Tidings secretarY.Mrs4 G. • For CGIT Stokes, assistants Mrs. C. Cutt, Library' Seeretary.lvirS•41. White, Welcome and Welfare secretary, Miss L, l‘lacartluir, Literature- seeretary °Mrs. Everett, press secretaryolVlrs. A. Taylor, iUe MembershipsMis's I Matheson, supply and special'itinci.aos. G; IVIacEWan,Pianist4/1rs. C, Ed ward, Centennial fUnd trea4urcsi Mrs, Rs Dyke, telephOne Ocona,' VettertyirS. L, Maeiricar, assist, - rk ants, Mrs. i'',11Vi9Arthur, Mrs. Q. Diggon, MIss 1 MacVicso Schaefer, Mrs. J. Mollevin,Mrs. Mating committee,, Mrs. R Everett, Mrs, W. O. MacEwan; social convener, Mrs. Stowe, MrsUiott, auditors, 1Virs. L. 11. 1 sett, Mrs, Crook, Mrs. 4. PI • oyotis hristmas Skeetings Our wish is that you waken to a Christmas full of the best the season offers . . . the joy of loving friends, the peace of plenty. Have the Merriest Christmas of all! W. J. DENOMME FLOWER SHOP THE SQUARE L9fl the spirit of this holy Christmas Day, we send greetings to all. REID'S, UPHOLSTERING Goderich Shop with cash from an IIFC Shopper's Loan AMOUNT cl LOAN F ,1 MONTHLY 60 months 48 months PAYMENT 36 months 30 months PLANS 2' months '12 months $ 100$ 550 1000. 1600 2500 3800..,, 4000 5000 iorta 126.26 $ • 73.35 88.02 117.37 146.71 S.-. 90.18 108.22 144.30 180.37 $ 23,73 41.45 '..,..: ., $6.12$9.46300 18.35 32.86 58.11 ..,.. 28.37 51.24 91.56 Above payments Include prInclpal and Interes and are Wed on prompt repayment but do not Include the cost of Ilfe Insurance. Holiday shopping with cash from an RFC Shopper's,i Loan can save you money. And, you'll avoid big first -of -the -year bills, too. Later, repay HFC conveniently. Ask about credit lite insurance on loans' et low group rates HOUSEOIOLD FINANC G�DIRICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 ,,(above the Signal Star) • Ask about our evening hours Plump and Juicy, Pleasingly Priced! '111 • a A&P's OWN SUPER -RIGHT " BRAND VAC PAC TI Ged)1 a 0 Mrs in ti the Rent 3n4 -quit Jed wori ir Ever mas Mrs, At the of • tl, CarC efraPil The ened monk groul . seer' Duck respl SoweRel the III comt Sant ; • brOui Mx cOnvi, •4 whict Ready r . • , 6 to • lb.. 20 -lb. Aver. 20-13s. Ib !St up •!: • PE e , What's Your Choice For Christmas? •, -RIGHT, BRAND FRESH,:.40,4,E .'. • , WEIGHTS im ALL ik GRADE 'A' OVEN-READY GRADE 'A', 4 TO 5 LB., VAC PAC from all of us at A&P Jane Parker Reg. Price ecii.59c - SAVE 6c • FULL • 8 -INCH 24-0Z PIE S:0XV=A.VAVXVAVMV==k4"4 Jane Parker FRUIT, CAKE,11/2,Ibpiecel 39 3-lbring 69 • 2. A&P PINEAPPLE- SAVE UP TO 23c OVER OTHER BRANDS ' GRApEFRo'DRINK DRINK 3£1.00 A&P Fancy Quality °SAVE up TO 28c OVER OTHER BRANDS TOMATO JUICE - 3 48 -fl -oz tint SAVE UP TO 24c OVER OTHER' BRANDS A&P.FANCY.PEAS 5 14.1I -oz tins Henley Mike Quality • Reg. Price tin 47c SAVE 9c FRUIT COCKTAIL 228.rOztflS85c. Heavy Duty Alumnum roil Reg. Price roll 690 4... SAVE 40 REYNOLDS WRAP 16jc 25.rtiroo le Hostoss Reg, Pricpkg. 690 SAVE )10e POTATO (HIPS 12-0z pkg C Support Canada's/111 '111,rAtvAirvAT' Centennial Projectsi'myk' 867t1967 PRICES IN 'THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH beeEmnEn g4th, 10(36. A&P Has It! OVEN IL READY no • SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, GRADE 'A', OVEN READY CAPONS or PAC ROASTING VAC IL CHICKENS POPULAR BRANDS • CIGARETTES c AO CARTON JANEPARKER;' • -WHITE ORE 24 -OZ. LOAVES 65c 3 Fresh, Festive Produce! .ie!,;AvA-Vioqw*:,eU,eV,,VUNt,;,Avs."-t-V3A.VA,V.,-;evi California, large Size, Sweet Eating NAVEL ORANGES Size 88s dozen No, 1 Grade Florida Fresh Pstal, Sweet, Crisp Junibosi;e No. 1 Grade STALK 19c CELERY sums California Preisli;Oren, No. 1 Grade BRUSSELS slairah RouTs .LB 29c AlgtiatA4 SI RI iTh( Club dEipar tort 41 sheep S cotti will P,u3 ticips Achiel Clint) exhib WAN All comp ly ine embe aspec ment, field Club • R.R. ingtot All are 1 and their • 196'7, An in sh 4-H S