HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-10-13, Page 13ed ° To Dear. 4a. -Bible Society Speaker Sunday Rev. Emanuel J. Heuer, B.A., Street in the evening at 7 p.m. The public are invited to either or both of these church services. Mr. Heuer speaks on the "Nape of Africa" in the morning and from his experi- ences in India in the evening. Mr. -Heuer was, born in Haid,• burg, Germany, and educated. in the United States and . Al- berta. He graduated from the University of Alberta, From 1944.to 1957 he served the Bible Society as a district secretary in Alberta and since that time leas been a one-man film "crew" producing motion and sound films for, the Bible Society. His film -making has taken him to eight African countries as well as India, Pakistan,' Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. He has travelled in Canada from Labrador to Vancodiver Island and has gained a remarkable tirs.t hand knowledge of the work of the society and people in general. There is to be a "Blitz" can- vass of Goderich Monday even- ing by various town churches. B.D., the visual education pro- duction secretary for the Cana- dian Bible Society speaks Sun - Rev: E. J. Heuer day in North . Street United Church at 11 a.m. and at First Baptist ehirrch on Montreal. Blind Worker Returns After CNIB Training One afternoon in 1959 Maurice Dennis walked out of the Lloyd Truax door assembly plant in Wingham and shut the door on the world. In the time it takes to blink. Maurice was blind for life. Then he began four long years of dark exile. These years were not easy ' for _ Maurice or his family. He never Telt his home except at night when people would not see him. • Today Maurice is a talkative man, proud of his- wife and - two daughters, and his job. His acthieVements did not come quickly. During his exile, de- termined people were at work to make Maurice face life again. A member of the Goderich- Huron Advisory Board to The Canadian National Institute for the Blind told the CNIB London office.. about Maurice. Soon after, the field secretary, called at the Dennis home. "I almost threw the poor fellow out the first time he Called," said Maurice with a- laugh. But the blind field man did not not give up easily. After many calls, Maurice took the CNIB adjustment training coarse at Toronto in 1962. A CNIB job placement officer visited Lloyd Truax, the plant where Maurice had worked to see if they would take Maurice back on the job and the fore- man agreed. "We knew that Maurice was a good worker and that' if anyone could do the work and make the adjustment, he • could," he said. It is four years now since Maurice- returned to Lloyd Truax. His main job is sorting and packaging parts of garage doors. He often works on the power mailing a letter? 1 2 3 4 5 Your envelope should have correct postage in upper right corner. the name of person who should receive the letter. street number, street name, post office box or rural route number. Also, apartment or busi- ness block, and suite number. village, town or city (and postal zone, if in use). Province, too. your name and com- plete address in up- per left corner. I '7 rwtKN`~"' A letter with the correct address is delivered right away - A letter with a wrong address takes longer on its way. or postal information see your telephone book Yellow Pages saws and cuts large pieces of wood for door assembly. "His work is just as good now as it was when he had full sight," said Alf Mason of the Truax plant. There are other blind per- sons who need training Ito reach their goals. Training of this kind is one service you help provide, when you support the current drive of The Canadian National "Institute for the Blind. The campaign is now under way„,, Erskine Thinks She's Okay Cothr4I Protests DjjIiing The sexy oil speculator from New, York, ..-hose drilling on Fawn Island in the St Clair River is causing _ ripples of in- dignation to spread around her azo OIL SPECULATOR' TONI CARROLL KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE—Mr, and Mrs. Blaise Martin, 1VIr. and Mlrs. Jim Martin spent last Friday in Ham- ilton where Mr. and Mrs. Martin celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary with the remaining members- of their family who reside there. , Requiem mass was celebrated ... for Julia O'Rielly .on Tuesday morning in St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge. Miss O'Rielly was the daughter of Michael O'Rielly and Julia Desmond. She died in St. Mary's Hospital, London. She is survived by nieces and .nephews. Mr. and Mrs. Jim White and son, Detroit, spent the weekend _..with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan.- - NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT GODERICH RESTAURANT We at the Goderich Restaurant take. pride in the way we prepare food. We try to make everything tempting. We strive to give you the best service also. TRY OUR PIZZA—Served From 8 p.m. 39-40-41 Miss Frances` Gilmore, London. spent the weekend here. like a pebble dropped into Lake Huron-, .caused a brief dis- eussion in town council. Toni Carroll—who who sings in a Detroit nightclub, directs a S25,000 "drilling operation by clay. Thu drill is 12 feet from the river waters and concern is great that a gusher will pol`Iute the water supply 'of several hun- dred thousand' persons in the Detroit -Windsor area. Tock n coutTtii last Thursday c•ndursed a resolution. protest- ing the issuance of a -licence to drill ton Mi,is Carroll by the department of energy resources. Coon. Such spoke in favor af the resolution, ‘v•hich came from the Canadian -American Commit• tee of Water Pollution. and May- or \\'alkom .said a similar meas- ure a.as adapted during the term Mrs. D. D. Mooney was mayor. Next to traffic accidents, home accidents account for most of Canada's fatal accidents. Co:tiri. Erskine, however, was all for Miss Carrell,. but went down fighting.-- '!The ighting.ti'!Th,e minister of mines and government • oflicials 'have .all been down there and said it is okay." he argued, "Why should we interfere?" "«'e have the, right to ob- ject'," said the mayor and coun- cil. agreed.. wure 4 Elects hold its annu Godes,c, rigor Skating Club al meeting fOr tl e 190-67 season. The following executive was ` erected: presi- \dent, M. S. Sutherland; secre- tary, Mrs. Helen flewis; treasur- er, Gordon Kerr; interclub representatives, A. M. H.omuth and Mr, Sutherland; test chair- man, Mr. Sutherland; directors, Mrs. Pearl Needham, Mrs. Shir- ley Duckworth, Mrs., Joan Hall, Mrs. Ruth Clancy, Mr. C. 1Viur• $kcting Elul ew Officers ray, Mr.. W. Craven, Mrs, Cora Oke, Fees foar interrnediate And _ senior groups were increased to Arran, emen'ts were eompleted for national slating te,$ts as well as for `men biers to . attend the amateur instructors course to be held in1�Tdvm'ber.There area fireaheae}eiesss. for, new trtembens in each cla Onec tha ipany alone—HFC—serves more -21A million people each year . AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 60 48 36 months months months $ 100 300 550 1000 1000 2500 3000 4000 5.000; 101.01 126.26 •73.35 88.02 117.37 146.71 57.72 90.18 108.22 144.30 180.37 30 months 23.73 41.45 20 months $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11. 12 months $9.46 28.37 51.24 91.56 Above p yments Include prindipal and Interest and are based on prompt repayment but do not Include the cost of Ole insurance. Ask about credit life insurance on loans ail ow group rates One company alone---HFC— recommends "Never Borrow. Money Needlessly." But if a roan is the sensible answer, remember you borrow confidently at Household Finance. HOUSEHOLD FINANC M.. GODERICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 ' (above the: Signal Star) Ask about attx z,vening hours C - .ii The Town of Goderich and SIFTO SALT of .Domtar Limited Invite You To attend the unveiling of a monument ma-rking of the 100th Anniversary ,of the discover;\t • and commercial development of salt in the Goderich area. TI:\IE: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 20 PLACE: Platt Park, gest side of Highway 21, between Gloucester Terrace W. and Salt Mine Road' on the northern• outskirts 'of town. - The HON. GEORGE C. WARI-)ROPE Minister ,of Mines, Province of Ontario `vi11 officiate a 97.5% Pure Glycol POLAR BRAND Anti -Freese PROTECTS SAFELY DOWN TO 62° BELOW ZERO _ ._-.11..Na-worry.• this.anter_ when_.you_protect_mclihn,Rolor Brand -,_-_can't _evaporate_ S�.b4J1 sway Keeps cooling system clean, inhibits rust and corrosion • Recommended for all vehicles, including those with aluminum components. EXTRA! CcARRYd DONUS COUPONS Cooling System PURGE Removes rust, scale, sludge . cleans entire cooling system. q 18 -oz. can, only u V • Steering Wheel Re -Manufactured WATER COVER PUMP Tested to' new-cor specifica• Soft mohair insulates cola tions. Guaranteed 24 months or steering wheel.113 9 .24,000 miles. Enhances interior, Exchange, Assorted colors. Each • from fir ij Carburetor • Conditioner Works while you drive Prevents accumulation of water in gas lines. 20 -oz. con .. 98 Ignition "4 Moto -Master pray Moisture - proofs the complete ignition sys- tem. Handy •e9 6 -oz spray bomb. • Prevents frozen gos line and fuel pump, stalling and hard starting. 4 -oz con. .... • 19 Moto -Master Thermostat Controls temperature a n d heater perform• ance. Pel1'et- type. As low 70 as, each ... • ASSOCIATE STORE "NIP" WHETSTO,NB 36 NOFTH STREET GODERICH