HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-22, Page 11:::::`:;:: z .v' • f;;lv :fir' :.:..... ::.. . Church Faces Changed Society St. George's Auxiliary Told 'The annual meeting of St. a changed society. The social accept their vocation Christ. George's Womann's ,uxiliarywas ;.worker deals with. homeless ian women. . a summary of the year's work. people in various walks of life Mrs. G.G.Russg11gave the Am. • Mrs. E. 'F. Sale presided and led and various individuals such as for Auxiliary report and saidone in the opening prayers. derelicts, prostitutes, and alco. of their main efforts this year Miss B. Lauder reported on holies. was to go with the Junior Choir the- .educatio l.:letW# 1 a ... .,,8.av-Mn,`G;RS ' Ru0S'efii'took h n cistmas � d "il9i rensall Rtfiresentatives were chair -for the -annual reports: ` he'Nursing lr es: "Tt19` de "rtrn6 tt' - .� . present from Bayfield, Goderich, secretary Mrs. D. Wilson sum. of family • life report was given' Clinton and Middleton. The sub. med up the many activities of the by Mrs. Leslie Riley. ject of the meeting was social W.A. during the past year. The Mr. Russell wished to have a work in which the church daces .. W. A. is a. Missionary Society meeting regarding this depart. dealing with, missionaries, miss. ment of family life, which at ions and social welfare. Mrs. A. present includes only pre -,school C. Blay gave the financial side children and should take in the • 'tin eerie which included $140 sent to the whole family. diocesan treasurer to be used Members sold 130 church cal. where it was most {needed; Mrs. endars. Mrs. Sale thanked mem. - Reg Needham reported on the en. bers for their support and co. Qf velopes given out. This is the operation during the past year means of raising funds to meet and hoped for the same success. the necessary obligations and next year. commitments which Mrs. Blay Miss B. Lauder presepted the Din•ner b said had been met, slate of. officers for 1967; Mrs. B. Munn',s report included Honorary president. Mrs: Reg two quilts, 28 pairs of mitts, Needham, honorary vice.presid. A large' group of St. Geoi°ge's three hits sent to Mohawk In., ent• • Mrs. H. Tichborne, past stitute Brantford. president- Mrs. F. Hunt, presid. The social service secretary, ent. Mrs. E. F. Sale, vice pre. Mrs. H. Tichborne reported 195 sidents. Nis. 1S. SleminandMrs.' calls on sick and shut-ins. She A. Palme' , secretary. Mrs. D. said, the Centennial project for Wilson, treasurer. Mrs.• A.C. Huron Diocese is a home for un. Blay, educational secretary - wed Mothers a.to be named St. Miss B. Lauder, envelope sec - Monica House and built in the retary. Mrs. Reg . Needham, Kitchener Waterloo area. The Dorcas secretary- Mrs. F. Hunt, Living Message report, as read living message:MissH. Hartwell, by Mrs. D. Wilson for Miss H. Prayer partner -Mrs. D. J. Allan, Hartwell showed an increase of press secretary -Mrs. H. Dodd, one subscriber over last year, Girls' Auxiliary. Mrs. S. E. 54 subscriptions altogether. Wheeler, Mrs. D., Wilson, Jim. The Girls' Auxiliary report for Auxiliary - Mrs. G.G. Rus. . was given by Mrs. S. E.. Wheel. • sell, Mrs. L. Rieck, Mrs. Robt. er who gave the G.A. u Motto ' Needham, Family Life. Mrs. Les. "Let us walk in the Light" lie Riley, Calendars. Mrs. O. and its purpose is to open the Slemin, Tea Convener. Mrs. Wm. way for girls to understand and White. 6 The, God'fT,r Siena -sum li aids:/, AN v Evening Guild sat down to Christ. mas dinner at the Tiger Dunlop Inn. The blessing was given by , Mrs. William Craven, president. At the conclusion of the meal, the group met in -the livingroom of the Inn and sang Christmas Carols led by Lee Legg and acc- ompanied by Mrs.,Mac Campbell. The president conducted a short. ened business meeting when the monthly and annual reports of the group were read by the retiring secretary and treasurer, Jesne Duckworth and Jean Morris. Cori, respondence was read by Dorothy Sowerby and Lily Wolterbeek. Rev. G. G. Russell conducted the Installation of Officers for the 'corning year. Mr. Russell playing Santa distributed small gifth brought by the members. Mrs. Ivan McConnell was the convenor for the Christmas party whirl brought the year's meet. Ings to a happy ending. Shepherds Reorganize The Huron .County 4-H Sheep Club will be reorganized at the departix ent of agriculture in Clin- ton on Dec. 29th. Club officers r will be elected and a film on sheep and country life in the Scottish Hebrides and Highlands will be shown. During 1966, the memberspar. ticipated in a unique kind of 4-H a Achievement Day program at the u Clint %ring Fair. They each exhibffed a fleece =Of wool and either a yearling ewe and her lamb(s) from their 4-H Flock. All 15 members ',ho cenrolled completed their projects. Month. ly meetings were held from Dec. ember until May covering many aspects of sheep flock manage. ment. A number of interesting field trips were also planned. Club leaders were Ken Black, R.R. 1, Belgrave;. R. D. Ether- / ington, R.R. 1, Hensall. All farm 'boys and girls who are 12 years of age by Jan.' 1 and who will not have reached their 21st birthday by •Dec.31, 1967,,are invited to join. Anyone who has an interest in sheep is invited to attend any 4-H Sheep Club meeting. And the day will ever be known as a day of peace among all men. On this blessed holiday, we wish to share with all our friends the peace and happiness we feel.:. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Glen Price and Staff CLERE-VU AUTO WRECKERS HOLMESVILLE -- 482-3842 "Yes, Virginia here Is A Santa Claus" Sixty-four years ago, an eight-year old girl wrote to the New York Sun to ask quite simply; "Please tell me the truth --- is there a Santa Claus" The newspaper's reply, which has become one of the Christmas Season's Classics, was in part as follows. "Yes Virginia; then ais a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. And you know that they abound .and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas, how dreary the world would be if there were no Santa Claus! It would be ,as as if there were no Virginias. There would be no _ childlike faith, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment except in sight and sound. The eternal light with which child- hood fills the world would be extinguished. Nobody sees Santa Claus but,that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children ndi men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing ons the water? Of course not! But that's no proof that they're . not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.. No Santa Claus? Thank God! He lives, and lives forever. A thousand years from'now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. �.o • • •ic. • ••• • 4.• 0 • • 0 • Radiantly, a star shines acros's the years ... redalling the joy of the first Christmas, and gleaming still in hope and happiness for all. Let us rejoice, as we cherish the manifold blessings of this holy season. MAITLAND MANOR LIMITED NURSING HOME • 8