HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-11-24, Page 11New Hamburg Coming
Drop Pair To Guelph
411111 By R. J. Madge
The Goderioh Siftos ,were de-
feated twice by the Guelph Jun-
ior Regals laSt vveekend. The
scores were 4-2 in the first game
Friday in Goderich ,and 7-2 in
the second game played Sunday
afternoon in Guelph.
The Guelph team played good
positional hockey in both games,
and were also by far the 'biggest
team the Siftos. have faced yet
in their first year of Junior "C"
competition. One noticeable
difference between Guelph and
the Siftos was the ability of the
Junipr Raga's to 'get their shots
away more quickly.
The Siftos, although able to
outskate their apposition, were
often caught out of position and
poor shooting cost them several,.
good storing opportunities. A
few members of the team also
failed to 'exhibit the necessary
desire, a commodity that can
win a Lot of hockey games.
In the Friday contest, Bill Fax
opened the scoring far Guelph,
and Dave Farrelly made it 2-0
as he broke in alone an Allen
Howes and beat him cleanly with
a backhanddrive into the corner
of the net.
Cam. Coliquhoun put the Siftos
on the scoreboard at the mid-
way paint af the period as he
tucked a rebound off Denis Las -
saline's shot. Jim Farrish also
picked up an assist. This line
played best far the Siftos
throughout the game.
Don MacDougall tied the score
with a picture goal before the
end of the period. John Pirie
MacDougall with a pass just
outside the Sifpo blueline and
big Don broke away into the
clear, decking Bob Keating in
the Guelph net.
In •the second period, the
teams battled on even terms
until the 19 -minute mark, whe,n,
with the Sifto's Wayne Doak off
for interference, Gus,,capinello
put Guelph ahead to stay.-- Henry
Reynen added the insurance tal-
ly early in the third period.
On Sunday, the Siftos were in
the game for two periods. It
was 2,1 for Guelph at the end
of the first period. Fax and
Em'bro scored for Guelph.
O'NEAL, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Aus,
tin visited relatives in Algonac
and Detroit recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton are
spending a few days in Wallace.
burg and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Courtney
and Theresa and friend Cathy
Copeland, Toronto, visited rela-
tives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton
and family spent last weekend in
Dennis Dalton has been home
for the p,st week. •
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Aug:
Kinahan were Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Kinahan and family, Lambeth;
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Malley,
Sarnia; Mrs. Maurice Edwards,
Mary Ann and SharOn.
Wayne Doak counted for the
Siftos, from Carroll and Hagan.
Guelph added one goal in the
second period to make it 3,1.,
It was the third poried that
proved-cit&strous fdr Goderich..
The Platers bagged four goals
petore ToMDeyell picked up
the only other Sift° tally on
passes from Ross Forster and'
Dirk Welterbeek.
Goderich received 15 of the
25.penalties assessed. John Pixie
got six penalties includint,. a ma-
jor for a third period tussle with
Guelph's Henry Reynen.
Goal tenders AL Howes and
Chris. Cathcart each made 27
stops -
The Siftos will be trying to
get back into the win Column
in two home games within the
next week. On Friday they face
the Hanover Hurricanes, a team
which rates as one af the most
powerful in the league, with two
of their victories so far being by
identical 9-2 scores.
The home game next week
will be an Tuesday night when
the Siftos meet the New Ham-
burg Hahns, last year's all -On-
tario Junior "C" finalists.
LOCRALSH - Rod Finlayson
returned to Sarnia to work after
having spent the past 10 days,
at home due to illness.
Tom Farrell is driving a new
Many from the area attended
the Rjpley and district High
School Variety Concert andCoM.
mencement Thursday and Friday
Visiting Mrs. Donald R. Mac.
Kenzie for the weekend were
Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKenzie,
Mr. and Mrs. L. La Bontecall
of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Ingles andfarnily, Wroxeter.
Mr. MacKinney, a student min.
ister, occupied the pulpit at Ash.
field Presbyterian Church on Sun.
day while Rev. Mac Combie was
Finlay MacLennon, Kitchener,
spent the weekend at his home
Phyl.lis Bradley and Joyce
Thorburh, Stratford .Teacher's
College, spent the weekend at
their homes in the community.
LOCHALSH — John Verhulst
suffered painful injury in a
corn picking accident on Satur-
Mr. Verhulst is on the Bill
Ross farm and was busy Pick-
ing eorn when his hand became
entangled and resulted in his
having two fingers amputated
in Wingham hospital.
Debbie MacDonald entertain-
ed several younggirl friends
at her- birthday party on Tues-
day -after school.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Warren Wylds and family in
the passing of lair father on
Tue,day at St. Marys.
John Bradler, Son of Mr. and
Mrs Eldon Bradley is on a trip,
to Toronto and Ottawa. repre-
,enting the 4,-H club of Huron
Mr. and Mr,. Dan Wvlds were
in St. Marys on Wednesday
Recent visitor: in Detroi'
were Mr. and Mr: Jack Mac
Rita and Maurice. Verhul-t
The Goderieh Signal,Star, Thursday, Nos exubpr 24, 1466 11
held a joint birthday party on
Saturday afternoon at which
time they entertained school
Pupils and teach4s of North
Achfield_Public School enjoyed
a holiday on Nov, 11 for Re.
membrance Day.
Mrs. David-Elohich and Donna
spent Saturday in London
Mr. Doug Martyn was a guest
at a wedding in Detroit on the
,Bantism services were held
on Sunday when Gordon, baby
son of .Mr. and Mrs, William-
Farrish was baptized by Rev.
Niel Macrombie at Ashfield
Presbyterian Church,
Mrs. David Elphich was guest
speaker at Kincardine Kinnear
dinner meeting on Thursday
evening 'at which time she
demonstrated *flower arranging
and Christmas decorations.
The death occurred at Alex-
andra Marine and General Hos-
pital, Noy. 18 of Christena M.
PaterSon, following a 'Ong ill -
Mrs. Paterson was a member
of North Street United Church.
While in Toronto she was presi-
dent of the WA, of St. Georde's
United Church and was nide a
ness. life member 'of the' vv.MS. She
Mrs. PaterSon was bora at4(in- Was a 'member of Ahmeek Chapcardine, daughter of the late Xr. ter, LO.p.E. and the Go4e4lch
and Mrs. Andrew Johnstone. At
an ear)y age she moved with
the family to Colborne Town-
ship where she attended pthblic
school and graduated from Gode-
rich Collegiate and Stratford
Normal School. After.teaching
for some time she attended Busi-
ness College and went to Van-
couver where she met her hus-
band, the late George W. Pater-
son, Retiring to Ontario they
were married and resided in
Toronfo for 25 years. Retiring
to Goderich, she has been a resi-
dent for 21 years.
Horticultural Society. •
Surviving are two stepdaugh-
ters,. Mrs. 11/1.'"E. (Jean) BOyer, •
Freeport, Ill., and Mrs. D. C.
(Florence) Aberhart, Goderieh.
The funeral was held on
Nov. 20 at 3 p.m from the Stiles
• fineral home. The pallbearers
were Harry T. Barker, Ernest
Pridham, A. R. Scott, A. J. Curry,
James Kinkead and Harold Tut'-'
ner. Interment was in Colborne
cemetery. Rev. J. Donald Mac-
Donald. North Street United
Ohurch, conducted the .service.
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