HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-27, Page 3Centennial Calling o, Seaforth Rebekah Team By Mrs, Walter Rathburn There are still more projects 404 and companies to hear from. One that needs backing is lights for the entrances to the town. Can't you just see—"Welcome to Goderlch, 1827 to 1987" (or something like that) twinkling a welcome? Thereare pillars that, seem to have Dome to life on our - new highway: Very few people have taken any notice of them. Lets shine up the lettering on the placques so we can read them—and then, lets put some spot-lites on them to show we are not ashamed of thein. Mrs.. Bedard Heads Wornens Golf Section The women's golf section of the Maitland Country Club held its fall 'meeting in the club house, Oct. 18. Twenty-five wo- men were present for the meet- ing and for the pot -luck supper which preceded the meeting. Reports were read and approv- ed, and the sports captain gave a brief resume of the summer's activities, mentioning in par- ticular that a good turn -out was seen most women's nights, with only two nights being rained out. _The winners _Of the various tro- phies were congratulated, and again it was Edna Overholt who dominated the field: Club champion, Edna Over- holt; Rose bowl, Verna Worthy; Maitland trophy, Edna Overholt; Ringer sheet, Edna Overholt; Mrs. Geo. Bruce trophy, Marg. Evans. The last trophy was presented by the directors in ,hotfor of Mrs. George Brtice, who is a summer _ resident of Goermh. a• :nd-w" lO 'ice t`crldest fir` of the club, both in years and in nunvber of years ,golfing at Mait- • LIONS PEANJT DRIVE TONITE land. It will be presented an- nually to the lady golfer who lowers her handicap most dur- ing the season. President Edna Overholt thanked all present and called on Marie Huff to conduct the election of officers. which result- ed as follows: President, Mrs. Tony Bedard; vice-persident, Margaret Evans; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Stewart Knight; sports captain, Mrs. John B. Sully; sports committee, Maxine Martin, Mrs. Jack Evans, Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. Don Smith; handicap chairman, Miss Evans. Photography By FRED BISSET CALL 524-7223 EVENINGS Specializing in. "at your home" pictures of children, family and pets. Black and white or, color. Ne;w president, Mrs. Bedard took the chair and thanked the women present, hoping for as successful, a year's golfing, and looking for as large and enthus- iastic a group on the course next season. After a general business discussion the meeting Our visitors and old friends will be as proud as we, when they see how we have shined up everything — including the old pillars! The school children are push- ing centennial planning. Most of them don't know how import- ant it is to the grown ups, but I think they will be the "self starters" that so many need to get things ro11ipig. They will , help you win that award or a big E" for effort. Think' of the number of, peo- ple — Goderich people — who have .really contributed to the making of this town. Marty are not here now, many are gone forever, but there are a great number who still live here or could be invited back that de- serve some recognition for their hard work. You know of these people—tell us about them. Sit and think for a few minutes— turn off that. TV again—Ouch! The silence is deafening --turn it Personal Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosnell have returned home after a six week holiday in England and Ireland. They went over on the Queen Mary and returned on the Queen Elizabeth. • Jean Scott, district deputy ptre•, sident of fittron District No. 23, ander her team front Seaforth, installed t'he new officers p( Goderich Rebekah Lodge- 89, Oct. 18. The o(licetS are: Noble Grand, Mrs. Percy Mundell; .vice grand, Mrs. Reg. Bridle; recording sec- retary, Mrs. 'Frank Bowra; fin- ancial secretary, Mrs. Fred Fritz - ,ley; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Cooper; junior Past Noble Grand. Mrs. John Pinder; warden, Mrs. Edith Craig; conductor, Mrs. Harold Larder; chaplain, Mrs. Amelia Straughan; musician, Mrs. Joe Snider; right supporter of Noble Grand, Mrs{, John Moss; left sup- porter , of. Noble •Grand, Mrs. George Morley; right supporter of vice Grand, Mrs. Charles ,Moore; left supporter of, vice Grand, Mrs. Elva Carr; color ` bearer, Mrs. Hilda Inglis; inside guardian, Mrs. Ethel Green; out- side guardian, Mrs. Ruby Snazel; right altar supporter, Mrs. ' Joe Moody; left altar supporter, Mrs. back 'on and get out of the Della McGee; right.supporter o house!) chaplain, Mrs. George Mathers; Walk for a while, kicking the left supporter of chaplain, Mrs. golden leaves, take advantage of • Jack Ryan; right supporter of every bit of sunshine, then you JPNG, Mrs. Leslie Pentland; left will start to remember what many people have contributed to. CROP REPORT our town. Let us, in centennial year, recognize in some small \. splurge of good weather is way these outstanding people. aiding the harvesting of White ;He or she might halve been or Beans and Grain Corn. Moisture still is your neighbor—have you content is lowering satisfactorily. ever told them what a wonder- Fall plowing is progressing (aw- ful job they are doing or have ora•bly. Mild nights are allow - done? ing all classes of cattle to re - It tat ea to see these main on pasture. things but it mire doesn't hurt to recognize them and say "Well dobe- --' -Tom I3i el -or .1Vfa y e$ y rs ,• How long is itsince you went hunting hickory nuts?—Now you have to take the kids along— but do it. "There are not many trees left—but you will enjoy looking for therm and remem- bering the fun you had. I haven't forgotten! MARTHA. 145 ESSEX 'STREET , GODERICH, ONTARIO Available Most Friday and Saturday Nights Until Christmas - NO PARTY TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE —' Catering to Weddings—Banquets—Luncheons,—Etc. PHONE 524-9371 or 524-9264 — RESERVE NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE — CLINTON LIONS CLUB Presents LIONEL THO-NTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra AT CHSS AUDITORIUM 'l FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11' Dancing 9:30 p, m. to 1:30 a. m. ADVANCE SALE OF TICKETS FROM LtONS MEMBERS - $3.00 per couple . 42, 3b Don't Let Water Get. You Down Use ... STA -DRI 4 I�I I' # �7 cj 1. 1p {'\ rr ° v� `1,1111' fKIIIiiiiiiirimi43��< .�'—'— �..+1 Jird v ;Mrd_ •�. A ...,��r!� N4� tillri II/II .� �� •.. x• 1i �/'�'-.4�.00,... MASONRY PAINT STOPS MASONRY L E'A KS inside -outside -above or below grade. 1) 5 LB. PACKAGE Regular 2.45 SALE PRICE In Assorted Colors GODERICHBUILDING CENTRE (DIVISION OF GODERICH MANUFACTURING SALES) ANGLESEA ST. 524-8382 ffie supporter of ONO, rs. oe Thompson; degree captain, Mrs. Nelson Harnapk: Miss Scott.preseiite4i_Mrs. John Pinder with her past Grand's Jewel. A gift:was' presented to Miss Scott -by Mrs. McGee. During the social hour, which followed ..the meeting. tickets' were sold on draw for a pair of pillowcases, These were won by Mrs. Elva Carr. Huronview Auxiliary Huronview Auxiliary, October meeting met in the craft room. The president, Mrs. L. Forest opened the meeting and gave the report of the fall bazaar. There was a large attendance, the craft work was wondenful and showed how the residents took a keen interest in the work. The Huronview newspaper, with the news of residents of the home, published every three months, was given to each visitor. The president gave the report of the -convention for the aged, which was held in London. They were asked what the aged, and their care mean to „ us. They are residents and not inmates. Treat aged people like we would like others to treat ourselves. Plans were made for the Christmas bazaar, which is only for the residentsof the home. REGISTRATION For Goderich FIGURE SKATING CLUB GODERICH ARENA SAT., OCT. 29 Registration: 2:00 P.M. Classes: 2:30 -. 5:30 p.m. — FEES PAYABLE ON REGISTRATION — • FEES • Beginners and Juniors 12.00 Intermediate and Senior - 15.00 Family 24.00 Plus 5.00 For each additional member over two The Coderich Sinal -star, Thursday, October 27th, 1060 EX11 BiT10N GODERICH (Western Jr. fC" League) Vs: QWEN SOUND — GREYS (Central Jr. "B" League) GOD.ERICH ARENA FRIDAY; OCT. 28 Adults -75c 8:30 P.M. Students -50c Children -25c NOUV�AUTOMATI� �_ pi�NEER1111 ..,the super powered lightweight chain saw with added convenience! Now dependable automatic oiling for longer chain life and friction free cutting. And Pioneer's new muffling system cuts noise right down to. make cutting with the Pioneerd'11L50 a pleasure. See the super powered Pioneer 11.50 today. Argyle Marine 8L SMALL ENGINES '''?4-9201 400 PIONEER I3RITANNIA RD. P KTHEATRE GODERICH NI it NI NI ■ ■ fid NI IN 111 IN I• IN - ® GODERICH — YOUR ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE -THURS. - FRY, - SAT. G('rr. 27, 28, 29 Country Music on Broadway was Great! NOW — The greatest co,untry music spectacular ever filmed! "40 ACRE FEUD" In Color and Starring FERLIN HUSKY — MINNIE PEARL RAY PRICE — GEORGE JONES — ROY MUSKY ,LOR,g,TTA LYNN — SKEETER •DAVIS - WILLIS BROS. in 25 Country Hits! ! - SEE IT! HEAR IT! LOVE IT! First ShQ ving 7:30 — Second at 9:20 pm. PEANUT DRIVE TONITE 111/1111111111/111111111111111111M0111111 ' FEATURE E EVENT` DIRECTORY for your entertainment in TORONTO ROYAL ALEXANDER THEATRE OCT. - OCT. 22 "THE ODD COUPLE" Starring George Gobel and Phil Foster ❑—G -O ART GALLERY OF ONTA IO OCT. - OCT. 23 - (Formerly the Art 'Gallery of Toronto) "A New Theatrical Work" by Les Levine --an exhibition in- volving Tight, sound and move- ment. "11 Pop Artists: The New Image" from the collection of -Beano I�lei'f es 'Ts+hle MON: - TUES. - WED. OCT. 31 = NOV. 1, 2 Adult Entertainment Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer presents a Jacques Bar Production starring MAIN DELONANN MARGRET • VAN HEFLIN • "JACK PALAN-CE , 4 i.4�jf Y,� _� 'i.^'l•''n.5: fL tA<S"iti Y,. iii}. j •l "flee' a ili-i-ef —always a target, for either side of the law l rHURS. - FRI. - SAT. .NOV. 3, 4, 5" Adult Entertainment ' COME SPY WITH YOUR FAVORITE ON THE BIG SCREEN IN COLOR) M-G•M Presents AN ARENA PRODUCTION THE SPY WITH MY ICE LMETRO &non Stlrnnb ROBERT VAUGHN • SEN• TA BERGER . DAVID McCALLUM 'f ' A FEATURE LENGTH HIT FRDM-THi-vi-SNOW Cwtanm9 'LEO G. CARROu Also THREE STOOGE COMEDY and CARTOON Saturday Matinee only: "The ,Sleeping Beauty" Color Limited. D—❑—❑ MASSEY HALL OCT. 11 to OCT. 12 The opening of the Toronto Symphony's 45th season. a—o—a CASA LOMA OCT. 29 - The Canadian Jags Festival. - C—❑—❑ ODEN FAIRLAWN THEATRE OCT. - NOV. "THE BLUE MAX" Starring George Peppord and Ursula Andress. For economy and friendly' ser- vice • plan- to stay at Toronto's LORD SIMCOE HOTEL • Conveniently located in the heart of downtown (at the subway.) • Singles from $7.90 up. Doubles from $11.90 up. • Free overnight parking. LORD SIMCOE TEL King & University Tel:' 362-1848 hi glanders melds In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the rrosses,row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the ,guns below We are the bead, Sh6rt days ap We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset; slaw. tavecf,and were IovJif,tartd now we he l�1 ,f'landrrs Fields• Take up our quarrel with the foe; To yon from failint hands, we throw The torch; tae yoturstto hold it high ifye break faith with us Who die fife; Shai)"Rot sleep, Though > poppies grow rs Fla0ersl irlds. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 109 Invites You To Join Ther .it IN THE remembrance Day Ceremony AT THE CENOTAPH, FRIDAY,,,NOVEMBER 11 All Legion Members and Veterans will :form` up at the Legion Hall at 10:30 A.M. •--- Dress, Beret and Medals. ATTEND THE LEGION CHURCH PARADE St. George's Angilivan Church Sunday, November 6, at 11 a.m.