HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-11-24, Page 19.HOTO BY JERVIS STUDIO M M E THE ONTARIO LOAN - AND DEBENTUrRE COMPANY Established ° 1870 Assets $75,000,000 • Capital & Reserve $9,000,000 0/Paid 9n -de be ntu re S or 6'/a°%' paid on 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto • Hamilton • Ottawa -..St. Thomas 1 Please complete coupon and mail with cheque to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. , Phone 432-4158 Years 0 Coupon Amount DAccumulative Mr./Mrs./Miss Address Signature Tel ... W -2 Goderich Wedding CAR.ROL L Vases of ,red' carnations deco- rated the altar of St, Peter's. Church, Goderich, for the mar- riage -of Mary Lou Denomme and Brian Ray Carroll. Rev." Fr. DENOMME Gee and Bill Bower of Gode- rich. For a reception at the 1V_ait- land. Country Club, Mrs.-Denom- me received her guests wearing MovyncL aahan affie ateaft, :the a__jade_ green_.wooLerepe_ su "i�'=�er� - �•ww�l��'k� ;�re��� ` : �!'r took place Saturday, October 22. Carroll chose a costume of plu- The bride is ithe daughter of colored French wool with MT. and' Mrs. Wilfred Denomme; matching accessories. groom's parents, are Mr. and For travelling to Niagara Mrs, Howard ..Carroll. All are Falls, the bride donned . a suit residents of Goderich. of plum colored printed challis Given in marriage by her with matching hat and a cor- father, the bride wore a gown sage 'of gardenias. of delustred satin featuring an. The couple will reside in A-line skirt and accented with Goderich. motifs of alencon lace. Her tiered :veil of tune illusion was clasped to her head with white orchids, crystals and pearls and She carried a crescent of pink sensation roses, trailing ivy and stephanotis. Audrey Denomme was matron of honor for her sister. Brides- maids were Janice Carroll;; sister of the groom and Susan Duncan,; They were gowned alike in sherry -toned ottoman with A-line • skirts and tiny The 'Blue Thumb The ooderich Signa* Saul, ursdayoIuvember 24. til 714, Y acLo d, Ross Strauss • And StathgItert A previous article touched on purpose: is easel So, a fair tett Wit# the Brttishid rtin Aker tt Peliti 1 failure this does not a disastrous 'military reform in' weather fighter Was not enough, GQ "l ejector swat, 1t+hlch� has a mean that the professional so. .. �rE m -t_.h. enhm:.ment Isnd: nillnt . tt tet,. . itudea. ° aio s s �_ - ., .Ula �, � war One fid. ..haLmiaern:rpoe:140-ts'ir-letifo:".e:41:::::' --_...� :�.,n,T. tinct-px�avisicfiofw xm°e�prns'in�i'g39'��or""n'-ai>rcraittosatLsfy� aTairthe czx�sh rate1rASe,ta une every tits wi+„h dA e>�.recotareaissance; tater,1O days, ergtneadiar>t. instance,noranceof the results of his ceptioY�• ,e:.ground support aagldBy flow the under the radar ar$te tlaa't�e .servicesA/refprrns bombing.All tbeand- ground support roles were nodirect fortccess tt1 Today wearing thin and .shying hours had mister, since a single ser, dropped to an average of 13 per vice head, bas been appointed, month, ,as againust- the NATO This, In itself; $ minimum reggirement 0120. Fin- p, a situs n ally, the Americana in N.A,T,O. Urged Bona th abandon the nu. clear role, as a Means of easing the tension vis a visRussia. This ' was _nearly the' last straw, be, causit was the promise of a nuclear 'role' which had sparked all the original' entuslasm and over -ordering of aircraft. The result of this political in- terference in a technical Matter .has been that the Generals are in a state of insubordination; pilots and ground crews ask more pay and the Luftwaffe is stalled in perience gap" -1945 to 1956-dur- Its maintenance manual weighs ' its effort at renaissance. ing which the speed of fighters • 280 pounds." There existed a 40 In August last, General Paint. rose from 400 m.p.h. Jo. voer • per cent shortage of ground crews zki resigned after 61 crashes 1,500. From the first the Ger• and of these, a third were 18• and 39 deaths. The F 104 G, mans were imbued with 'a de. month National service men. which had become known as the termination to make a dramatic Steinhof was ignored. The mood "Flying coffin", had been paid Orangemen renaissance for the Luftwaffe of the enthisiasts became more for in blood. �' and this was intensified, when euphoric as the prospect -of - a The demoralization of the Luft. the possibility of a nuclear role nuclear role gleamed in the dis. waffe , was subsequently corn. E1eet appeared feasible. Strauss and • tante. This prospect served to pounded, when a new defence min - the General Staff were given anaethetise them to a total " bill aster, von Hassel, permitted the Cole1 h their heads. Salesman flooded for ?24,000,000 and more, as ex. forces to join a trade union, into Bonn and the G b4 star. perience was gained.. The J79 Genera• Trettner,` Inspector Gen. fighter by Lockheed was selected. engine, highly sensitive to tem- eral of the Bundeswehr and Ger. As designed by "Kelly" John. perature changes, had tobehous• meny's highest ranking officer, son, of U-2 fame, this machine ed in the open tor21ack of funds was retired after offering to re. handled beautifully at 1,500 to provide hangars. The weight sign. He said he bectfne tired of m.p.h. in fair weather. Pilots of the multi-purpose version .of leading "civilians in uniform", could roll without spilling a drop the plane had increased from with then' own shop stewards from a glass of water they held, six to nine tons, making it trick- (called Om>fludsment) and with It was at this point in the nego. ter to pilot. The C2 ejector seat saluting rationed .at one salute tiations that that hoary old mili- was unreliable below 1,000 feet a General Pape comrhand. tary demand reared, its head: 'A altitude. •ing the Third DusseldorfDistriet weapon to perform a multitude LOSSES MOUNT was also retired prematurely. of functions. tions Everythin multi- ,_.,The S -- tioial- m.19i54Throughout 1965, HELLYER'S .GESTATION the Luftwaffe lost orie plane every The parallel with Canada will two weeks''and 15 pilots had been •not be pressed -just now. The killed. General Panitzki, Chief Hellyer gestation period is so of the Air Staff, recommended a lengthy, while his reticence sub. wide range of modifications cov. dues definite criticism. For while ering thenose wheel, th ane the defence forces of any country and the ejector seat. h must always be subservient to Starfighters 'lead' already been fit. • the civil power, as the last resort Britain, which Separated the Gen. Lockheed `w given a. l ..near *glass. ecord . 10 t vice •#h h se t �¢ .- _ T' �� n .._...,; ..�. ".CM � . .. �t TY�. � ... � e heads ��the"orY�Jice.F... m JUNIOR BOWLING -• Bantams: boys' average, Brian Petrie, 86; doubles, Randy But- ler, 190; single, Randy Butler, 109; girls' "average, Cathy Ham- ilton, 115; double, Janet Hyde, 263; single, Janet Hyde, 174. Junior: boys' average, Kevin Rumig, 184; double, Don Dick- son, 346; single, `Don Dickson, 173; girls' average, Laura Mero, 160; single,° Laura' Mero, 210; jackets. Matching flowers and doubles, Laura Mero, 382. tulle formed their headpieces Senior: boys'. average; Ricky and they carried crescent bou- Whetston, 12'1, Danny Baker, quets of white shasta mums. 126; girls' average, Jackie Patricia Denomme, sister of Duckworth, 134, Carol McEwen, the bride, was flowergirl. She 108. wore a floor -length dress of pink ottoman and carried a tiny bou- quet of white shasta mums. Randy 'Carroll, brother of the "Something old -- something groom, was ringbearer. new". The 'best of the old books Attending the groom as and the best of the new are groomsman wap Jim Henry of available at your Public Library. BIyil :-and as ushers, Jim Mc- This. week drop in and see. E ti - N— IIA' M M Illi MIN - OM 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON ONLY 1 1 1 i 1 IRIECK I PHARMACY L_..:..... __......_...1 QHS Nurse's Pen -Pencil - _Thermometer Set IN JEWEL BOX REG: 14.75 7.38 take the Mustang Pledge for '67 will 'not pay extra for bucket seats. will not pay extra for a sporty stick shift. will not pay extra for wall-to-wall carpeting. will not settle for, an automatic transmission unless 1 can also shift it manually...like Mustang's SelectShift. will not brag about my Mustang's Tilt -Away Steering Wheel: 1 will not gloat over how much 1 saved at Mustang's new lower price. fA has a better idea fti Mustang Hardtop Mustang's .$2 lower price - 956. - There are three all-new ways.,to take the Mustang Pledge. All longer, wider, sportier. Hardtop, con- vertible or -,fastback. Whichever one wins •your allegiance, you'll be smiling. Because after all, you'll be driving a beautiful bargain! Mustang's motto "Bred first ... to be first" means Mustang gives you much more for your money than the recent arrivals. And, (delicious thought!) Mustang costs you Tess to begin with. Will you now please raise your right hand? *Manufacturers suggested- retail pric6 delivered factory Oakville. As labelled at all Ford Dealerships. Whitewalls and wheel covers extra. FORD OF CANADA MORE COMPREHENSIVE THREE POINT NEW CAR WARRANTY 05-year/50,000 mile -warranty on the power train, steering, suspension and wheels. e 2-year/24,000 mile -warranty on the entire car. O Only one dealer certification per year. ,° See your dealer for details. MUSTANG HARDTOP, CONVERTIBLE, FASTBACK 2+2 EVERV 1967 FORD CAR IS EQUIPPED WITH THE FORD OF CANADA STANDARD SAFETY PACKAGE. GODERICH MOTORS LIMITED 35 SOUTH STREET • 524-7308 ' FOR D� . - the result of a politician's i • - roles: Air o accomplished y Germany may be said in foul weather, to be in much the same position Then, in a which is sick.. as canaria in respect of weapon eningly familiar in Canadian gov. development. Neither has a weal ernmental adventures, the price pon Industry, both have to' buy began to rise. From ?500,000 major weapons from friends or perpiane, the ventual coat reach - allies. ed ?2,100,000 per plane. The Lien. Here then, is another example eral Staff advised this inflated of what happent when the politic- cost, but Strauss, the politician, tan steps outside his allotted re. over -ruled them and in the spring sponsibilities, with pig-headed of 1960 he , ordei ed 700 planes. disregard for the advice of his General Steiuhof, a World War Service Chiefs. II ace with 176 "kills" to his SH'RAUSS AND STARFIGHTER credit, advised that the Luft. In October, 1965, Strauss, the waffe's numegicat strength could German Minister of Defence, de. only maintain 250 planes. The clared the nation's air equip. more so, since a Starfighter ment to be “totally out of date." required 60 hours of mainten• So he set about .closing the "'ex. ance for each hour in the air tatorshi •cks of dic. by the sackings� reinforced an arQsipztatiiotils . of those in disagree nt with the "plana. Second, specAliz,ation, in an increasingly compl state of weaponry, ponry, appears have been discarded. Third, it is fiats from certain that the basis on which the force 1s to rest will be suitable for the expansion which war will demand• In sum, integration as far as it has been disclosed, appears to ensure that Canada will be magnificently un- prepared for battle, in which respect it May take its place with Germany at the present juncture. The In {roved Teen (kib '67 Norman Coltalough has "been elected Master of the Goderich Lc&al Orange Lodge 182. Other officers are Deputy Mas- ter Roy Chambers; chaplain, James Young; recording secre- tary, James Morris; financial sec- retary, Charles Ruffen; Marshall, Percy Brun e • . lecturer, d ll, hast ecbur , Wig lrm—Mew,• sarong -'Lecturer, Albert Riehl; first conttee- man, W. E. Elliott; second com- mitteeman, Mr. Riehl; wird coan- nritteeman, • Glenn Patterson; Tyler, David Elliott; auditors, Mr. Blundell, Mr. Col+clough, Jeans Morris; property, Mr. Pat- terson. atterson. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE •*♦ Cbaitt' fu' SOLVE EVERY GIFT PROBLEM .. $E THS UAUTIti! Chow u chair ... for comfort ° for - smartness ...'for colour . . for *my now on your list! HO* 0r* bat. tow flaw a wonderful ttollectiois ... ull seesibly prised! -Channel Back Chair Attractive covering and smartly fin- ished show'wood 59.so Kroehler Platfm Rocker High grade frieze fabrics and hand- some showwood. • ' 44.95 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS Thoso choirs have sturdy spring construction. It Is an extremely comfertable chair and is time tested. Choose yours in a variety of fabrics and shades. This is a gift that will keep on giving for years • ti come. 38.8s Colonial Rockers Completely upholstered or with wood frames. 59.so KT Vinyl Covered Relaxer Brown, beige, green, turquoise, white or, oxblood in a chair with built-in comfort- • 5 9.95 BLACKSTONE FURNITURE WIET STR$ET