HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-15, Page 26odc rieh $ignall.Star, ` hursdty, DecenVepr 15, 18136 AWEEKLY' LOOK AT By TRACY S. With EXPO '67 nuw well on the way to becoming the greatest• show the world has -ever seen, di- rectors of the mammoth. exhibi- tion can look back to the recent J past when there was some scepti- cism abroad — and they can do it and know that historically speaking, they are in good corn-. pany. . You have only to' delve into the pages of, "Albert, Prince Con- sort," a biography by Hector Bolitho, t realize that the jeal- ous, the, extremists, and others have always hacked at the pedes- tal of every great undertaking. Albert, as the book relates, spent much •of his time on The Great Exhibition, and on answer-• • ing its enemies, for he was per- haps the Lgreatest proponent of the Great Exhibition in Ilyde Park in 1851. Writing. his brother, he re- vealed that extremists Lin the Church thought the • plan arro- gant, and likely to bring -wrath from heaven; manufacturers feared that the British` Isles would be flooded with cheap goods; doctors threatened plague and the arrives of hordes of for- eigners with scores of different diseases; the London Times abused the Prince for suggesting Hyde Park as the site of the ex- hibition, and reported that aliens were renting houses to run as brothels and a secret society had been formed ,to assassinate the Queen. 13ut,_.._s,. Albert _.late>'_ wrote,, "the gloomy prophets were sub- dued, the site of Hyde Park was allowed and all the world has come to join in the celebration. ° And indeed, so it must have seemed — for the Rajah of Tra, vancore had sent an ivory throne, and there were objects of rebra wood, terracotta, majolica and lacquer; jewelled weapons from Madrid, cabinets from Switzer- land, chairs' hewn from great ,slabs of coal and from America 'Samuel Colt's pistol with the re -- volving chamber. And there was a machine for ' making ice, with the use of sul- phuric acid; and a model of a floating church that drifted among the ships on the Delaware Alexander Calder, • a leading world sculptor, has been coin• missioned to create a huge stain- less stabile for Expo 67. Calltd t 94 feet long and will v. et;;h 46 tons. - LUDING,TON river; and , a colossal organ. crowned by an eagle that played endless tunes; and, a great elm tree gr yv - within the Crystal Palace,/ constructed especially, for the exhibition. Prince Albert's Great , Exhibi- tion of 1851 was a great business success as well. It made an offi- cial profit of 186,000 pounds Ster- ling. Decision was taken to use the money to encourage the arts and sciences, and 'nourish the British mind.' To that end were built: The Victoria and Albert Museum; the Science, Natural History and Geological Museum; The Im- perial College of Science. and Technology; the Royal Colleges of Art, Music and Organists; the Royal Meteorological Society; the Entomological Society and Others. In 11191, after all this, the, trus- tees were able to announce scholarships. $y 1961, 110 years after the Great Exhibition, 960 students from Britain and the Empire, had benefitted by these scholar- ships.; 99 became `Fellows of the Royal Society; two Pere past presidents and eight becames Nobel laureates. With this example — no wonder EXPO '67 officials are looking for b g things during the April 28 to October 27 period of 1967, Canada's centennial year, but long after, for it , is sincerely believed that a great' deal of peemane•nt improvement for_'Man and His World' will be the long- term legacy of the great exhibi- tion now being readied on the largely -man-made islands just off Montreal,.�in the mighty St. LEawrence River. The grounds of Expo 67 include parkland stocked with _Canadian wildlife where visit- ors can relax. One area will. be dotted with woods, nt:'aciows ablaze with wild flowers, ter- raced hills and small islands. Every hour or ,-to there will be a mock jail break. in the La Ronde amusement park at Expo 67. The fugitive will dash through the streets, climb over rooftops, hotly pursued by the sheriff firing from the hip. Drying Winter Winds 1(111 Evergreens., Shrubs... Drying winter winds are one of the many causes for winter., kill amongst evergreens and 'shrubs that are less winter -hardy according to horticulturists with the Ontario ; epart-mf;nt of Ag. riculture and Food. When the soil is frozen hard, the roots cannot take up water to replace that which the plants lose. Bright sunny' days during the winter can also cause winter in. jury. Any protective snow cover will melt rapidly and the groand will dry out or 'freeze hard at 'night. If you are. iiEW-TO-TOWN or have just moved, into a new home GODER1CH'S OWN r t. L' LCOME SERVICE Sleet and ice storms often cause considet'ab1e, mage by breaking branchesandwlgs, cau- sing them to dry out and turn brown. Here are some suggese tions to minimize winter injury. Mulch around the base of the shrub with peat moss, leaves, or strawy manure. This is valuable in areas where there is little snow as it acts as insulation. Use snow fencing for protection against wind, sun, and sleet. Ced• ar or twiggy branches may also be used to help trap snow and pro. vide shade on sunny days. ecould like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your new loca- tion. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. Call her at 524-9525 Now you c. ► ; give flyir .4g • lessons for Christmas Your Choice of Three Special Learn -To -fly Gift Certificates * introductory Flying Lesson only $5) * Special Pilot Sell() Course * Private Pilot's Course What could be more fun or longer remembered than these unique gifts? All three prr,vido flying instruction in a sleek Cessna airplane by a go•;ernmett .-licensed instructor plus a pilot's logbook with the student's 4'timentered ... contact us today for Complete details, rates, ordering information. PHONE 524-7385 A gift for everyone. Any person regardless of age can use this gift ... a gift equally appropriate for nephews, grandmas, husbands, fathers, boyfriends ... or youngsters thrilled at the chance to fly ... any of those many people whom you wish to remember at Christmas ... in short, any man, woman or youngstc4r. Good for th entire year. Certificates available now at: SK HARBOUR A9R SERVICES `c1-1' Goderich t'dr�RV N «ly d R, tTNf�:�•. t1 M ff .SR m.h h. M h h. •n.,ST .:t.f •'t n • M, fn M 'dx•t°r"S`.'•5'�'l.o't-t�t�skv,y.,w��ib'JJf.�.s,.o}:� tri.%hisloci;�,dares.r_�a�t�✓'f��.�Pfrr��`"'isJfrJ.ilirllr�i .`c'1. The 'IN' car for 67 FIAT`s beautiful fastback the 850 -coupe Ii ,s'.ui . '= e z �;� tt'.d 7 n V.ad'.lf"+ 610 �.•a' 4\11 "4 •ON:A YOL Uri `c. Superb styling Interior luxury -214 5. Super performance- for only There's a demonstrator waiting for'you at M DON'S WHITE ROSE SERVICE GODERICH 524 9441 318 Huron Rei.„ .o- business Directory, � Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39..S.t_..DauicLSte, 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario R. N. BENTLEY ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Rd. E. – Goderich Phone 5249521 Ski ' Harbour Air Services: ltd. For Charter Flights — Flying Instruction ' New & Used Aircraft Sales FINANCIAL COUNSEL 23 WELLINGTON SfItEET NORTH GODERICH, CANADA 524-9088 e. ilate-c,"eezlao2 aytifredermaCiorz REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE II makes — All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square Phone 524.8434 "The Store That Service Built" Tel: Bus. 524-9531 Res. 524-9243 PETER S. MacEWAN o INSURANCE AGENCY REALTOR 44 North Street Goderich, Ont .• Alexander -and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 • G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant 88 Elgin Ave. W. 524-8797 Goderich ' Ontario R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO 524.7562 Any' of these charming gift selections wily let the lucky ladies who receive them, this Christmas know that you care. • SLIPS •• NEGLIGEES • PANTIES o GOWNS • BED JACKETS HOSIERY For AH Occasions SWEATERS z Beautiful Shetland Wool and Orlon sweat- ers. One' .is sure to please. - GLOVES Choose from nylon kidwand Tilled cape. A wonderful selection. TABLECLOTHS We have . all sixes of tablecloths. Linen, Damask, . Lined Plastic; Floral Linens and Lace Cloths. . TOWELS Colorful glass towels and bath towels iva attractive colors 'and designs. HANDBAGS EVENING B/' GS Lovely . bags' in Calf, English Morocco and Synthetics — 4.95 to 30.00. a WABASSO SHEETS. AND PILLOW CASES WABASSO BOXED GIFT SETS PILLOW CASES—Band Embroidered And Neatly is ozed BLAN KETS ALL WOOL KENWOOD HUDSON'S BAY IBEX flannelette Blenkzets of all slues. THERMAL BLANKETS In Attractive Colors MOEIAIR. SLUMBER TH MOTOR RUGS oWS %'"�"` ";:o�•:rt,5�ti• -%.,shy;.: ;.. We have a wonderful selection of McBrine and Sam- sonite luggage for every member of the family. Drop in and look them over. We will be happy to initial your selection, free of charge. A small deposit will hold any item until Christmas but we do suggest you shop now. Men's Travelite SHAVING KITS These coma in Tight tan and British' tan colors -rind they are so ideal for gift giving to the young man. 4.95 EACH tiitctvg i, ,ztwvgw.wgnsm .^'Gcfoal. L ,z,,,k lgw,.'' vz,, vDwvlvg cFaDvvi g tl Leaf and other Tartans. Maple 'FLOOR RU(SS yy E 1 C 1;11r Cpiorful matchingcurtains andshow- er ituo-tarns air) a-- touch of A added colo. Dynol, l(odel and Polyester •fibro. Latatatatatatetetztatatev=tmetetatettiatigteitetat7e7t4LItatgx.et4LI r FOR THE' BATHROOM SEAT COVE SINGLE i'OUOS AND TWO-PEECE SETS LOOPED 111,1JeTS sYtc; a,. CURLING? SKATING' 51(11 If y u+are taking part in any winter sports activities, we suggest you get a suit of •"DuoioId" Thermal insulated shirts and drawers. FREE DRAW A coupon given with each one 'dollar purchase or with payment on' your account. 9 F. E. RIBBER.