HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-27, Page 14The OG(Nriet1 Signat-Star, Thursday, October 2Vth, 196G, �r Ann Landers: arns Of 'Hallowe'en Dear Ann Landers: My sister wa$,.seriously injured in an auto- mobile accident a year •ago this week. So why ani I writing about the accident now" . - Yak ,_ w Ill -understand' when I tell you the accident was caused by some- body's idea of a Hallowe'en prank. Three hi.;h .ceras' kids thought it would be great fun to pull up a stop sign and see what happened. The man who .rasped into, my sister was a violinist in a sym- phony orchestra. He spent five months in the -hospital. The last I heard he was still unable, to use the fingers on his left hand. The man is paying dearly for what via= s'uppased 'to be a joke. The bays who pulled up the sign were caught. They. said they meant no harm, that they were Just out to have Sams fun. One buy wept when he was questioned. He said he wished he could take tjw mans place. The boys all came trap �.).id families and had ►ieVer been in any trouble before. I hope y'ou will print this letter, .Inn . Lander•, because millions of teen a,.;ers 0 h., read Miele else do read. your c,tlurun And plca.se add your plea for serisible conduct on Hallow e en. Many thanks. --A Faithful Read er. Dear Faithful.: Here's your letter and with it, my ferveht appeal to all teenagers to use their heads when they are out for Hallowe'en fun. Kids who get their kicks de- stroying property and endanger- ing lives should take a good look at themselves. People who operate by such standards in -'w evitably experience a lifetime of trouble. 'Dear Ann Landers. Fur four CMA Health Tips 'Jokes= years my husband was sneaking around 'with another +vliman. They worked at•, the sane plant (her husband worked there, too) and it's a mystery to the how they pulled it off right under his nose, but they did. 1 caught my husband and this woman together when I returned from an ouf-of-town trip one day early. It was •a Sunday and all the evidence was there. They couldn't deny anything. He pro- mised to stop seeing her if I would forgive him and never bring the matter up again. Like a fool I believed him. Within three months my hus- band joined four clubs and the auxiliary fire department ---any- thing to get out of the house. 'Weeks went by and I didn't even see him. In the morning when 1 left for work he was asleep in another roorn. When I got home he had left for his job. Yesterday my husband and this woman came to me with- a suggest:on. Her husband has seen me a couple of •tines and he thinks 1 -am Very attractive. They want to fix' me up with him. How do you like that for 20th century liy,n:.a 1 told tncm both to .het out of the house and to stay out. 1 am nut writing to you for ad - ',ice, .Ann Landers. I don't need it. I jusC sant the world to know that 1 used to, think you made up letters because I refused to believe that people could be so nutty. Now 1 know that nothing is too crazy, of too fantastic to 'be true.—Forther Skeptic. Dear Former: If every person who reads this column would' look into his own life' he would find at least one piece of the past that would sound like a phony letter. Thanks for telling us yours. Restoration Starts FirstDa, y Of Injury The CMA advises sufferers to sleep on a firm bed, curled up on the side in the foetal posi- tion. If pain persists, in this position, sleep on the back with •the head on two pillows and the knees flexed over two or more pillows placed crossways, prefer- ably rolled in a - cylindrical shape. It is recommended to • take daytime rests in a similar posi- tion as often as possible, break- ing up long periods of activity into many. short ones. The cor- will soon be realized. The strain of standing still can be greatly eased by placing one foot on a chair while stoop- ing slightly, and resting an el- bow on the elevated knee. Do not stoop to liftw.,anything with- out bending 'the knees, and do not treat a sore back with ex- ercise. Aerosol cans are a delight to use 'but dangerous if mishand- led, In 'combination with heat or flame. as when left in the sun or thrown in a fire, the gas in these pressurized cans, when heated will expand and explode. , • Medical rehabilitation starts on the very first day of injury or disease, and is a continuous process carried out to the time when the patient is able to re- sume•gainful, employment or re- turn to his normal daily activ- ities. In its broader medical sense, medical rehabilitation implies the restoration of the handicap - of the patient's family daerar, but in recent years he specialist -.in physical medicine is asstirning a greater part of this respon- sibility. Workin-4 closely wi 'l the attending physician, he con- tributes his special skill in the application of physical methods of treatment to achiee the 'best functional result in the short~- est time. Methods of treatment aim at ped to his fullest 'physical, psy'- the patient',s physical restoration chological, social and vocational by gleans of remedial exercis,,s, s(atu-s--eornpatible with hina. a m.a,ssa:ef. heat, hvdrotheraane . counsellor, and the services of private and governmental agen- cies interested in the field of rehabilitation, all contribute t4 - wards the solution of the pat- ient's problems. The CMA suggests that lab�,r and management should help contribute to rehabilitition' of the disabled, acceptingthem as useful and productive members of-...lhe working force. This helps the patient regain his dignity and gives him an oppor- tunity to contribute to the good and disability; -_.. ��ccupa�il�a�1` th-erapy;:' t�ov fih•er'•-ltrr-- �. -In the past, medical itation was mainly the rehabil- concern CAR RADIOS CUSTOM '& UNDER DASH RADIOS. FOR ALL MAKES Hutchinson portant factors must also be considered: The experience of the medical social worker, of the p.sycho.logist, of the vocational Radio—TV—Appliances 308 Huron Rd. ' 524-7831' mailing a ietter P 1 2 3 Your envelope should have correct postage in upper right corner. the name of person who should receive the letter. street number, street name, post office box or rural route number. Also, apartment or busi- ness block, and suite number. 4 village, town or city (and postal zone, if in use). Province, too. 5 ',your name and com- piete address in up- per left corner. -44 Atos -t A letter with the correct address is delivered right away - A letter with. a wrong address takes longer on its way. ARE WE READY FOR ANOTHER GOLD STOCK BOOM?. It's coming! After nearly 30 years' experience in the stock market business, often you can see an ap- proaching cycle coming. People on our mailing list have made money -from advance information. We have just published an ex- • tremely interesting booklet of 36 pages on "Gold and the Dollar in Your Pocket". You can have a copy of this FREE and without obligation. Write today. Gordon -Daly Corporation Limited, Established 1937, Suite 1 104-62 Richmond St, West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Please send me your interesting FREE booklet on Gold, and send me your stock recommendations from time to time, including *Iron Cliff Mines Limited. -for postal Information see your Telephone book Yellow Pages 11111111.111811.111111111111 Address *A speculative security in which we act as principal '. 6-21 ient s determination to make °a come --back is the most import- ant part of the whole process of rehabilitatio r, and next to this is the determination of the at- tending doctor and therapist. Backacha The common backache suffer- ed by many housewives is not a' disease, but a result of poor posture while doing housework and other things. The poor posture involved is not that of failing to stand up straight, but that of, the sway- backed stance or lordosis. This can be corrected through proper stance and during rest. as;1P Wedding ATCHISON + - MUGFORD Goderich, was ringbearer. Both on Saturday, October 1, Joyce are cousins of the bride. :'tun Mugford became the bride Douglas Atchison of Windsor, .}t Richard Carl-L1.tel4t n in a twin brother of the groom, was -..-. r' rCl.__,in. uCeremony in Is ,yf0.l77 rge%S were ttshercd,wn ' MR. AND MRS PHOTO ere HARVEY MCDOWELL RICHARb CARL ATCHISON UCW Roll Call Answered With Holiday Bells PORTER'S MILL.—The Octo- ber meeting of the U.C.W. was held at. the home of Mrs. John McCowan in Clinton. 'I'he'presi- dent Mrs. Sturdy opened the meeting. '1'he devotional period was in charge of Mr -s. T. Sowe'l- hy. The ,Scripture reading and prayer were by Mr's. Sow erby. The study book on Thanksgiv- ing was taken by Mrs, Elgin Cox. The roll call was answer- ed' by 12 ladies by handing in the holiday bells. Business was discussed and James Richardson & Sons Ltd 'Serving The Feed Dealers. -of Western Ontario' PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH WINGHAM MEMORIALS. QUALITY — SERVICE -- CEMETERY LETTERING PHONE 524-9561 Or Write Mrs. Joe Moore ~47 Anglesea St., Goderich OFFICE LOCATION HURON RD. (Hwy. No. 8) tf Electricity can be a boon to moderh living—or a dangerous fire hazard. Last year in Ontario, careless use of electricity caused 2,975 fires. Many lives were lost. Property damage was more than $41/2 million. Check your home today—to safeguard the lives of your family and protect your property. ARE THERE ANY OF THESE FIRE HAZARDS IN YOUR HOME? DAMAGED WIRING FAULTY APPLIANCES OVERLOADED CIRCI&TS-. UNGROUNDED POWER TOOLS MISFIT FUSES `"' OCTOPUS PLUGS •r FIRE -CHECK YOUR HOME TODAY.! C IACO O H:I:ETOR.SINSL RE NCEOAS5AU OTION Dead Animal' REMOVAL for dead and disabled tnimals call collect Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone 482.7269, Clinton Dead` animal • licence number 350-C-65 4tf the meeting closed with the 11 i z p a h benediction. Articles donated by the ladies \mere auc- tioned at the conclusion of the meeting.' - Airs. tIary 'Manning has been undergoing treatment in Vic- toria hospital, London. ' Her friends wish her a speedy re- covery. Presbyterian Church, Go.dt'tirh. Rev. G. L. Royal officiated. '!'he bride is the dauhter of Mu. and Mrs. Roy Mugford of Goderich; groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. V. Atchison, Strat- ford. Mr. Mugford gave his daugh- ter in -marriage. Her gown of imported cloud white satin fea- tured t1'rec-quarter sleeves with deep bands of lave at the hem- line. Lace motifs were appli- qued on the detachable panel train. A coronet of matching lace and tulle formed her head- piece and she carried a bouquet of yellow roses, stephanotis and Joanne Cudmore of Stl-afford was maid of honor and the bride's sisters, Brenda Mugford 'and 'Bonnie Mugford of Gude- rich were bridesmaids: . They wore empire gowns of green and blue brocade with matching pillbox headpiece. ' Bronze mums formed,, their bouquets. Jayne Puller, Goderich, was flower girl and Wayne Fuller, by Fred Wayne of Stxsa to and Ron Mugford, Goderich, broom then of the bride, rd ( Mrs. Mugford received guests at MacKay Hall wearing a costume of patterned French crepe. The 'groom's mother as- sisted—in in a grey sheath with black accessories. For travelling to Kentucky the bride changed to a figured sheath dress with black acces- sories and a corsage of pink carnations. The couple will re- side in `Stratford. Pre -Nuptial Everts Prior to hex marriage„ the bride was honored at showers given by Mrs. K. Pallister, Strat- ford; Joanne Gudtmore, Strat- ford; Mrs. Ted Pauli ait'the home of Mrs. R. Jeffrey, Goderich. Mrs. Mugford entertained at a trousseau tea, in honor of her daughter. Primary hypertension or high blood pressure affects about, 13 out of every 1.000 Canadians, and causes excessive damage to the blood vessels of the heart, brain and kidneys.. FREE SILVER DOLLARS. with Every New Account of $20 or More During October At . Goderich Community Credit U .nion TRAIN TO Ask about convenie and return times nt departure For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office ONE CANADIAN NATIONAL RE°FARE 40.65 • .: t{+•Yie:.ti.y .—. ��%l/.{!♦'. We*. '+�)'r moi'. + r•'D$?£91'^x4GSAy:+�'5.+`tc�8.370+. ^ {• + ..A iY'.0'0 r:f++Y,4#M'r,SG%�:7!S' :4'.' iv`?Y{ r'r7 S{{.1,5>}�L .2'+R+.r^v. }.`<•iI< +"v:t S:}ii i;{.; •:. 11V::... fir. ::E:i{.'•�1?}{'{irr9,..t}./..r o..... ?.. •:C.>.r''?4:Y S. '.....r.' ..... .:�:'f}..•'..... .. '•.'6}E; :?:;iii ....:':$ 'r'i:''r'i E + Ford LTD People who love sy1e buy Ford hardtops! Fairlane SOOXL Falcon Futura Sp,,,,,( bop,• More and more people are buying Ford Hardtops! Here's why: Ford hardtops have a special appeal.that's all their own. Their secret is the unequalled Ford styling— plus all the -new ideas in features for motoring. enjoyment. The Ford LTD Hardtop with its new ._formal-woofbne- •and--lea•thersmooth_s vinyL covering introduces you to a whole new world of style—with luxury to match. The Fairlane 500 XL is the latest expression of big car roominess in the elegance of the unquestioned middleweight champion. Mustang'--thevery sound of it is a call to adventure. And once you've seen Mustang's new -hardtop styling, you'll answer its call! Falcon is the limousine of the compacts. The one car you can buy for its luxury and count on getting economy as a bonus. See the full range of Ford hardtops at your Ford Dealers. You'll fall in love with their goad looks and much more besides. FORD'S UNSURPASSED MORE COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY starting with 1967 models 5-Year/50,000-Miles warranty on the power train, steering and suspension ... and 2-Year/24,000-Miles warranty on the entire car. Both warranty periods start on -the day of new car purchase., Seo your Dealer for full details. You're ahead ina EVERY 1967 FORD CAR IS EQUIPPED WITH THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY STANDARD SAFETY PACKAGE 'l'O BUY ''SEE YOUR FORD DEALER GQDERIC-H MOTORS LTD. 35 SOUTH STREET 524 -7203 .o +i' da