HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-25, Page 6'ahe Inevitable Wog.
Tbbs world ain't what tt aster be."
The oldest settler cried,
• "allot's so, lettoth, as we Wieser,"
His satelliteit replied. • e
And then they boese4 the deb OPIMI'"'
They had a-pluntr trate—
And eta' the world. Jogged not so well
As in WO ancient prima
* q * *
'Twas etrer thus; old, age must vex
Its soul at now learned triolor,
For ere it preset in its doctor
'Most every creature kicks.
a meratersnie NIGHT.
Love! but a day,
An i the world is °hanged 1
The suns wee', , •
And t bird estraugeu ;
The wind has dropped..
And the sky deranged ;
Summer has stopped.
ft. Bummer°.
Francesca kepb up bravely all through
the long hours of that Whitsun Monday;
dinner she talked a little more than
Usual to cover Carlo's silence, but it was
karst work, and she gave a sigh of relief
When at length the ordeal was over, and
she was free to go away alone. Carlo stood
ep to open the door for her, and as she
passed him she looked up into his eyes and
amiled ; but once within the friendly shel-
ter of the drawing -room her own fille'd with
tears. She would have given much to run
ep to her room and have a good cry ; that
Was out of the question, however, fur she
could not plead a headache when by so
doing she should lose Cub's good iright.
the sound of the dining -room door op :tang
made her beat a hasty retreat frone the
lamp light; she stood in the shade, and
castle as though she were looking out of the
Window, while she hurriedly dried her eyes,
• for not for the world tvoulti she have been
• Caught crying. Mr. Britton, coining into
the room, clouded the slim figure in its
black lace dross, and came toward her.
My sweet Fran," he said, "if you will
net think me the lazieat old uncle in the
world? I am going to bid you egood-night.
Here is a budget of letters which I shall get
through better in my own room."
"Mut you really see to them now ?" she
said. "Why, it is not half a noliday if
business follows you here."
Something in her voice made hixn look at
her more attentively. He saw that she was
in trouble, recollected that Carlo had
scarcely spoken to her through dinner, and
very naturally leaped to the conclusion that
there had been a quarrel between the
"1 have a king letter fro:n Kate, which
perhaps you'll like to see," he said. "She
and Clare seem getting on grandly at the
North Cape. They know nothing of your
betrothal. May 1 tell them the news when
I answer this I"
I think I will tell them myself," she
said, her color deepening a little. "1 will
put in a line to -morrow? if I may."
The tears welled up into her eyes again;
she turned hastily and drew his attention
to the distant view of Vesuvius, with crim-
e on flame leaping up, and summer lightning
brightening the sky in the background..
But Mr. Britton was too fond of her to be
put aside ; he began to feel really anxious
about her future. • •
"Dear little niece," he said, gently,
non must forgive an old uncle's anxiety,
but are you quite happy in your betrothal?
Are you quite sure thee you have chosen
the happiest life?"
"Iameure that I havechosentheonly man
in the world whom I could love," she said,
recovering heraelf, and looking up into her
▪ note's face with such a sweet, bright,
Love -lib smile that he could only inwardly
protest that no man living was worthy of
" Yet something is troubling you to -
eight," he said, uneasily.
" Yes " she said, her lips quivering ;
g‘ there is something troubling Carlo ; he is
going to teak it over with father, and—and
I am not quite sure how father will take
Mr. Britton looked grave.
"Dear child, of one thing you may at
least be sure," he said, gently; "your
dither cares for nothing but your happiness."
The words fitted in only too well with
leer own forebodings.
"Oh, why will people. think of nothing
but that ?" she exclaimed. "What is hap-
:, piness to me when Carlo is in the question?
latiote"—'-she looked up esthim appealingly
—" promise me that whatever -happens you
' will never think him to blame; there are
things no outsider can understand. Promise
010 that you will always be his friend."
"Well, he must be a cold-hearted person
who could refuse such a petition from such
lips," he said, stooping to kiss her. "Don't
be unhappy, dear little Fran; there never
yet was a betrothal which was all sunshine.
Wait a little, and your clouds will disperse.
Nine o'clock I I must be off to my desk."
If sleep refused to visit either Carlo or
Francesca that night, it was equally cruel
to -Captain Britton. He tossed and turned
lentil the bedclothes were in a state of
aobjo confusion; he tried the window
open he tried the window shut: he tried a
light, he tried total darkness; he paced the
room, he counted alternate black and white
sheep going through a gate, he ate bread,
he smoked a cigar—in fact, he tried all the
remedies for sleeplessness he had ever
heard of.
' At last he gave up all thoughts of rest for
&it night, and began to wonder how his
lieighbor was faring; the young Italian's
taco haunted him.
Then he began to think of poor little
Francesca, doomed through his angry corn -
mend never to see her lover again. No ;
at least he would yield on that poke, he
would go to see Carlo after breakfast,
would apologise to him for his hastiness,
and permit him to come once more to the
Casa 13ella and take leave of Francesca.
" this idea gave the poor captain a little
a. relief, but he groaned aloud as he thought
af all the grief in store for his child.
,. At length he heard the welcome sounds
- life in the house. The night was over;
'Rosetta was banging the Iror mat vigor-
ously against the porch ; Dino was tramp -
leg up and down the marble presager,
fetching and carrying. Presently there was
the refreshing sound of the rap at his
door, and the eervant's familiar summons,
"Hall -peat seven, signor, and a fine morn-
the captain roe more promptly than
alma, unlocked his door, and took in hie
hot-water can; on the lid there lay an en-
velope directed to him in Carlo's hand-
writing. Ho tore it open with a sense of
sickening anxiety.
What was it that brought a Midden mist
before his eyes? Only a short, manly letter
letter of apology from the man whom he
bad wronged.
Carlo had forestalled him, and the letter
which had cost the writer so much cost the
reader yet moreThere was eery little in
it, with its careful English and neat foreign
writing; but the words had come straight
from the heart, and they went straight as
• an arrow to the heart of the captain.
The Brittons, though so long reedent itt
Italy, kept English hours and breakfasted
all together at a o'clock.
Meanwhile, in the study, the owner of
the Pilgrim was trying to do all in his
power for his pretty niece. He had gamed,
both from her face end his brother's depres-
sion, that there must have been a quelled
with young Donati on the previews night.
He hoped he might be able to set things
straight again before he left, but he had no
idol* how serious Was the Otta/6 of affairs.
"Look here, John," he geld, eloping the
door of the etudy, it has just struelc me,
why shouldn't you all have a trip in the
yacht now she is here? There will be
plenty of room for you and the girls, and
young Donati, and * couple of other friends
besides, if you like. Now do you think Of
it, for it quite vexes me that the Pilgrim
should be down here all to no purpose."
"You are very good," said Captain Brit-
ton, hesitatingly ; "for myself there is
nothing I should so much like ; indeed, I
must get away somewhere; I feel, quite
knocked up with this tiresome affair.'
" What affair V'
"Why, I meant to have told you all
about ib to -day. Poor little Francesca's
engagement is broken off !"
"Dear me! how is that? You don't
mean to say he ia tired of her already ?"
"No, that's the worst of it; the fellow
is desperately in love with her still, but I
have had to pat a stop to it. I never was
so disappointed inc man in my life."
a grave affair," said Mr. Britton,
thoughtfully, " for I fancy little Fran's
heart is quite given away."
" That is the miserable part of it. I
wish she had never seen Dotted 1 I wish I
had never come to this place 1" and the poor
captain sighed heavily.
"But have you not, perhaps, been a
trifle hasty ?" said his brother, remember-
ing the promise he had made to Francesca
on the previous night. "Though starting
with pleuty of insular prejudice against the
man, I was eery much struck with him yes-
terday. There is something noble about
his face. Surely he can't be guilty of any
great offense ?"
"He is guilty of the greatest offence pos-
sible; he is guilty of an utter want of com-
mon settee," said the captain, angrily. "1
thought we had made half au Englishman
of him, but I might have known that with
his Italian blood and his foolish radical
ideas we should, sooner or later, fall foul of
each other."
"You are surely not going to break off
the engagement because of political differ-
ences a' said Mr. Britton, getting quite on
to the wrong tack.
"Mere opinions are nothing to me," said
the captain, "but when the fellow acts—
acts upon his insane ideas—comes to Inc
and deliberately tells me that he has taken
a course which will make his marriage with
Francesca out of the question for an indefin-
ite time, what can you expect me to say?"
"1 don't wonder you were very much
vexed about it"
" Vexed ! I was never in such a heat in
my life. Wrong as the fellow was, I am
bound to apologize to him for what I said.
not shirk that, though I do believe the
mere sight a him will put me out of temper
"You think there is no hope, then, of
setting matters straight? Surely you would
submit to almost anything rather than put
Francesca to so much pain. What if her
lover is a little high-flown in his notions?
Anything is better than callousness and
"1 can't explain it all to you, for did I
do ao I should break Donati's confidence;
but soon you will see for yourself what line
he has taken up, and then you will see that
my anger is at least excusable. To permit
the engagement to go on is out of the ques-
tion while he still keeps to his resolution ;
Miss Claremont, I am sure, would agree
with me. He is deliberately choosing a
career which is bound to degrade him—he
is taking the high -road to helL"
The captain was working himself up into
wrathful indignation again. Mr. Britton
could only imagine that Donati had avowed
his connection with some secret political
society such as he believed to exist in Italy.
He saw that it was useless to attempt any
further remonstrance.
"Then, if this is really quite at an end,',
he said, unhesitatingly, "would it not be
doubly desirable that you should all leave
the neighborhood for a time? Take a
month's cruise in the Pilgrim. There is no
chance of my using her again till August."
"I wish you could have been with us
too," said the captain, with a sigh "Must
you reallfgo off at once ?"
"1 must be off this evening; there's no
help for it," said Mr. 'Britton. "1 would
give much to be with you, but this bust -
neat will bear no 4elay. I feel like a school-
boy cheated of his holiday. But look, let
-us dedde this matter while Captain Gra-
ham is here. When would you like to
start ?"
"To-morrow.No; to -morrow Count
Carossa dines with as; but on Tlaursday—
Ireally think we might start on Thurday.
It's very good of you, George, to propose it.
You've no idea what a relief it will be to
log more shortly than the captain had eye
before heard an Italian speak,
" What 1" cried Merle Guido. "Then
you, have thrown over your betrothal for
this mad scheme! An apoplexy on you
have no more to do with such it fool;'
and with taet he ,strode out of the room.,
The captain only waited till he was sure
the angry man had really gone, and then, he
knocked st the door of the sa/otto. Nothing
but it conscientious sense of duty could have
indueed him to face at that moment his
gueeb of the previous evening; but there
was a certain rugged loyalty about Frances-
OteS father, and he walked sturdily into the
room, brao'ing himself up to make the neces-
sary apology. Carlo was standing at the
side of the window; the sunlight fell full
upon him, and revealed to e the captain a
very different face to the one which had
haunted him through the night—a face
worn with suffering but strong and resolute,
spite of its haggartelook.
"1 beg your pardon for intruding, but
the servant told me to come in," began the
captain, approaching him. ' •
Carlo turned with an inarticulate excla-
mation, the blood rushed to his face, and a
look of iiistress dawned in his eyes; he was
tired out with all he had been through, and
felt wholly unequal to another stormy dis-
But he welcomed his visitor with native
ceremoniousness, betraying only by addi-
tional courtesy any remembrance of the
quarrel. The captain remembered the letter
of the morning, and all his kindly feelings
returned to him, as he said, heartily:
!` Carlo, I have come to apologize for the
words which escaped me yesterday. I
regret them more than I can tell you. You
had every excuse for your anger."
Carlo grasped his hand. "No, no," he
said quickly, "1 was very much to blame.
I am glad, sir—it is a great relief to me,—
that last night was not our parting. I am
grateful to you for coming here to day."
"1 must also apologize for having inad-
vertently overheard some of your unclear
words," said t,he captain, who felt very un-
comfortable when he remembered his invo-
luntary eavesdropping.
"1 knew Uncle Guido would be very
much against this plan," said Carlo; and as
he spoke he threw himself wearily into a
chair facing Captain Britton's.
The captam was struck by the look of ex-
treme physical exhaustion both in the face
and the attitude; he began to realize the
difference between his own phyaique and
that of the Italian and faintly to under-
stand that Carlo had it greater capacity for
feeling pain than he heel himself.
"Did you realize that this schezne of
youra—this scheme which I still most
strongly disapprove—would cost you so
dear 1" he asked abruptly. "Did you think
your uncle would have disinherited you ?"
"1 didn't think about the money at all,"
said Carlo, "bub I knew he would be
"But does this make no change in your
feeling? Are you willing to lose every
single thing you possess and even to forfeit
the respect of your friends, tor the sake of
this plan ?"
" Yes," he said, simply ; " I am willing,
When he had spoken he let his head drop
wearily on to his hand; he was calm with
the calm of blank bereavement; for, like
the princess in the poem, he had found that
"Nott to fear because all is taken
Is the loneliestdepth of humanpain.
The captain sighed. He was not angry
now, only very much annoyed at the, im-
possibility of inducing one bereft of cone -
mon sense to see reason.
"You make light of the loss of income,"
he said at length; but how wilt you -fare
supposing you fall ill V'
Carlo looked up with anodd sere of skate.
"Well, yore -will think me unpractical," '
he said; "but I have never been ill in my
life, and I had not considered that possi-
bility. However, my salary is a tolerably
fair one for a novice, and if the worst cornea
to the worst, there are always the hos-
" Carlo," brokedu the captain, 't I can't I
bear to think of one who has led the life
you have led. going out into such a world 1
What would your poor mother have said to
t ?"
Carlots face lighted nak at if the suggestion
had given him some unexpected comfort.
"Ab least our dead understand us," he
said, fervently; "they know that I am
rying to keep my promise."
The captain felt that his small stock of I_
atience would not terse much longer, and
arloe glancing at him, saw that their part- g
ng, though peaceable, would be final; he al
new intuitively that although the captain a
ad taken back some of his he,rsh words, he "
still regarded him as at any rate a self- r
eceived deceiver—a man who, under the
leak of duty, veiled his craving for change
nd excitement—or, at beat, as an enthusi- r
et who could but be despised for giving up
olid realities for foolash dreams. Their
r"Dying Gladiator " for Clare reposed peri
1 ously on a sheky pile of books; a kitte
was worrying a ball of red wool on the sofa
and a Book tn moms of knitting, which h
1 , knew had been intended for him, lay at
ando Jdafriendtthe Vgrismu pv si Ue as withotblue
1 ui tes istallvdirjoifuSetilhOekr
' little distance on the floor, He turne
to the window and looked out at 11
and there between the trees. Then with&
aching consciousness that these wens left t
him, but that he should ewer more stand i
that little room, he turned and looked roun
as though he wiahed to stamp forever o
his mind all its girlish decorations
all its familiar details. Bub tir
sound of footsteps without rouse
him and dispelled his calm • the doo
operted,and Francesca came quiolly forever
to greet him, she always entered a roo
more quickly, yet more gracefully the,
other people, but now she almost ran tower
him ; she wanted him not to notice he
wan tear -stained face.
"'If, however, in one manse love is blind
in another it is all -observant ; in one glom
he had read all, and in that glance their
canae to him the sharpeat of his suffering.
Stilling the sobs that rose in his throat,h
held her in a long, close embrace, but to
speak was impossible ; and though ther
Was comfort and rapture in her presence
yet there WEB also anguishwhich threatened
to unman him. At length he put he
gently from him, and turned away that h
might fight down his emotion. For a few
minutes there was silence, then he camennd
sat beside her oh the sofa, and, putting hi
arm round her, drew her head down on to
his shoulder. '
"Carina," he said, and the mellow hary
tone voice was firm, yet terribly sad, "your
father would not let me see you last night,
but to -day he allows me this one more meet-
ing with you. He said he had not spoken
to you, but that you knew what had passed
between us"
"Yes," she said, her tears raining down
quietly; "1 knew it must be so when I
heard you go." '
They talked sometimes in English, some-
times in Italian, as had been their custom
ever since childhood.
"Darting," he said, tenderly, "1 am
bound to obey your father's decree ; there
could be no right betrothal for Ila without
his consent, and so you stand free once
more. You must try, carina, not to let
these three Short weeks spoil your life ; you
will try, my own, my darling, for it would
break my heart if I thought I had ruined
your happiness.
"Love ought not to weaken us," she
said tremulously, for in her heart she felt
that apart from Carlo she should be like
a rudderless boat. "These three weeks
ought to give me coinage for the rest."
There was indescribable sadness in the
last two words.
"Alt, darling !" cried Carlo passionately,
"don't speak of your beautiful young life
like that 1"
And then he was silent again. All the
strength and ardor of their mutual love
seemed to rise up . against the captain's
decree; if for the present they were fain to
obey it and to parayet hopes for the future
would rise; perlutps each intuitively knew
what was in the other's heart, but no words
passed between them; indeed, when Carlo
did speak it was almost as if he wished to
reason away any brightness which might
hover over their future.
"You see, my darling," he said, "even
should this immediate danger no longer keep
me from you even if Nita no longer needed
me, I shall Iiiiive cut myself off from you
hopelessly; we must face that. I shall by
that time, if I succeed at all, be to the
world Donati the singer, and your father
would certainly not choose me for his son-
in-law. Then, again, Uncle Guido has dis-
inherited me, so that if I gave up the stage
I should be penniless and more or less un-
fitted fpr work as an advocate."
Hasehe indeed diamherzted you? Oh,
Carlino, what troubles you have had
Don't let me be another, darling. Sole I'll not
cry any more; we must think of what is still
eft us. The worst they can do to us is to
keep us apart; they can't kill our love, they
can't check our prayers for each other; the
best part, the highest part, no one can med-
dle with."
He held her closely, murmuring tender
Italiau words of endearments; and the clock
on the mantel -piece ticked on inexorably,
measuring all too quickly the time which,
when they were parted, would move with
eaden feet. Rosalind should surelyhave
aid "parting lovers" rather than a , thief
oing to the gallows" when asked, "Who
°Mops Time withal?" And atill they
ingered over the sweet, unwritable talk
ill the clock relentlessly struck 12'; and
eased them to the recollection of the onter
Then Francesca drew off her engagement
ing, and placed it in his hand.
"There, Carlo," she said, steadily, "1
tee you back the ring and your troth, and
• will obey my father, and will neither hear
roin you nor write to you; but more than
hat, no woman can promise, for love is not
made and unmade to order."
me, for we are such near neighbors to friendship WAS tit an end ; for though love
Donati that it would be very unpleasantis undying, friendship is quite a different
be here."
t° I
thing, en there are shooks which it will
"Well, that's settled, theta " said Mr.
not ve
• " There is one other thing I wish to say,"
Britton. "1'll go and tell Graham to make,
preparation for you. He will be enchanted
to have you on board."
CHAPTER XIIL 1 Carlo aaught eagerlyat this boon, and the
Captain Britton had seldom felt more ill captain suggested that he should return
at MEM than when he walked that morning with him to Casa Belle..
up to the door of the Villa Bruno. A "Does she know of " he hesitated
how to put it, "of your decision ?"
"1 have not spoken to her about it, but
I kilbw she infers it," said the captain,
rather coldly.
Carlo paced the rpm for a minute, strug-
gling with hie emotion; he was not sure
whether he had strength to met Franoesca
and tell her with his own lips that all was
over between them.
"If you wish to see her we had better
come et once," said the captain. "My
brother is unexpectedly called. back to Eng-
land, and we have much to see to to -day."
He was vexed that Donati did not show
said Captain Britton, rising, "and that is,
that if you wish you may have one more
interview with Francesca." .
sallow, wrinkled old servant, with st gay
scarlet neckerchief, was polishing the door -
handle ; she nodded to him cheerfully as he
"Good -morning to you, signor ; walk in
You'll find the master in the ealotto."
She made no sign of leaving her door -
handle and duster, and indeed the captain
had long ago asked lea,Ve to walk into his
neighbor's house without ceremony, and
the Signora Donati and Carlo, though dis-
liking his unheralded intrusion had been
far too courteous to return a negative to the
tactless request. He crossed the vestibule,
and was about to enter the 8dotto, when a more gratitude for the concession he had
sound of voices within made him pulite, made, for he was a man who liked to be
hesitate a moment, and then go instead thanked, and it had not been easy for him
into an adjoining room. to retract what he had first said. Some -
He had recognized the voice of Guido thing in his t6ne stung Carlo,; he drew
Donati, and guessed correctly that the uncle himself together. " Mote, signor," he
had driven over in hot haste from Naples said, gravely, forgetting his English, as he
on learning his nephew's startling plan. often did when much moved, and recover -
That he wee exceedingly annoyed could be ing it with an effort. "If you will permit
gathered from the vehement and Marti- it, I will accompany you."
ordinarilyrapid utterance which reminded • They walked. away from tae Villa Brew
the captain of Carlo's tirade on the pre- in silence, Carlo thinking of the captain's
ceding night. At last the violent harangue words, "We have much to see to to -day."
came to an end, and •Clarlo'ss voice was How calmly he classed the supreme struggle
heard. It was low but distinct, and the of his life'the parting that was death to
captain could not avoid hearing the worda : him, withthe trivial household commotion
"1 ant sorry to vex you; uncle, but my caused by Mr. Brittonat tourney.
mind is made .up." But once back in his own house the cap -
"Madonna Santissim a 1 it is made up, tain's kinder feelings returned; he took
is it," said the other, furiously. "Then Carlo to the Rose -room, then held out his
mine, too, is made up; and I ant sorry to hand cordially.
vex you but not a penity of mine Shall you "This had better be our final parting,"
ever inherit. Do you understancl?" he said, "1 leave home on Thursday.
There was a silence, but Captain Britton , Good-bye, Carlo. Should you even now see
could well ithagine the expressive gesture " fit to give up this foolish scheme I should
which Carlo would Trask°. be quite willing to reconsider matters."
a Diavolo 1" cried the uncle. "You "My mindis made up, sir," said Carlo,
take it calmly. You think you will live turning redly away.
comfortably enough Oh that voice of yours, "So it appears. Well, I will eend Fran -
and laugh at the rich old uncle. You will cesca to you."
tell a diffeyent tale e few years hence, my Hei dolled the door; and Carlo, with a
fine fellow, when you have it wife and 'Chit- choking feeling in his throat, looked round
dren to support." the clear, familiar room, the eery utitichness
"1 shall never marry," said Carlo, speak- of which breathed of Francesco. The
Carlo put on the ring, which from a token
of union had now become changed to atoken
of separation. He was too heart -broken to
speak, and after it long pause it wee Fran-
cesca who at length broke the silence.
" Tell me a little more of the sort of life
you shall live," she said, ender.
So he told her all that he knew, which
was little enough; how he should live with
the Merlinos, try to win his sister's love,
etudy hard for his profeesion, do his best to
be a credit to Piale.
"And you ?" he tusked. "There will be
new neighbors for you at Villa Bruno, but
it is hardly likely that it will be used by
another occupant except during the sum-
mer months.'
"Ah 1 Will it be let t " asked Francesca,
her eyes filling. "Well, I hope we shall
not know the people who take it. For the
rest, darling, you can picture me as living
the old life, going into Naples on Sunday,
teaching Sibyl, rowing with Florestano. But
for this next month We are to go for e. cruise
in the Pilgrim, and perhaps nextyear 'may
go to England."
" You would like to be with Clare 9"
" Yes'though I suppose father will not
like frte to tell her now of these three weeks,
and it will be hard that she should never
know. Carlo, why should not you go to see
Clare when you are in England ?"
He shook his heat
"She would disapprove too strongly of
my change of professions," he said; and
it is not it change that I can explain to all
the world. Then, too, she lives in your un-
cle's house, asid after what has happened
he would hardly care to have me there,'
"Uncle George likes you very much,"
said Francesca, quickly.
Carlo did not reply, but he thought
differently. It was not then, however, that
he could care to discuss so trifling a matter;
time was passing, and he knew that Capt.
Britton must already be expecting him to
go. The thought broke down all his self-
control; his calmhess gave place to a
passionate outburst of love and grief, which
recalled to Francesca his sudden change in
the belvedere when he had fleet asked for
her love.
She clung to him now ES she had done
then, but it was not of love and present blies
which she spoke.
"Patience, Carlo rear; patience, she
Whispered It as, after all, that which we
The word brought back to hint the noel
leatton of his dying father, and calmed the
tumult of feeling. He held her tweet face
between his hands, looked long into those
pure eye, and grew strong once more.
" Paziema 1" he murmured, clasping her
again in his arms. "God have you in His
i• * * *
At the gate of Casa Bella, Mr. George
Britton, much to his dismay, chanced to en-
coueter the owoer of Villa Bruno, quite the
last man he would have chosen to meet. All
that he mild do was 10 ossume that nothing
had happened, and to bid him it courteous
farewell. He held out hie band.
Carlo turned upon him a face whirl
haunted the kindly Englishman for many
months to come. But, even in his anguish,
he could not be otherwise than courteous;
a look of effort passed over his deathly fea-
tures, and—
"With pale lips
That seemed to motion for a smile in vain,"
he aaid, as he bowed over the Englishman's
hand, "Buon viaggio, signor/ 4 rivederci 1"
"Small spheres hold small fires,
But he loved largely, as it man can love
Who, baled in his love, dares live his life,
Accept the ends which God loves for his own,
And lift a constant aspect"
—E. B. Bumming.
It was it hot summer morning, and two
ragged little Neapolitans were sauntering
along the Ohba& ; the elder had flung his
arm caressingly round the other's neck ; the
younger held in his hand a ragged cap full
of cherries, from which they were eating
contentedly as they walked. A carriage
rolled past theta, and both boys looked up
with sharp, eager eyes.
" Gran Dio 1" cried one. "Look 1
yonder goes Comerio, the singer."
" 'Tis he himself," said the other, with a
look of interest; "and in a vile temper, too;
his brow is black as is starless night!'
" They say he beats his wife," said the
older bog with a laugh, which was only
cheoked by the offer of a ripe red cherry
which his brother held up to his mouth.
Meanwhile the carriage had gone by, and
Comerio was before long, set &awn at the
entrance to Palazzo Forti. He paid the
driver, and then with no very amiable ex-
pression, made ills way, up the long stone
staircase and rang the belL
A maid servant., whom he had tried un-
successfully to bribe on former occasions,
opened the door to him. •
"Is Signor Merlin') at the theatre ?" he
asked, anxious to know whether the rarest
was clear.
"Yes, signor," replied the girl. "What
message eau I give him ?"
"1 will give it to Signora Merano," said
the visitor, preparing to enter. •
The meal showed all her teeth in &merry
"But the signora is still at rehearsal."
" Orsu !" exclaimed Comerio, impa-
tiently, "1 might have known. Well, I
will come in then, and wait till they return"
(To no Cootonnee.1
In order to ascertain the views of chem-
ists throughout Great Britain as to which
of the remedies for outward application
had the largest sale and greatest popularity,
" The Chemist and Druggist" instituted
O pose card competition,. each dealer to
name on a post card the preparation which
had the largest edema was the mostpopular
with customers, and the publisher re-
ceived 635 of these cards, with the follow.
ing resales :
. St. jacabs Oil...... ....... . .. 384
,Ellimatas Embrocation 172
Holloway'e Ointment 32
Allcock's Plasters 19
Bow's Liniment 7
Painkiller 7
Vaseline .. 4
°admire 2
Scattering ..... 8
Total 635
Wooden Legs in Great Britain.
London Tit -bits says: "It has been esti-
mated by a dealer in artificial limbs that
300,000 persons in Great Britain, having
lost one or both legs, wear wooden subitti-
tubes. At one time cork was largely used
for this purpose, but at the preterit day no
good maker uses cork at all. Willow -wood
is the basis of all well -made artificial limbs,
and as its strength and toughness enable
the legs to be made hollow, they' are in
reality - a good deal lighter than
the old cork ones. The chief diffi-
culty that manufacturers experience is
to obtain sufficient supplies of really good
vrillove wood. One of the leading makers,
draws almost the whole of his supply from
the trees that grow near the River Kennet,
which runs between Reading and Devizes.
English artificial limbs are absolutely the
best in the world, and the main reason for
this lies in the superiorityof English willow
wood over any other."
Paving the Way.
"Wilt you please let me take the other
end of the lounge, Clara ? "
"Certainly, but why do you wish to do
"1 will then be on your right."
"What of that 9"
"Because I am going to propose to you
and I have ' been told that a man should
get on the right side of a girl before he pro-
poses to her."
What the Laird Pitt Pp.
Dundee People's Journal: During the
recent sittings of the Crofters' Commission
on the Clyth estate one of the crofters on
being examined before the commissioners,
said he had put up a new dwelling house, a
new barn a new byre and stable. "And
while you were putting up all these did not
the laird put up anything ?" asked one of
he commissioners. Oh, ay, sir," said the
crofter, "he put up the rent."
New York Herald: In Poker Parlance—
Father (e.t foot of stairs)—Bill, didn't you
hear me call you two hours ago? Bill—
Yes, but I can't see yogi father. "Well,
then, I'll come up and raise you."
Chicago has had a fire in one of ha sky-
scrapers, but as yet none of the astron-
omers has discovered any serious; damages.
The planets esoeped with a bingeing.
Bellows (Ohicago)—Why are you so anx-
ious for me to go away for awhile, my dear?
Mre. Bellow e (often married)—The doctor
138.378 you'd come back another man entirely,
He—Time seems short when I am with
you. She (who had hinted at oysters, which
she did not get)—Then you must have a
&new feeling for it.
Matiy men imagine that the world
couldn't get along :without them, but when
they die the town in which they lived ea-
periences it boom,
The Fisk Jubilee Singers have been stuck
in e. allow drift with a C. P. R. train in '
Southern Manitoba for 36 hours. .
The Romans say that When Cardinals die
it is always by threes, which superstition
the deaths of Cardinals afanning, Simeora
and Agostini, within it few home al each
other, IMMO f0 strengthen,
aetet atea
BOW the Yrante alinteatv beet We
Lord Salisbury is probably the hardeeb
worked man in British political life, pate
seating therein a remarkable contrast to
most of his &tweeters at the foreign 'Are
many of whom were renowned for their irro
dolence and procrastination, The late Lord
Granville in particular remains on record an
having been tile laziest Secretary of State of
the Victorian ere.
Most of Lout Salisbury's work is done at
home, either at his superb country 'Mat Of
Hatfield or a,t his house in Arlington street"
'which looks out upon Green Park. The
foreign office he rarely visits except for two •
purposes of receiving foreign daplometa on
official business.
An early riser, his breakfast is generally
over by 9, and from that hour until luncheon
he is close at work on foreign office beat
After luncheon the premier either goer
for a walk or a drive if the weather is tine,
while if it is rainy he retires for about Oa
hour to his citernical laboratory, chemistry
and electricity being his two favorite l*ob.
bies. Thereupon he returns to his library
and remains hard at work till dinner.
Even when he has guests or when the
Marchioness is giving an entertainment he
invariably withdraws to his library and con -
times working there till long past mid-
night. Frequently as many as 50 separate
despatch boxes filled with urgent official
'documents and detnandhig innnediate
tention arrive in rapid succession during
the course of a single morning.
Unlike other official Mel; Lord Salisbury
does not avail himself very largely of hie
private secretaries to relieve him of the
drudgery of his work. a,
In thie respect he differs from Mr. Glad-
stoue, who has invariably etirrounded him- )1.
self with capable assistants, and has thus
been able to throw upon their shoulders
I good deal of the less important but labori-
ous work whicli a Prime Minister has to
undergo. •
Lord Salisbury's private secretaries, no '
matter how brilhant and clever, are eeduced
lo the position of mere clerks, who are not
permitted to relieve their chief in the
slightest, but merely expected to carry out
the directions given by " Haughty Cecil"
with great care and minutences. —N. Y.
Prof. Blackleg Confession or Faith.
Prof. Blackie writes to the Edinburgh
Scotsman: I perceive that the spokesmem
of the churches have been stirred to a
churchly strife by the Duke of Argyle%
most wise and instructive address the other
night in defence of the COMMOO Proteirtant
Presbyterian form of church government, to
which Episcopacy, since the days -of
Luther, forms a. notable and fashionable
exception. I was bred a. theologian before
I became a professor, and so the public may
excuse me for giving fourteen lines al my
Confession of Faith on the matter:
Creeds and confessions 2 High Church or Low!
I cannot say ; but you would vastly please us
If with some pointedScripture you could show
To which of these belonged t,ho Savioor
I think to all or none • not curious creeds
Or ordered forms ofehurchly rule he taught,
But soul of love that -blossomed into deeds
With human good and human blessing
On me no Priest, nor Presbyter, nor Pope.
Bishop or Dean'may stamp a party name;
ButJesus,with His largely -human scope,
The service of myliuman life may claim.
Let prideful priests do battle about creeds,
The Church is mine that does most Christolike
. Another Firea.k.
Judge : Visitor—What's this inan here
Museum Man ---He was seen at a matinee
with hie wife.
• Sunlight Removes !karate&
To take out seorch lay the article thathae
been scorched in the bright sunshine.
When down your back you feel cold dank
That seem to call for quinine pills ;
Whenlieadache rages at your brain
.And in your shoulder there's a pain,
A rabid rattling at your ears
And both your eyes filled up with tears;
When life seem hollow,fiat and stale,
And you feel cross and sick and pale;
When you don't really seem to care
Whether the weather's foul or fair—
When you this cup of anguish sip,
Then you may know you have the SHP':
THE death of Walter /3. Bark, ctlf
Yonkers, in a fit of insanity, followed by'
the death of Jimmy Fair, son of the Cali-
fornia millionaire, after undergoing the
gold treatment for drunkenness, has ot-•
tre.cted considerable attention, and it is un-
derstood that the State Boards of Realtes,
will be asked to make an invattigetion into
Keeley's mode of treatment.
An Ohio newspaper reporter has stexted
to walk around the world, prearably because
he didn't like to step over it.
The Rat Portage Fire Brigade has re-
signed in a body because it has not been ap-
preciated by the citizens.
If there was some way of wrapping up a
baby so that it would look like a game bog
Ole gun, the women would have no further lit
trouble in getting their husbands to carry
babies on the streets. —Atchison Globe.
Haughty lady (who has purchased a.
stamp)—Must I put it on myself? Stamp
clerk—Not necessarily. It will probably
accomplish more if you put it on the letter.
This is the query per -
What is petually on your little
• boy's lips. And be is
It For? no worse than the big-
ger, older, balder -head-
ed boys. Life is an interrogation
point, "What is it for?" we con-
tinually cry from the cradle to the '
grave. So with this little introduc-
tory sermon we turn nnd ask: "What
is AuouSt FI.OWBat icit ?" As easily
answered as asked ..e.t.t is for Dys-
pepsia. It is a special remedy for,.
the Stonia.cl3. and Livr. _ . Nothing
more than this; but this brimfuL
We believe August Flower cures
Dyspepsia. We know it will. We
have reasons for knowing it. Twenty
years ago it started in a s :all counbry.
town. To -day it has u. honored
place in every city and country stores
possesses one of the la gest mans.-
fa.cturing plants in the -ountry and
sells eveTywhere. Why i this? The
'reason Is as simple • a child's
thought. It is hone t, dots - one
thing, and does it ri ht along—it
cures Dyspepsia.. 6.0,
G. G. Gil V,V,Iti, &le Man Wsodbary,Nit.