HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-27, Page 10• . 10 The GoderiCh Signal -Star, Thu,rsday, OcLei 27th, Iftt1,3` Willi It Ever try to think, let alone wria, when your nose is ,drze- ping like a tap in a tenement, you are barking up chunks of lung, your :body is crawling with hot and cold needles, and you could fry an egg on your forehead? Yep, I've got the flu. Don't worry, I won't go on about it. Every red-blooded dian knows .all about the flu But don't expect a sparkling column this week. Along with those symptoms, my brain is about as agile as a basketful of wet kleenex. But, by golly, tonight is the night of the staff Party, and I'm going if it kills me. If this space is blank next week, with a black border around it, don't Huron •Atten Aro send flowers_ :Just send the equivalent' in Cash to my wtfe., Flowers aren't much use to a goOd-looking widow with two kids to educate. And don'e:grieve or sing sad songs. Just muse, -Well, ht. went the' way he always w to go, smelling troni.:; of Dr Walker's couh syrup atirl danc- ing what he thought was the Watus ith the smashing young blonde who just joine( the English Cepzoilnent " But that, doesn't solve the ilk Ccimunk Fizst NikErk.. The first Ontario Milk Mark- eting Board conference at Gen- eva Park, Orillia, was attended •by three members from the Huron Milk Committee. Cliff McNeil, Gosl.erich; John McLen- nan, Goderich; and Martin Baan, Walton. It was the first time that rep- resentatives of all three milk , • problem of writing this „,-4, unna, does it? Well, • 11'm •cling «tu swing in all dir ions, so, if you aren't ,einger, you can stop wea4 ng this and turn to the g;-4,cery ads, which are abo the most ,viciting and fr!..'arating reading %ou can ad these days. Speaking of which, did you ever see Such. prices? 1 don't Arrow v:ho is pocketing the loot farmer, middle -man oil. re- 'tor.--- but they- won't even let yqu - belly up to the meat eon. ter th('se days unless you flash a bar of gold bullion. Wei. ing annive les. bouel'X 90 oses for my vslile'ou'wot t ,ntieth anniver- sary Sri .quealed with ecstasy, It -was very romantic, especially when 1 told her I'd paid for them with a cheque on our joint. account.• But thew little romantic ges• eo '21 gj bkAceerrduvig Board's Hole in t 'Leese Markel- ing; Functior.s of the Dairy Branch' in Milk Marketing; Ev olution of the Interim Quota Policy; Adveft..,.(iiit Promotion and Public Fts-1.siloi.s- The ducer and the • The, board plan, to mak pay- ment for all frillk by the spring of 1967 and by Julie ar.'a TI.. industrial milk u • Mink cried to an area :ndit'strial milk pool. by No (.rnbr, 19r7. l,(' , ft. r,nce recognized ,. (iirticultios and 'pro - 1)1,./ -11, to he overconi'F, but hp' -'1 that in the future, paNtnent will be ;qtnil quality milk of tures' resells. pay, ke.- Tbre. slays later, for no betterrecui than that 3 tap in the bathroom has been dripping for si she yanked the tadln, Out of the vase, beat me around the. face 'and ears with them. thorns and all a'1,1 ;led the rosewater ()vet rine. , smelling like a :••',10.0, she ca -me' helped me vvi.4.1, ,,a the blood. and fixe.d the t,so lierseif. Teenage giris. Someisody sent ,' tne a • London., t ',sir for teens One colut.'nist, a girl, was gust with her sisters. This was her, pungent Observation •, day's.young ferrate goes isookie \ over something ttrit walks around in high neels, itiht t,nts and. long locks of hair Winging to its •;lio,.:1 lets Csirlfr. t 'day are robbed ;,1 in lore ways than one '' Ain't she ight? Strikes. I have aik.va.is been a union man, but 1 a ra up, right 16 the cars, with the arro- gance. the lawlessness„ind the refusal to eompromiso dis- played by many url'ins thin year. How about you? , groups, the cheese, concentrat- begin to pool, fluid milk on an I'n'ilklt'll. PI Ontario. :--gd::4ri4=-1,1111ir-s4ricilk--..plZdtlettg:.- ------- - -, . -- . ------ — -.. „-- - - — -- - „ ---- . - — '7 " hatrlret-tcr-dtS' - — -. ..----='w - '''''' - "'"' -.°--' . --- - '----: - - - - • = - - -1— ----- ' ..'F'7---4;- lems and plan the best method r'''--- fi 0 A -c ,of marketing milk. a k p 4 11. Papers presented included 11 Leaders. The perennial game called -Dump Diet" is popular again. 1 think he should have retired, full of years, honors, and malarkey, long sinee. But 1 elp admirini; the old wolf as the pack tries to drag him- down.lie is a fighter,. and there aren't many left Pars (10.‘ na M, and Mrs James Videan, Detroit V, .1'' gliests at, the week - f Air. and 11,1rs. Vernon .s.si.ft street. and 111:.s. Vernon Smith, ,ind 'Mrs. GOOrge Curren, \L. anti 'AD.,. JamesVidean, Earl Elliott and Nir,..-Jannss Hail attended r.i11.11eNalighlon w.cd(ling Saturday. 'ND Mrs. Arthur Fitzgerald, id \vitli her par- -II- r and 'Irs. Vernon stri,et. prior to leaving \s est. :11r. Fitzgerald !ransft‘tred 10 Unity, ‘re he becomes produc• .11petllitslent fur the Sifto plant. a ST, lIELENS.—Pearl Lidster and J. Smith of Bothwell were Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods. Sunday visitors with Rev. and thlr.-tand Mrs.. George Walker Mr.,and Mrs. John Pryfogle Ass -s.soattnirdosersary-servlat---$sehariegt.140,2ilaid and_Allan„ and M. Vhester Taylor with Miss Lila Humphrey and with her parents Mr. and Mrs. — , Mrs. B. F. Green and Gordon. 'of Wingha'm visited on Sunday Paisley were Sunday visitons - visitorS-With Ws; Don- •--Annwersary- by—EV-Meg e,t.„ „ ° ST. HELENS. „„ Hospital, Get, 12, sister for of Waterciewn are visiting with Laura IVIeVeil and Elmer Woods 00 Sunday and attended an- niversary services. -- Mrs. Donald McDonald spent few days with her son, pp-. and Mrs. Anus McDonald and family. , A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Humph- rey, in Wrngham, and DistriCt Pannabecker and family were held on Sunday in St, Helens Mr. and Mrs.- Ed. Snyder and Church with Rev. Harley Moore 11111) Mr. And Mrs. Mervyn Baer of of Beechville as guest speaker, Preston. Atjhe glorying serrate, Rev, A. Rev. and Mrs. Harley Moore, E. .Willis was soloist and the John and Pad of Beechville 'choir sang an anthem With Terry • were Sunday guests of Mr. and Wilson at the organ. The Wing - Mrs. Ross Errington. and Mrs. ham and District Harmony Men Don Pannabecker. were guestss at the evening ,,. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bramhall serice• ENJOY THE 'FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Ashfield — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drennan and David spent the weeitenditi Lochalsh store Is closed this week while Mr. and Mrs. Frank MaeLennon are on holidays. Mrs. Thomas Macdonald is a patient in WinghampHospital. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gonr of Batavia, N.Y., spent a few days with Earl Howes. Mrs. Don Carter and David are visiting with Hugh Mackenzie prior to flying to Edmonton to join Don who. left last week. ,Mrs. ekrdon Finlayson was in charge Of the WMS program last Wednesday inthe Church school. Mrs, Stewart MacLennan gave the meditation.. Mrs. Don Simp- soR read a poem and offered prayer, An In Memoriaan certificate in memory of Mrs. William John- senwas hung in the church school. It was donated by Jack Johnson and some friends. Mrs: Sutherland of Ripley was the guest speaker. There were 21 present. Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE=OUT ORDERS OPEN DATLY-Z cnite 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant "524-9941" CANADIAN 8qgthe 4ei CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR OVERSEAS HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERIG1 OPEN 1 P.M. 9 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAY CLOSED - MONDAYS • How much cake should these subjects: Review of Board' Policy and Problems; Board Marketing of Milk; ImpliCations of Central Payments; Transpor- tation Developments: T h J. Denomme FLOWE SHOP Phone 524 832 DAY - OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOFING A funeral at the Stiles ftnn-! 1for Tal)1•, d's•el Fr - da at II " stie had been' a reisidt rit 1964. l'abb ,h:_ner of the ,1;4;,e J.,!ste; and Ann Bray. Slle Colborne T-,\ t,-hlp Ilved there untl'l ..d• rx11. in May, 1i)44. l,tit 1;0 nded sehJol in "1'n, -.11p and was a menlber of N,'c!ra Street Unit - ( ,1 Sift is s'urvicd by brilier, '1aac of liurnvie. The funeral ysas ,conducted by Rev. Warr and burial wasri Crilhorne .cemetery. Pau NleCreath, Chai les Rt>, rtson, O1ler Mc - Brien, It.2. Glen Torrance Pahl) a-aet D\ Td Stewart. .K SILVER DOLLARS ' • i.vth Every New Account of 1:20 or More During Octnber At Zoder6ch Community Caieeflt Lu ...,,,,I.:. a Fruit Cake?' • N ot !Ltsh'. In fa, thtili just ency,P,,,t.'h t .1-i.dd the fruit and nuts :n phtce. iet,smr Jane Parkor Fruit Cake is ov... 2 frilit and tiut. • .141 ' ,Asa Ev.ery i.: lust bursting vsith Canarliah pinc-:iple- from the Far East, citron frnh. 1l,dy, sun -drenched raisins from California :.ie! meaty pecans from the South. AND 4,)S1-. ER THING YOU SHOULD KNOW: th.c., same wondealul cake ... -at the same low price as last year. Isn't that good news? Is it Jane Parker Fruit Cake is one of most popular Fruit Cakes? Js't 1,1; i'C.•; become such a favotirite gift item'? Is Jane Parker Fruit Cake a good reason for shoppinp. at A&I? It's one of many. r ffik PARLTER FR 11/2-POUN'D PlEcE 3 -POUND RING • ' \;:'•• . : rm GODE ;14. „ i EVERYTHANG WE SERVE S AS UNIQUE I.ND MSINNCTilVE AS OUR SYMBOL' on Highway 2 7 INTRODUCING ANOTHER SPE( IALTIE OUR OWN Dependable Groceries! vo "NEW PACK", A&P Fancy Quality Feature Price! 3 48;f1:oz 95, Facial Tissue Feature Pric0 KLEENEX 3Pkg'sbf 400$1.00 Ann Page Reg. Price 2 btls. 430-r- Save 4c KETCHUP 211 -fl -oz btls 39, Paper Reg. Price 53c -- Save 4c KLEENEX TOWELS pkg0f2r0ns49c ‚Luncheon •••• Feature Pie! KLEENEX NAPKINS Pk90f75'527c A&,P's Own Iona Brand (Pectin Added) Reg. Price 49c Save 10c RASPBERRY JAM 24-fi-oz jar 39, Jane Parker Reg. Price 24c Loaf — Save 7c BREAD 60% WHOLE WHEAT 3 24 -oz loaves 65, "IN \ IT CAKE A JANE PARKER "BEST BUY" 5 -POUND RING Jane Parker Reg. Price 49c —Save 10o .99 pEACH PIE. pie SUPE-1GHT QUALITY, CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF BLADE BONE REMOVED SNORT OR CROSS CUT '6\ • TEXCELEMIT'FOR BRAISING H After You PRESNLY GROUrAID ove —ITS CIIISPAITTERSWEET COATIN(; —ITS SUBTLE, DELICATE BLEND OF SPICES —ITS JUICY TENDERNESS. YOU'LL WANT TO K N01% HOW 'WE JIOlT! • 'Please Don't liT'S A SECRET Ttir VERY FINEST QUALITY No. GRAOE JONTARI0 GROWN, FANCY GRADE SNOW APPLES cello bag prt, Hqtior At AP None Priced Higher At A&P Ib <sr 7, FREEZER CUTS FEATURE SAVE MORE LARGER CUTS CHUCK OF BEEF 70 to 90 poynds. Cut and wrapped for your freezer. Ib 49c Please allow a minimum of 3 days for processing. tori. LEAN BONELESS lb 69c BRAISING RIBS lb 39 Support Canada's 147C Centennial Projects 1138t1967. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY4 OCTOBER 29th, 1966 •