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owy 90 from now tilljanuarY
1.st 1893. Give it a trial.
The Moons Bank. II ---
A.,fine Brick Cottage and one lot of land
(Chartered by Parliament, -18)5.) situated on Carling street,containing 'there
, in 8 e. Om m odious rooms iii first -sties", ord, e
Paid up `Capital , ..... .... el2,000,000. fhere is a good well of water, cistern ape
frame barn on the premises. Terms reason-
able. Por further teirtieteers apply to Geo
le odgt n s or at this othee.-239-9 in
Rest 'ma . . • . . 1 000 000
, .2 7
Itead office Moll troai.
Xioney advanced to good Farmer's on. their
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open eyery lawful day from X0 a. m. to 3 p,
m., Satnrcla,ys 110 a. 321. tO X p. m
general banking business transacted
Four per eent._per annum. allowed for mon-
ey On Deposit UeeeiPtis. 'Savings Bank at S
per cent. ,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub ieianager,
Ozieter boorate)
, Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the OfIfee,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
sti50 if not so paid.
.8.01.1reurtizinn.g. lrae.teo osz.
No paper discontinued. nntUafl arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
dire° ;ions will be published till forbid. and
charged aocoraingiy. Liberal discount made
for trauscient advertisenents inserted for
long periods. Every description of .TOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rti,-ms,. Cheques, money ord-
ers, &e. for advertising, subsuriptions, ete. to
be made payable to,.
Sanders & Sweet
Church DireetOry.
TarvITT MENLORIAL Cuulien.--Rev. F, IT
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 it, m
and 7 p.m. sabbath School, 2.30 p. m,
Russell, Faster. Sunday Services, iu.30 a. M.
emd 6.30 p.m. Sa bbath. School., X.30 p.m. -.All persous who wa nt -
Idling ST1tEaT--Ttov. W. MaDonagli Pas- Apmq, x ig ,..,..
113r. ..a‘114,117` Services1 Vele e. re. an 1, (3'30 p•M, 1 vnizAp
.. 't i E Y
1 i .
I'RESBYTERIAN CHHaCH.,-,Ilev. W. Martin, 11' 50) 6 and 6e: PER CENT should call
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6,30 p.
•••••••-• alt the -.----^
Frow eiceiy IloocPe Sarsaparilla his the
r needs of people, who feel "all tired out'
orl mu down," from :my cense,
seems to oil up the whole mechanism
of the body so that all moves smothly
and work becomes a poeitive delight.
Be sere to get Hoods:
Hood'. Pills aet especially upon the
liver, rousingit from torpidity to its
natural dutiee, cure constipation and
assist digestion.
Those premises known as the Cemmexcial
ITotel in the town of Clinton, together with
the Stabling and appurtenances. Also those
Premises in the village of Exeter known fe.i
9neou'slio tel anti the brick store ad.
joining the hotel and used as a general
store and Post Office. The above property
Will be sold on DaSy terms. Vor particulars
efilAY to the proprietor, .1 (nix ItoiSsialt, lot
(31Maitland„concession, Colborne Tp,, Bon -
miller P. 0. '• •
The following valuable property compris
ing lOts east half 75, Thames Road, by. ad -
m easnrem on t 114 acres. On the hind. is a
snlenclid frame house and stable, good welt,
ninnber of' young trees, and many other
accommodations, Also two acres of land
situated on Main street, north of Lake
Road. For terms and partieulars apply
to JOHN THompeoN,iliay P 0.
Auction sale of house and lot in Cen-
tralia on Monday, Feb. 28th, at Hod
gins Hotel. Sale at 4 o'clock. Ell
bar, Ance. Mrs: Sam BesPerville Pro
Raving purchased tbe interests cif Mr. Try-
g.krin rong, Flour and Feed Meridian ts,
'wish to Inform the citizens of Exeter and.
surrounding country that the. business will
be conducted hereaft er by Mr, Robert Bich -
arisen. and myself ,Tassa Wns'roo7:r.
Best brands of flour and all mill feed 'con-
stantly on band and deli vexed. to any part of
the village at mill prizes.
(P. S.). -All accounts of the lti te firm in list
be settled 'before the lst of Mareh at the feed
store with B.S. Richarilsoui
$75 000 00
.9 •
Sabb:th 8011001 1d03 eai
ra. Sabbath Sc h.00l, 9.45 a.m.
Oo of If• LLINg
R. KIN SATAN, L. 1/.5, Eanson's Blook
two doors uorth of clueing store, .c
eiele STREET, EXETEll , extracts teoth
without pain. Away at Etensall on lot
Friday; Ails& Craig on 9nd and 4th. Tuesday;
and Xurieli on las Cfiltursday of each m.ox3t
ipf;1 H. LNG RA.M, Dx.xTIBT, lleniber 'loyal
College Dental Surgeons sueeessor to
M. L. Billings. Unice over ' Post Office
E etor, Ont. A safe anaesthetic, given for
• e painless eetraotion of teeth. bine Gold
filings EtS required.
eeRe.ro. W. EARNCOMB, Provincial Laud
.12 Surveyor and. Civil 'Engineer. Otlice,
uver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. ADDRESS:
pf 'Ladies Speciattis.
leiedicat. The Parisian ig.^.;;LiCal Appliance Co.,
E Mee VIA!, e‘i. 11, 0. Mo PergeIOIAIS 19 telleOn‘kitt. El Toronto, Ont.
ergeon. Office and residence-
iin it/id paper.
Streets, E
DR. ?.
the Coll
Ontario. PhySt D
0111'. Office, ag
*and Elgin streets, Ooderich,
t ; t
per Andrew and Nor',.4
" 11.saticta tretii°cts- IF rot; WANT TO
Buy or Sell a rurni
...i.aktia a of 4
triir onto, (Stile
Over 18 years%
ilakience one block east
tore, Opposite Skating
,NyY Veterinary
;;WZrrriti Buy or Sell Town Property
;X(1.2ickcir2s IF YOU WANT TO
xeter, Ont.
Borrow or Lend Honey
T11i. T. A. A.MOS, M. D., 'O. M Merktiq of
If college of Physicians and surgedeze&.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College ot
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Mac ulty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
Oollege, Toronto, Office -Dr. Cowen's old
-U. OR, Conveyancer, Notary
.Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan,
4. of Suprentt ourt, Notary Pumice Con-
, 3yaln0er, Commissiouer, &c. Money to loan
ffice--Yamilan's Block, Exeter.
Conveyancers, Sze, Money to 1on,11
st'S peer cent.
B. r. tti0r J teetoe
LT BelOWN,,Winchelses. Licensed Aint-
• ioneer tor the Occrinties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of 'Osborne
'Sales promptly attend.ed toamil termsreason
sble.sales arranzteceite Nat office. Winehelsa
AItOLLeleS, late <f Manitoba, Licens-
Ancilionent,, tor the comit,ies of ITur-
on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mailer other-
wise promptly aitterecled to at reasonable
'VET BORM, Ontario. Licensed auet-
I' • ilietseerifor like Counties .of 14,Ciddlesex
and tag:allot-en, ana the townships of Stephee
and Kam JIM seises promptly attended to,
-re BessfeNeueetee,y, Mensal]. Ontario. Lie
Mit eased"Audoneer for tlie Countys of
Kuron :and Chaegese-moaerate and
teeen.teeelireeneea AuotiOneer' for tbo
Ceinniv.df Ilnron. Sales Conducted on
netio term 43. Parte and Farm Stook a
atty. Pullairrasigements ean be made
xis e•ffice,
The ilecxon -Rot€c1 and property, Sitilated
'1,fi miles sio,ntli'nfrocoier coin prxfitp g tVs'.
ses of need wieliekeme stable, and • shed
be sold ,ee reasonable terms.' POsseesien
.given 4.0,AHViliatt; „Vor furt,11 Par,tiCulars
Aprily to 1,714011, barriSter. xeter, or
160 Rolland, proplefor, on thO premises.
rAnms roll, SALE.
West half,eflot 10, Concession 5 in the
townshte of ,t/sboeneet tho °bailee et Heron
oontaintele t)14trein 0, acres mor6 t orles6
erfore te abont serea sitars(' and the, ,bal-
AnCe hash, being niiitbd with black still And
eeear, ,A,good ertedoeieli With good well
of *Ater anti well stilted' for itock ratainm
yor fort)ior perttetilitel itpply 'to Geo, Ifttn
Ritl$,Pb0411 tk> /011t ZOnt;or, 7±Better
C011ections ]lake
Call atAlno. Spackmaii
Real Estate ligtV.Iy,
Business TransactiNs strictly con-
fidential. Intending feuechasers will
receive the best advice tee,.,kelecting
land or town sites.
Also agent .f.sr Allan Lene
and State Line Steamships.
Office.- Mein Sheet, Exeter, Ont"
Box 44
Did the good people who insist on
wrtiting tilt the end of the year to pay
for then. /Apr fiver stop and think
what the habit menus to the publish-
er ? Durineethe whole year the white
papee used for the eeition has beeu
paid for month by month; the labor
employed has been paid for every week
and the instuance, tax and fuel bills
have been met when they came due..
Could the farmer who pays only at the
end of a year afford to sell .his produce
are wait for twelve months for °eery
teinny of his pay? Would, the business
mita do the same, melt goods to a custo
iner on the understanding that the ac
001,21F sato elm a year before any pay
meet was made? A little .geflection
woekl resuli in more fairness to the
newspaper man.
A very successful concert was given
in the town Ilan last week by St. Paul's
church guild -Rev. Mr. Hiatt!), eletho
dist ministeris confined to bed with
ty phoid fever. Hie daughtei is also
unwell, and obliged Go give up her
settee( 2JLss Steele has an interes'ing
11;a4 in the village -for pupils in eraw-
ing oced paint1nge-Acti7 0 peeparat_
202 ll( being made for the election in
South Perth. Mr. Pridhaen, of Usborne
is the conservative candidate to run in
opposition to -Mr. Trow, ex. M P,
On the evenieg of the 16th inst. Mr.
Geo. Jophsou, of Winnipeg Mao, and
Miss Mary L. Hartman, were tutted
in maeriege at the EVangelical par
soilage Dashwooci, by Rev. E. IL Bean,
The happy pair intend leaving shortly
for their future home, Winuipeg. On
the samc date, Mr. Wm. S. Ruby of
Bronson Line, took to himself for his
life partner, Miss Mary II Praeg,
Zurich. They left fer Mich, where they
inteed giving their friends a surprise
aft'or17 hich they purpose taking up
their abode in the old ruley homestead
May succese attend them on theirjeur-
Bey through life. And may the famil-
ies thus unite feel that all's for the
Grand Bend.
The thaw during the past week has
melted the snow and the roads are al-
most unet fpr tratfic.-Mrs. Wm. 'Fells
Sr. is still very low but hope is still en
tertained for her recovery. -Mr. Car
rieree wood bee last week was well at-
tended by the neighborhood and a good
days work was done -Mr. Charles Rob
bison re',urned home Sunday morning
after, nine year eojourn in Washing.
ton, looking well. All I arn sure will -
be pleased to see Charlie, as he had
many friends before leaving for the
west. -A number of the ratepayers
from here attended the -Council meet-
ing in Boren quit last week in the in-
terests of the G. B. cut. This townehip
seem§ willing to pay their -share as
soon as' thaework commences.
Eden. ,
Remember Dempsey's- concert- el:
Edeo school house ore Friday ,,e"
March 4. This is the last •ettent,trit
A good thee is in Store ,eee tereeee'dieson
tend. Mitt forge,effeneetell \'.4,0 at,
Eden school MP eeet'llieCkp,colea place,
ars see proeeethtth, :Pet particul-
Ex.eteree• eeet,%.7-MiSts'aqar,ve„E„, Cave,
Week .111,06 li,e7:Ofet al roof thrs
t •
;et .:Vi.'‘Tiihtitil'qery; of this place,
Box ---In Stephen on 1.8th lest, Eliza- 4s4:(1:4„ta - t
aged 44 years 5 Month%
f‘eella-ef'helvytdetiught horses for the
both reliet of the late Richard Box bee
O'Dwyer/1-1n tidc111.1,;;11, on `kihe `,20th
inotetheelith of "gr. Autliday CY-
Devyre, of twins, both boecte
SE.INNDR-In 1,I4ortle, on :42.,&et instee
the wife of :Samuel Seemlier of a
TA. yr, or; --Joicks .-A2t tehe residence of
Mr. Satnuelleuffin, Zeosennond Farm,
• by Rev. G. Z. Kerte on the 17th inst.,'
ItteeeVet, 1.1.:Vaylar, West Missouri,
to Sarah, dingliter,of Mr. Samuel
Jones of Ste,tdie t 'p. Mr
STANLIrr --RmtniGrolv--In Bieldulph, to
' on the 1.6th bst., by the Rev. R. C. ";''
• Henders.of Licari Mr. John N
.esdey as with -a
Preited 8.4pits and Mrs. Burls, of
kloviihenVelleYwho haveileeen ,visiteng.
their' datiOter,:.Mrs, 'John Eesery, for
someetibliteepaste, haee gone' to Lond,on
te 'edge! teeeie daughter, Mee. Jehn
Glirtip Dempsey
of'Eden, is vi'siting her Cester Eiss-Mand
3:S6:hit-see'', of Lucan, thit vette-Quite
'a'fittenbee of the farmere ettotihd here
lecture of Mr. Nesbit; Gelled. Leettleer
gpireg' to Exeter to leeii the
rioorif 05notfarrtilod,uisntrt.prt eoelijetemeeoeitidoafy titi
next, 29th
ley of Londol Tp., to Lydia Levine
•Revingtorr, d BiddUlph..
Peot discuseion
Poor house eitiOion wilt teice rit the
Prothience,alp, Sweet's Se p*c.i 77t
on Thdreday, Sirch,Ord-he iota hottee
composed ofinerribets ispeetteele
elefice and Seclifn clubS /stew nevi -
ed debate On lie vs. 44,the adjourn
lest FrideY2 • disk ,2'aio came oty
favor of-hree. )1A p' *rite ceeee in
ed. is report -
e egnieten Metter has returned to
• / e7ke,linity again. He intends to nieve
elfemily to Mieltiget where he . and
ti, Jonathan Merrier aye ,purehased
a (g.tiSt,millee-Mr. Simon Geiger after
tlx3U4Ing 4 -few days -in the vicinity of.
Berlin returned home last Satiirdsiy,-=
Mrs: Roht Bus well is visiting in town. -
Mr. Cook and two daughters Of South
Eadhope after spending several days
with hi; father Mt. Reinhardt Cook ree
turned home this week.--quile althtti.;
her of this villag.e attended the tet
meeting held in the ; Ptesbytetli0
thurch-at Mike 1st T • esday. They
repoet as having hadroa good time: -
The reade *to at prese" t in ee pretty
bad etitte owing to the ,recent heavy
thaw. ----Mr. Philip Sip lerehae sold his
blieiness and pettep ehep to Ur. ,11104
Fuss who will in the fnture conclue
the business No doubt John will make
a success in his new line of bueinessLs
Ile is very energetic and obliging.
young man. --Miss Johnston, of Hens:ill
was the guest, of Miss Annie Lipphardt
last Sunday. --Our new hardware mer
chants Hartliet & Mevsimer have tak-
en, possession 02 1,110 shop formerly own-
ed by Mr. Micheal Zellar.
The ice harvest is about completed
here., --,We learn that Mr. Wa 1 tee Clark
has disposed of his hotel to Air, Wm,
OunMugham, Shipka, and will take
posseseloa about April 4111 next. We
welcome our new landlore and may he
hae'e every prosperity. -Mr. I Bice s
busily engaged in chewing. material
fora bank under the hotel stable now
o-cenpied by Mr, Hill. Mr, Bice is to
take possession May lst.:-.Mr. Wm.
Wintzel and wife spent Sunday last in
Zurich. -Mr. Frazer Glider and wife
of St. Catherines are hdre spending' a
few days with their many friends and
relatiVes.-John Irvin and Ed. Kostle
While exereising Dr. Stablers horse the
horse -took frig.ht and ran away thr0W-
ing the occupants out and *made ita
escape. The horse ran for some dis-
tance before captured. "No damage,
was doue save, a few breakages and a
few cuts whieh the horse receiyed.--
Mrs. James tiill is veiiting &Weds in
Exeter this week.--elesees John re'revit-
hick and Walker opened their new
butcher shop here on 'Monday last. -
Miss Nei Morlock and Miss Hore Exe.
ter, were. the guests of Mrs. Morlock ,on
S und ay Barn eyBrown daugh
ter are visiting. friends in different
parts of Mich. -Mr. Chi', Grebb, of
Zurich was the guest of .A. on Sate
'ran Litarnsr seuesaTioN.
This time it is Chatham, Out, and
the chief actor in the drama Ls no less
12 porSOna.9„:0 than the Rural Dean,
Kent and Rector of Christ church. Can
the ehurches wonder that scepticism 10
abroad, and aceording to the opinimi
of many that the se -called religious
com mun ty is fai rly honey combedwith
grayest doubts of the truth of Christ-
ianity? How a mieister of the. gospel
CaU in4iiitain his sanetiaioeidne post
tton, and ,.c..eo for yealle through the sof
cum ;tired ;.`,1 devotional exercises with
he le his right hand; passes eompre.
hensicen No cleretmen lei the Diocese
of I-riiron stood bio'her the cstima
tion of Ms fellows, or in the esteein of
the e'eneral public, than the Rev, M. A.
.Maraii, of Chatham. He was consider
ed talented, and good even to unctu
011811035. And yet for years he has
been 'acting all along the part of Ana -
and Sapphire in to the Holy
Ghost We don't care -oehyell 071 the
darker phases of this latest scandal to
religion. but we do think that certain
meral le.'esoes must impress themselvee
on the minds of all church members'''.
One is that we should: "not glory in
in men," or make iddls by laeishing
undue praise -on any fellow mortal wleo
shepPene to peesess certain supprAe'd
gifts or qualificanons superior t his
'neighbor's. Another lesson to ,‘ht rig
he' the sad tepee of the Rec%or'07--c-nit-t-:.
is to discount all h'
ooff sertitcytia4doillotuhdesorAiiiiigig,h Pptt,043tfeeisIstillnss
tfie opfloo of Foi, out of those who fill
ethrYeyeflsr'e, , teechere. c.v.
leteren delingtiehey-e,ed
or ci eihilined to any one church
- • eeierthleinatioii-eve have aiwavs ob-
that thote who made the loud-
febf,oesions heve been the firse to
fill,etend to fall greeetusly. Whether
the'eellbacy dt the clergy would be
peeref eteeitinete;Iremptation in certain
cateS,is a qite;Stion on which we shall
net Vritee. .Peat certainly the close pro-
fessidree:Ifiritercourse of the Protestant
eleetileateeeeir-fernale parishioners,
anttete rivalry among the latter tope:.
cupy 'he enviable position of a clergy-
man's wife, affords such avenues to
-temptation as to Make us almost believe
inethe Rornish doctrine of celibacy .At
all :vents we have seen enough to
_make us entertain grave doubts as to
metheds ef ehweh rertc, which
throw elergyteeti dieeetly eohsbant
iptereourse And tinder the povrer
of their femeli Oti,lebioners, and thus
land theV1 it% 'moral wrecks on the shore
thnte. is an old maxim: "Fiat
abetam"—let justice be
done, though the rrk'y should fall ,And
while pubhe opinion very., properly
stamps with opprobrium the morel de-
linquencies of clergymen, let. us not
condemn Christianity as a system on
aecpunt of theinconsisteecies of some
of its professors. Com.
vere attack of la grippe.—Miss Somers,
of St, Marys, is the guest of Mrs. W.
Elliott. ---Miss Sadie Abbott and. sister
Mrs, Kershaw left for Detroit Tuesday,
)t znst, where they have secured
positions, We wish )hem every sue
while we sympathixe with Will
and Jinr----Mr, Slierritt is here looking
up a carload. of horses for the North
Wese-On atieoutit of stormy weather
the,entertainmeut in Eden did not
come off. The saute was postponed
till 26th inet, (to morrow Bight). We
hope to see our little burg well repro-
eented Pizados made a great im
pression when here, especially along
the beck seats.
US borne,
Mr. J,emes.Ford and wife. and Win
Bowman and wife, were the guests of
Mr. Thomas BoWmati on Sunday
Mi Joaepti Speere and . Miss .Minnie
Speare, of Hibbert, were, visiting Mr.
and Mee, John Shute on Sunday -Mr
Robert Rieke had a number of men
engaged one clay Init week 0121 1)g
wood. As darkness began to 'close
the (ley the result of their labors could
be eneily seen by the large pile ' of
wood which had been cut. A Mae had
been provided 01 Which. all partook
heartily. The remaluder of the eyeu-'
ing wtts spent in social chat :tild other
amusements, when each biddiug the
gentleman end lady of the house good
ti li returned to their several homes.
-A rumor has it that- en Saturday
evening William Pinco:nbe visited
Fleeter and securing his best girl re-
turned home where he rested uutil the
foiloWing m.rning. 'On Sunday. he
continued 011 his journey to the rest-
deece of Mr. Thomas Broek where he
remained during the day, returning to
the village in the evening. We, are
also informed that be means business
as he has let the contract of Kelso
ng211221 . the ceiling' and fre.scoi»g the
walls (72 the residence to Mr. John Fey
non, of Iseter, who will commence
work shortly.
The grand lectutee of 7110 P. of 1 for
the province of Ontailo 71' LII deliver a
lecture in the Town Hall, Exeter, on
Monday, Feb 2eth, eommeeleing at
laelf pest ste o cloels. pm. rriv, lecture
will Ire free to the public tend all are
cordially hefted Tbis peentlemati
will come posted on the tilms and oh
jc-cts of the order; - Melee who wish to
hear the matter plain and compteleen-
sive should eome utibiased and hear
him. Remember the date and come
early. Sad intellig,ence has been re
ceived by 'Mr. Wm Dearing that Mrs
Henry Hoist, of Marlette, Mich, form
erly of t fus place, is lying at the paint
of death. ',Ale are sorty. to say no hopes
whatever are entertained of her rico
very. -Miss Mattha Dearing left OE
Saturday for Marlette, Mich., to visit
hcir deter, Mes. Heist, who is not ex•
pected 10 Telt-e'lvcii, ;Ftitrii ` Lei." preaeatit
malady. -The Obete Which hai been
some tune pending eiwiteet te pressure
elebusiness took piece at Providence
last Thursday ;Si -ening, the subject of
which ems, "Ie, base a man, woman
and thild Were in danger of 'being
drowned a kid one only could be resen
ed the question Nias which should be
rescued," the leaders of which was S. J
Hogarth for the child. S. Sanders for
the man and Geo. Penhale for the wo-
man. After the subject was thorough-
ly ventilated on all sides, the decision
Neee given in favor of the man, and
next the - 'woman.- 117(1 challenge
which appeared in last week's issue of
the "Advocate" by Sodom Debating
Institute has been accepted by Provi-
dence debating assciciation, subject
"Resolved that it is advisable to have
a poor house M the county of Huron
Sodom takes the affirmative,Providence
ce the negative, which is to take place
at Providence on the evening of,Ma,rch
24th. The contest promises is be keen
and interestinge-Messrs. Richard and
William Halls, of Marlette, Mich., have
arrived here and. intend troing to Man-
itoba where they will take up land and
settle down permanently. ---Mr. Chas
Sanders, who catne home from Mani-
eoba some weeks ago od business, in-
tends returning sliortly
To all whom it May eoncere. Please
take notice that the club rooini will be
open two nights in the Week, Le., Tuei
day and Friday, subject. for ,discussion
9e, for Tuesday night; ellesolved that.
weed as fuel is cheaper than coal.",
;CaPtalies, S. B. Windsor and S. Davie,
Referee, Beery ,Eilber.-Mr. Therruler•
Il4tirrey tetttened shout 10 days since•
from Wieeonsin, looking .hale , and
heetty, Ills, been visiting friends And
flee:dee business booming in that state,
—We aro glad to see Seines Willoe is
able to get down town agaih, having
'been slightly indisposed for totem time.
---Mr. Del aty is again able to 'wield
the rod haying recovired from a 88
lineal", '
The Good Template riew have a
good membership, and also many new
aPPlicatlohs coming in at each mcet-
ing of out citizens have
busied theinselverf of late storing away
large quantities of ice. The next
wteetintgof the Y. P M. T. A. will be
held on 'Monday, March 60, when a
large attendance is expeeted to be
present -Mr J. H. Chesney, V, S, has
purchased the RIcAllister property on
King street at a reasonabli3 figure. -
Mrs. Thomas Palmer is slowly recover
ing from her late attaek of Meese, -
Mr. FredKnight, of Exeter, has suc-
ceeded in getting pupils aweigh to
start a music class. He intends mak-
lug ',weekly cane, and to all those what'
ing instruction we would say give hilt
a eel!. -tour milliners are now busy
preparing for the spring trade.-Miee
Bertha Hodgins is at present attending
tn Lomeen College.-Ariniversary
service.e *ere preached in Ceram]
Presbyteriett church OD S1111da3 last
by. ilia Rev, John Roos, of Neey'Seruni,
both mornieg and evening, The 'sit-
teridaeice we* ledge and very tonehing
and impeeett!‘illermons were listened
--iv/hen in "oft --
;ale 12)0:. Ira ne ,Lettee
'112,ru,1 v ol,ok--iti fee
ati loges o£ printing.
NC) 24:C4
to. As the congregation deuideti
dispense with the '0821371 1,07 on Mondey
very large collections Were givell at.
tee services. ----Mr, R. Coati and his twt.)
children haye returned after visitingirt .
IVing11111'n.--1-.Mr. J. C. 'Clausen, intr.
na,ss maker,* liteses(:cured serviees
of Mr. Neil, of Moorsvil/te .1.
gieDoljell, hardware merehant, was -In
Exeter over Sunday'. -Out little village
has been fa! of 'a ruove of late owing to
several horse,busers baing present
purchasing,' horses, and a number of
aninmls have been taken fr010
midst. -Mrs. Ge.F. Arnold is speedily
recovering from an ttack of scarlet
fever .__mr, Thomas Murdock has pur
chased front Mr. 'Whiteman, of 134 -
grave, that well known stallion "Royal
Revenge," paying a hrindsome prleO
for the aniniel -Mr. R, J. Young is
still linerering in an unceetain eemlite
ion, -Me. Alex MePhe,rson has' pureh-
asecl the property occupied by him
'from G. J, Petty. -Miss Johns, a
Wing -ham. was the guest of iNtr. Roberl;
Patterson last week -During the past.
week the roads have been covered.
with slush, owing to the weather be-
coming milder.—Mr. Ed. Dossenberrer
has disposed of trotter "Frank Vtrooele"
to an American buyer, receivieg
exchange the sum of $100, --The
grippe epidemic has abated and cite
many afflicted citiz ns are once nIc/M
enjoying, good healch.-Mr, Wm. Ball
end family have taken their depa.rture
for Manitoba. They have the best
wishe.s of the commutity in leavieg •
this village, aed may tileN 111 Cet With
success 1.11 their new field of Libor --
)1r, Robert Hughes having disposed a
his house and lot intends leaving neitt
week 71111 111.3 wife and famil:y for the
United States. Their many friends
herealnuts are sorry to learn of thett.
departure alid wish them every sue
cess in their home across the line.
Miss Emma FIolt, who has been visit-
ing' friends RI Port Huron, returned
home last week.—Quite a number ef
the Khiva folks attended the K.O.T.1.1
concert at a 1:3311I,Var 011 Weduesdeee
last. They report cif having keel
good time. ---Mrs. Josiah Holt, of Port
lIurou, 13 at present the, guest of Mr
Win, Holt, where she intends to atygde
for some timo.--The wood bee.at
Hooper's, which had been postpened
some time previous, came oiliest Mao-.
(1373' and quite an amount -of -wood was
Sawed. In the foremen it appeared as
if there would be a small -crowd. How
ever, it changed in the afternoon when
the champions were seen coming. Af-
ter working well all afternoon theyper-
took of a hearty supper and other
icacies in the, erening and then den -
pared for the ehake which lasted lentil
the hour of 4 in the morning. 'Ile
blys all revolt of having had a. jolly
good tirno.--Miss Mary Ann McDonald;
who had been working in -Detroit' ler
some time, returned 'lime last Satur-
day. -Mr. eendrew Patten had. the
misfortune of losing a valuable mare
in the woods on Saturday last. Cause
of death unknown. This is the third
one Mr. Patten leas lost inside of a
year. --Mr. John Boit and Wm Will -
art paid our town a short visit Sunday
last. -Mr. Charlie Gander was sew&
travelling Happy street last Sunday, -
Mr. John Sibert, of Dashwood, was out
for a drive with our Jenny on Sunday
laste-e•Mr. J. 'W. intends to leave for
.Manitoba soon to seek. his fortune. We
wish him success. -Mr. A. McDonald
of Parkhill, and Miss Peggy Grape
were theevelcome guests of the latter's
parents Sunday last. I would advise
the boys to keep indoors for this is
leap year. ---William and Annie Burk
paid J. N. a short visit Saturday even'
ing last. -Mr. Billy Burk is at presertt
making preparations for the erection
of a new dwelling. This being leap
year we would advise Will to be quidk
about it for he might run a chanee .eite
securing his better half. --We /hear that
our President intends to leave for Da-
kota Tuesday next. He advises .01
members to he present at the meg.
night so they can °lett man in his
place, Harry had been president a.
Stephee Central Aesoeiation No. 728 of
P02 I. ever since it was organized
and has fought deeperately ondame
for his rights. During the term he has
had opposition different times but was
always elected by a large majority.
The hotted time he had WAS about t6
months ago, when his opponent, Mr.
Wm. 1-Iolt received 1 vote :anti the
president 28: He was also eIectea
president of the Literary Society Whieh
he started tnrec years ago. We wish
him success in the Northwest. -Mi'
Angus' McCormick•iS'etill very ill. La
grippe is the cause. --We woulditadVise
the President te keep his nose to hit
own business and not bother others.—
Mr. J. G. Sprinkler was hauling wood
to Centralia this ereek.--Mr.
Thompson, who was lited up with the
grip foe 4 few' days is alright again. -
People may wonder. and ask where it
Khiva. I will explain in a'few ,sinapic
IlleTa011eC8 where itis. Khiva Athlete
ed about 31 Miles south of DasliWoott,
miles west of Crediton, 2e north of
Lirrieriek, 2i bast of Shipica: Kitiva is
a lively town. It may well hoed of
the following. It has at, preeent,
hotel, sr pest Office, and the necessary
buildings besides, together with four
bachelors, one at omit cornereand the
farming community besides. Tho
correeporident would like to know It
Key other town can heat,this,