HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-25, Page 5your ;, yt gip, was l i 1 14 1 cars ago, 4'11 1+ 1. C4 ' ' \,1. d', resulted fit t1 " 1 Cough lkillc ,. Cl . 1ny btu taal:kath:l. without ctltai Say now }y1;i;lt I Sa v the s]i.nc:l li<, < ••• remedy and c il!tiilie l receival such quiet ]+, 111(zfrotuittlti,:„ y Macs. '1`1lroat or I,. clic t.r1 t. c i, i . since in our family, I'o ,^l ec'z C luau Syrup has bogie c„z Fivt remedy and always with favor ;Ai results. I lla‘*0 12...'. 2:1 llc itt�u. report my experience 41 i.S 11 others when I hove Cn d ti:c troubl'd in like nal-incr.” R :\ W. H. IIrwp R r'k , of tllc Newark, .c ::w jersey, M.H. Cou.fzr- ' once, April 25, 'go. A Sa f'o Rem ly. '. G. GREEN. Sale Mati'fr.V7,,,, tl David Outten, of Orwell, near St. Thomas, died ,yesterday aged 77. He had lived in the. neighborhood since 1836. Oh,. What a. Cough! Wilt You heed tho warning. The stellar perhaps of the sure approach of that more 'terrible : disease Consumpt• ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the 'sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that,Shiloh's Cure will cure your trough. It never fails. Baron. Stafford (Sir.Augustus Fred- erick Fitzherbert Stafford-Jeruingham,. Bart.), fourth Baron Stafford, died yes- terday in London of softening of tie brain. He was born in 1830. The Head Surgeon, Of the Litbon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in ,person: or by letter 'on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Mon, young, old, or middle•agod,who find themselves nervous weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depres- sion, permature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory,bad dreams,dimness ofisight,pal- pitation of the heart, emissions, lack of en- ergy. pain in the kidneys, hoacluohe, pimples j on the face or body, itching or peculiar sen- sation about the scrotumwasting. of the organs, dizziness, speck's' . before the oyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and else- where bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss ofwilipower, tenderness ,of the scalp and shine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be restedby sleep, constipa- tion, dullness of hearing, loss ofvoice, desire for solitude,•excitibility of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms ofnerv- ous debility that lead to insanity and death finless cured. The spring or vital force hav- ing lost its, tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who . through- abuse commit -tea in ignorance may be permanent- lvcgrcd. S n lyour address for book on.all . (244r tees p calcar to man.. Books sent free st pled. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint sppells, purple lips, numbness palpitation, skip boats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second beat quicker than .the' first. pain about' the breast bone. etc., can positively be cured. No cure no pay. Send for book. Ad- dress M, V. LIMON, 23 Macdonald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. Jan 1-1 year The :appeal of Mr. Ilargraft, of West Northumberland, to have his case re stored to the list, has been ,dismissed by the Supreme Court; and the young member is therefore unseated. For Over Fifty ;'ears, Mus. WI.I'SLowSs SOOTHING Srnur utas been used by millions ofmot]itrs for their child. - ren while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of. your rest by a sick child std. ferin and. crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and got a bottle of "Mrs 'IVIn- slow's Soothing .Syrup" for Children. Teeth- ing. will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it,mothers;there is no misbelce about it. It cures Diarrhea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the (gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.. "Mrs, Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant tQ the taste and is the, prescription of oneof the oldest anti best female physicians and nurses in' the United States. 'Price twenty- five Sold by all clruggpists throughout the world. Be suraand ask for ilMns. •WInnow's SSOOTHING SYRW' Hanlan and O'Connor have accepted the challenge to row Teemer and Hos mer double scull•at Point of Pines next June for the world's championship and $1,000, Oohhsu1Mption Cured. An old physicianretired from practice having hadplaced in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consum ption, Bronchitis Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and 'Lung Affections, also a positive and •adica] cure for Nervous Debility and all h, rvous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful ourativo powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to melee it known to his suff- ering fellows. Actuated. by this motive and a desire to relieve human sutr'cring, I will send free of char e, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, Feenclt or English, with ten directions for preparinn and using, Sent mail b act res.4'in r witli by ,y d 6 stamp, learningtints paper. W. A.lNoyEi, 820 .1'o'1VO'S .1310074 Rochester. 1V. Y 1# A. Citizen a, Montreal burned the dead body of lits infant child in the. cookstove to save the expense ` of a funeral. 1— U PIS'O'S'C•URE FO J3estCUREShW�IESE ALL ELSE FAILS. g yrup Tasted Good, Vee: in 'Sind. Sold 187 dru y • late. i. CONSUMPTION,,. i. Two passenikair conductors on the New York Conti railroad have re- ceived bkie ett clones,' `meaning dis- lni.ssat, and it iSt,Said more Will follow, Dr. aROE'S COTTON ROOT PILLS. Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female Regulator known. The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladies ask druggists for LaRoe's Star end Crescent Brand. Take no other kind. Beware of cheap Imitations, as they are danger - ono. Sold 1)7_41 reliable drtrggist'e. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMRICAN PILL CO., Detroit, AliCh. I'oi sale inn Exeter by V'. Browning'. Dr. T. A. Siocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. if you have Consumption—Use it. • For sale by all druggists. 86 cents a bottle. Grip has carried off in Welland and vicinity during the past week 11 pers- ons whose added ages make a total of 758 years. SKIN DISEASES are most annoying because so noticeable. Dr. Low's Sul- phur Soap heals and cleanses the skin Mr. W. H: Bennett, Conservative, and Dr. P. H. Spoha, Liberal, ' were yester- clay lromyinatecl foe the East Sirr eoe vacancy. The late Government leader in the British House of Commons, Mr.' Will iara Henry Smith, left au' estate valued at $1,764,000. THE BLOOD IS` THE LIFE. Good health without, pure blood is simply impossible, and to secure pure blood is therefore absolutely necessary, especially in spring, when ` bad blood is very prevalent. Burdock I31oud Bitters is, the remedy, without an e,qual in the world of medicine. It drives out all poisonous humors of the blood from a common pimple to the worst scroful- ous sore. The Constitutional Club. in London last night gave a banquet in honor of Mr. Balfour, the new Government lead- er in the Commons. If you are tired of taking the large old fashioned griping pills, try Carter's Little Liyer Pills and take some com- fort. A man can't stand everything. One pill a dose. Try thorn.. Mr. Jackson Sanford, son of Senator Sanford, of Hamilton, is•shortly to' be married to the daughter of ' Col. San- ford, a millionare of Knoxville, Tenn. A CRYING EVIL. Eyery cryiug evil should be prompt ly ranloved. Sick headache is'a cry- ing evil effecting thousands of Caned fans, which caneasily be removed by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the best known .stomach, liver and bowel regulator and cure for sick headache from whatever cause arising. Edward B. Turpin shot and killed William Carter, son of John '1. Carter, a well known farmer and horse -breed- er, at Gallatin, Tenn., on Tuesday ey-. ening..• Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia,and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. . The official count in South Victoria gives Fairbairn (Conservative) . 228 majority. In North Victoria the offici- al count gives Hughes (Conservative) 239 majority. • HIDDEN FOES ' Among the many -foes to human health and happiness dyspepsia and constipation are twin enemies greatly to be feared. With ' B. B.'B. to drive them out of the s,l'stem, however, no danger need be anticipated, as every dose brings 'the sufferer a long step further on the road to perfect health and strength, and a permanent cure always results. Mrs, h. J. Doyle, known as the foun- der of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Union in Canada, died on Tues- day at her home in Judsouville, Grey county, aged 63. BURDOCK PILLS cure sick head. ache by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. Mrs. Chippewa pei hips the largest Woman in the world, ready six feet tall find weighing over 700 lbs, died on the Dog Lake Indian reserve, Manitoba, on Tuesday, GREATLY BENEFITTED. DI:Alt Sins,—I have been using B.B. B. for cancer of the breast during the last two years and four months, both externally and internally, and have been greatly benefitted. Have had cancer over seven years, and no medi clue ever dict me as much good as B;B. B. 'I feel sure that sufferers from can- cer can obtain relief or even cure from B. B B•, and will be pleased to answer any 1uestions as to: the use and benefit received from this remedy. Mus. A. ELLIOTT, W'aterdown, Ont. The question of a separation from. the Supreme Lodge by the A.O.U.W. of Canada was discussed by the ` Ontario Grand Lodge at Ottawa yesterday. 'The vote was against the separation. If you are troubled with hawkin and spitting,' dul. headaches, losin sense of taste or smell, youare afflict ed with catarrh, and to prevent it de veloping into consumption, Nasal Balm shouad be used promptly, There is no case of catarrh which it will not euro, and for cold in the head it gives immediate relief. Try it. All dealers. The recount for Lennox took place yesterday, arid Mr. Wilson's majority was pulled down to 24,'seven rejected ballots being counted for Ver. Allison the Liberal candidate. A WONDERFUL CIIANGE. Gn.'rtasmEv,--For twenty" years I suffered from rheumatism, dyspepsia, poor appetite, etc., and received rio benefit rrom the many medicines I Tied, but after taking. five bottle `"of . B. B. 1 can eat heartily of any food, and am strong and smart. It is a �rand medicine and has made a wond- ul change in my health. MRS. W T. -I: LEE, Harley Ont. Harrastng headaches male many ives miserable, needlessly so, when a prompt etre like Burdock Blood Bitters 0 obtainable. t f I•Ion. Wrn. Rhodes, ex -Minister of Agriculture of Quebec, died yesterday He had lived in Quebec since 1847, and was an Englishman, 70 years old. Will positively euro sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but trtitlr Onepill a dose. See advertisement. Shall pill. Small dose. Small price. OOkSGo(io14001 COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Suace8sfanu mcg'monthly by tliouscN aS of LADILs. Is the only perfect iy safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who. oiler inferior medicines in place ofthls. Ask for Ooo1c's QorTON Itoor Ooarrouin, take no 8nliStitiltc; or inclose *1 and i three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in lettor, and we will send. scalene, by return mail.Full sealed par- ticulars'in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address PondLiry'Connpaniy,No SFisher Block, isl Woodward' ave., Data oit Mich. a:fl Sold in ExF rrrt at Du, Lurz's, .i W. BROWNIilu's and by all druggists every- where. NOTICE . Mr..G. A. Hyndman wishes to inform. the citizens of Exeter and' surrounding country that he has secured anagency- FINE FLAVORED TEAS") COFFEES —and 'aho- • FIRST CLASS BAKING POWDERS. Orders left at his residence, Albert-st,, or at Dr. Hyndman's Office, Main-st., will receive prompt attention. G, A, Hyudrnau, .Exeter, Out. THE ■ • ■NTRAL- SHAVING- ---PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Chidrell's. Hair Cutting.. A. Hastings% ETJ1I 11111n11 Prov. Mr. George Smallcombe wishes to infgrtn the citizens of Exeter and sur• rounding. country that he has opened --out a new— Tailoring and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment in Fanson's Block, Latest designs of goods always on hand, and made up in the'latest American . Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and Mantle making attended to. J. G. SHALLAGO\IBE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter. pecial Si III Forllitilro NI 30 SAYS. Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOCK OF -- Bed Room I'BedRoom sets in Maple, Cherry,Ash Oak; Sideboards in Maple, Cherry and Oak; together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites Loun e h ire Ta� 9 � 9 � , �l es! and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE A.Y.I. FIRST ULASS CROODS, NO SHODDY ELM, and the pelices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price OaII Early while the Stock lasts, Remember the Stand—Factory and Wareroorns two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel, . , .... , $0.88 to 0.90 Sliitug tt ...86 to 90 Barley • 40 to 45 Oats 28 to 30 Peas. 58 to 60 Butter 15 to 16 Eggs .. 16: to 16 Potatoes per bus 30 to 35 Hay per ton .......... , . 8.00 to 10,00 Wool 18 to 1 Clover Seed .. $5.85 to 6.09 Timothy Seed , ..... ....$1.50 to 2;00. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Rowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,. Heartburn,. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the heart, Ner- Vousness, and General Debility ;all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK LOOD BITTERS. -- rap Sate by an Dealere. T, fILBURN & CO,, Proprietors, Toronto. CLOT TG As t: "; ELI st EXETER, - ONTARIO Has now in stock AiAt.tmn IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous eringa, Scotch Tweed'Snitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made : up in. the Latest Style, at beset Rates. . J. SNELL, 1 CURE FTS! When I say I euro I do not meas 'merely .o stop then for a time and thenhave them return again, I mean a radical cure. I lave made the disease of. FITS EPILEP. SY or FALLING SICI:N ESS a life-long atady. I warrant Meedto cure'. tile worst cases. Because others have culled to no reason for not: now receivinga mire. Send at once for a treatise and a 'Free Botte of my infallible remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST•OFFIQE. H. G`. ROOT, M. C.,` 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. CHRISTIWS OOEFWAL) L First Class Rlns. And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Termat 1^tiee.sone.l:le Telephone Connection. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take Contain their -cum qPurgative. Is a safe, sure and ef/ectua?'+ 3 destroyer ofworrns an.Children or Adults. Exeter -North General Store iv!g Up Bllsifless5 to A Clearing Sale AT and BELOW Cost. We offer Our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL. ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. A nice k c stock of Furs to be cleared out•. Carpets and Floor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away clown below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea for $1. Ptl1 Stock of Gooey iwh3�1 , No trouble to show goods. We offer a reduction of 25c for cash. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per J. & J I'IoiARTIN, Proprietors. E. 11. FIJI, IIIIEH, IS STILL, IN THE OLD STAND —where he is— READY FOR ACALL, Morn, Noon or Night he will —GIVE AN-- EASY N-EASY SHAVE, AND GOOD HAIREIIJ I', LADIES HAIR OUT TO ORDER. Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. North of Post•Office. VIGOR a}id STRENGTH! Tor LOST �or FAILING NMANHOOD; General and raRITOUS DEBILITY, Weakness. of BODY AND MIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in ;1111 or Young. . Robust, Noble MAN' - HOOD fully Restored. How to en- large nlarge and strengthen WEAK UN - 'DEVELOPED ORGANS and PA'i s OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing HOME TRII kTMENT—Benefits n a day. Men testifyfrom fifty States and Foreign Countries. 'Write them. Book, explanation and proofs ]mailed (sealed) FREE, Address ERIE. MEDICAL 00.v a BUFFALO. The Original Unabriged Webster's Dictionary. PUBLISHERS: UBLISHERS: A Cloth Bound Dictionary will be sent to every publisher sending us a marked copy of their paper containing this adv't :agreeing to call attention to the merits & value of Diction :try Lifter receiving it. For 2 insertions wewill send a Dictionary fail leather binding, Size, 82.x104- inches Thickness 4 inches Weight over 6 lbs. Former Present Price, Price, Cloth $10 ' 3.00 Leather back Cloth Sides, 12 3.25 Pull Leather, 14 3.50 AG ENTS W 'T We want good live agents in every Township and will pay agood salary to the right persons. BOYS AND GIRLS Every house requires a good reliable Dictionary, and boys and girls can easily make., week if they will makegood use of their time. from $7 to $25 a t 1 y • For Terms and prices to Agents send 6 cts in Stamps. MEDICAL ADVISER, Bowmancilia, out, •