HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-15, Page 184A • The GOderich ignal-Star, ThurSOU, December 15, lqq,q nd Spice T. Wr tOr Seeks Job We've been talking about it for a long time. It would mean a Major upheaval in the family. DO it's two against one, and this ia a democracy. Unless, of course, your wife happens .to constitute the minority. -Today " applied for an exchange teaching job, for one year, in the United Kingdom. I must be out of my mind, but I did. Daughter Kim is all for it. With the adventurous spirit of the young, and their complete lack of participation in all the work involved, she glows at the prospect. • After all, England is the land -of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and the highest xnini- skirts. England, as the song says, swings like- a pendulum do. That's for Kimbo. She'd like nothing better than to spend a year abroad. Not ac- quiring a broad education. Never! She looks upon eduCa- V-PA-70,gr-4 PONSIN'r GIF Suggestions • GLASS • CERAMICS • CHINA • STEMWARE • COSTUME JEWELLERY • from tion as small boys do upon washing:. the squarest and most useless thing foisted on the young by stupid, •loving narents. By 8111 Smiley S. No, what we'd like to pick up"in England is a Carnaby st. wardrobe and a Liverpool ac- cent, so that she could knock the local kids dead when she comes home. The "mod" look of Carnaby is bad enough, but the dialect of the Liverpudlian is surely the ugliest in the world, outside, the pure Hotten- tot. , What she 'doesn't pidture, and I haven't the heart to tell her, is the truth. If the deal goes through, a year fronrnow she'll be wading through the fog in Little Muddling, or climbing the cliffs on the Isle of Mull, complete with rubber boots, raincoat and sou'wester, ap- proximately 3,000 social miles from the England and London's West End. My wife blows hot and cold. One week, when things are par- ticularly obnoxious around here, she's fairly keen. She sees a snug cottage,ivith vines and a cozy fireplace, shining brass, and an English garden out back. She envisages a jaunt In Jolly England into London every week end, for piano lessons, concerts, lunch, and the theatre. The next week, She's been talking to someone who has SIM spent a weather° and was half -frozen or 12 months. Or she says flatty, "If you think I'm going to leave my comfor- table home, treasured piano students, and all my friends, to go and live in some cold, clam- my dump among a lot of stran- gers, etc. etc!' Sometimes, she wavers, and asks me what England is really like. The trouble is, I haven4 been there for over' 20 years. About all I can do is describe some first-rate pubs, and tell her how easy it was to lose your girl in the fog or blackout, unless you clung to, her. Some- how, these descriptive gems don't fan her ardor for the trip. As I said, no one in his right. mind wants to spend a year in the U.K. I know I'll come home either riddled with rheumaa tism, or in a wooden box with a sheen of fog on it. And it isn't sentiment. Ad- mittedly, there are a few old pubs I'd like to re -visit. But theSeve probably changed into raucous road -houses that serve martinis instead of half-and- half, and the waitresses ake, in- solent pups. Instead of buxom barmaids whO called you "Luv", or "Ducks!' And there are a few old girl- friends I'd like to re -visit. But i friend of mine did this last year, taking his wife along. Somehow, .he said, there was a lack of rapport. And they were all so old. And, even worse, they thought he was old. And I sure as heck don't. want to go and stand on. some deserted, dilapidated air-dromc and think of the old days. Old runways are for the birds, who make much better landings on APPLES ,MACS them than I ever did, No, what sparks my desire to go away for a year is none of these. It is the thought of spending the whole of Centen- nial Year in Canada. Now, I love this land. But the idea of an entire year of having Expo ramined down my throat, of watching municipalities sol- emn15*/ snip the ribbon at such sparkling centennial projects as the new public lavatories, or the new parking lot; makes me want to throw up. And what better place to do that than the U.K., where I must admit I have done it be- fore, on a number of occasions, after an evening of warm pints of bitters. • MUM NI INN NM NM IV— in YOUR OWN CONTAINERS LASSALIIVIE ORCHARDS 'Left Over' Sale Held 11' The DecemberSt; Peteros CIVL meeting was hOla a tile claata bp, with14 members present. A sale took place to dispose Of articles left over from Christmas fair. The minutes were readby Mrs. John Buchanan and Mrs. Jim. Sherratt gave ale treaSurer's, re. port. Donations were made for Dec. e mber . Convenor Jeraldine Leddy reported on Legislation. New business was discussed and a general meeting is to Jan. 11 for preParations 'Centennial project. Mrs. Clem Steffler, the ent, read a short Christmas story and the meeting was adjourned. Mrs. John Connelly was lunch convenor for the evening, ▪ — MO - III 1 I WITH THIS COUPON ONLY •- REXALL — FAST , . 1 1,1 HOME PERMS I Makes All Other Home Permanents Old Fashioned Regular — Gentle — Super — Tinted or Bleached e held r the REG. 2.00 1.43 :RIECK iDtiaasininimakassrAx*xin%.1*IPZITX417.,g.‘zze,:, 41;34101.zZailsalaiti);)4,40% 44XEFER'S 1 PHARMACY NE N. IN 1.1 ••• um am EN sa CAR COATS We have many car coats in -the popurar 36 -inch length. There are Suedellas, Wools, Pile Fabrics, Laminates and Tweeds that are so warm, eomfortable and good looking. Many-sWes Apecially-priced -with-racoon---trim._ All our coats are priced to suit your budget. BROCK'S • JEWELLERS 524-7712 FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY , -o for your entertainment in . . WITH QUALITY FOODS AT LOW PRICES! - "up:Arsisfp"" GRADE 'A' TOM RKEys 19-24 lb. Here's a team of quality tailoring and top-notch perform- ance that's hard to beat for lasting satisfaction. Color co-ordinated tops and fully fashioned sweaters, now complement the full "Sabre Slims" line. 14.98 TORONTO O'KEEFE CENTRE DEC. 2 - Dec. 10 "AT THE DROP OF, ANOTHER HAT", a delightful evening by Michael Flanders and Donald Swann. DEC„ 12 - DEC. 17 ° "METROPOLITAN OPERA" DEC. 25 - DEC. 31 National. Ballet of Canada per • forms -0 "THE NUTCRACKER" 0-0-0 MASSEY HALL DEC. 20 - DEC. 21 Handel's Messiah by Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. SIMPSON'S TOYLAND DEC. 2 - DEC. 24 Christmas Puppet Shows every half hour. ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE DEC. 12 - DEC. 31 . "GENERATION" C.N.E. PARK *(Queen Elizabeth Bldg.) Dec.•3 - DEC. 30 "CHRISTMAS FAIRYLAND" Open week days 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. and Sun- days 1 p.m. Rides and shows for the whole family. HOLLYWOOD THEATRE DECEMBER "ALFIE" Michael Caine stars as the amor- ous young cockney who cheats and makes his way throuah a succession of amorous . adven- tures in the picturesque British. .countryside. For economy and friendly ser. vice plan to stay at Toronto's LORD SIMCOE HOTEL • Conveniently located in the heart of downtown (at the subway.) e Singles from $7.90 up. Doubles from $11.90 up. , • Free overnight parking. The only turkey with a handle. Pre - dressed Young Ca- nadian Top Valu Ftozen Grade 'A' Tom TURKEYS. (18 -24 -lb size) Lb.47'g Ib. ESSEX PACKERS SHORT SHANK, g' TABLE READY Size - 45 Lb. 7 9C SMOKED PICNICS Lb. TPR8ZIE(DC HOPS COLEMAN'S1EPc S 2Pkg. 99 AVA"W?V=AVAV4t?"VAVAVAV=AW= GREEN GIANT FANCY TOP VALU CHRISTMAS NIBLET CORN ... . 5 7;;:r $1 JUMBO GUMS 171:* GREEN GIANT FANCY LOWNEY'S CHEST ASSORTED GREEN PEAS 'to:. $1 CHOCOLATES . .2 iB/20-xIb. $ 1.79 TOP VALU.TOP VALI.) FROZEN 'SALAD DRESSING.. 31:z. 490 ORANGE JUICE ... 3 1Z:z. $1 ROBIN HOOD,CELEBRATION (Asstd. Flavours) FRASERVALE Fancy Frozen 4,1 2 lb Yes n CAKE MIXES 18.19 -oz. 1.6- % VEGETABLES. Mixed pot; 07C Pkg, 411 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE RED ROSE .. .ORANGE PEKOE. . TOP VALU SHORTENING . SHIRLEY GAY FRENCH APPLE PIE 24-oz. 49° BATHROOM TISSUE 8 2;1:gist: $ LADY PATRICIA PEPSODENT (Specialt1SizeTube79e HAIRSPRAY (SF:iiiim) 15:r/i2n-oz. 07° TOOTHPASTE CARNATION FANCY FROZEN (Special Pack) 2-1b. mgc 6 -ex. 990 FRECH FRIES ('Criuntk)le Bag 404+ Jar GOLD DEW PARCHMENT 1-1b. 490 ICE CREAM ( Sopaeccki )a I 4 pkgs. 990 I/2Corton GI. 89" Pkg. 79° MARGARINE of 60 TOP VALU FRUIT FLAVOURED pkgs. • WHITE SWAN (ASST'D COLOURS) .FRESH FROM THE ORIENT SUNKIST ,NAVEL -ORANGES MANDARIN$ ORANGES °f4/1:For GOLDEN YELLOW CHIQUITA COLEMAN'S EPICURE SLICED 1.Ib SIDE BACON- Pkg. . 79g zm.,4:,-PaAw*a-oevAwpev; ESSEX PACKERS SAUSAGE 1-Ib69te Tray Pack WE GIVE GOLD, BOND STAMPS ---- SAVE 13c --- 4.1.01M1.11•111•11111111111111111 STOKELY'S FANCY BANANAS 2 lbs. 33c (113's)Al 90 CANADA NO: 1 5-1b. A no Doz. 0 COOKING ONIONS Bag.117 -- SAVE 24c d CLIP THIS WklUAISIL COUPON PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 14 - 17 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES LORD SIMCOE HOTEL - King & University • Tel: 362-1848 1.1.11111111100111111011110101111111110.11111 U001100000°0010001000000 SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES REMINGTON'S SCHAEFER'S,. LADIES' WEAR LIMITED THE SQUARE itibietietwatamteatetittlemteWitetracteantectottVeleocce4WCX 45