HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-11-17, Page 6 (2).me. edertch si ,nal-Sta\, "r,'hnr,6d:sy, 140Yeleiber . 1960,-- School 96 - School Public Activity . By Debbie Salter Girls' volleyball has been un- derway for four weeks now. The teams are made up of grade eights and sbvens. These games ° will be played until Dec. 20. They are all played from 1 p.m. till 1:30 p.m. The teams in first place are teams No. 1 and 4. They are tied at first place. Also earlier in the year we had handball tournaments. Our handball champion was Anne Hopkinson. - By Robert Jerry The boys' volleyball started Nov. 14 and will, be going until Deceinber. The boys' handball for Grade 8'was won by Brian Rumig, and the- runner-up was Larry i hur- low. ' For Grade sevens, the winner was Russell Pruder and the runner-up was Bill Todd. This year, at Christmas, Grades seven and eight will be having tests instead of- exaans. By Patricia Willert Victor Lauriston School pre- sented a program far Remem- brance Day, Nov.` 10•. It opened it with 0' Canada, followed by the Lord's Prayer. ,Marie Schilbe and Shirley Good read Scripture. After the hymn, 0 God Our Help' In Ages Past was sung, Penny Sheardown re- cited a poem called In Flanders Fields.. to our attention was "A Student's Thoughts On Re- membrance Day" by Debbie Swanton, Doug Haworth and Brian Allen. Another hymn, An People That On 'Earth Do Dwell was sung called An Hon - •1• AVM Sully Endorses Hellyer's Unification Proposal Air Vice-Marsh'l1 J. A. Sully, RCAF (retired), of Goderich, has stepped forward to support Defence Minister Hellyer's bill for unification .,of Canada's arm- ed services. Air Vice -Marshall Sully made his views known in a letter to The Canadian Press: "When so many ex -senior of- ficers are bursting into print' with emotional 'opposition to Mr. 'Hellyer's . plans for uni- fication of our defence services. it is time that some of us who sunnort this forward movement spoke up. "Fol' four years during the war I was Air Member for Per- sonnel at 'Ottawa and in charge of the personnel division of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Since the year I have made continual visits to Ottawa in development of my 'business and I am well informed of conditions in the service.' "As an experienced senior officer and as a husine s man I find it difficult to tinde1'rts: 'd how 'anv rationally -minded mar: could oppose this exeellent MO" to unification of our de- fenee services. T sneak with' intimate knowledge when. I say that if the public was aware of 'the tremendous overlapping of effort. and the consequent in- efficiency. and of the appalling inter -service .jealousies—k: and rival•rie.s for status, they would rise as one and demand imm"iii- ate unification and at a much faster clin than Ls new planned. "How" can anvene who is in. tere ted in efficient operations countenance a defence organiza- tion that has three pay "r - vices. three supply services, three accounting services. three mmint-eisnce services? Every one of these is staffed ‘►'ith senior officers and a Cmmnlata sunnnrting staff. 'One di"ision could handle all three. No bust. ,Dentist Tens Nurses About FIuor'ution. rank third in the Provinces of .Canada. Dr. Peters feels that the ar- gument for fluoridation is es- sentially this: 19 out of 20 Canadians suffer tooth decay. People drinking water with about one part fluoride per million parts water hay. . fewer than half as many cavities as people who drink fluoride oe- ficient water. Fluoride like iron, iodine, calcium and others is a mineral nutrient. The na- tural vehicle for fluoride is drinking water, than where it The November meeting of the Goderich Graduate ,Nurses' As- sociation was held in the cafe-- •teria of the Alexandra and Marine Hospital. Mrs. I. McConnell conducted the 'business and reported that the Hallowe'en dance held at the Maitland Country Club was a financial as well as a social success. The $50 cash draw prize was , won by Mr. J. Oke, R.R. 1, Goderich and the $25 cash prize by Mrs. William ness would operate on • this basis. It- could not .afford to and we in Canada cannot afford to oontinu> this wasteful nrnee- dure, , "Another problem that wor- ries me and indeed frightens me. is that this plan was put for+uiard over two years aeo. Everyone was informed of it and the intention of this plan was obvious to any thoughtful. man or officer. What were these senior officers doing in the last two years? They have had every opportunity to ex- press themselves. Have they just finally thought' their w a y through on this business? This friehtens me. Is this an indic:- tion of the letharo'v in think- ing in our services? Fortunately, I have spoken to many wring, and dedicated Officers and they are all enthusiastic abort the plan. Of course. some others will have ,to "pull up thei? 7 .._ µ -., Dean 14 ale St Costumes_ .>a-��Qrtx'ed.,Son�aa�,ra,�.e�:x�vae,�..._.. .�1,_ b lil r . ta�tut:e.:��oot decay_ -.. Jeanette Ainslie. nirties-were- weir= fhp Hr�*ssrs __L _.._ ._ ... . by then is a nutrient deficiency - A minute's silence followed and we ended with. The Queen. 'The school band played for all musical numbers. Tourney Pla ned A bowling tournament for •young bowlers i ' being planned for the Christmas holiday period Eby the Youth. Bowling Council. The beveling council is still seeking young persons to bowl -Satu-r s„a,t.-1 ame-,.- Currently 12, teaans with an average of eight bowlers are taking part in the prograan. H. Jeffrey, R. Wenman, F. a fluoride deficiency disease. Skelton, Mrs. H. Crawford and Also evidence has recentl turn Mr. and Mrs. E. Giesbreciht: turn- ed up that people with ad�quate Mrs. McConnell also announc- fluoride in their diets have ed that Anne Foran and Jane less bane trouble in their older Fisher were each presented years than people deficient in with a $100 bursary at the an- fluorides. nual commencementexercises Dr. Peters showed 'slides on at the high school. dental decay in children and brought to the fore that dental Dr. J. H. Peters, theguest infection cannot be treated -speaker was introduced by Mrs. lightly either in children or J. More. His talk was entitled. adults. It is a health problem "Polities and Fluoridation," and and the remedy, fluoridation opened with the quotation is worth fighting for. "that if President Johnson After a question and answer fought a political campaign in period Mrs. William Lumbv the same manner as a pro-fluori- thanked Dr. Peters. Lunch was dation Campaign is fought, then then served. -Barry—GoldwaterA- vvo-uld:,: bc� ... ,. - __ president today." In Ontario 71.8% of the population are drinking fluoridated water and A,UCTION.SALE AT THE Clinton Legion Hall . CLINTON, ONTARIO MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21st - 8:00 P.M. SHARP Eastern Standard Time - REPOSSESSIONS - BANKRUPT STOCKS and many, many personal consignments consisting ot: APPLIANCES - FURNITURE - TELEVISION - CLOTHING EARLY BIRD DOOR OPENER . ... LADIES' 1st QUALITY NYLONS (Reg. .99) NOW .39 Limited Quantity FURNITURE -A 2 -piece Davenport Suite that folds out to a full WI size lied with nylon cover and swivel rocker, a 2-pjece French Provincial Chesterfield Set covered in a top grade nylon) cover. 3 other assorted Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions, 2 9 -piece Coppertone or Chrome Kitchen -Dinette Sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table. 2 7 -piece Sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table with an inlaid top. 1 5 -piece Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite. 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with ,bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a' matching Box Spring and Mattress with each set. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight and 2 Table Lamps to each set. 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables in an Arborite finish•', -other Step and Coffee Tables, 2-39" Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs. 1-54" Continental Bed Complete, 4 full size 54" Spring Filled Mattresses, 2 Hostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, 9 x 12 Rug, Hi -chair, Telephone Table, Kitchen, Step Stool, Chrome Rocker. APPLIANCES and TV -A Targe Refrigerator with a full cross - top freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model. A Long - Skirt Washer wifh pump, a 21 cu. ft. Deep Freeze that holds over 800 lbs. of frozen food. Automatic, Washer and Dryer -matching pair. Combination Radio and Record Player, and last of all, 4 different Television Sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. WINTER CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY -A large selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTHING -Socks, Underwear, Iles, Sweaters, Dress, Shirts, Sport Shirts, Dress Pants, Pyjamas, T. Shirts, Work Socks, Work Shirts. FOR THE LADIES and TEENS -Double Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Nyl+ns, Cardigans, Pull- overs, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas, `Slippers.. BOYS - GIRLS • BABIES= -Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets, T -Shirts, Jumpors, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girl's 3 -Piece Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 3 -Piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat .Sets, and many other items too numerous to mention. • - ul THIS AUCTION SALE IS BEING CONDUCTED BY THE FOREST CITY DISTRIBUTORS -19 MARMORA ST., LONDON WS - AUCTIONEER - LEO E. BIRD CASHIER --L. WESTMAN CLERK LLOYD TANNER TERMS: CASH - CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 5% Sales Tax In Effect socks" 'and perhaps they shud- der a bit. "Some talk about special ser - vises. For example, an air, force. office running the navy. Per- haps the public doesn't know that the air force .has a "navy" all its .awn. Indeed, during the last ,war we carried our own suplies on our • own RCAF ships to Iceland and other points ,with our own marine staff. And ° the navy has an air force and the army has an.air force. Now we are going to have rockets navy rockets, army rockets, air force rockets. Isn't it really ridiculous. Nb business would work on that disjointed basis. "Then about uniforms. When I had command of a squadron in Winnipeg in 1934, the uni- form included a white .shirt with a stiffly starched white collar, a black tie, blue riding breeches and 'long black leather riding NOMINATION 'EETING TOWSHP OF COLBORNE te Nominations 'will be received by the undersigned on Friday, November 25th, 1966, at the Township Hall, Carlow, between the hours of 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. for the office of Reeve , Four Councillors 'hree:.Sethool.Area _ Trustees N for .a term At the close of nominations a Meeting of the ratepayers will be heli to receive reports on Township affairs for the" current year. . If a Poll is required, the vote will be taken on Monday, Dec. 5, 1966, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the following places: • / No. 1 Poll, Benmiller No. 2 Poll, Saltford No. 3 Poll, Carlow No. 4, Lake Shore Road Forester's Hall, Benmiller Residence of A, Hamilton Township Hall Res. of Mr. James Horton Sgd. B. C. Straughan, Returning Officer. 45-6 W.ESTIN OF COURSE USE Model SPG1A New 3 -cycle Push-button Performance. Roll -About Convenience. Just roll it to the sink and get sparkling dishes for about 3C a load. Powerful washing cycles give two washes and three rinses for heavy food soil -one wa`'sh, three rinses for light stains. No p.re-rinsing needed. All -porcelain wash well with double-wall construction -holds a complete table setting far 12, or 10 with pots and pans. Plate Warmer setting and safety Door Switch that stops cycle when lid is lifted. The unit rolls easily on ball bearing casters for handy storage in closet or under counter. No installation required a sink and'an electrical outlet is all you need. NOPE WE'RE NOT ON STRIKE OPEN EVERY NITE (ALMOST) WILF REINHART DON'T FORGET -- WE ALSO HAVE COLOR TV boots. All this hal chamd and that is -not the air fore uniform now, and yet the efficiency of the air force has not deterior- ated. -The plan now is for a standard working uniforni.,J(eep the "Kilts" and the "Blues" for "fussing un." But have a stan- dard work dress for all our services. Anyone who knnwu: anything about the cost of uni- forms. the cost of maintaining a reserve supply and of storing handling. and of procuring them must at once see the logic apo the saving in this move. "4nd their talk about -new ranks. Yn the Air Force we have had present ranks fdr a veru • long time. Just ask a Group Cantata or an Air Vice -Marshal how well those ranks are known to the public. For example. I am introduced as an Mr Vice. Marshal and some well meaning person says What is an Air Vice - Marshal and I explain that it is the .same rank as a Major General and they immediately understand. I think the sugges- tion to use 'army ranks is a very wise move and will solve' many administrative Aifficulties and many headaches and much embarrassment, "To our politicians, please getthinking about Canada. For get about your party status `i"hi i.s a real opportunity ani you will be happy and proud that you had a chance to help "I have met Mr. Hellver on!, once but I have a great regard for his courage. He is the firat minister who had the- guts to tackle the unification of our services though everyone must have known that something had to' be done. I respect his pa- tience in making all the intri- cate changes that are necessary in this difficult and complica `cd move. • "Surely, we can get down to earth and help him to get a good job done for Canada and for oar defence services." Ever noticed how quickly they grow? This Christmas give them a Growth Savings Cerpficate-. it will grow with them. Decide now to give them the gift with a future - a Growth Savings Certificate. In 6 years, they'll receive $10.00 for every $7.50 you invest -a one third increase. Christmas Growth Savings Certificates are easy to buy, available in denominations of $10.00 upwards and cash - able at any time. Ask about them at any Commerce branch Give the gift with a future...and watch it grow! CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Sunday Next Before Advent -Nov. 20th 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. Sermon: "The Bishop Pike Controversy" CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 a.m.-Grades 3 to 9 11:00 a.n -Nursery to Grade .2 Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Organist and Choirmaster: LORNE H. DOTTERER THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church NOVEMBER 20th, 1966 10:00 a.m. Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Junior Department 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: "Uselessness." Supervised Nursery -WELCOME- Mr.' Lance Reed, Organist and Choirmaster Rev. J. Dona` cl-MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) , Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m.-=-Sunday School. 11:00 'a.m.-"Jesus the Lord." 7:00 p.m. -"A Brave Captain." • Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Victoria and Park Streets The REV. A. R. HARLEY, Th.B., Minister SUNDAY SERVICES -NOVEMBER 20th ee" Christian Education Hour -10:00 a.m. _ - - 11 a.m. Topic -"Why Worship?" e\ gee 7 p.m. -Studies in Methodist Doctrine. Mid -week 'Prayer -Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. The Free Methodist Church df North America THE , UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church The House of Friendship 10:00 a.m.-Senior and Intermediate Sunday School. 11:00 atm. -Worship Service Christian Psychology, No. 2 11:00 a.m.---,junior and Primary Sunday School. Saturday, 7:00 p.m. ---Young People's. 1:30 p.m.-Benmiller Worship 'Service and Sunday School REV. LEONARD WARR, Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choir Director 'Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, R.A., Minister a William Cameron, Director of Praise . SUNDAY, NOVEMBER loth 10.00 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship Sermbn: "The Crucial Encounter." (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all, ages. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Fri. 8:00 p.m. Young People's .Service Each Sunday, 5:30 ,p.m., hear Jack West over Station C -H -L -O, St.- Thomas CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: L. D. TOWER, B.Th. 10:00 A.M.--OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL (OUR BUSES WILL CALL AT YOUR DOOR) PIbNE: 524-7622 11:00 a.m."HUMPTY DUMPTY" 7:30 p.m.—"DIVINE COMPANIONSHIP" "Come Where You Are Never A Stranger Twice" UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Road North 9:50 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-=-Worship Service. • 7:00 p.m. -Evangelistic Service. Prayer Meeting - Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock Pastor - SAMUEL M. MILLER "A Welcome Await{ You" EMMANUEL FELLOWSHIP INC. S.S. 1, Goderich Township Sunday -- 7:30 p.m. Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. „"Let us bear your burdens" Gal. 6: 2 For Help and Encouragement Call REV. H. C. CRACKNELL 524.9012