HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-27, Page 6- The Gadericb Signal -Star, .Thursday, October 27th, 1966 The Blue Thumb Mrs. Jarvis McBride Mrs. McBride 9® Monday Mrs. Jarvis McBride, the form- er Maude Ellen Salluws,' w ill ob- serve her 90th birthday Oct. 31. .Colborne Township's oldest lady was the daughter of the late Thoma, Sallows•and Jean Green. Of nine children, she and a brother Garnet -of Nacmine,-Al- berta, sure eve. She wJ, ,Tarried Oct- 17, 1906 to-• Jarvis McBride who prede- ceased her on an 1, 1551. She has tN%o sons, Percy and r;eorge both of Colborne '1' vriship_niak- itig her home with the latter. "Aunt Maude" as she is known to her many relatives and fri- ends alike, has maintained a keel. and lively interest in church and community. • Enjoying the ".best of health, she participates n W.I. aci d missionary" work and is in- -'"�` -u_.-Torest7"in T` present' d"ay ac trvities. Fancy quilt ,Taking, crochet- ing and embroidering have bee happy and enjoyable ho19V throughout her active, and happy life. Most people under 35 lose -their teeth though decay. People over 35 sutler tooth loss through gum disease. • Battle ' By G. MacLeod Ross ' Because Oct. 13, 1966, is the 900th anniversary of Hastings, innumerable people have writ- ten about and continue to write about the Norman Conquest of England. General de Gaulle promised great celebrations, of which we have 'heard nothing to date. Lord Montgomery gave us an article on how he would have acted 'had he been in Har- old's place. The Montgomery of those days was William's sec- ond in command. This article of Monty's drew an ingenious reply from a boy at Manchester Grammar School, who signed himself Harold II Godwinson. Monty had suggest- ed that Harold I should split his forces and send one part north to deal with the Norwegian in- vasion at Stamford Bridge. The other was to watch the south coast. In fact Harold needed every man he could muster to defeat Hardrada in the north: Coming south he diverted to London because it was here that he could find fresh troops. 'l,he Normans had already land- of Hastings°Depicted in ed at Pevensey on Sept. 24, un- opposed. Harold was forced to. make all speed to the west to face the Normans and as a re- sult only one third of his troops were in fighting order. This being the case he . was forced to take up a defensive position rather than attack as he had planned, at dawn. William's order of battle from left to right was: Bretons --Nor- mans in the centre -French and Flemish. Seven thousand men in all, of whom 3,000 were caval- ry. The Angio -Saxons beat off an attack on their right wing and pursued the Bretons, .1b restore the situation William sent in his cavalry. Having sensed that the ,Anglo-Saxons were not well disciplined, Wil- liam then feinted to withdraw his right wing and once again drew 'Harold's troops from their defensive position. Secret Weapon William then brought into ac- tion his secret weapon = the Arbalest, which discharged ar- rows at greater velocity and at a higher rate of fire than the out - Maple Leaf Chapter Plans To Entertain New Citizens a The Maple Leaf 9hapter LO.D.E. held its October meet- ing at the hone of Mrs. R. W. Hughes. Mrs. R Breckenridge, the regent' presided. The flag was on display. Mrs. James Remington, m em- eishiP convener, introduced a awarded as follows: nursing, Anh Foran, St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, and Elizabeth Wright, University of Waterloo. A letter from the film board was read by Mrs. C. H. Edwards. Mrs. G. L. Royal, citizenship con- vener .crtrz e n - that v ever announced iy'eVrtntrtser,-: 1Vfzs:-"6"r ori t SYeaw-� x'Ahip cmil>s. wibe:.lh<on-js ers'.-who took her -_a:%f oration.-2;-afterwhich. the -chapter -will and was welcomed into the chapter. Mrs. Hughes, education secre- tary announced that Susan Bis- sett had won the pize .prese,nted by the chapter for general pro- ficiency i i Grade 8 at Victb'r Lauriston school and that the prize for social studies at St. Peter's Catholic School was won by Michael Walzak. -The Grade 13 bursaries, were M O T O RO L A TV Black & White Looe WILF REINHA,RT /f/f "LIVING SOUND" HEARING AID HEARING AID SERVICE DAY ioa'sday; November 15th 1966 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at, ER YETIS - (The Music _ Shop) 34 THE SQUARE' GODERICH Service to' 'cell makes of hearing aids. F1lEE hearing test. Home consultation by appointment. (No obli- gation). mai Bo CUDD HEARING All) SERVICE 8 ` .t' u ke St. East, Kitchener Phons 742-9494 BATTERIES AND SERVICE ALWAYS AVAILABLE AT RIVETT'S THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS WITH BULLS A bull doesn't injure, Maim or kill by accident - He does it on ,purpose - Ari overnight change of temperament has changed many quiet bull" into a purposeful killer. You can rid your farm of this danger, and breed highest qualify cattle through the services of your breeding co-operative. "a WATERLOO CATTLE - BREEDING ASSOCIATION Phoning hours weekdays till 10 a.m. Cor Sunday service in most areas phone Saturday 6 - 8 p.m. Listed .in local directories , entertain the new citizens. tnoded long bow. The arbalest- Harold journeying to Picardy, iers fired veri'bcally into the air whim he meets Guy de Pontthieu, and Harold, was hit in the eye. who arrests him and takes him Confusion reigned, so that when . before William. The falcon, which accompanies Harold every- where, looks very despondent at this denouement, as does Har- old. But he patches It up and even tights for •William against the presumptuous Duke of Brit- tany. Possibly under some mea- sure of duress, Harold is' made to swear on the holy relics that he will support William's claim to the English throne when the ageing Confessor is gone. Harold returns to England, with only a stink in his hand, to find the steeplejacks are just fixing the weather vane on the newly built Westminster Abbey. Then the Confessor sickens and the Abbey has to be consecrated at such short notice that Arch- bishop Stigand" does not even have time for a shave before conducting the ceremony. So Edward dies and is buried in his Abbey The Lords of England, not knowing. -or not caring what Harold had promised William, proceed to . eleet ' Harold king, upon which the Pope excommun- icates him pronto for his sacri- lege in breaking his oath over the holy relics. • The inevitable cornet appears in the sky and the incensed William is thereby galvanized the Norman cavalry came in again. they were able to mop up the Anglo-Saxon troops. William was so delighted with the work of his "storm troops," the arbalestiers, they received grants of land. settled down in England . as yeomen farmers. Just this year, one of their descendants: J. Z. A.rblaster, brought their prowess to notice in the Press. Bayeux Tapestry Let us now look at this en- gagement through the eyes of the thousand needles of the Bay- eux Tapestry. The tapestry is really embroidery, 231 feet ldng and 20 inches wide. It is work- ed in eight colors of worsted, in couching and stem stitch. It presents 79 tableaux and was once believed to be the work of William's Queen Matilda and her handmaidens. Matilda was Alfred the Great's granddaugh- ter and Edward the Confessor's -cousin.] It is now believed to have been finished in 1086 and was lost for 700 years until Napoleon I discovered it and placed it in the Bayeux museum. Since the Confessor had no heir, William was ambitious to succeed him and, in fact, obtain- ed a more or less formal pro into action. Preparations are mise of succession from Edward. , Trade for the invasion. The cur - The first half of the tapestry penl;ers br,�rug up masses of loos is taken up with .the 15 years and build a series -- actually to the conquest and it be comes clear that this was much 3,000 --- landing ships ps i nf antry mre "rimiy—sqzbb1ellAtircaale.s t1- 1 T 1iam� hacL-1.earnt __hate. to_c.trry. foreign invasion. `_...S_o_. we "'see' ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Starting Monday, di ober 31 THE FABULOUS MERCEY BROTHERS - COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF - 42 • ONTARIO SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATURE ON ELECTION LAWS At the close of the 1966 session of the Ontario Legislature a Select Committee of the.•Legislature was established to review "the terms and provisions of the Election Llws and any Related Acts and Regulations in the light of modern needs, practices and concepts, for the proper representa- >.tion of those qualified to vote and to report its findings and recommendations to this Assembly." The Committee will'wetcome written -briefs from indivi- duals and organizations who may wish to present informa; tion and opinions regarding the Election Laws of the Province of Ontario. Briefs should be submitted„ as soon as possible to the Secretary. Dalton Bales, Q.C., M.P.P. Chairman George G. Mason, Secretary Parliament 'Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR JESSE JEWEL Deep Fried (HICKEN ? BARREL 15 PIECES 4.90 BUCKET 9 PIECES 3.00 BOX COMPLETE DINNER 1 .44 - IT'S DELICIOUS — WE ALSO SERVE EVERYTHING From A HAMBURG TOA "T” BONE At SKY RANCH y • RES'T'AURANT ' & SERVICE ST :TION H W Y 21 524.8982 horses at sea from a package tour he made to Sicily recently. 'the tapestry shoWs the fleet row- ing off from Dives; The horses looking much amused at al) this nonsense. The artist even in- , dicates the refracted bmage of that portion of the oars under water. which is very clear, near- ly as clear as Goderieh water after the filter beds have had their "annual." The channel is successfully crossed, only two ships being lost en route. One however, eo•n•tai-ned the astrologer, who , failed to predict his own demise. So the Normans make their un- opposed landing at Pevensey and settle down to a well earned meal. There is a splendid "still" of a Norman meal: brochettes, stew, even a warming oven. Then the word goes forth: "Din- er est servi!" Everyone washes up and Bishop Odo sits down ,in front of the most indigestible fish you• ever saw. It is Friday of course, but he himseif-...-a.p- pears to be enjoying his meal. Now we turn to the sterner thing ofo war. The council; the Tapestry fortifications and finally the ar- ray of battle. "Dex Ake!" shout the Normans. "Ut!" reply the Anglo-Saxons. Harold's house - earls form a shield -wall with their shields, but all to no avail. Here the continuity begins to get a bit ragged. There are a few shots of horses balancing on their heads; still looking a- mused and • then --Finis. Some +miscreant has torts the last few' feet of coverage off. Bad luck chaps! No moneys will be return- ed, at the door. But what a mise en scene! One producer and hundreds of assistants stit- el, ed it all: Next .time you ark in Bayeux you will see whPllt I mean. 1 APPLES SPY'S and DELICIOUS MACS and SNOWS in YOUR OWN CONTAINERS LASSALINE ORCHARDS This Sign Stands for LIONS QUALITY EANUT DRIVE MTV__ DRIVE OUT AND SAVE OUR LOW OVERHEAD LOCATION •S.AVE.S YOU MONEY COLOR TELEVISION AN INVESTMENT IN 'PLEASURE Only The Best Should Be Considered. There Is Nothing Better Than ZENYITH and ELECTROHOME HUTCHINSON RADIO - TV - . APPLIANCES 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 FARM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 3 MONTHS COURSE If you are farming, have no other occupation, have a very small income, and are under -employed, you may qualify for training in the business of farming and receive financial assist- ance during the period of the course. This three month's course will be held every Monday to Friday from January 3, 1967 to March 31; 1967 TIME -4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. PLACE ---Northwester n Secondary School, Stratford Deadline For Application—Nov. 11, 1966 Forms are available from, and must be returned to, the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Box 159, Clinton, Ontario. Financial assistance is $7.00 per day, plus additional amounts according to the number of dependants. This course is sponsored by the Federal and Provincial Gov- ernments and is administered by the Stratford Board of Educa- tion] D. H. Miles, P. A. D. S. Pullen, -P. Ag., Associate Agricultural Reprventative Agricultural Representative for Huron County. for Huron County. 42-43 .407 Aee:OnJ ii k.U.O. 1114 7y KENDALL MOTOR OILS QUALITY PRODUQ II Kendall 'Quality Motor 011s Enjoy the arid Lubricants nts Offer Your Protection, 1Vlinrritlrfitlarlilr. Eeonom of • "'Rtlfin�d- - 'With We -most -ad.— - -- vanced techniques from the KENDALL QUALITY richest 100% Pennsylvania Crude Oil. .�.?u7225,•"4'v:)f:'r.•s<?f:f4.1322:A:4r�K':-::tKf`2�.i✓<.+s's£e3`'F.'43".•rci"a: t: •Sa`.W„3,"`i:.. Y,y,'A„ya a ASK YQUR SERVICE STATION OR GARAGEMEN FOR YOUR NEXT KENDALL -OIL CHANGE VICTORIA and GREY TRUST GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 1/4°10 4 or 59year Term INTEREST PAYABLE 1/2 YEARLY OR •MAY BE LEFT TO ACCUMULATE AND COMPOUND 1/2 YEARLY VICTORIA and GREY TRUST.. AT THE STOPLIGHT GODERICH WIN FREE 'Trip To Barbados Enter Our WALTZ THRU WASHDAY .CONTEST 646 `PRIZES - NOTHING TO BUY SEE. THE NEW WESTINGH •USE LAUNDROMATS and DRYERS At WILE REINHART'S FREE • ELECTRIC BLANKET WITH YOUR DRYER ;lip 0