HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-27, Page 5• 21. Bus. Opportqnities GENERAL store, with modern living quarters for sale, good turnover, clean stock, refrigera- tion, drilled uvirell: Re your own boss. •Could be run by husband and wife. Present owner 41 years, retiring. Gordon R. Tay- lor, Auburn, Ontario, 526-7740. 42 C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 524- 8386. • ltf D. In Memoriam G. Coming Events Lions Club peanut drive. Door- to-door sale, peanuts and peanut butter; 7:00 p.m., Thursday, eget. 27.' 3 ff- . c�� Wednesday, Nov. 9 -Bazaar, auspices of Holmesville U.C.W., 2:30 Baking, produce and Candy bpaths at the old school; fancy work, Christmas booth, tea *tables and takeout suppers at Chprch Sunday School rooari. 42-43 B+RIN DLEY -- .„ In memory of John R. Brindley, who passed away three years ago, October 19, 1963 God is in every tomorrow, Therefore I live for today, Ceriain of finding at sunrise Guidance and strength for the way.` Power for each moment of weak- ness, - Hope for each moment of pain, Comfort for every sorrow, Sunshine and joy after rain. -Always remembered by `wife, Mabel, and family,"ffieces and nephews. 42x E. Cards of Thanks Come to the Nurses' dance! Saturday, October 29, at Mait- land Country Club. Dancing 9:30 1:00, to the Bluetones. Cos- tumes optional, prizes. Admis- sion $2.50 per couple. 39-41-2 MEYER-We wouldlike to thank all aur friends, relatives and neighbors for a most en- joyable eveningand also for the beautiful gifts received prior to moving to Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Meyer. 42 TABB-The sympathy of our many friends has been a great comfort to me in the loss of my dear sister, Minnie. I would like to say ' a special thanks to the nurses of Huron - view, Victoria Street United Church, our former neighbors -and friends .:inodrich-and _.. =WA qua*vn- ...y.ae.:.-.-ox..i„ r Isaac Tabb. 42 TLGERT-I would like to thank Dr. J. R. Leitch, the "nurses and nurses= aides for the care given : me, while „I was a pa- tient in hospital. Many thanks to my teachers acid all • school ¢nates for their visits and the. gifts they sent. Thanks also to- any neighbors and relatives 'WM remembered me with visits, gifts' and cards. ` Glen Ti cert. 42 ZINN-Sincere thanks to rela- tives and friends for treats, cards and' flowers while a patient in Alexandra hospital. Special• than_ s to Rev. J. D. MacDonald,, 'Rev. G. Kaiser, Dr.. J. W. Wallace, Dr. K. C.' Lambert, and Dr. N. C. Jack- son; .also to the nursing stall .on 1 and 2 west Mr. arid Mrs. E. Zinn. 42x G. Coming Events Rummage Sale, Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, Saturday, Oct. 22, at 1:30, to be held upstairs in Legion Hall. 38 - 41 Bazaar and Bake Sale, spon- sored by Taylor's Corner Com- munity Club, Saturday, Oct. 29, 2:30 p.m., at MacKay,Hall. Tea tables with take-out orders a specialty. Salad plate 75c, pie 15c, tea 10e. 41-2 . Corning Events . The re'gul'ar aneetin'g of bhe Maple Leaf Chapter, LODE. will be held If the home o Mrs. l3. L. Wulzalt, 124 Vittoria St., Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1960. 42 The Goderieh, Women's. In- stitute will meet Thursday, November 3, at 2:00 pan, in MacKay Hall. Do not forgetgifts for Children's Aid. 42 Variety Sale will be held Fri- day, Oct. 28, 2:30 .pan. in Mac- Kay Hall. New, nearly,' new, bak- ing, white elephant tables, • tea and cookies. Sponsored by Ahmeek Chapter, IODE. 42 Shell Canada Limited WILL HAVE FOR LEASE • 2'BAY SERVICE STATION. • ESTABLISHED GALLONAGE. • EXCELLENT POTENTIAL. ' • REASONABLE RENT. • IDEAL DOWNTOWN LOCATION. • LICENSED aCLASS'I'A" MECHANIC PREFERRED. Apply: M. S. SUTHERLAND 126 Elgin Ave. West Telephone 524-9495' (6 to 9 p.m.) 39.40 BEAUTY BYLINES By FERNE SCRIMEGOUR Of THE - BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 East St., Goderich Phone 524-8994 Mrs. Scrimegour is a member of the research division of Redken Laboratories of California. Passing Thoughts ... After viewing television, com- mercials on a line o 'do It- younself" beauty products, we asked ourselves are women gul- lible enough to believe that the° model's smooth, smart hairdos were whipped up in the kitchen or bathroom of the girl next door? Common sense would tell us that the answer is an emphatic "no"! They hire professional hair stylists to present their wares . . . and how foolish it would be to do otherwise . just as it is equally unwise' for you to place your crowning glory in the hands of someone that lacks the experience, judgment and . in- tegrity that enables one to know • if a permanent or hair color should be given and when and the right type for you, Call 524- 8994 or drop in at 81 East St., and Jet us prescribe the care that that is best for your hair. P.S. Recently returned from Pittsburgh after two weeks at the Coiffure Creation Academy. The Beauty Lounge 81 East' Street For Appointment Phone 524-8994 YOUR SHOPPING DOU. ARS AT O J � C;AMPBELL..S AIX BRANDS CIGARETTES WITH PURCHASE OF $1.QQ OR MORE 3.453 CARTON 5% Prov. Sales Tax Included PHILLIPS REG: 1.39 ' MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS ....1.19' REG. 1.25 EXCEDRIN 1.09 CREME FORMULA - REG. 1.95 MISS CLAIROL HAIR COLOR 1.7 REG. .99 BAYER ASPIRIN 77 REGULAR AND FLUORIDE -- REG. 2 FOR .89 KOLYNOS TOOTHPASTE 2 for .69 REG. 2.00 TONI HOME PERMANENT L49 REG. .75 MINERAL OIL 59 TUBE -- REG. 1.09 BRYLCREEM' 99 MULTIPLE VITAMINS - REG. 4.49 ONE -A -DAY_ .. REG:"2:25__ NOXZEMA 3.29 197 GUARANTEED QUALITY - REG. 1.25 FEVER THERMOMETER ' .89 REG. .69 - VICKS VAPORIIB . 59 REG. 1.25 DRISTAN NASAL MIST 104 REG. .99 LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY, 79, REG. 1.19 ARRID ROLL-ON 109 REG. 1.25 - ATIPHLOGISTINE RIS .99 ' REG. .19 SCOTTIES -HANKIE PAK ....2 for .31 1 89 REG. .79 NIVEA CREME 68 • WE DELIVER • REG. 2.25 RESDAN • ti CAMPBELL'S , 168 THE SQUARE 1 ' The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, October 27th, 100 RE.CHRI$TMAS SALE. 'STARTING wookoSDAY, ,QCTQBER 26th TABLES TO CLEAR We have a very •large selec- tion of coffee tables,' end tables and step tables. You will find your choice anpng our $1,500.00 stock. 9.95 to 49.95 MATTRESSES PRIES SIa,ASUEL Prices are slashed on chest"' field suites, studio couches, platform , rockers, recliners, dinette 'suites, mitror$ and lamps. Many. Other Fine Gift, Items For Th• Home Sl'eepmaster Simmons Marshall $30 up. ARTHUR FURNITURE Owned and Operated by BILL STILES OPEN 9 - 6 DAILY -- WED': -9 - 12 -- EVENING BY APPOINTMENT AUBURN tr26.7222 NOTICE = STANDARD TIME Residents of Goderich are reminded to set their clocks back one hour at 2 A.M. The official hour for reverting to STANDARD TIME--. W. F. WALKOM, Mayor NEW &USEDCAR SALES ARE BOOMING HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF LAST WEEK'S TRADE-INS "TOP CARS" "Sensational Buys" 1966 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF Two -door, 6, automatic, radio and rear speaker, whitewalls, power brakes, etc. Still under G.M. warranty; E1672. Only $2,595 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA Two -door sport coupe, "283" V-8, automatic, radio, and rear speaker; all new white- walls. Still under G.M. warranty; E4061. Just $2,450 - 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM. SPORT Twodoor hardtop V-8, automatic, radio, black bucket seats, white exterior, power steering and brakes; all new whitewalls, G.M. warranty in effect; E6812. 0 Only $2,750 -p 1965 BEAUMONT CUSTOM Two -door hardtop big 6, automatic, radio, plus many other extras; only 9,000 miles; ,,♦,- black with red interior. HURRY FOR THIS ONE; E4090. Just $2,295" . 1962 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF Sedan; 6, standard, custom radio and discs. All original. Only 14,000 actual miles. Must be seen; E1671. ♦ F Only $1,350 1960 CIRYSLER ,WINDSOR Four -door, swing -out seats, power steering and brakes, radio, etc. A beautiful auto; E7123. Just $1,095 --COMING IN SOON -- 6 Pickups -- 1960 - 1966 Models - MANY MORE USED CARS IN STOCK -- ARIETY -- GOOD PRICES- FAIR DEALING AT 6CT 4 McGEE'S - GODERICH 1'OV'1'1.k( B1 1( i* ('.11)1141,.1( FST 1929 524.8391