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The Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-25, Page 4
SANDER 3c SWEET, Proses. ' HURSDA'Y, Feb, 20th, 1892. MR. Lx 1 UR.IEI? IN TORO N TO. :in his, address to the Young Men Liberal Club of Toronto a few day ago Mr. Laurier addressed to his out mei followers a few words of consolatio and advice. The reverses which th party has lately suffered, he said, mad ;rt more than ever necessary for Liber ;ala to fight keenly for their principle at the present time. No matter wheth CRs the Conservatives h-ici forty or fifty of a majority, "The Liberals would stil meet Parliament with hope and corer age, and would do their duty to diet p, rty and country." Brave words,llir. Laurier,and worth ;,she leader of e great party- in the Stat T1:e Anglo -Samoa race are admirers o pluck, and when a politician encount ars thick throug'ing disasters, such a .have lately fallen to the lot of the Lib orals, with spirit and resolution, th public will give hum a due need o praise, whateyer side he may espouse Mr. Laurier is indeed by far the mos gracefu; and attractive figure in ' th ranks of the Opposition; be along give to the warring compauy of the, left o the Speaker something; of the tone an tanner: which dignify public life. Th zone malignity of Sir Richard Cart 'right infuses into the parliamentary struggle a bitterness which has long been its bane, but v=hieh has neverthe ,fess done excellent service in =Intel' lug the Conservative party '' in power The prose and stolidity of Mills, the eg etistical priggishness of Lister, the un apoakable Philistinism and vulgarity of the tommon ruck of political tool and understrappers of the McMullen champ undoubtedly have their uses though God knows what these uses are But Mr. Laurier shows an easy super iority over every other man or combin ation of min iu the ranks ofthe party an hien rather than in any of his col leagues or subordinates one feels tha the Couservatiye leaders have a foe :man in some respects worthy of then steel: But a courteous bearing,an eloquen tongue, and a gift for diplomancy, ad mir;able as these gifts are, and much as they may contribute to the consider ation of a party, are not sufficient' t fermi a'great statesman. Mr, Lauri tall sfiuely of.the Liberal party fight feg more keenly than ever for:their principles," What principles? Have :he or his friends possessed anything Within a decade ivhich they could term a' pri nciples ?" Their history during that time has been a tale of . successive changes of whey,, made to suit'the exigency of the hour, inconsistent and nutiially destructive, futile and fal ecieus.- First the party opposed the :National Policy in favor of the revenue ;miff ; that line was abandoned. Then, ten years ago. they obstructed the pro - ;et of building the Canadian' Pacific tanee:a.tlle sage of Bothwell calculi: ting that the work would require thirty Seven years to build, and would ex- iinS�st the 0 1'e. sources of the. British empi!e. The completion of the road in five _years swiftly oversvhelmed these 'mise prophets with foolishness, and not an word on the matter is head froth them ow. Fina -iv, the happy thought oc %agreed to them, rather to their A:nieri.- Fan leader, Erastus Wiman, and bring- ing about annexation piecemeal by Iowans.Iowans.of commercial union. This in- genious scheme for making "two bites of a Cherry," in Mr. Fences historic phrase, exhibits the latest scene in the rspidly shifting panorama of Liberal polities. What of duty to the country es there in it all? t. r t 0 er 10,:PENING OF ,PA RLIA1riIENT. To -day will witness the opening of • the Dominion Parliament; and, judg lig from the results of tho byeelect. ions thus far :held, the government nay safely reckon on a clear working majority in the Commons" of between fferty and fifty members. This is quite as large as the late Premier usually commanded in his paliniest+ days. And I: proves how thoroughly the people of Canada are in accord with the loyal .and progressive policy of the Liberal Conservative party. Many questions elf practical importance will necessarily occupy the attention of -parliament Suring the present session ---such as v i way extension in the North West; sine granting tif'a subsidy for a line of feast ocean steamships between Eng- !Mad ng•i ntd and the Maritime Provinces; the sseicouragement :,f a Canadian line of st+enmcrs to the West Indies with a zriew to the extension of our growing Haile in that qu:trtcr, which during tN,,ile past year shows an incresee up le J nine last of nearly three Million doll, ars; alsolegislation for closer trade re- lations between Canada and ,the Uuit• est States. On fill these subleets, both our mai i. faeturers .and fare?era are' equally interested, seeing that the pro ducts of the factory and the farm ha.s'e. already been finding their :way into pew channels and into regions where they were unknown before, Our ex - Wesson. of trade with other countries proves the wisdom of the National Pol icy; which has given remunerative employment to our mechanics, aetisans and laborers --not to speak of the large er home market for consumption of Canadian products which the Govern- ment policy has developed, Nothing more is wanting to prove the wisdom and foresight of the late Sir John Mac donald and his colleagues than the adoption of, a policy which has made us virtilaily independent of the United States, protected our manufactures, built up our industries, and oncourag- ed our fermiug population to supply the growing Wants of a bonne market and promote the steadily increasing trade °that has sprung up with foreign countries. • Had our people at the late elections sanctioned a free trade policy as advocated' by Cartwright and Laur ier, all the splendid prospects that we now have before us of enlargement .of trade both at home and,abroad would have been scattered to the w ilids, The result Would 'laic been disastrous to our British co mectiou, besides inyolv- ing us' in direct taxation owing 'to an assimilation of tariffs between these two eountrios, and a discrimination against British gooclsand nianufactnr es, These considerations have weigh- ed heavily With an intelligent elector ate in giving to the Abbott administr- ation a clear working majority of and in breaking the backbone of the so- called Liberal party of purity. BYE-ELECTIO11HS. There is no question but that the general feeling of the people is, that whenthe bye -elections are over the conservatives will have a stronger majority in the House than ever. Look at the result of the contest which , took place on Saturday last' week when two ridings were redeemed by immense majorities. In East Hastings the Con- servatives succeeded in electing Mr. W W. R. Northrup, by a majority of about. 500,- over Mr. W. R. Aylsworth, Reform- er. This constituency in March last elected the late S..E,, Burdette (Grit) by a majority of 54. On the same date there was great rejoicing in South Ontario, .they having elected their candidate, Mr. William Smith, by a majority of 157. ' The candidates were the satire as in March .last, when the Grit candiclate, James Davidson,' was returned by 33 of a majority. These noble victories gained by the friends of good government has aroused the con• servatives and we may look for the others, that are to take place to fall in- to line. A recount in the East Bruce elect- ion was held in Walkerton on. Satur- day before Jnclge Barratt. resulting in. increasing M. Cargill's_tnajdiity from 10 to 14. The writ for West Northern b„rlau[l was issued on -Saturday and nomination willtake place on March Sth, polling Mareh 15th. ELECTION RET URNS. The latest bye election returns give to the government 21'seats to 6 for the Opposition. On Saturday last two more constituencies in Ontario were captur- ed by the government -South Ontaria and East Hastings -both, of which have been redeemed by handsome ma- jorities. Following is the list as it now stands: -- CO1 SERVATIVL North Lanark, Glengarry, Soulanges, Richmond, Victoria, N. S., Cumberland, Lennox, Laval, liingstou, Ha lton, Prince Edward, East Middlesex,;` East Bruce, Halifax (2), South Victoria, North Victoria; East Elgin,' East Hastings, South Ontario, West Huron -21. PJSPORM, Richelieu, Lincoln; Peel, Digby, King N. S. Queens, N. S.--6 POLITICAL NOTES. TWENTY-SIX by elections have now been held. Conservatives have carried twenty one and Reformers have car ried five. AT 'ruin close of the gerieral election the conservative majority from Ontar- io was $iX;'Uow it is seventeen, and she keeps on a-growi;n', LETS put pp, a morale -neat to the, SPAINTISII NERVINE .. EfT4 QR14'r'SPANISB atle siamr, easily, nuicktyy and permanently. restores Weakness, Nervousness *ad 7.o91t Manhood. A [rnAAANntsD slreeiOo for Fits and Neuralgia, Hysteria, pizzioess, Copvlsions, Nervous Prostration caused bythe use o f TPbaogo or Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused by over -indulgence. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case or reeled nxlroas,agD A'FxtR USX.the mgnoy. $r ,a box, 5 boxes for $5. Address U. S. Agents Span- irh'hiedioine Cls,. Detroit, Mich. Sold by druggists. For sale in Exeter by .1. W. Orowuing. memory of the great -headed Grit states men who induced his unfortunate par ty of purity to go into the wholesale election protest business. WANTED, by the great Grit party a policy to take the place of the late la- mented Unrestricted Reciprocity. Ap- ply at the residence of Sir Richard Cart - wriggle Dont ring the bell -there's a sick man inside, Biddulph. The annual missionary meeting of St Patrick's Church was held on Tues- day evening last. `Addressed were de- livered by the Incumbent, and also. by Rev. Mr Shaw and Mr Robinson .Armi- tage of Ln cau,-Most of the subjects of La Grippe are now convaleseiit.-A sermon was preached on Sunday last by the Incumbaut of St Patricks church before a very large congregation on "The destinetive principles' and history. of the church of England, Mr, Patrick Curtain is l.ticl up at present from the effects. of influenza or la grippe. -Mr. J, S. Glllfillin, Of Moors ville, has disposed of his store and resi- dense to Mr. Moses Simpson. As Mr G. intends remaining for' some time in the stand,new the is j proprietor will not take possession for some time -While Robert, eon of William Flynn, of Bid- dulph, was helping his uncle, Thomas Flynn, of Stephen, lest week ho re ceiyed a serious injury from a falling tree. The parents have our sympathy in their trouble. -The residence of Mr, acid nibs. I.tovington, of Biddulph, *as centre of attraction for .a' large and interested assembly who came to wit- ness the solemnization of -the nuptials of Mr. John N. Stanley, of London township, and Lydia Leyina Iteeing- ton, of this township, on TtiesdaV" fast week, the ceremony, being p'3rfeemed by the Rev. B. C. Headers, of Lueau, amidst a.gathering of joyous and ex- pectant faces. The bridal presents formed a magnificent array, edmpris ing articles of use and value to a great number. The contracting parties are prominent in social circles and the warmest wishes for their continued happiness, with the earnest hope that life will ba°fol them an uninterrupted honeymoon. FIVE<HTJNDRED DOLLARS will be given for a' case of catarrh that cannot be cured permanently by C1a_rk's Catarrh Cure. Step right up to the office and prove your ease and get the .sward: Thousands have tried this remedy, but no one has claimed the reward, because .it cures in every` case. If you have a cold fir are troubled with catarrh,ask your druggist for Clark's Catarrh, Cure price 50 cents, and see what a pleasant relief it will bo iustantly. If you are asked to take something else, send to us direct and we will send you a bottle by mail on receipt of price. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. ' It is s. certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Headandcetaxrhin all its SOOTHIN©, ,CLEANSING, sfaiit ,Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Arany so•caIled'diseases aro.simply symptomssymptoms of Catarrh, such as head. ache, partial deafness, losing sense of omell, foul breath, hawking, and epit- ting,nausea general feels, of de- bility, eta If yon are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, your havo Catarrh, and should lose no time In. procuring Beza,, Be warned a in limo, i egleMaar. cold in headresults in Catarrh; Sol. lowed by consumption and .death.. Nest, Bena, is soldby all: druggisto, or will be sent, postpaid, on recospt 02 price 00 cents and 51.00) by addressing FOLFORD & 00,, Brockville, Ont. r DOES PAYa.. 0 -- -ADVERTISE. And it also pays to get your clothing made by a first•class tailor. When in need of Such call on x ll`' _ II x- II ÷ II x II - II x BERT. KNIGHT ..f x 11 it x n - II x i1 -e, li x Who is ,prepared to give you a neat fit and the latest style. . The best and cheapest spot intown for ordered clothing. Farmers will find it to their advantage to give me a Call. Over F. J. Knight's > icer Store. BERT KNIGHT. HOFFMAN'S HEADAC HARMLESS POWDERS are an honest medicine fur vahioh only honest, straightforward state- ments are made. See that you got the genuine Hoff- man e. Insist on having them. They Ouro ALL Headaches. They aro not a Cathartic. CATTTION. EACH PLTJG OF THE MYRTLE CAVY IS MARKED 0 IN BRONZE LETTERS. .. 1 NOME OTHER GENUINE EMIL DBIM .A complete stock of PIM and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. Patc0111Miciitos, Spogsy Druggist's SiIJllilies At rightand reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. Wiiiii's Co1iEllt!oR POwthf the best in the market. C. LUTZ, PROP. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Time Table, GOING NORTH. a m.p.m. London,dop't 8.05 9.25. Luna aCros'g 8.47 5.20. Olandeboye 8 52 5 28. Centralia 9.05 5.45; EXETER 9.16 5.57. Ilonsall' 9.28 6.09. Kippen 9.34 6.17. 'Bruoefield 9.42 6.26, Clinton 10.00 6.45. Londeeboro' 10.19 7.03. Blyth 10.28 7.19. Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Win(lham 11:00 7.45. GOINGSOVTx. a.m.:p.m. Wingham 7.05 840, Belgrave 7.24 4.00. Blyth 7.88 4.15. Londesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 8.07 4.45. Brucedeld 8.26 5.04 Kippen 8.34 5.12 Kensall 8.41 5.19. EXETER 8.57 5.83 Centralia 9.09 5.45. Clandoboye 9.18 5.56 Luoan Cros'g9.24 6.02 London a,rr 10 15 64.5 G. Bisse(t.'s Livery First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL, MEN.. . Orders left at BissetttBros.'Hardwa 30 Store, will receive prompt attention. +'i1S REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. . Gi-. BISSETT. FURNITURE GI A very large stock on band now to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed room and Dining Room suits at nearly half the usual price. 150 Looking Glasses from 10c and up. hundreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to choose from, cheap. Easy Chairs and a great variety of other' Goods suitable for Xmas presents arid in fact ev erythiug usually kept ilea first class furnishing house all for prices away down. A goo& dozen chairs for $2, Come and see our $1,75 panel Ben that we "BLOW ABOTT", the reason we blow is we haye'the goods to back it up. Bring along oour easy chairs and Parlor Fnr- niture that need re covoring as wehave a beautiful stock of covers with cord Sc gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't want co buy, will be happy to see you, UNDERTAKING 1�KING A complete stock of everything in this line from the cheapest to the high est. Also the only Embalmers, „Re member the mane and place GIDIEY�S Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. iouse are the latest goods in FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS and over°coatings, just arrived. All will be made up in the Latest Style and a Good. fit Every Time or no Sa1e; AT PRICES AWAY DON. Remember the Stand one Door North of E. H, Fish's. Barber Shop. Give me a call, . H. GRIEVE. 3Er111a NO tissett �4 We have 15 Crosscut Saws, s 3 dozen Axes which must be cleared out at -wholesale prices. We have a large stock of TUBULAR LANTERNS which must go at the following prices: 5co, 55c., 65c., and 75c. Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost Lamp goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Cad and inspect our Stook before b ying. As usual our stock of Hardware, Stoves and tinware is com plete and We defy competition. BISSETT BROS. ROBTS N. ROWE, 'E, UBERT A ER And Furniture Dealer. MAIN -ST." EXETER. DESTROYS AND .lREMOVES WOc M S • OF ALL KINDS Ftl CHILDFiEN OR ADULTS aWEETh,..acSYRUP . JLt'if) HARM THE: MOST CANNOT ,y T l :E_'t-tCATt CHILD Exeter Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush Our Pxioss. Flour, strong bakers', $3 00 per 10( ' best family, 2.50 " " " . low grade, 2.00 " " Bran,. 70 " Middlings, 90 " " Screenings, 100 " Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 " Chop stone running every clay. TERMS CAsa'�r. 't IA0 �Xetif'.i IVCillmng Co SHILOH'S CONSU'IYI PTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this sac. cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos= Rive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. if you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief ie sure. Ifou dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don't fait to use it, it will cure }you or cost nothing. Ask your Drug- gist for, S.IfILOH's CURE; Pnee to cis., 50 Cts gid OPIS I have a positive remedy for the above disease^by its'. Iso thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been oared. Indeed s0 strong is my -faith In its oliicne y•, that I will send T:WO BOTTLES FIiP17,. with a VALUABLE T1.CATISII on this disease to any sufferer who will send aye their 10XI0t7•±SS and P.O. address, T. A. SLOcuM, M. C., 186 ADCLAID8 ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. -- 711310E iiitrifl E�iMPORHJM. P4 K 0 6 & MARTIN, PROPS...:: We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS) ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. - FARM IMPLEMENTS &e The above instruments always . <on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE' ITS A (TALL, EVERYTHING AWAY. DOWN. MOM & MARTIN