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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-11-24, Page 17
Rotary Hears Textronr Story "How's Things With The New Owner?" Everett Asked By W. E. ELLIOTT will be when we or Textron find Textron of providnece, R. I,, products we can put in here and of which the W. A, 'Sheaffer Pen market and produce an accept. Caaad2 Ltd.,..here win able return on Investment, We are.. become --A-- row Ma;rely f I �.lcxlkiri st19 "'and some look pretty parent"of many.companies god•' groups: aerospace products, ag. The annual report of 'Textron rocheMicitl products, consumer for 1965 states that five compan. products, industrial products and 'petal products. Its plants operate autonomously • . Textron is des. 'cribed as "a manager of money real estate,and insurance." President Clyde E. Everett of Sheaffer Pen, who spoke to Goderich Rotary Club at its Nov. 15 meeting, said many persons had asked him how things are going to go with the new owner. 9 think," he said, "that means how soon are they going to build new plants, put in new products, and so on. As to expansion and new products, I do not know. It o curs, though eventually wewill "`Admitting a successful en done, and I believe atzust b.e done, tri e; I am Just saying we "picked b co a m Mgt/1Y s a o i 1. i d ` n wh Y hl s h t i ich be, We get to controlling floods $erpxise is not always popular g Y p. cats.. com y our peo#fle and l he great Ys these .days, it seems to me futr. mercial enterprise system, This beile%,e •they are gomg to be a hat plague as because �p ' l ._ .i2bvious, Helicopters i,� ink , should be owned 'by tY� people, party to future buildirig<of Yvon ems... � ....._....�-,�..�.: Y .__e�._ .. .._..........�... � _�� �_- - �cntt`","�a�:a-tl�ilit�l��.'rtf�.�-•:,.:�.]f#��tt�1�'in�� � , n all these cataclysmic _ . thing$ ,t fox. a�_f ta. Oil' daterpf`i .. Theme ale way. .' �.� ' ledge if oit believe the stalls- sriearis`- f Waportation in the. y future," thousands moee, listed o n the "On the local scene, the brief tics, ' are only 50 years old. "Scientific endeavor and gain "Admitting a successful enter• in scientific knowledge are made prise is not always popular these useful, in most instances, by come days, it seems to me fairly ob• mercial enterprise. Scieittisits vious it is the people who own are employed in research labOra. Textron, and it is the people who tortes sponsoredby governments own the businesses that apply tories sponsored by governments the scientific advances that con. and universities and industry. 1 tribute to the welfare of mankind. ani proud of the conversion of this A man who ridicules success in scientific knowledge into a utility business and resultant profit is arian product that will benefit in my opinion ridiculing t h e mankind. Commercial enterprise people. In fact, it is taking an •is what does this, at least in the unpopular stand, and that may be western world." the reason thesepeople are not "Textron, Mr. Everett asid, is often elected to office. They have a wholly horizonal organization, good ideas about What we need dealing in widely diversified fie- to do for the economy but. they is with five separate groups: haven't the wherewithal to do it agrochemical, ' 12 per cenfof total "Suppose a business does make sales; aerospace, 35 per cent con, a profit. They are only going to sumer product group,16 per cent• be able t o u s e it for further industrial product group, 20 pe-' achievment. There is just so, cent, and metal product group 17 much they are going to spend on per cent. This year it will be among the 30 largest corpora- frivolity, and the rest is going for new experimentation, devel- oping in the United States, with oiling of marketing andmanttfact sales volume exceeding one ure, or whatever it is they do billion dollars for a first time, with the products we are talking "They, do have management about. Mankind does benefit from know-how," Mr. Everett comm. the result. When the political ented "One product is a heli. picture be acomes disturbed, port landing field about the length people feel like withdrawing in. of a football field but circular, vestment capital and putting it in use in Viet Namg It is made of ' in some,, safe place, which is fibreglass and helicopters' can what happened in 1929. land in zero -zero conditions. The . "Without question, we are live potential for such a field in the ing in the greatest age of scien- civilian market is obvious. Hel- tific_discovery and achievement icopters, I think ,, will be an ex that history has eyer known. -, tremely popular• means of traria: Scientific discovery will be even portation in the future,' greater, in the future, based on Mr. Everett mentioned that today's ° 'knowledge. To benefit Textron and the corporate group -mankind, sdientific achievement have 50,000 employees, working . must be translated into practi- in 149 plants, for 604000 • share.�.�, everyday 'utilization of pro - holders. •duties anti services. Thlelsbeing' ies of moderate size were, pur, chased during the year, including Sheaffer Pen, "a leading man. ufacturer of writing instruments .and,electronic hearing aids." The avgtiisttfon is for approxi- mately $19,700,000 in cash. Products of the subsidiaries in- clude such varied things as Bell helicopters for Viet Nam, gas meters, oil pumps, rolling mills, ball and roller bearings, shoes, paints, aluminum cooking ware, chain saws, paintsand varnishes. "Of all the scientific knowledge the world has ever known," Mr. Everett said, "ninety per cent. has been discovered within the Corps Marks past 50 'years: automation and communication a n d in the Anniversary.. sciences of medicine, agriculture. and political science • . in which Eighty-one years of Salvation. we need further improvements.. axid in science of a distributive ism will be celebrated in Goder. nature. We are using them to ich by the local corps of the Sal. further mankind and make the vation Army on Saturday andSun- Id a better place in which to day. • ,:-lige. It will commence with a reunion of former officers, soldiers, and friends of this community. Core respondence has been received as far away as Hong Kong and from Halifax in eastern Canada and oth- er interesting points. Our leaders for the weekend will be Col. and Mrs. Morgan Flannigan, Toronto, who are the Territorial Candidate es Secretary. Capt. Margret Bak er froth the Children's Nest in Toronto will be guest pianist; Saturday evening's program Will feature a 40 voice Songster "We have greater control over ;our destiny at this particular moment than we have ever had in the past, because of these scienti- fic discoveries; and paradoxical- ly,'`ewe will never have as little' Control in the future as at the pre- sent time, because scientific knowledge tends til perpetuate it. self. "This assumes• there are no cataclystic occurrences - . and I am inclined to believe there are no catastrophes. Catastrdphes no catastrophes. Catastrophes Brigade from Woodstock, led by ares inability of man to cope "''"""--Ilit 'Gord'on dalst3'theGo-cetird?r-- with a problem at the time it Corps Timbrel Brigade. The work oftheSalvationArmy here was commenced by Maj. Rowen in 1885. In 1929 theSalva. tion Army Hall was destroyed by fire. It was in September 1930 that the renovated building was reopened during the command of Ensign Mary Thompson. This building served until Dec. ember, 1962, when the present . building was opened by our Ter. ritorial Commander, Commiss. ioner Wycliffe Booth, grandsonol the founder of the Salvation Army. 1410, Theln-Crowcl- TeenClub '67 21 YRS OLD? When yu turn 21 you're no Iolrger cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, _you must take out indi- vidual 'men'tbership within 30 days. Get your •a-ppl ication._forna_ at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. NEW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you ' on leaving. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL 1_ INSURANCE- Plan Ontario Hospital Serviros foninimeon Inrou.in i irn:., stock exchanges of the world. I association I have with Textron submit to you it is easy for the has seemed to place me in closer public to own . a piece of the fut• touch with the future, for which I ure, All you have to do is pick am grateful. It is not only inter. a company. I am not offering ad. eating; it is fantastic." • Tho Qadpriph Signal -Star, TirirArgisy, NoveMber 24. 1 •p HEARING AID SERVICE DAY Thursday, December lst 1966 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at RIVETT'S (The Music Shop) 34 THE SQUARE GODERICH Service to all makes of hearing aids. FREE. hearing test. Home consultation by appointment. (No obli- gation). , JACK B. CUDD HEARING . AID SERVICE 8 Duke St. East, Kitchener " z Phone 742.9494 BATTERIES AND SERVICE ALWAYS AVAILABLE AT RIVETT'S The Pace -Setters from Mercury. • • DUSTERS Giye a housecoat frog' our' lovely selections that will be sure to please on Christmas: We have every conceivable style and color. Shop early. Lithe! Sleek! To the front of the pack i ore''big leap. With style and. 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Gives you the economy you expect from a compatt with luxury you'd expect only in a bigger, much'more costly car. Buy Falcon for its luxury — let its economy come as a bonus. See the Pace -Setters from Mercury in every class, every style, every price range: Marquis, Brougham, Colony Park, Park Lane, Montclair, Cyclone GT, Cyclone, Caliente, Villager, Voyager, Capri, Comet 202, Montego, S-33, Montcalm, Rideau 500, Rideau, Falcon and the exciting new Cougar --- plus Anglia and Cortina — all at your Mercury dealer. Ford of Canada More Comprehensive 3 -Point NewCarWarranty O 5 year/50,000 miles on power train, steering,suspension and wheels. > a 2 year/24,000 miles on the entire car. © Only one dealer certification per year See your dealer for details. Every '67 Ford built car is equipped with Ford of Canada's standard safety package. HURON AUTOMOTIVE & SUPPLY 263 Huron Road, 524-6271 Obr largest selection from . the leading Canadian Lingerie houses. Nothing is more, welcome on 'Christmas than lovely feminine lingerie. FULL SLIPS HALF SLIPS .. .. SHIFT GOWNS BABY DOLLS PETTI PANTS PANTIES .. .. WHITE AND FASHION COLORS MERCURY LADIES' WEAR LTD. THE SQUARE 11051.8