HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-12-08, Page 2, The .Cyederich Signal -tar, Thursday, December 8, 1966 Surprise, Surprise! It is almost impossible to pin into Canadian politics, although ft .,, point.A.4.. exaeLFgason_tor,j_he 4c- is surprising that it would crop out, doll of t dde-frailVadWlielfIVITiWn4tatiliiiilevel. , They turned three men - out ofAnother less concrete conclu- the top offices of the municipal gov- sion could be that the populace is ernment who have shown them- looking for ideas from its leaders. selves reasonably able to conduct The new faces in Goderich govern - its affairs and replaced the mayor ment have spoken forth in prdmises with a man of no municipal experi- ' and concepts that stimulate the ence and the deputy reeve with a imagination. man of one year's experience. It is just as well if the day is This is somewhat confounding past- when a qualification for office in a community where affairs of this is having the time to serve and nature have tended to follow a well- punctual attendance at meetings is trod path rather than striking off a record 'on which to stand. on a tangent. s If. it is any comfort to those, One point seems abundantly , public servants who were defeated clear from the record vote and that Monday they might remember that, is the desire for younger men in the public has always- been an un - government. The mayor, reeve, grateful master. . deputy reeve and one councillor who During his time on council and was unseated were retired men. as mayor Frank Walkom has served They were replaced by men who go •with dignity and consideration for to work each day. „ his fellowmen. Deputy Reeve Joseph It .is possible that this is an ex- Moody was a delightful man on tension of the Kennedy influence council, a man of apt comment and gentle humor. Reeve Re k Jewell , Cutting Costs truly observed the dignity of his of- fice and recognizing this tried to A Toronto woman has been live up to its requirements. Coun. awarded a prize at the Royal Agri- James. Johnston seldom spoke Li cultural Winter Fail for suggesting council, but he, served, and in so ways to reduce family food costs. doing he added to his human value. Buy—nutritious foods, follow There were qualities in these Canada's Food Guide, compare men that will be missed on council, prices regularly- and sh with a as those who ,come -to ' fill their - ' . ' --. slide:ri:ileisai d- Mrs., P-eggy . on. ' . -- place4,-may_sjiscover . ' - Television's r o v i n g reporter , , . , „..............—,,,....... Norman Dafoe recently discovered a housewife in a Goderich foo . He Loved Huron , market following Mrs. Tyson's ad- Judge Frank Fingland died last vice.Sunday, and his funeral yesterday "Good morning madam, I'm was a tribute to a man who had NorMan Dafoe of GTV (Goderich served his fellowman well both.as a Television).",,citizen and a jurist. "Yes, I recognized your cough. Judge Fingland knew Huron "Oh, well uh, we ' are conduct- 'County well. He was born here, and ing interviews on food prices; may even after years in the service, at I ask your name?" university and in the practice of law "Mrs. Albert Eistein Consum- in Toronto it was to Huron that he er." returned to stay... "I notice you are using a slide He knew the people of Huron, rule. Is it difficult?" their heartbeat and their conscience "Not now, it was when I start- and preferred to remain among ed."them. "When was tha„t?" - Judge Fingland served 10 years "Ten years ago, but I completed on the bench in this country, and it my high school through Program was 10 years of service to the high 5, and graduated from • university. calling of the law and to those to Now I'm working on a master's de- whom- and for whom 'it was ad- 1 • gree. • "Does it help reduce food costs?" "No, but it helps fill the time between feeding the goat and gath- . ering the eggs." "Goat Eggs? Do you live on a farm?" "No, in a Goderich Housing Authority 'town house'." "But where, do you keep these animals?" "In the spare room; the cow's in the basement beside the mush- room bed." "But how, why . ?" "Well the department of food and agriculture said' we could cut food costs by buying basic foods and mixing tip stuff like . it was ready made—we went a step further and started growing our own; milk the goat, keep hens and so on. It was kind of tough -getting the cow into the basement, and even tougher at slaughtering time, and.you should, have heard the stink the neighbors raised about the manure !" heh, yes (rasp) I can imagine." "What about the comparative quality of foods?" "Well, we like beep beep better than beep beep." "Do you b u y convenience foods?" .- "What's that?" ' "Well, like ready to eat stuff." "Oh, yes, we have corn flakes for dessert 'twice a week." 41 Established 0 ministered. Outside of' his role as a bar- rister, Judge Fingland was active in many organizations. Probably his greatest contribution in this respect was his role in the organization of the Huron County Tuberculosis As- sociation. ' The world is always poorer for losing men like Judge Fingland whose concern has been the welfare of society: : - A large Air Canada Douglas DC -8 jetliner i surrounded by ground equipment on the ramp in front of the passenger, terminal at Moscow's Sherernietievo ' Airport, Tuesday, November 1, following the Canadian airlines' iilaugUral flight between Montreal and the Soviet capital via Copenhagen. AeroflOt, the USSR's national airline, will begin reciprocal service with .TU -1 14 turbo -prop airliners, on Nov,. 4. Messages Frort111 The Word REV, H. de VRIES • FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH GODERICH A roving reporter stopped sev- en people on the sidewalks bf a large Ainerican city, and ask- ed ..them what the thought was history. Six of the replies came from adults.' They were as follows: • The settlement of Jamestown by the _English; The defeat of the Saracens at tours; The invent. ion of the wheel; 'The splitting .of the atom; The defeat of the Jap- anese. The assassination of John Kennedy. • The seventh came from 'a 14 k year old boy. He saiiiThe birth of Jesus Christ." This lad spoke more wisely then he knew; for history, which islhe study of people, bears this out. That Jesus of Nazareth, whO, was born in Bethlehem, was the most influential person who ever lived; is proyed by history: I el • • • • So impOrtant was4this event, that time is divided in the period 'before Christ,' and that Wafter Christ,' Now, just why did Jesus come? He gives the answer himself, "He who has seen me, has seen the Father," and agian, "If of the angel 'Thou shalt call His natie •Jesus, for He shall 'Stop Sign Taken Town Council must have been trying to get out from under the tag of "rubber stamp" when it hastily voted to replace a stop sign at North Harbor Road with a Yield Right of Way sign without waiting for department of transport ap- proval. '-North Harbor Road intersects with a provincial highway which is one of this town's most constantly travelled thoroughfares. There is the additional con- • sideration that liquor is dispensed in a licensed establishment at the base of the North Harbor hill. Council should also have considered this when it so quickly reduced in- tersection protection. The question will remain for some time whether the convenience of -a, minority should be accommo- dated without deeper consideration being given to the safety of the. majority: Zile ainZirridir Oigttai-tar 11 9th Year of Publication 1848 —0— The County Town' Newspaper of Huron —0— Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publishing Limited ROBERT G. SHRIER , R. W. KEARNS— President and publisheir Managing Editor S. FAill.LS, Plant Supt. Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., and A.B.C. 11. *90 • Subscription Rates $5 a `filar—To U.S.A. $6 lin advance) 0 Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept.,. Ottawa and for Paymeht of Postage in Cash save His people from their sins?' No generation needs this message more than ours. This message of the saving power of the saving• God, of Christ. Let face facts, man is lost, and anyone who believes other. ise is living under a delusion. • • N E tit You alone can give your family and Mend, portrait oi yourself. It's the unique gift that's never duplicated. . For Christmas you'll want to give the finest possible portrait . . . one made by our craftsmen. Please call us early for your Christmas appointment If year do, we'll have plenty' of time to create superb and =duties gift portraits for you. HADDENS STUDIO 52447117 117.5T. DAVID ST. al4yls been engaged in a search for 'God.. In the process he has card out his idols, and erect. ed his altar. But Jesus teathes us that God is' a seeking God. He is, seeking out man, and as a sign and seal df this,siesus or n in Bethlehem. Yes at hemrwasee-Godiftalri4t, ing-ont--5aRi•famagaVnbt.:011e-; name S 'Emanuel,' meaning wa is -tour, for iteilleiiii4e-te- :4\ seek and to save that which is lost. If man is wise he will Gdd vith us? , discover the wonder, the beauty, y r lk gain, in Jesus, we see a lov- and the saving power of the God in ,God. It was Joh n who re. of love, WhO came down to earth corded the words, "For God in the person of Jesus, at Beth- loved the world so much that he lehem. He will also discover that, aveHis only Son, so that every. that love, impelled Christ on to o Who believes in Him should Calvary, where He bore the r1t ,e lost, but should have eter. Wounds of love upon His heart. n.l .fe," (Phillips). Was not His Yes in the coming of Jesus, we lifeion earth spent in seeking out see God, we see Him 'seeking, the lost, the helpless, the des. loving, and saving man,_but the pised, and the socially*outcast? question, is; Is He your Saviour? Yes, in JeSus we see the mighty He will be if you give your life Oreator, the great Eternal Spir. over to Him. it, the Omnipotent one, He- who you had known me, youwouldhavec-.4 is from everlasting to everlast. known the Father also." These' ing, as a God wholoves and cares words were addressed to Phillip and forgives, all who seek Him and Thomas, but are they not in sincerity and truth. equally valid today? Yes, Jesus Lastly, in Jesus we see Gbd came to make known to us, what Meeting man's deepest need. And God is like. There are three • itthAt you may ask, is man's things in particular that Jesus deepest need? Hear His own would have us to learn about God, - words, "God sent not His$on into and these we discover aswe read the World to condemn the world, about Jesus in the Gospels. , but! that the world through Him First of all, Jesus reveals Might be saved." That is man's God to us 'as a seeking God•,, deePest and greatest need, 'Sal - History teaches us that man has vation.' Was not the message Down Memory Lane 040 l E ection Campaign Closes • . - • • 55 Years Ago - 1911 stery blaze which razed the Brit. year-old harness racing driver The rosinpublic meeting of ish Exchange Hotel, snuffing out from Goderich. PUC chairman William Mills forecast a decrease in hydro rates following his acclamation at Thursday's nomination meet. ing. Huron maintains its position as one of the highly specialized agricultural areas bf the prO- vince, agricultural representat. ive.D. H. Miles said inhisreport to county council. Headline -Election Set For Co. until Seats, Mayor Forecasts New Tax Boost. the provincial election campaign three lives early Tuesday morn. in Goderich will be hAg in Vic. ing. toria Opera House on Friday With a fleet 01 19 boats that evening in the interest of Mr. can almost definitely be counted Proudfoot, (the Liberal candidate on how, and the possibility of in Centre Huron. Other Liberal even more, Goderich harbor will candidates were W. H. Kerr in have the largest winter storage North Huron and E. Zeller in fleet in 1956-57 since the record • - year of 1928.29 when there was South Huron.). There is one absolute demon. a total of22 boats. stration of the effectiveness of the bar -room closing plan in this Goderich voters will go to the Province, against which no so- pollnext Monday to elect a phistries can prevail., It is the mayor and six cottncillors. Reeve sobriety that results from the J. H. Graham is challenging the closing up of our bar -rooms incumbent J. E. Huckins in the from seven O'clock on Saturday mayoralty ' contest while eight night to six o'clock on Monday candidates are seeking six coun. morning. (Advertisement) , , ell seats. .The county council is holding ONE YEAR AGO -1965 its December session this week. OnTuesday afternoon Hon. Adam CAMPBELLVILLE- A -crowd Beck addressed the council in of 4,287 turned out at Mohawk reference to hydro -electric pow- Raceway Saturday to witness a er, explaining the proposition for fine card of racing and pay tri. the development of power on the bute to Ron Feagan, the 23. Maitland, Saugeen and Beaver - Rivers and hitching it up to the -r SEASONAL TRAGEDY Niagara system to ensure a con.• stant supply of power for this area. ,, Canada's list of fire traged. les is enlarged each Christmas 15 YEARS AGO 4951 Herbie Neil, curator. of the season by a frightening number of Huron County museum has been preventable mishaps. The Nation - enjoying life since his musem was aitheseed l Safety Lese disasters'could be avoid. ague of Canada,claims ready for the public afew months ago, The only thing he has • by a simple Set of precautions, First, the League warns, a dry lived for and thought about the past 17, years has been the time Christmas tree is an invitatiin to disaster. In fact, a tree that when his collection of Western ready for display. becomes dry enough, if exposed Ontario pioneer items would be to flame will explode. Make cer. in. tain,. NSL says, the tree is fresh One of Goderich's oldest erich Organ Company Limited when purchased; then stand it in dustries the 62 -year-old God. water and keep tne water re. yesterday was sold to Mr. Keith plenished. Dispose, of the tree as Hopkinson of Goderich, ho also day.oons possible afterthe holt. a, Research Company Limited. If the tree is metallic, take heads the Huron Engineering and • Crowds of people including vis. ' . great care with decorations, par. iticularly electrical ones, for a tors from as fax -away as Sea. forth, Belgrave, A mberley, Luck. power leak, could burn or kill anyone who touched theIfeeThe now,. Blyth and Londesboro lined , league the Square and connecting streets flood or spot lighting instead of ,- Idvises using offatree last Thursday to watch the color. lights on a metal tree. ful Santa Claus parade sponsored For all lights, warns the by the Junior Chamber of Com. league, inspect the cords regular. merce. ly and replace worn ones. New 10 years ago. 1956 • strings of lights should carry • the Canadian Standards Assoc's.. The Ontario Fire Marshal's tion approval label. Turn lights office is conducting an intensive off at night and When leaving the investigation into the$70,000 my. house eveti f r. a short time. a GRAF & HARRIS SAY ... "PUT WINTER MOTORING WORRIES ,BEHIND YoU" Trade up to the best dollar value car on the market — THE 1967 RAMBLER. OW Cross Country Wagon 880 4 -Door Sedan DPL Convertible _ • DPL Hardtop Come out and test drive the bold, new Ambassador by American Motors "WHERE THE BASIC DIFFERENCE IS A BETTER CAR." • GRAF & HARRIS RAMBLER Bayfield at Bennett Sts. ' • OPEN ,NITELY * . - "Goderich T. PRYDE & SON -- - Memorials Fineat Stone and Experienced Workmanship Franlc Mcllwain REPRESENTATIVEi. 5247881 or 200 Gibbonss.-- 524-9465 SOU LEAN SLICED BACON FRESH ONTARIO lb. 79c LAMB CHOPS lb. 69c FREEZER SPECIAL CUT TO YOUR OWN SPECIFICATIONS • Front Quarters of Beef Ib. 46c OPEN WED: AFTERNOON - THURS..: FRi. 'TU. 9 P.M. FEATURING Home Dressed InspectedMeats 5144551