HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-20, Page 1119th Year No. 41 oberirb gnat THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY OCT 20 196s; SINGLE , c oPIES -1•1c MEMBERS OF BETA. THETA CHAPTER OF BETA SIGMA. PHI SORORITY MOVED LIKE PROFESSIONAL MODftS AS THEY SHOVED SEASONAL FASHIONS AT GDCI LAST WEED Fall, Winter Clothes Shown Members of Beta Theta Chap- included rt. ds,''golds and ;Teens ter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority itiatcia:n4 ensembles. Green said last week lack of `support and _old and burgundy combined from merchants somewhat ab- }a black and grey in. other breviated their fashion show f.ishton,. this year. Co.nicart and (h.,ance were The fashion show was held evident in many. •items, mainly Oct. 12 at Gbderich District Col- ninth tweeds. legiate Institute. The ;how brc,uht a few bn. 'Phe sorority members pointed nova ions, such as textured out that no men's or children's stcckinns and higher hemlines. fashions were shown this year. Otherwise, Goderich w u m e Hbwever„ the audience of found the fashions followed fair- 51iglitly`nrore" than .400- women •ly coii�iiitiotlal line _.. "-- which viewed the preview. of A lace coat with matching fashions 'for the .1966-67 fall- crepe dress brought reaction winter season did not notice any from the audience, with its stun• deficiencies in the show and' nin,g effect of gold . thread run- comanent 'was generally favor- Hing through the b1 ck lace. The able. The'fashions were contributed by Schaefer's Ladies' Wear, jewellery by Brock's Jewellers and flo.wcrs by Denomme Flower Shop.• Other supporting merchants were McArthur and Reilly Ltd.. Conklin Lurrmber, Anderson's Book Centre, W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co, of Canada Ltd., .Sproule Shoes, Reick ,Pharmacy and Muck's Garage. The showing included wo- men's clothing for both formal , and informal occasions during fall and• winter. Bright colors in play colthes dress had a, chic empire waist with satin band and bow. Versatile coats were shown in cosy wools and sporty suedes. oentar Officicils rsiu e veil •'1'od.ay' is Salt ('enienn.al Day In Goderieh. It i, 100 years ,:uct' Samuel Platt discovered salt in the val- ley tat the :Maitland River, and that cwt;ttt is bVII1;_: Con:!ne:nor- a`t•d wi'h the unveiling of a me- morial L•airn. I'hr memorial is located • in n_ wlv named Platt Park on ths•- wt•st side of IlighWay 21, be ltw.een Gloucester Terrace and Nm-th-Ifarbor Rsad.• 11intes Minister Wardropc is scheduled to unveil the cam: at. 12:30 p.m. I.1 is expected he will he joined by Premier Ra - hart, and E 1' Taylor.. presi- dent ,if 1)ointar Lid. The Inscripti00 on the - laced memorial: 1866 - 1966 1 his Imam:Rent ;a erected in October, 1966, h•- Siftu' Sal! of Domtar I.inti'c-d to orate the 100:h Annivcr. ars of the discovery of sa'1 In the (3 der•ich arca 1' _pay. tribute .to the foresight and d:'j'.;ence Of the Huron CJna y pion: whose persekcrance in their 1';11 oiNiilt,'!'� ;! "-„wtl Ci';7IICii. iitht•r ,ff:.;;rl n,roup, iI7 (lode r.en and .160 cxecutr.Cs orf 1) r tar Ltd as well a-; Hut of !own newspaper :nen. •This h,' ” •followed by a reception a' Ilarbouriitr inn for the viSi!ors at ',which the Town Gude rich is the host. The executive committee ,r1' t)ornlar Ltd. has scheduled a meeting at the salt mine board- seareh for natural. ,re,niirie, led. -. m -,i ofor 10 a.rn. today .a•the to the discovery of salt in this board of -dire rors,w-ill- rnnd ee't at arca, a commodity which pra_, - 3 p.m. since been one of the main -fay. These meetings had been of the Goderrch economy. ochetiuled for O•ot. 26 in Mont - The public has been inv,'t.d real, but were changed so the to -attend the ceremony. alo:!g co'nrpany could be r'presented by its directors and senior man- agenu'nt at the unveiling. During the morning directors not on the executive committee are to visit the Sifto evaporating plant and the mine. The execu- tive eornmittee is to visit the evaporator following the morn- ing meeting. The Domtar party, which is expeoted to comprise about three aircraft loads, will depart at 4:1 i --from •Sky.fi:arhour_,. A . special tabloid .section in this issue of The Signal -Star gives details of the history of salt and the role of Do n:tar as a Canadian company., r Rt. Rev. A. G. Mahoney, Vicar -,General of Huron Diocese, (right). d R F Ch 1 s Caruana cut the ribbon at the new St Commentator for the show Joseph's Roman Catholic School at Kingsbridge- Sunday. was sorority president Mrs. Ken- neth Dunn. • Models were Beta Theta mem- bers: Pat Simps9n, Mrs. John Sturdy, Mrs. Ted Hayward, Mrs. hill Alcock, Mrs. Larry Aldham, 'Mrs. John Hopkinson, Mrs. Richard CaMpbell„ Cathy Naftel, Mrs. Paul Baechler,''Mrs. Walter Rathburn, Mrs. Gladys ,Nichol- son, Lorraine Miller and Mary Lou Drennan. New Separ School Ope IC Ulf KINGSI3RIDGE.—Rit. Rev. A. G. Mahoney, Vicar -General of Diocese ot London, officiated at the blessing and ribbon cutting Sheaffer Offers Sixty Awards Receives U.S. Prize Itself Awards valued at about $1,000 are being offered by the -X. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. of Canada Ltd. jects among residents of Gode- rich, and the townships of Col- borne, Ashfield and Goderich. The offer was announced by the convpany president C. E. Everett through the Goderich Centennial Committee. The prizes include 20 first class round trip tickets to Mon- treal including sleeper; 20 passes to Expo '67 and 20 engraved Sheaffer pens. Mr. Everett said the Centen- nial Committee may make 60 individual awards or 20 individ- ual awards depending on its "There are no strings attach- ed," Mr. Everett said. "These prizes can be awarded at the committee's discretion." He said the main idea of,the award is to encourage individual centennial projects. - "The orily reservation the com- iptizes be awarded to individuals only, not to family.,groups un- less it is the opinion of the corn; mittee that a significant con- tribution has actually been made by more than one member of a family," Mr. Everett said. The Goderich plant -of W. A. Sheaffer Peri Co. of Canada Ltd. is receiving some of the reflect - .k1 •credit of United States de• partment of commerce award given the W. A. Sheaffer. F;en Co., Ford Madison, Iowa. ., The U.S. pen company has been designated by Secretary of Commerce John T. Connor to receive the President's "E" Award for export policie, re- sulting in increased overseas .C. E. Everett, who announced Seek Teen Actress For Festival Drama Auditions will start this Sun- day for the Goderich Little Thedtre production of The Night of the Dragon Fly, its entry in the Western Ontario drama festival. The Night of the Dragon Fly is being especially written for .GLT by Gordon Nault and is to be' directed by Gerald Testar. Both are professionals. However, it is scheduled to be seen as a CBC television show, called The Dragon Fly, before Production .by the GLT, for which It is being revised and The main character in the play is a 14-year-orld girl. Other characters include her school friends and about 15 men and women. Auditions start Sunday at 2.30 p.m. in the GLT rehearsal hall on Bruce Street. Thirterl From CDC! • the award in Goderich, said the local plant ships components, 'parts and completed pens to sub. Aus!ratia and England.. "From there the,e pen, at,' shipped into approximately 90 world markets, -,Mr. Everett said. The firm manufactures wri:• nig instruments and access!irk:s in Fort, Madison and audi metric cqp,ripment and h•earing aids at in Minneapolis, Minn' Buernis Aires, Argentina; Lon don, England; and a Maico plant 1,:cated in Hamburg, West Ger- John A. Keenan is president of Sheaffer and Lenn 11. Black is the company's vice-presidt,nt in charge of international opera ti,ins. Mr. Keenan said Sheaf- 1er's internation,a1 operations 'ac- -count for apprOximately :15 per ment of total sales. Plan's for the "E" Award Ke- sentation now are being ,made by Raymond E. Eveland, director of the cod -la -mere -6 department's Des Moines field office. The award 'concsisti 'of a blue and gold citation signed in the name Of 'President Johnson by Secretary Connor, an "E" flag and "-Es" lapel buttons. "Continued efforts to exyand foreign trade, such as„ those by Sheaffer Pen, will , further strengthen our domestic econ, amy, increase jobs and improve the world trade position," Mr, Eveland said, Itlt Catholic School here 'Sunday '• The ceremony was largely at- tended by area residents, as well as visiiting priests and sis. The large crowd gathered .in St. .Joseph's Church 'where opening remarks were i4iven Following. this the group ad- journed to the school where,the vicar -general cut the ribbon prior to theschool being opened to. the general public To view. -Eligene Frave was chairman for the program. lie‘. Charles' Caruana gave a history af the' early education at St. school principal, expres.,ed her pleasure in being in charge of the neW school. • School inspector 11:. 11 outlined the Ateps taken in .the construction in the Ilkt1‘ 1,0110,.! of Ashli-eld, extended twsi wishes ed a .Uanadian flag 1,, school hoard chairman, Mrs Mark Rt. Rev. Mahoney. iii!roduced by M. Dalton, has been vIcar gat era! since 1930. Ile outlined the beriefits he felt were obtained from separate school education. in regard to religious education received by pupils. -Rt. Rev. Mahoriey said he was educated in the public s,,chool sysfem in Dresden. Ile said he felt he was in a posit!on to know what the separate school sysltem offered which he did not Leona Hogan preented flow- ers to Mrs. Buliger. vvho attend ed the ceremon3, with her h.us- band. Lunch. followed in the church hall. - ,f 1.11)1•1-01 Ainfei Nli___Nlarptiy said he put forth , 11,. w-11ich ..isked for to he extended to applk to re ern pio‘ merit Ile said tile letAA,Iation as it now exst :Alloyv, the govern Alien; to givc• tax concessions (lily in area, where there is an unemployment priAletin earowt help tic sa,d 1 his was ,cont,,aled 63, ti J ins Trade Mission S &SE • .nunicipal7ties in an Se I/MQ 1,,•.prve:atiori allow-, for' New processing RECREATION program attracted 70f; peisons this past summer Coon Such reported It was a,27.2 iwr cent Students Find Computers "Fantastic" Thirteen students from Gode rich District Collegiate were from. the senior grades of nine Ontario high schools who 5tudled, computer science at the'Univer- sity of Waterloo Saturday. Attending from Goderich were Carolyn Watters, Frank Wheeler, Prank Melady, Jackie Lewis, Karen McKenzie, James Millar, Duncan MacRae, Mobert Stoll, Keith Fisher, Brian ',infield, Sharon Lockhart, Brian Lewis - and Charles MacDonald. They were acCompamed hy teacher Clark Teal. _Mr. Teal said -the -university ha --4- the- most upto-date computer centre "in. any unic'ersity in Ontario and the general, comment from stu dents was "fantastic." he students toured the com- puter and mathematics' depart- ments, learned luiw to program ;he computtrs, load reader, and operate the machines hcr, stud( nts came from Galt, London .,`.5.outh ,tiecondary Sch(,)11. London,. Leaside High School, Toronto, Norlh York - High School, Downsvievk, 1.301 lingwood Collegiate Institute,, Collingwood, Merlin District High School, Merlin. East North timberland Secondary School, Brighton; and Central Welling - ,ton DistricI 111,...',h School. Fertd, The University of %1 computer scirocc pr,,,'0,im for high school s:udents !hal time. More 'than ;IC 000 Tin , laino high school students have spent a Saturday at th( comput- ing centre for Ivetures. imidance talks and a problem SOIVing:SCS glinn which involved the actual use of one of Alio Centro's cam. -Itidio Conde -11,T Corp 11a had decided 2., locale in (;oderich and int.,rtned u• of StiAd - 6 tS Viat of Godericii, sales Thc mission, led Sweden This ()ntalio .1,11 C0;1111111111,1 It't ippertunity to Swech 1)11,ities,men 02.1,1 .\ •Filectric i,.!.ince coils • Fifty honor students from Goderich District t'ollegiate :in- stitute visited Montreal Sept 211, The siudents visited the site of Expo -67 although they could not !•tet in •several, visit - hour tour of the city. The highlight of t he trip was the Montroal Stock .Exchange. Teacher John Seaman, who ac- companied the children along with Mrs. Scanlan, said he was surprised at the reaction of the students to the exchange. "Just the idea of having .1 guy wake his hand %tam! thou hands impr)-s'sed them,- Mr. Scanlan said Students haye to attain a 75 per cent average in June marks - to. win the trip. ;The cost of about 06 per pupil is paid by Ow school's hoard. 'V13,110.11' .T,11111r S11.11,1 0,1 ,111 er 11,,cs north 1,•ults northerly _, own - Honor students from Goderich Dintrict Col- 50 students wN,b unahlo,, to oot Into the logioto institute ort! shown with site of expo grounds but could vlow the ()cavity Expo '67 in the background during their trip from Ole perimeter. to Montreal Sept. 29 through Oct. 1. The