HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-08, Page 124A. The Goderieb Signal tar, ThMdaY, December 8, 11 .a C•; r7 NORTH X864. r. K 9.3 • K96 • A 1'9.3 WEST ,.« ' EAST .. • 10.7 �► AKQ532 • Q1753 • 1082 4 Q70 ! K842 SOUTH 4 19 • A1108542 • • 10 5 The bidding South West North East 1 J-1 Pass- 2 C 2 S 3 H Pass 4 H . Pass "Pass Pass Opening lead 10 of spades The play here. is quite sim- ple, but is often over -looked by many players. East over- takes the ten of Spades and plays the Ace and King and ueen of Spades. Souths natural impulse is ruff the third spade with theack or ten of hearts. But here lies the trap. If South trumps the spade he wily have it over -ruffed by West and he must lose a club eventual) „and go down one. South s best play is to .discard his club loser now and not trump the third spade. Notice how East cannot return another spade conveniently for .. if South ruffs and West over - ruffs now the dummy can over -ruff West. South must also be careful in this hand to play the Ace of hearts from his hand and when East shows out fines- sethrough West's Queen of hearts: This is the ihroper technique after East's two spade overcall. Centennial Plans Discussed Auburn trustees Returned By AcdamatiOfl AUBURN -Centennial plans were scussed at. tate Auburn nomination ineetin,eFriday. Trustee W illigm J. Craig charinnan, I3eict Doran andThom. as Flaggitt, were returnedbyacc. lamation. In his report to the large gath- ering of taxpayers, chairman Craig, reported that the colon lights will be turned on the first week in December as asked for in a letter written by Mrs. Bert Craig, secretary of the Horticul- ture Society. The trustees reported that the flag pole had been repaired and painted to fly the new Canadian flag"• purchased by the Women's Inatittlte. Sidewalk was built .80 Game '1/1/as War - Tactic Lacrosse, a fast -nn wing netted stick game. was played in Am- erica b$ore Columbus landed in 1492. Origina:ed by the Iro- quois Indians and used as a training requirement for war- ri,rs, this strenuous game was adop.ed in 1840, by the white man. 1: is n. w reputed to be north America's oldest organiz- er sport. feet on Goderich s \ -t and 20 feet on John street, the streets were gra.velled and • orlded our• ing the slimmer me► New business was the submission of the nalne of Bert Dorm to be gonsideredfor a colla. missioner for this community to the MLA as this district has been without one since the death of the' late Ralph. D. Munro. At the first meeting in the new year the trustees 'will appoint a fire chief and discuss theplans for centennial year that were brought up at the meeting. Cliff McDonald was again appointed village clerk. New Look Hats fo r You took on a new look last Friday afternoon in the Clinton Legion hall when Womenr's Institute members and friends attended theSummary day for this winter project. Sharon Carroll, home econom, ist for Huron Countywas in charge of ,the afternoon's actitvit�' les. Mrs. Harvey •Hodgins was the chairman. The leaders. of the !projects were presented with badges by Mrs. Mildred Mulligan millinery specialist from the home economics branch depart. ment of the department of agri. culture and food. Ilelenh eKeroh, er, direetor of home econo hies, Toronto, complimented the wean. en on their attractive displays which 'each group had set up. A- fashion parade was held by Sour gro'tips•Auburn with Mrs. Donald Haines as commentator and Mrs. William J. Craig as thew pianist. Other groups taking part in the fashion parade were Clinton, with Mrs. M. Gibson as commentator, Seaforth with Mrs. R. Triebner as commentator and Zurich with Mrs. U. L. Geiger as commentator. Mrs. Phil Johns of Elimcale was peanist for the prograti>N,,. The highlight of . the afternoon was the Magic Hat box when Mrs. Mulligan demonstrated how draped and rose hilts could be made in a few minutes. At the close of the program, cookies and 'tea were served by Mrs. Graham Charnney of Tiger Dunlop and Mrs, Alex McGregor of Rippen East. UCW Meets Mrs. Roy Easom presided for the monthly meeting of the United Church Women of Kuox United__ Church held in the Sunday school room- of the church. Mrs. Norman Wightman was the pianist. Script. ure was read by' Mrs. Edward East. Mrs. Easom gave the med- itation on these passages and con. eluded with prayer. Mrs. Sidney McCiinchey played a piano solo. The offering was received by. Mrs. William Straitghan and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetaer aud,dedicated with prayer. Mrs. Norman Me Dowell Ilud Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Dougall gave the Bible study on the life of Rib, one of the great women of the Bible. Mrs, Gordon Charnney and Mrs. Donald Haines sang a duet: Margaret R. Jackson introduced mi imp am im Mrs. Roberts the new minister's wife from the Argentina. Mrs. Kenneth Mc Dougll pre. sided for the business period. Phe minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Al. bert McFarlane. Mrs. Norman McDowell, the treasurer present. -ed the financial statement. Re. ports were reddlved frorri the various' conveners. Mrs. Oliver Anderson pronounced the bene. diction. 1161 UPON N LY 1� I WITHTHIS CO 1 REXALL — FAST HOME�,hn ERMS 1 Makes All Other Home Permanents Old Fashioned Regular — Gentle — Super -- Tinted or Bleached REG. 2.00 PHARMACY 3 HA . rv p 3 A speeial meeting is being plan, ned for December 14th when candlelight service will be h -in the afternoon, a SKY 8 RANCH esse Jewel DEEP FRIED CHICKEN BARREL. 15 PIECES 4.90 BUCKET 9 PIECES 3.00 BOX COMPLETE DINNER 1.44 tl Restaurant & Service Station ILI ® 'v ® 3i=3 11Zi 14111 NM 6i alHwy. 21 5248982 i� " a" ry ` ` `a ` `, - "-�T z - `�. :► " '" `�* ` �' -> -'!` `x�` ; y D - rsws . . a.�.,� «-w- K w� �A :� d� � �` 0 ?nmn 7+, 4 HE d ihepick&t a .wry chver ktsbid"!tt S PUTTING THIS BOX UNDER HER TREE "irkta a• 5uoPP4 Fo • .DRESSES • COKES • MOS • SPORISValt ER,cH , oN C'�D 4.9431 52 .,4 4• FREE. GIFT WRAPPING FOR MEN SH CraCAMMAk'..Z4Ag. -WA4--A1-0464,TiM0444A, af",144A,MAC-0-MIrorritIVelrA-NWP14;;W*--7074r-'iritek-ilWy.OVIVAti 0,g arZ ;447Z4X4ig *1' & gifi46 M-701.7