HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-11-03, Page 10• a 10'. The Coderieh S%tonal-Star, Thursday, November 3, 1966 SUGAR AND SPICE A y To Remember Another Remembrance Day is in the offing. As 'I write,two things evoke the particular mood that day always holds for me,, or rather the combination of moods. Outside, it's a gloomy fall. day. The lowering cloud weeps --- a desolate drizzle. A handful of oak leaves cling to the stark branchesand no bird sings. A typical Remembrance Day at- mosphere. • But on my desk is a letter from an old friend, and the warmth, courage and indomita- ble spirit contained in it defy the feel of death and sadness outside. His name is Alexander Forbes, Cannington, Ontario. We've never met, but have cor- responded. We are both lovers of the printed word and about once a year, he writes. a long letter, filled with reminis- cences, wit and goodwill. His . letters always give me a lift. He has been in poor health in recent years, like so many of his old comrlides. But this has not dimmed his spirit. His writ- ing, becomes increasingly diffi. cult to read. Not because' of in- firmity, but because he is going blind. Cataracts are forming on his eyes, 'and he will enter St. Jo- seph's Hospital, Peterborough, after New Year's, for an opera- tion. Does he complain? Not on your . life. He can evenjoke about it.. _ the second War, young, fit and full. of beans. But the grief was real. There were brothers, uncles, sons and fathers missing from the files of Legionnaires. And when the Last Post sounded, and the bell tolled -in the hush, the tears -ran free, and there was a communal lump in the throat. By Bill . Smiley c Time passed. Grief eased. Things changed. A whole new generation grew up, to which even World War II was just something in the history books. The yeterans' of that war are middle-aged now and every year the ranks of old sweats of the first great war grow thinner. There is something almost perfunctory about the occasion BRIDGE SCORES • Goderich Duplicate Bridge Clulb entertained the Wingham club at Maitland Country Club last week. A Mitchell game -was played with 16 tables in play. Goderich defeated the Wing - ham club by" 145 points. Indiv- idual winners and their scores The reason he wrote is that were as follolws: .�..he•--had_prt�;<c>P��o:.se�l�""�`�='�`_=---���i�-.-�� now. The veterans remember, and the women who lost their men remember. But it doesn't mean much to the kids, and for many 'others, it's just .a day to go hunting, or put on the last of the storm windows. But- for me, the second. emo- tion m.4-tion of that day - admiration -- does not dim. As the tat- tered remnants of Canada's gal- lant lads of 1914-18 turn out for the parade, my heart is with them. There isn't much spring in the step anytmore, and backs are not as straight. But there is still a pride in their bearing. And there should be. Their war was no Charge of the Light Brigade. There was nothing dashing about it. It was cold, wet, mud, lice, rotten grub and • relentless pounding. It was a brutal, stupid war. But they fought, and they didn't run. And they came home, those who were left. And, they were shabbily treated. And they suffered their rotted lungs ' and their crippling arthritis. And they didn't complain much. There aren't many of them left, but I hope I'm there to drink a toast to them on Re- membrance Day, after the pa- rade, as , they swap lies at the Legion Hall. . Alexander Forbes is one 'Of them. May he be reading his beloved books 10 years from now, and I hope some of my ctherfriends among the old sweats w'll dro him a line. • � �:J..:. ma. ,•�� DITi'1' '441fen t HuroiLConservcitives Gather Frank Wcilkom Elected Vice -President ly Goderieh MaYor Frank Wal- kom Claon lhfw, also=afand , o ratyth, wereLatelecteaited P!� vice-presidents of : the Huron County Progressive Conservative als for what he called a deliber- the Liberals passed resolutions era's made att their convention. the good grain lands, of Sou 410 ate polio of wanting to join favoringa free -trade area in . Be said the Liberals were so western Ontario to. increase b Y° g ith 'rhe nrted-«States. - . _,.. North:_Anterif•y and a e1ca ng~..ahus _.Mdiscussing whether the rattle production. The -- oi'trze -federal -algricuL-` Ter i;gtrin '. stnigntWelf-i -rte= ayt3 a " t441 ::- -: -- »�-CZRSg'' P. ". K-- �:_._.,. tuial minister said the Liberal • largely American. V1eved livery frac years that Harvesting of grain cora 15 policy was ,bec'amin�g more Blear' Mr, ` 1amilton told the Huron they forgot to discuss the cost 'progressing favorably under al- most ideal weather conditions. Moisture levels are lower now than at any time last year. Yield is very good with small losses occurring. Good weather has allowed for a good deal of fall plowing to he completed. Feed- er cattle are beginning to arrive in the county. Association at, its annual meet- ing in Clinton last week. John Durnin, RR 3, Auburn, was elected president. ' Other officers are Mrs. F. G. • Thompson, Clinton, secret-ary, and John Morrissey, Crediton, 'Treasurer. Named honorary presidents were: Robert McKinley, MP (PC --Huron); Elmer Bell of Ex- eter, president of the Ontario PC. Association; and E. L. Card - 111 of Brussels. Alvin Hamilton appealed tb , thea• national pride of Huron' County Progressive Conserva- tives and condemned the Liber - every day. PCs at -their annual meeting of living. Mr. Hamilton said the Liber- that by the end of the century, Warning that Canada would als passed a resolution to this ,the per capita wealth of Can- have to import butter this year effect at their annual meeting ',ad will be equal or greater and beef cattle by .1969, Mr.. earlier this month. than that of any other peolple Hamilton said the land , of the He said new del./does such as in the world. , ' Bruce Peninsula., the clay belts. the - symbol proposed as a re- -'To .achieve_ this destiny we --the North and the Ottawa placement for the :coat of awns Trust bargain as a ,nation and Valley should be tied in with on mail trucks, the making of not allow aur fate to be decided the military defences into a by the head offices of cor:pora- police force, and young Liberals tions," he said. • Larking about making Canada a Mr. Hamilton called for an republic, are gradually getting alliance of farmers, businessmen' people ready for eventual politi- and workers for the purpose of ,cal and economic -union with'the maintaining Canada as a nation. U.S. He warned the PCs not to At , their meeting in Ottawa, make the same mistake the Lib - book, and wanted to get it off Goderich, 921/2; Mr. and Mrs. see. before his sight failed corn- Harry Spry, Winghaan, 87; Dr. and Mrs. W. Oakes, Goderich, 651 Mrs: D. )r= Mooney -and Mns. T. Donnelly, Goderich, 83; Mrs. J. MadLarin and Mrs: C. Videan, Goderich,, tied with Mr. A. Selinger and Mr. R. ' Sproule, Goderich, 81. E -W; M•rs. F. Curry and Mrs. P. F. Carey, G` derildh, 101; Mrs. F. Reid and Mrs. B. Erskine, Goderich, 96; Dr. and Mrs. G. L. M. Smith, Goderieh, 871/1; Mrs. D. D. Worthy and Mrs. A. Gal- braith, Goderich, 87; Mats. 1. Thoanpson and Mns. H. Fisher, Winlgham, 85. pletely. It is based op a Yank's experience in World War I, and typically, he adds, "I believe it to be authentic and not a lot of Yankee bull - when you have read it, you might lend it to sothe old sweat at the Legion Hall, particularly if he served in the PBI." Short for Poor Bloody Infantry. Each year, my mood on Re- membrance membrance Dayis a mixture of sadness and admiration. There's reason for the sad- ness' Twenty year's ago, Re- membrance Day was a vital and colorful affair. World War II was an immediate memory. The Legion Parade was striking. The World War 'I vets were barely middle-aged and their ranks- were swelled by the youthful,' swinging veterans of Course For Farmers. A farm' management -course for• farmers who are finding it tough' going will be held in Stratford from Jan. 3 to March 31 next -year:- - .__.._' Farmers who have no other occupation, small income and are under -employed will be paid $7 a day, plus additional amounts according to depen- dents, to take the course. Instruction sessions will be from 4:30 to 11. p.m. Monday to Friday at Northwestern Secon- dary School in Stratford, during the course's three months. It is sponsored by the fed- eral and provincial ,governments and administered by Stratford board of educa~ion. Deadline for applications through local agri- cultural representatives is Nov. 11. -ENJOY .THE --FINEST -FOOD. IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and' Saturday Until 12 Midnight n The, Esquire �p Restaurant "524-9941" FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 3 MONTHS CQURSE If you are farming, have no other occupation, have a -very small income, and are under -employed, you may gdalify for training in the business of farming and receive financial assist- ance during the period of the course. -• This three month's course will be held every Monday .to Friday from January 3, 1967 to March 31, 1967 •- TIME -4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. PLACE= -Northwestern Secondary School, Stratford Deadline For Application -Nov. 11, 1966 Forms are available from, and must be returned to, the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Box T59, Clinton, Ontario. Financial assistance is $7.00 per day, plus additional amounts according to the number of `dependants. This course is sponsored by the Federal and Provincial Gov- ernments and is administered by the Stratford Board of Educa- tion) D. H. Miles, P. Ag. Agricultural Representative for Huron County. D. S. Pullen, P. Ag., Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County. 4243 sa Announce&ent WE WISH .TO ANNOUNCE , THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE AT CLINTON on Monday, October 31st D. C. (Dori) MacEwan Will Be IIt Charge . THE OFFICE IS AT 45 ALBERT STREET P.O. BOX 6617 TELEPHONE: (519) 482.3464 MORDEN -& HELWIG LIMITED -- INSURANCE ADJUSTERS - Head Office --° COOPER BUILDING, 21 HUNTER STREET EAST, HAMILTON Other Offices at Brampton - Brantford --- Burlington - Chatham Clinton - Collingwood - Galt --- Grimsby Guelph -- Hamilton -- Hanover - Kitchener - Leamington Listowel -�• London Long Branch - Newmarket .- Niagara Falls -4 . Oakville -- Orangeville «� Owan,Sfitnd - St. Catharines - St. Thomas ---r Sarnia -- Simcoe --- Stratford - Tillsonburg - - Toronto --- Welland - Windsor. Call HFC for money for any good purpose AMOUNT OF LOAN $ 100 300 550 1000 1600 2500 3000 4000 5000 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 60 48 36 ' 30 10 I 11 months months months months months months $ $ $ $ .. 6.12! $9.46 18.351 28.37 23.73 32.86 51.24 41.45 58.11 91.56 101.01 126.26 73.35 88.02 117.37 146,71 5732 90.18 108.22 144.30 180.37 Whenever a loan can help you, remember Household Finance can provide you up to $5000 wj,th up to 60 months to repay. May we help you? Ask about credit life insurance .�bra.^:'�hwZSGYT d e. � rn c=afw in,rFia $ A su : on pmmptropaymon`6lt donut inchide the c lite 1sura nci "'" - - HOUSEHOLD FWANC GODERICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours •iN • tl Blackwall Tubeless, Power -Profiled- Design H IWAY..BY.WAY What's left of last winter's production is being offered for quick clearance. (Whitewalls about $1.50 each more). These are identical to the famous Hiway -Byway tires featured in our catalogue. Being last winter's production, most; but not all, are designed for ,Tungsten ice cleats (studs). ROAD HAZARD U INSURED NO TIME LIMIT • NO MILEAGE LIMIT C SE YOUR REDIT .7I SIZE' (Tuneless) • REG, CAT. 1STTIRETIRE 2nd BOTH TIRE 520/ 10 . . - 21.10 5.00 26.10 '` 520-559/ 12 25:10 • 3.00 28.10 560-590-600/ 13 25.20 3.00 28.20 G• 640=650/ 13 26.70 4.00 30.70 670-700/ 13 28.05 6.00 34.05 645/ 14(560.590-600/ 14) 26.20 5.00 31.20 735/ 14(650-700/ 14) 28.85 8.00 - 36.85 775/ 14(750/ 14)* 26.60 9.00 35.60 . 775/14(750/14) 31.30 7.00 38.30 825/ 14(800/14) 35.15 7.00 42.15 855/14(850/14) 38.25 SAO 46,25 . 885-915/ 14(900-950/ 14) (Whitewall) 47.90 • 4.00 ' 51.90 685/ 15(560590-600/ 15) 27.45 6.00 33.45 735/15(640-650/ 15) .,` 29.10 .6.00 35.10 775/ 15(670/15)* 26.60 10.00 36.60 775/ 15(670/15) 3.1.30 B.o6 39.30 815/ 15(710/15) - 35)5" 7.00 42.15 ` 845/ 15(760/15) 38.25 - 7.00_ 45.25 1° 885.900/ 15(800-820/ 15) 42.55 7.00 49.55 u1 « *Tube Type . ,... EXTRA! ` Ac..R: ° BONUS COUPONS n•r Use the Bonus Coupons for FREE INSTALLATION SAVE SAFELY NIIP" WHETSTONE 36 NORTH . STREET GODERICH CHEV., PONTIAC 1957-'67 'AS � LOW _ ...,95 AS EACH Similar savings for other makes and models of carte station wagons, etc.