HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-3, Page 1Subscribe for The EXETER ADVOCATE. Only 99 fromn now t itl.Tanuary- let 1893. Give it a trial. • eeeeeeee VOL IV. EXETER, ONTARIO, TRIT1ISDAY The Elliolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000. Best Fund.... .... . • . 1,000,000, Read ofAce Montreal. F. WOLFERST.A.N THOMAS, Esq., Gsainassa MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmer's on their owa aotes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cut per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawfal day from 110 a. m, to 3 p. Sm,att1y3i0m.t0lP,1 A generalbanking business transacted Four per een a per annum allowed for mon- ey ou Deposit Receipte. Savings Bank at 3 or eent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager. THE 05Xtter Atittoratt) Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Mee, 1VIAIN-STREET, - ' EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMP*NY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ,One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 61$0 if not so paid. lialarcertazixaes Ma.a,taa .23.paell.ca,- ta=aa. • No p:aner discontinued until all arrearages are paid. :advertisements without specific!, directions swill be published till forbid and. charge. accordingly. Liberal discount ni for transient advertisements inserteas'1for• long periods. Every description of 1)11.1..NTING turned °sat in the fineststyle, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made pave, ble to Sanders & Sweet PROOltraTORS Church Direeterar- Taxvrar Illyaloauta Cnuacn.--Rev. F. IL Fatt, Rector, Sunday Services, 11 a. ux a ad 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p. m. METH.° niSTCamila ii-Jarnas-st ,Rev. A.. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, MN a. in. and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.3o m. Mau Searay,,r-Rev. W. McDonagli'Pas- tor, SonlaY, S'ervicee, 1 oo a. in. an,i 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Scaool 2.30 p. PaaSBYTBRI.A.N Catinen.-IteV. W: Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 m. au& 6.30 p. . Sabbath Schaa, 0.45 a.m. in krafeSSiOn al Car if,S. II. KINSMAN, LD.' Faason's Block two 'cloore north of Carling Store, 1$1.0.INextviets teeth ,a4) without pain, Away at Causal'. en 101 Prickly; Aliso. Craig ewe:ma and I1i auesclay; and Zurich on last .12hur6clay of each month. el H. INGRAM, Dsearisa, Member Royal College Dental Surgeon's, suceegsOr tp R. L. Billiags. Office over Poet Uffiee Exeter, Ont. Li.safe anaeethetie given lair the painle.'s extraction of teeth. Yule Crola Filliags a8 required. W. FA11N0011.13, Provincial Lana 1.Surveyor and Civil Engineer. °lace, uver _Poet Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. eal•Cararnaiimagail.......e.o.....acnotsosavouiftsroMMAIlaramedaseumenro B WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAti N . • and Su.rgeon. 011ice and residence - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Groderich, Ontario. 1' IR. A. ROLLIN'S. OFFICE -MAIN •ST. Residence-Coruer Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. Teo. T. P. MoLATJGHLIN, MEMBER OF 1" the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Eaccoueli- eur. 011ie°, .Uashwood, Ont. . - • . ----- a AIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surv,eon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, foronto, (Successor to Wm, Sweet, V. S ) Over 18 years practice. Calle.° and residence one block ettet of Richard.Pickards store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont. Tina. . T. A. MOS, M. Do C. , Member of _LI College of Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate -of the Royal College of Physicians and Sargeone Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and. Sur- ge° as, Glasgow; VelloW of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen'S old stand. 1111/piaseraling••••MMINs*sra••••••101•31SM.........11 Legal. (")17r17rS"711=1;7B7R7ZrCT'E- it• OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. eaft H. DICKSON, BA.RRISTER', SOLICITOR .1J. of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con.' veyaneer,Obnemissioner, &e. Money to -loan. Ofidee-Fanson's Block, Exeter. . LLIOT & ELIAIOT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC- itors, Conveyaatiere, &Le. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B. V. ELLIOT. , J. ELLIOT. Aucti.0 hears. Winehelsea. LiConsed &net - AIL ioneor for the Counties of Perth and Itiddlesex., also for the township of Usberna Sales promptly attendea to and terms reason able.Sales arranea. at Post office, Winehelsa A .sed Auctioneer, for the counties of Idatr- J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- on and Middleeox, Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Salo °miters by mail or other- wise peoarptly attended to at reasonable vier H0L,1C11i ,0T010110. Licensed ;met - 'I yo ioneer for the Counties of MiddloseX and Liembton and the taawnships of Stephen and Hay A11'5(1105 pram ptly attended to, BOSSENBERRY, Reagan Ontario, Lie - AU ons0d. Attetroneer for 1110 countes of Heron and Perth. Cshar'eos moderate and. S tiSfactien estaranteed. 'Licensed. Auctioneer for the Cottnty of Huron.; Sales Conettieted on reasonable ilerine. Farm and Farm Stock a peeialty.. 7, nil arra-neon-torte Mil be made at this °Mee. • HOUSE TO ItlfeeTT, A. Ono Meek Cet,tage and One lot of 'land, situated on Carling steeag et.eontaini000- 11) fro pi in 0,1100, room:. 11 first- elas ,,rd Lis There IS 11- 10001 well of witte2, isist ero,, vial a la:tele, 1 are oxi the 'Promisee. Tornia Tease, a - all v. Per fr rther Ortiviths vs apply to Gc ta)glio Or OA ,r;:',$9 'a111 S ALIO OR '1'0 RENT, arem ii4os ltu own 63 the CCM IITOIscstil ittsrs1,4, 1,0.11 tegothea.Witli the S falai 10S1,11, i sus iii t 11 ts 1t, ((''1 /To t61 and flids,,otiolc. Stolse 111 soming the 110'1;01 allti I1:s0(1 14'5 a M11101'01 ttmel ()CAN!, 'P110 itlION'e lisropr:rty wilt la, Jolla On 01,s41' ±0101 13. For attaticalare Reale f the I, copra:tor, Jetta 110 1Sa tart, Int ie'seil e mi ((00, 000 Collaprite 9 j.,tea. mitisae.P, O. pRopE14,Ty FoR SALE. The following valuable property compria ng lot$ east half 75, Thames natal, bY, ad- meaeurentent items. Ou the land is a splendid frame house and stains, good. welt, to, number °femme trees, aim many other acoommoaatione. Also two acres of laud situated. on Maia street, north of Lake 'Road, For terms alid partieulars apply to Toner TlioupsencetHoY P O. SALE REGISTER. Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Im- plements on. Thuesday.March 91-.11,1892 on Lot a concession 113, Stanley, mile north, of the Village of Blake. No re- serve. Ed. Bossenberry, Auct;.; Henry 'W. Otterbein, Prop, CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Having purchased the in terests .o f Mr. Irvl' lugArtristroug, Flour aud Feed Merchants, I wish to Inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that the businessviIl be conducted hereafter by Mk. Robert Rich- ardson and myself JESSE WESTCOTT. Best brands of flonr and all min teed con- stantly ge hand and. delivered to any part of the village at mill prices. RICILARDSON az Wnsreorr. • -SEND FOIL -- ILLUSTRATE 11 E.T1TA.LU GLTE of 'Ladies Specialties. ADDIIESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen -se E. Toronto Ont. Mention. Ms paper. MY DAUGHTER'S LIFE Was. sayed byHood's &lase parille," says Mr. B. B. Jones of Alma, Maine. -"She load seven running sores in differ mot places on hsr body. but oa giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla there was marked improvement and now she is welt, strong and healthy." Hood's:Pills cure doustipation by re - WHIT the peristaltic action a the all mentary canal. They are the 'best family caOiartic. Sick Lit. Mr. John Welsh, of Usborne, has re- covered sufficiently from his late at- tack of illness so as to be ab;e to be a- round. again. - We are pleased to see Mr. Ighomas.P.rior able Ile- be a - retied again after a short ilhiess.--- Miss Ettie Essery who left here a *few weeks ago en a short vacation, is at present conflued to bed at her parents home near Centralia 'Her disease ap- pears to be of a serious nature, the lungs, being somewhat effected. -Mr. Jame Down is still lingering in an un- certain condition. His troubles are of a serious nature and recovery, is doubtful. - Yesterday word Was re- ceived from Marlette Mich. stating that It change of doctors had taken place and that under their treatment we may look for the restoration of Mos.' Henry Hoist to health again. Her disease being ulcerated stomach is of a serious nature and has been pro nounccd all along. as ineurable,but this news will gladden the hearts of many relatives and friends here. -Mr. James Gould is slowly recovering from his illness. rernonni Mention. Mrs. James Hill, who was the *guest of her mother, Mrs, Phoebe Sweet, last week, has returned to her home in Crediton. -Mr. Ed. Bissett returned from London on Friday evening where he had been attending Grand Lodge of the Sens of - England. --Miss Millie Btsker'whO has been visiting relatives and friends iesMoorsyille for the past three weeks returned home on Satur day efeninge-Mr and Mrs. John To ick of Toronto, formerly of this place, are renewing' old acquaintances in town --Miss Horn toed Miss Morloek left on Tuesday morning for London to at. tend the millinery openings and pur- chase stack. -Mr. Albert McCallum has returned to the London Business Col. lege.--Mrs. Harry Buckingham and her sister Addie,left on Tuesday for Crediton on a short visit. -Mr. Alex Me Tavish of Stratford, is visiting friends 111 towe.-Me. Cobra, of Ethel'paid Mr, & Mrs David Spicer a flying visit on Tuesdays -Mr. Stotts, of Bayfield, hoe been visiting in and around Exeter durieg the past week. --Mr. Arthur Carr is spending a few dasr days in Lon- don this week. -The ACV, W. T. Cluff, of Brussels, °faceted last Sunday at both morning and evening services ill the Triyitt Memorial church, the Rev. Rev, 10, Fatt tieing' away at, Wing - hate. --M ifie Susie Weeks left for Toeon to on Saturday where sloe will attend the millinery opeoings ancl. parchese goods before retierdnig to Nor wick to take charge of a' millipery depertment, Mrs. button,of Walkerton Who has Isnot visttieg hsw daughter' Mee. Fa tt at the Rectory left for loome on Momlay,- Cable who hes beem employed ns har- ness meker tot Me. john Treble for VV. oral weeke 16,ft on Tuesday monolog for Olegfortha..-Iin, ,Jeasph Seleier tarried. on Toetsiay evening after at tonditol' 1110 Seesion of the Grand Lodge °Pie 8, 0 E. 13, S. in L011(1011,1;1 et week I 'good vieltingerelativets total friends in Uxbridge -arid Torouto.-31ita3 McTav- ish bee returned after, ant abseeet several' moraine Teorn abi n ehe. has' been much bete est eat 11»1---i\1r.be John 13 ham,' has'lerve. SeCiety allectiatee Ceonnoittee, Met at the house of. the Treasurer on Feb. 29t13, 1892, 'Present Rev, Resell, jaMeaPickardare. Pick- ard, D, 11,1c1K1y, W. Cog, LPCI eheeSEes. rotary. Meetin a opened With Seript4re retoding and swayer by Rev. Ruseell; Items passedaminutes of previous Meetings-ner Jas Pickard, D. MeKay, Rev.Russell to be eresiclatit‘esOce James Pickard and R. Pickard, J. Geigg to be secretary -per James Pi e hard 'and R. Pickard, W. Grigg to be treasurer, - per 11 Pickard alid James Pielterd, Grigg, to be Deposi ry-sappoie tment of cominittee for 1892-8 as folloySto per J. Pickard and W. Grigg, to repre- sent Trivitt Memorial church, N. D. Heiden and G. Kemp peielemes Piek eard and W. Grigg, tosse.present Callen 'se z'Presbyeerian (Anomie., jlemes: Strong Mr. Moncur-srier H Pieleard.' and 4.0t,.. Grigg, to repreSeet Mani St. Methodist' church, H. Ilueeton and T. ,McCallum -pi W Grigg aud D. McKay to rese; resent James st. Methodist clitoral); Jass Pickard. and R. Piekarde.epor W. Grig,g. and James Pickard, gennal, meeting to be held on Sunday Arnie 13th at 3 30 p.m. -per R Pickard -and W. Grigg, annual Meeting to heheld: in James street Methodist church-sper W Grigg and D. McKay, the reSident ministers be invited to address the meeting -per R Pickard tied James Pickard, the choirs at the different churches be invited to assist -per :R. Pickard and Grigg, the president and secretaryto be a , printing com- per W Grigg and James Pickard, that the different beneyoleut secieties be invited to attend in a. body -par R. Pickard and James Pickard, :the S schools to be invited in S. 'body -per W. Grigg and James Pickeed, the pre sident to secure the co operation of the resident ministers -per W. Grigg., ad, journment to Thursday April 8rd 8,30 pin. J. GRIGG, Seedy. Mr, J. E. Sweats has purchased a loo Wingham, and will soon remove there, Ine successor our respected towies man Mr. James Pollock is .well fitted to carry on the bushiess in. a.. succeSsful matinees -Miss Maud Middleton; of God euLli Tli:mnship WaS ViSitiftsk i'os: T. J. Marks last wee:se-The date of the Phonogyaph 4:,.'encert is Tuesday Mareh 8th; all who can, shoold attena as a pre ,gram of ra.reseYaollale, set 1 le beepreeeh ed ; the Phonograph can be distinctly heard in all parts of the hall; choice musical selection. grand songs and so- los. -The Tem piers, of Goderich, viSits, ed Bayaeld lodge on Friday last. Mr, H. Miljer has been spendieg a short 'vacation in Toronto. -Messrs. R. 1,Vebb and G. Lewis are recovering from a severe attack of la grippe. - Hiram Miller has sold. one of his int ported horses, "Fintra.y Prince," bo Rollins of Exeter, receiving for the same $1,400. --We have had a severe thaw during thespast week and the wagons are in use again. -Mrs. Fitz gerald of Cleveland is in the neighbor- hood visiting friends. -E. Neil has re covered sufficiently to be out again. - On Wednesday night about 12 o'clock a man entered the house of Weeley Maguire, where G. Bloomfield was sleeping, and attempted to get intgbpd with him with his clothes on. _George Wild' well armed soon drove hi* out ofthe house from Which he disappear- ed in short order. We admire your courage., George. Whalen, sietahing is all -gsone around here now. -Tommy Clark says he saw a re bin last week in the woods. Pretty earls, 'tom -Jatnes Broolcs is a,svay at present in Tadiana with a earlpa,d of horses. -William Kearney, formerly of this place, now in L000don Township, paid this place a visit last Sunday to see his fair one, but he load the misfor- tune to smash one runer out of lois nut- ter aud he load to ride home We hope when Mille comes again he will have, better luele-There is talk of a Woolley, Mill being started in the spring at Whalen. -Joseph McHat ty is intending to erect a new bank barn next summer, Joseph SayS he will have it fitted ont in the latest design.- Joen O'Dwire is going to Indiana with a carload of horses in the spring.-- Mieses Welsh and 1Vheilihan, of 0)0 15011, 19 visiting friends around here for a few weoks. Centralia. We are servo lo hetor of tlo Illnees of Miss Et tio Essery from the effects of le grippe.- rhe glass ball shooting match will be loeld on Mrecinesclase--- There 14 11 lively time with instttance 131 11 :it present "1 he intelligeet agent on Primes, .Artlour street are do- ing a rioshine lousieete at preseees- S. 13. 1Viielser, comity' detective. is bus , MARGIT 3, 1892. ,Js'v The, ADVOCATE OFF; Xii usea a'ale 'land Billaio; tC11 .111:c;1911)°riraeili."-O"' Iltindford's for the ltiet three esesshsleft for his home in Toledo lest Fuilarton. Tim annual. aneiversary services s . eed tea meeting in connection with the • 1St3 'Church at Mt. Pleasant, will he hold on Stonday and Monday March 7 dtio and 7th. As the Mt. Pleasant peo- ple tolwaas have good tea meetings tloie see will no doubt be up to the rule sad all who attend will no ,cloubt here a good time. --The Reformers in oro'.ieighborhood are beginning to thitul that Mr, Pridhatn, Couservative, ceedidategis golog to defeat James Trow by a large mejority. Vote for him' on the 10th of Marcia --Mr. Hanson has. Seld his fine Canadian bred stallion to Ole. A. Campbell, who will leave &en Igen in a few days for Dakota whore he intends travelling him next Ramie • Bert is a jolly, light hearted folegy and will be rnuch missed here' espeeially bo'. Mr. Hanson, -with whom he ias liyed for a good number of yeers. GrandBend. rQbei Weather still cohtinues very ini144Od. sleighing almost gone. ---Mrs Duper, of I'etrolia, came to See her onot"api,...,On:Friday.-Kr. John Kennedy who h;lie 'been in the lumber woods for the ;egg:flys: months, reteined hotne on Satifselaselooking fairly wele_me, 811 ralOW, has rented Mrs. 13ashand's storeiketees and will open up shortly in the .1,4ftWisantile husitiess.-111rs. Bash and seei-eaYing Greed 13and for a time to reg., fte with her. de u g h te -- We deep ly eess ret to ste46iftgoe " the death of Mrs.;Wm. Metallis one althe first sett- lers tsieehis distil:se, and. alady who was highlyerespectd and esteemed by all. The tiesinre 01 (1(15111 was ° heart trouble, from which she suffered for a uurnber of yeite" Deceased was 84 years of age and hey insehand, four sons and five daue'itsere survive her- Tiw sons W. B. dsraikt1 Bend. Postana40,1':olaftlIS of Parkhill, 1 hos. and John who,40Ic the farm.. The daughters are Mrs. R. Fent ton, Miele, Mrs. Dunlap, Parolee, Mee. R. J. Arist1V rig ht, Mrs, Patterson, Ne w latet'rey, Mich., and. Barbara NV110 is at lima'. , Z1117j.Qh. Mr; FredaFanst, who has been in Michigan fer aerala timegetureed home last Wednesdeve acc.ornponied by a young -wife:: We wish Fred and lois young Ioritikmuch joy. Who comes next boos--f,A certain man of thos vil lage while liStenings to a conversation between' some parties in one of our shops here about our stage driver giv- ing Up the job on account of an accid- ent, thotight to himself that he would apply ler. the situation. Eli, not know- ing, tini4e eves _merely being Osten -fed' "niadeNtlignsall the next day and huntedture the former stage driver and after malsing his intentions known he found oiet to his dismay that he had been deceived. We feel sorry for Eli pecause,ge ingot left and we would ad 'vise hion'to keep at his old job with the "Bucksaw" and not pay so much attentioit. to other people's business, which ho has been doing of late. -Miss Mary Bever is vieiting friends here. -Mr. John Bedew, of Stratford, is un- der the parental roof -A great marry of this vicinity intend leaving for Dak- ota this .geek. Greenway. Mr Win:.Wiethet returned home one night last week and found that some one had taken 1)6E:session of his house, :titer lighting a lamp and making a tire, he ma4essearch and found in bed and old tramp who hustled out as fast. as possibleeind skippedwithout paying for either board or lodgings. --Mr. Jno. l3rown sold' his span of matched horses to Mr. Sam Gibson of West McGilliv- ray for the sum of $200, The conceit. given by the "Willing Workers" of the Boston Methodist church last•Thursday coming was not 98 81111.0551111 as ox° pected on account of the bad stete of the roads. The Dialo,gues, Readings aud music ;were highlY applauded. Proteseds with social held 'Monday ev'g amounted to $20. --Mr. Jas. B. Watson le versasick end but slight hopes of his recovery are entertained -Mr. J: Ul- ens drew a nice lot of ice from Lake Huron last week. --J. Blecanfield 10 turned last Friday after spending a very pleasant week in Michigan., Stephen. . There died on Friday at the rosid etoce of Mr., Willirtno Rowtelill'e, London Road, ,fatie Ford, aged 73 years. Jo1. though sloe liacief6aChed a good , age, deceased lied enjoyed good health un- til within a favi dayS lgoforo tile above date, svhen wee 31 ('001310 with: ,pa0. alysis freta 4110 0 Vier recovered. lee se, ao.Yeoll. tit lorose'k't. "V: eY10v t hear of (03 b'0111 war l rauts"beiii g heeled 1.4V,11,14.4eSel' of relelives mod friends. --A ..4ti.,: 1, shortly.- T. Boyle Seellrod gtood piesition toloh(ave 1(1:11:1t1)8111:itS11;i!:hths:t4310.5 t:a±11:11:11:1'14)::Icbl(t'l:t.:11-vt-1(:C 114°1118\7 '''N\vslirlee11(11.'°:1' fro 01010 '1,4t treated the wound wh oh 1. going ottO nonorte 'ell es tan , eepeeled.----1'1 eotteced to tele toldee at N'Oro vidence between Sodom and Provid- moce debating institutes will take place on March 10, instead of the dates men- tioned in last week's issme whiebwas wrung Those ititerested will hear this 101 m nd. Sodom, There seems to be some misutaler- strendiug among the Soclomotes regard. ings the Sunday School. The trustece called a, mass meeting on the eveniug of the 23rd ult., quite a eumber of the inhabitants were preseut. The meet- ing wat called to order and thEo diffi- cutty discussed, but it :oppears that those who were riot there are not sails fled with the resolution passed, at that meeting and have expressed ft desire to have another meeting to reconsider the resolution then passed, claiming that if all the members of the Sunday School were present, a different shew ing would have been tile case. Now consequettee of such wish, it is a greed that a mass meeting of all the Sodomites be held in Sodom school house on Tuesday evening, the 8th day of 11Iarch, The object of the last meeting was to make it reconciliation between all parties, and the resolution adopted at that meeting svas calculat- ed or intended to mak, harmony. but It appears it has failed to do so. All Soclumites, both male and female, are requested to attend and see if harmony and good feeling can be restored. A SOD031ITI.1. Eden. -- The patrons of Centralia Chesse floc - tory Will hold. their annual sprieg (01' et on Saturday March 12th, at 2 o'elock p in. for the purpoee of arrange ing matt as for the business of the coming season and also for the dispes- al of the whey made in connection Wi th the ,factory. -Dont forget the grand' Concert to be given ln tloe Eden School lunette next Friday evenings It is the best of doe theO' season. ' Come every one. Friday eveuing, 11farch 4th is the date. For programmes see , hand bills, --Miss Gera,: Denopse,e, who has been visitiug her sister in Lucen, has returned home. -Ms. Ilerh Mitchell, •paid -Crediton a flyiag viSie one even ing last week. -Mr. Thomas .o..ed Miss Mary Cave visited friends in Biddulph 'tefsSotsday las -Mos' Maud. Dempsey; of Liicait, 'y isited ter pal'ents on Stin- day last, -Quite a nuniber of our young reople aYeseded a tetrty given by Mr. Aaron Sutton on Thursday evenings last. They all report of hav- ing a good time ---['he lecture given in the Exeter Tome) Hall on Monday evenings last by Mr. Robinson, of Dun"; vide, was attended by a large nupsoder of farmers from this neiglerrhood. They were highly pleased,- with the lecture and are considverbly encoura, ged by its ; ,e • AndOson, The Anderson. Laeerary Society is making great stridg towards giot tin g up an 'oyster supper. ',We wish s them success. Miss Ella Robinson has re turned from a long and pleasant visit to her uncle, Mr. W. L. White, of Urn onville. Your correspondent ss..eaks the voice of the community by giving her ' a hearty welcome. -Mr. Adam Sperling returned home to Kansas on Monday last. As it is quite a long time since Mr Sperling was with us we were more than pleased with his visit to our little village; we hope that he will visit us more -frequently in the futurettIsen he has done in the past. - Mr. James Robinson, while venturing too near the heels of an unbroken pony received a severe svound on the leg which not'only hindered him from working but made him repair to his .couch for a few 11a -Mr. John Lane -‘40F and faint's a Iiimed the church choir a few es , go ago, when a very pleaaant time Wa "-spent piste:11ogs:1440g games and in social conversation. '' So' lumens:nous of the flight of time Were the happy throng that the eastern skies began to glow with the usher of the day before they thought of home and mother. -Our neighbors are begin e . ro , nuns to get Warmod. up again in poli tics, This is going to be one of the warmest elections ever feugh" in South Perth. Vote for Pridham the consery- ative candidate on the 10th of March. --.0:---- Brewster. mr, Wm. Jaccibe and his sister who have been visiting friends in the vi- cinity of Listowel for eeme time, ('0- turnod home last week. -s -Mr, David Pemehr intends removing to Seaforth shortly. -The entertaboment held 111 connection with Fairview associetion of the P, of 1, on Friday evening last was fairly well attended considerieg the state the roads were in, every per 6011 g.Ant,;, away Beamingly welt setae, tied with the program.a-Sevewitsof she farmers in this vicinity have mit top ice for summer use, Oro In 1, rar last weeks , Owing to the racoon: etorms the roads its these p11 1(8 have been emepleteles blocked up but arts now in a fairly good condition, • Mr. Ss' MIS. Remohn were visiting friceds in St. Thom at; dtir ing part of last week and week before. Mrs, Gilmore, or; Fooest, ie et present visoting her Clang 3t0' 153'3 R Tho r. of 1. interel lo 1(11110'? st concert, on Friday- eveWng IwNt 20th 11 100181 Timo is expected, admiseion 15 emits, ehild ren Z:s Mrs. j. Pollock, of Da. 2, ,F kota who have been spending Use ter visiting friends in tiles() er pose returning shortly --A e lasise °Vent took place at the rosiddnt.:ro 61- •1 John Hartman on Tuesday eveSsing tes last week being. the marriage 'of hies: oldest daoghter nary to Mr. Jepsoee °gee Seaforth -0o Tuesday of last weer-111gs . E. Bosseeberry of Veuse,11 wasrelebits. hunting no these parts, we are enershiese to say wither his efforts were eisosseseei.' with sneeess or not, but trust they were : Mr. Wm, Sehrade has been in ' Torontgese during the past two weeks underg''''oing - an operation for the henitit of oneef his eyes whieh was iujured by him gettings severely kicked by a horse about t.wge years ago, liensall, Mr. R. D. Young is slowly recovers- ing from his illness' and the operatiowsn which was performed to his ear age short time ago. -The collectious connectien with the anniyereary serve- ; iceS in Carmel church amounted tea. $205-E. and L Ingram, Arthur (Togs worth and Robert Pattereon Pere ay./ - Wednesday last week for Vaneouvege, B. 0. They have the best wishes or-, many friends here who wish them as, future of prosperity. -Mr. IVililan> Ette-ei -073, who Us been a resident of Califor- nia for the past two years gave, ±19 10.: burg a call last week. He appears tien be well satisfied with .his uew home., and intends returning again shoetree-, Miss Robertson, of Ailsa Craig, Miss Robertson of London who have- ' been the guests of Mrs. H. Arnoldshavss renamed hor,oe.-Me. Jtaohn Bletehlor.: has reenyered trona his late illness - Mr. ft: Hughes, svife and family tefe" the Heusall station for St. Lows, wItiaTIP his son William is at present residing:. While the MOVii no deubt advantage to him as a carpenter, vat, we feel sadly grieved to hear of hien; ' departure from air village. His man- ner was of such a pleasing nature, mid: having taken Stich all active pare ire. encouragiug young people in meeting. socially, -morally and spiritually, they' 4 feel it will be a great loss to the (Oa al! gatherings. To show the reeseseke that many of our citizeus had for theree a large number congregated at tho' Station on Tuesday morning to bid: , them good bye, feeling at the same-. time that they were looeing a posegs and .leserviog citizen. May the horsig. of Him who reigns on high guarass guide and proteertheureirt -their news home, and Iney they enjoy the respeets and estees4 of the St. Louis people the - $a s'as they have done here.--Severalt our citizeiis svere in London last. 'week recordings their votes in the hitesse est of their respective candidates.- . -Mr. Thomas Dick brought 111 a gnaw:- ity of maple syrup last week wheeze: had been manufactured this vear--/ WhileMrs. William Moore was ant; driving 'the other day the cutter tura:, ed over throwing the occupant tente and the horse becoming unmanagealAle ran away. Nothing serious resultefe from the accident, onlv slight damages - to the cutter. --Word has been receive& that Mr. A. King has opened business. quarters in Buffalo -Miss Fanny Dav- is, of Exeter, svas the guest of the Mts.- ses Moore on Sundav.-The Rev Mr,. Henderson, of this village, *ill deliver a lecture in the ricer future on hits tea vets in British Columbia, &c., due/am-- last summer. As the gentleman is a; speaker of great note all should ' themselves of this opportunity of bar- ing him -Mr. James Hood, of Stanley township, is about to become one our citizens. We welcome him to cam midst.-- Our thaw has caught a col& and as it began, snowing on Monday we are loolcing forward to a few weeleas more sleiishing. BIRTIES. Wnesu.-In.Clinton on Feb 29th1 tioto wife of Mos. Robt. 'Welsh, of a son. DArterga.-111 Exeter, on the 1st bee, the wife of Mr. John Darlings a sons 1114111131.1A.4al4. "— COOPI5R-CRURCIIILL-At the Meth dist parsonage, Clinton'by Rev. Mrs.. Shiltoe, on Feb 23rd Mr. Gem A, Cooper, of-Goclerich tp,, to Miss Sarah, Churchill, of Creeforcl, Mans formerless of Goderich tp. DEALT ilts Beasoa -In Exeter North, on the les-- inst., William A., eldest son of WM. toed Hannah Brook, aged 23. year,a,.. 7 months and 25 days. Worg is --In London on the 26th inst Caton WilIisseged 65 years,9 menthe.' arid 12 days. Bresnenas --In Blettehard, lot 41e 'Melees concession, on Tosesclay,Fele 2:3, 1802, Mr. Cleo Bradley age(t 7.1s' srOft,VS. PORI), 411 Ste1.11:`11, 011 2(411 ub.. Jam.,1 'Ford e -ears, IIrsteteer. -In Clinton, on Fob. 24, E est; V. It, Herman, aged. 17 Y114. ant Pos sewn- In Kiucerdive Feb oi'e 1892; (1c,01'Av Puncocgt. ugoa 42551(1 Burial at Cliuton eteneterv iatundsto 27th, Gos4ssuoWss In Clinton on the ult., Ina Ile itop, daughter of Ms' Goo, GlAstvow a )0, 11 'sa08.aol mos. RATER.- In Cliuton, on Sitritley 2813, Iloward Vance, eon of Mts J. W. 1liter aged 2 yee, ant mos, stile,